vreemd vermogen schreef op 24 november 2018 22:26:
TTT verkopen is een goede zaak. Behoort niet meer tot de core business. Katchup wil gewoon cashen, maar ik denk daar anders over. Maps is the future. Daar kan TT nog wel eens heel nee mega groot in worden.
Baidu is also looking to its HD maps as a potential line of business in the future.
HD maps, generated by data collected from vehicle sensors, are critical for directing self-driving vehicles, as the maps contain precise information about lane sizes, intersections, etc. Baidu has the most extensive mobile maps service in China (called Baidu Maps) and has been working on HD maps since 2013. The company sees an opportunity in selling its HD maps to automakers that can either charge service fees or integrate the fees into the cost of the vehicle.
In January, Baidu partnered with navigation device maker TomTom to integrate HD maps into the Apollo platform. The partnership will integrate Baidu’s extensive mapping of China with TomTom’s HD maps of the US and Western Europe.