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Bowen Coking Coal Announces Bluff Sales Contracts

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
21 Feb, 2022, 5:30 am

Bowen Coking Coal Ltd announced that it has agreed initial unconditional coal sale contracts with two Tier 1 Asian end users, both of which are multi-billion dollar steel producers Posco and Formosa, for a fixed volume of 250,000 tonnes. 40,000 tonnes are scheduled for delivery within Q2 2022 with the remainder evenly spread over H2 2022. Under the contracts, pricing is a combination of index based and fixed price (the latter agreed in accordance with usual market practice) and expected to settle in line with reported ULV PCI pricing over the related period. The laycan for the 40,000 metric tonnes in the second quarter have been confirmed as Thbetween late May 2022 and mid-June 2022. Laycans for the balance of the tonnage deliveries will be confirmed in due course.

e Company clarifies that its reference to "Ultra-Low Volatile PCI (Platts symbol MCLVA00)" in its 11 February 2022 release was included as contextual information regarding the current pricing environment for ULV PCI coal.

The Company has a 50% interest in a Joint Venture with an entity controlled by Mr Matthew Latimore, President and founder of M Resources Trading Pty Ltd for the marketing of its coal products. This arrangement was approved by shareholders at a general meeting of the Company on 17 June 2020.

Bowen Coking Coal Ltd is a Queensland based coking coal exploration Company with advanced exploration and development assets. The Company owns Broadmeadow East (100%), Isaac River (100%), Cooroorah (100%), Hillalong (90%) and Comet Ridge (100%) coking coal projects in the world-renowned Bowen Basin in Queensland, Australia. Bowen is also a joint venture partner with Stanmore Coal Limited in the Lilyvale (15% interest) and Mackenzie (5% interest) coking coal projects. The Company is currently in the process of acquiring 90% of the Lenton Joint Venture which owns the Lenton Project and the Burton Mine in the northern Bowen Basin.
India Auctions 10 Coal Mine Blocks

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
21 Feb, 2022, 5:30 am

Indian government has been auctioned 42 coal blocks till date for commercial mining, 10 coal mines were auctioned recently under the third tranche. The 10 blocks sold this week are projected to generate an annual revenue of INR 2,858.20 crore, the ministry said. The coal ministry said "Under the commercial coal mining auction process, a total of 42 coal mines, including mines auctioned in tranche-3, have been successfully auctioned till date with a total cumulative peak rate capacity of 86.404 million tonnes per annum.”

Dalmia Cement Bharat Ltd - 2 coal blocks in Jharkhand

Mahanadi Mines & Minerals - Coal block in Odisha

Yazdani Steel & Power – Coal block in Odisha

Assam Mineral Development Corp - Coal block in Assam

Jindal Steel & Power - Utkal-C coal mine in Odisha

Hindalco Industries - Meenakshi mine in Odisha

BS Ispat Ltd - Majra mine in Maharashtra

Platinum Alloys Pvt Ltd - Namchik Namphuk mine in Arunachal Pradesh
Edenville Signs Rukwa Coal Mining Agreement

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
22 Feb, 2022, 5:30 am

Edenville Energy’s subsidiary Edenville International (Tanzania) Limited has entered into a contract with Nextgen Coalmine Limited for the operation of the Company’s Rukwa Coal Project in Tanzania. The Agreement is for an initial period of one year from 1 February 2022, and supersedes the Coal Mining Agreement with Infrastructure and Logistics Tanzania Limited and the Sales and Marketing Agreement with MarTek Global FZ-LLC, announced by the Company on 8 June 2020 and 26 August 2020 respectively, which have been terminated by Edenville.

Under the Agreement the Contractor will pay EITL a royalty of US$10 per tonne of washed coal sold and a royalty of US$5 per tonne of any coal fines sold. The Contractor intends to utilise existing EITL employees and equipment where appropriate, as well its own, to increase production, sales and ultimately the profitability of operations. The Contractor will be responsible for taking over operations with immediate effect to improve efficiency, however Project ownership will remain with EITL. The Contractor will also be responsible for all operational and maintenance costs relating to the mining and production of washed coal at Rukwa, as well as all taxes, duties and royalties related to coal sales and the licence extension costs.

Nextgen is a newly formed special purpose vehicle established specifically for this venture. The principals behind Nextgen are the founders and owners of Tuxford Haulage Limited, a specialist logistics and haulage firm based in Tanzania that has been in operation since 2017.

In December 2021, approximately 803 tonnes of washed coal was processed through the Company’s wash plant. This decrease from the November 2021 figure of 1,125 tonnes reflected shutdowns over the Christmas and New Year holiday period. There was limited production of washed coal in January 2022 as the Company focused on the expected handover to Nextgen and concluding the Agreement. With Nextgen having now taken over operatorship, the Company expects production to increase.
Queensland’s Coal Exports Rise in January

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
22 Feb, 2022, 5:30 am

Queensland shipped 15.86 million tonne of coal exports in January 2022, a 2.3% increase on December 2021’s 15.50 million tonne, but down 2.5% on 16.27 million tonne in January 2021

Gladstone, a mostly thermal coal export hub, was the leading exports port in Queensland in January at 5.42 million tonne, compared with 5.91 million tonne in December 2021, and 5.86 million tonne in January 2021.

The BHP Mitsubishi Alliance-operated Hay Point terminal’s coal shipments increased to 4.28 million tonne in January 2022, up from 3.41 million tonne in December, and 3.78 million tonne in January 2021.

Dalrymple Bay terminal, a multi-user export facility, shipped 3.67 million tonne in January 2022, down from 3.91 million tonne in December, and lower than its 4.13 million tonne in January 2021.

Abbot Point port, which last month added Adani company Bravus Mining and Resources as a shipper, exported 2.48 million tonne in January 2022, up from 2.26 million tonne in December, and steady year on year with January 2021.
Anglo American Restarts Grosvenor Coking Coal Operation

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
28 Feb, 2022, 5:30 am

Anglo American plc has announced the safe restart of its Grosvenor metallurgical coal mining operation in Queensland in Australia. Anglo American received confirmation from the regulator, Resources Safety and Health Queensland, on 16 February 2022 that longwall mining operations could now recommence following a gas incident in May 2020.

Following confirmation of the restart at Grosvenor, while export metallurgical coal production guidance for 2022 is unchanged at 20–22 million tonnes, due to the impact of Covid-19 in early 2022 and a later than expected restart of operations at Grosvenor, production is expected to be towards the lower end of the guidance range.
Yuzhny Kuzbass Processes 40 Million Tonnes Coal in 20 Years

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
01 Mar, 2022, 5:30 am

Mechel Group’s Yuzhny Kuzbass Coal Company has celebrated the 20th anniversary of the commissioning of the Krasnogorskaya processing plant. 40 million tonnes of coal has been processed by the Krasnogorskaya processing plant over 20 years. The factory began work in 2002 at the industrial site of the Krasnogorsky mine. The enterprise became the first and the only one in the Kemerovo region for the enrichment of anthracite used as a high-calorie energy fuel and as a raw material for ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. In the same year, the company's staff set the first record: with a design capacity of 130,000 tonnes per month, it processed 150,000 tonnes of raw coal. In 2003, after the reconstruction of the loading complex and the main production, the processing volumes at the factory increased to 1.8 million tonnes per year.

Over the past two years, the factory has upgraded a number of equipment. We put into operation new centrifuges for effective dehydration of coal concentrate, a vibratory feeder, which ensures a uniform supply of raw coal to the enrichment process. New magnetic separators made it possible to reduce losses during coal enrichment in the heavy medium section. To reduce operating costs - heavy-medium wheel-type separators,replaced hydrocyclones, screens, updated pumping equipment. A centralized lubrication system has been installed on belt filter presses, separators, and a crusher.

An automated process control system controls the enrichment process at any stage and allows you to quickly make the necessary changes.
Indian Coking Coal Imports in April-February Shrink by 7% YoY

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
08 Mar, 2022, 5:38 am

According to Indian Ports Association’s latest data, India's coking coal imports through all major ports in the country have been provisionally recorded at 45.29 million tonne for the April-February of FY 2021-22, declining by 7% YoY


Portwise Coking Coal Imports (Apr-Feb’22)


SMP, KOLKATA - 14.04 million tonne, down 20% YoY

PARADIP - 12.45 million tonne, up 7% YoY

MORMUGAO - 6.87 million tonne, down 2% YoY

VISAKHAPATNAM - 4.54 million tonne, down 16% YoY

VO CHIDAMBARANAR - 4.17 million tonne, down 6% YoY

KAMARAJAR (ENNORE) - 2.01 - million tonne, up 172% YoY

DEENDAYAL - 0.49 million tonne, down 22% YoY

NEW MANGALORE - 0.43 million tonne, up 41% YoY

MUMBAI - 0.29 million tonne, down 69% YoY
Kolencentrales wachten op groen licht

51 min geleden

AMSTERDAM - Nederlandse kolencentrales kunnen versneld meer energie produceren. De bedrijven noemen het als concrete mogelijkheid vanwege het gastekort. De torenhoge energierekeningen voor consumenten worden zo beperkt. Maar de ovens aanvuren kan alleen als politiek Den Haag bedrijven goedkeuring geeft. En daar blijft het stil „Ze hoeven maar te bellen.”

Volgens experts is extra stook met steenkool een snelle remedie om van Russisch gas af te kunnen.
Volgens experts is extra stook met steenkool een snelle remedie om van Russisch gas af te kunnen.? ANP/HH
Energie-experts noemden woensdag in de Tweede Kamer extra stook met steenkool in energiecentrales een snelle remedie om van het Russische gas af te kunnen. Zeker nu Moskou dreigt met een totale gas- en olieboycot van Europa. Kolen is bovendien in de huidige centrales nauwelijks meer vervuilend dan het gas dat uit Rusland via Oekraïne en de Oostzee naar Europa komt, zegt directeur Hans Grünfeld van de VEMW, de belangenbehartiger van zakelijke energiegebruikers.

’Kolencentrales Nederland snel verder open in energiecrisis’

„Het moét, alles afwegend, liefst als tijdelijke oplossing. Want uit zon en wind komt nog veel te weinig energie om aan onze energiebehoefte te kunnen voldoen”, zegt Grünfeld. „Gelukkig zijn de kolencentrales er nog.”

Eurocommissaris Frans Timmermans, die vanuit Brussel ook Nederland aan zijn Green Deal met schonere energie wil krijgen, steunt vanwege de oorlogssituatie en grondstoffentekort tijdelijk extra stook van het zwarte kool.

35 procent capaciteit
Het is een hele omslag: in 2015 steunde de Tweede Kamer de D66-motie om alle kolencentrales te sluiten. Opeenvolgende kabinetten voerden de druk op. Sinds dit jaar mogen kolencentrales in Nederland gemiddeld maar op 35 procent van hun capaciteit draaien. In 2030 moeten ze dicht of volledig zijn vervangen door centrales die draaien op gas, zon- en windenergie of waterstofkracht. Steenkoolverbruik wordt dan als brandstof verboden.

Van de kolencentrales zijn er nog drie over. De vierde, het relatief nieuwe Onyx in Rotterdam, gaat vervroegd dicht. Eigenaar Riverstone bedong daarbij 212,5 miljoen euro compensatie bij de overheid. ,,Al is er nog geen akkoord met de ondernemingsraad”, aldus vakbond CNV.

Cora van Nieuwenhuizen: ’Oorlog toont hoe kwetsbaar we zijn’

Vattenfall sloot eind 2019 zijn Amsterdamse Hemwegcentrale. ,,De sloopwerkzaamheden zijn in gang gezet”, aldus het bedrijf. De huidige D66-minister voor Klimaat Rob Jetten prees destijds de sluiting. Het Zweedse bedrijf kreeg 52,5 miljoen mee, omdat zijn investering vroegtijdig in de mottenballen ging.

Producent Uniper draait wel en zegt dat zijn kolencentrale scherp beperkt is door ’wettelijk kader’. Nu extra energie leveren en boven 35 procent stook komen wordt beboet, vreest zij. Alleen de landelijke politiek kan die stookbeperking ervan af halen. „Dus als Den Haag iets wil, dan moet zij bewegen”, aldus de woordvoerder. Ook het Duitse RWE, eigenaar van de grote Eemshavencentrale, zegt open te staan. „We willen praten. Maar we hebben nog niks gehoord”, stelt directeur Adriaan van der Maarel. „Ze kunnen zo’n plan het zeker voorleggen.”

Juridisch conflict
Reden voor de terughoudendheid is een langdurig juridisch conflict over honderden miljoenen. De steenkoolstokers en het ministerie van Economische Zaken zijn het niet eens over de afkoopsom voor de bedrijven als die in 2030 noodgedwongen moeten stoppen. Als de kolencentrales weer op volle kracht terug mogen, dan zullen bedrijven niet zo maar de beloofde miljoenen teruggeven, zegt een betrokkene uit deze sector. „Daar zijn hele rekensommen met het ministerie voor gemaakt.

Directeur Frans Rooijers van energieonderzoeker CE Delft verwijt de politiek gebrek aan daadkracht en de ministeries visie. „Het is ontzettend moeilijk om in korte tijd al het gas uit Rusland te vervangen. Steenkool is weliswaar ook duurder geworden, maar het kan van alle opties nu gewoon niet anders”, zegt hij. „Het risico van veel meer gas oppompen uit Groningen is vele malen hoger.”

Maar waar de kolen vandaan komen baart iedereen zorgen. Naar Europa zijn, via tussenhandelaren, al meerdere schepen met Russische steenkolen onderweg. „De import van die steenkool voor onze energiecentrales komt voor de helft uit Rusland. Als je daar meer kolen afneemt, dan betaal je net zo hard mee aan de financiering van de oorlog door Poetin in Oekraïne”, zegt Faiza Oulahsen van Greenpeace. ,,Er zijn wereldwijd meer kolenleveranciers, dat kan het probleem niet zijn”, zegt Grünfeld.

Rio Tinto Settles Mozambique Coal Matter with ASEC

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
15 Mar, 2022, 5:30 am

Rio Tinto has reached a settlement with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission regarding the disclosure of the impairment of Rio Tinto Coal Mozambique, which was reflected in Rio Tinto’s 2012 year-end accounts. As part of this court approved settlement, Rio Tinto will pay a AUD 750,000 penalty for a single contravention of its continuous disclosure obligations in the period 21 December 2012 to 17 January 2013, immediately preceding the impairment announcement. As part of this court approved settlement between ASIC and Rio Tinto, there were no findings of fraud or any systemic or widespread failure by Rio Tinto. The case against Mr Tom Albanese and Mr Guy Elliott has been wholly dismissed.

Rio Tinto settled with the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority in 2017 relating to the same Rio Tinto Coal Mozambique impairment. A US court also dismissed a related US securities class action.

Rio Tinto Coal Mozambique was acquired in 2011 and divested in 2014.
APMDC Starts Coal Mining at Singrauli in MP

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
16 Mar, 2022, 5:30 am

The Andhra Pradesh Mineral Development Corporation, which secured the Suliyari block in the Singrauli district of Madhya Pradesh last year, started commercial coal mining from 10 March 2022 after investing INR 2000 crore. APMDC will produce 5 million tonnes of coal per year from the Suliyari block.

Given the 110 million tonnes-coal reserves in the mine, the mining activity will continue for the next 22 years. There are also possibilities of increasing the annual production to 7 million tonnes.”

Though the Centre allocated the block to the APMDC in 2007, mining operations did not commence due to various reasons. However, after 2019 the State government focused on coal mining, following which, the APMDC started coal mining from August 2021.
Alberta Expands Restrictions on Coal Mining in Rocky Mountains

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
18 Mar, 2022, 5:30 am

The Canadian province of Alberta is expanding restrictions on all new coal exploration and development activities on the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains until it finalizes new land use policies. The United Conservative Party government had already halted coal exploration on so-called "category 2" lands last April, and Friday's decision extends that to all lands.

Alberta will also keep in place a 1976 policy limiting access to coal miners. The government had been planning to revoke that policy and open up the eastern slopes of the Rockies to open-pit mines, but reversed course last year after a huge backlash from ranchers and other Albertans concerned about the environmental impact.

Existing mines are not impacted and four advanced coal projects will be allowed to proceed through the regulatory process, although the government said there was no guarantee they will be approved.
JSW Ispat Special Products Sells Indonesian Coal Miner PT Sarwa

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
01 Apr, 2022, 6:19 am

JSW Steel’s JSW Ispat Special Products Limited announced that Monnet Global Limited sold its entire stake in Indoneisan PT Sarwa to PT Srinata Mahajati Corpora for a net consideration of USD 1 million. Consequently, PT Sarwa will cease as the subsidiary of Monnet Global Limited and step-down subsidiary of 3SW Ispat Special Products Limited subject to approvals, as may be required from Indonesian authorities.

Erstwhile Monnet Ispat & Energy Ltd’s100% subsidiary Monnet Global Ltd had acquired Indonesian coal company PT Sarwa Sembada Karya Bumi for USD 24 million in 2011 for access to one of the largest thermal coal mines spreading over an area of 25,000 hectares.
Greenpeace: openhouden kolencentrale ten koste van klimaat
ANP Producties 13 uur geleden

De mededeling van minister Rob Jetten (Klimaat en Energie) dat investeerder Riverstone kolencentrale Onyx Power op de Maasvlakte toch wil openhouden, is hard aangekomen bij Greenpeace. "Deze vervuilende centrale is een ramp voor het klimaat. Cowboy investeerder Riverstone wil alleen maar zo veel mogelijk geld cashen ten koste van het klimaat", zegt Faiza Oulahsen, hoofd Klimaat en Energie bij Greenpeace.

Greenpeace vindt dat Jetten alles op alles moet zetten om Onyx Power alsnog zo snel mogelijk te sluiten. "Als deze kolencentrale blijft vervuilen, komt Nederland de rechterlijke uitspraak van de klimaatzaak niet na. Dat mogen we niet laten gebeuren", aldus Oulahsen. "Op de Noordpool was het 30 graden heter dan normaal. De klimaatcrisis is hier en nu."

Jetten maakte donderdag bekend dat de eigenaar van Onyx Power heeft laten weten geen gebruik te maken van een al toegekende subsidie om de centrale op vrijwillige basis vervroegd te sluiten. Jetten liet weten teleurgesteld te zijn over besluit, maar juridisch gezien kan de minister niets tegen de beslissing doen. De subsidieregeling is een vrijwillig instrument. Het kabinet had er tot 212,5 miljoen euro voor over om de centrale eerder dicht te laten gaan.
Auction of 122 Coal & Lignite Mines Launched in India

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
04 Apr, 2022, 6:30 am

Including 18 new coal mines, the Ministry of Coal has placed on offer 122 coal &lignite mines today under commercial auction of coal mines. Addressing the fifth tranche of auction launch, Union Minister of Coal, Mines & Parliamentary Affairs Shri Pralhad Joshi said that 42 coal mines have already been auctioned successfully so far. The details of mines under different tranches for auction are as follows

109 coal mines under 15th Tranche of Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Act, 2015 and 5th Tranche of Mines and Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act, 1957

Four coal mines under Second attempt of 14th Tranche of Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Act, 2015 and Second Attempt of 4th Tranche of Mines and Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act, 1957

Nine coal mines under Second attempt of 13th Tranche of Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Act, 2015 and Second Attempt of 3rd Tranche of Mines and Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act, 1957

Of the109 mines on offer, 59 are fully explored mines and 50 are partially explored Mines. ones are spread across 11 coal/ lignite bearing states of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Bihar and Telangana.

The list of mines has been finalized post detailed deliberations and mines falling under protected areas, wildlife sanctuaries, critical habitats, having forest cover greater than 40%, heavily built-up area etc have been excluded.

Key features of auction process include introduction of National Coal Index, ease in participation with no restriction for prior coal mining experience, full flexibility in coal utilisation, optimized payment structures, efficiency promotion through incentives for early production and use of clean coal technology. Further incentives are being contemplated by the Ministry of Coal with focus on sustainability. The auction is being held online through a transparent two stage process, on the basis of Percentage Revenue Share. SBI Capital Markets Limited, sole Transaction Advsor to Ministry of Coal for the commercial coal mine auction, had devised the methodology and is assisting the Ministry of Coal in the auction.

The commencement of sale of tender document shall start from today. Details of the mines, auction terms, timelines etc. can be accessed on MSTC auction platform. The auction shall be held online through a transparent two stage process, on the basis of Percentage Revenue Share.

During the e-auction conducted on the MSTC platform on March 31st and April 1st, 2022, cumulatively five CMSP coal mines were put up for auction and winners are

Jindal Steel and Power Limited - Utkal B1 & B2 coal blocks in Odisha

Jindal Steel and Power Limited - Gare Palma IV/6 coal block in Chhatisgarh

Twenty First Century Mining Private Limited - Rabodih OCP coal blocks in Jharkhand

BS Ispat Limited - Chinora mine in Maharashtra.
Brussel wil importban op Russisch steenkool
Russische goederen mogen EU ook niet meer in.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Europese Commissie wil een importban op Russisch steenkool als onderdeel van een vijfde ronde van sancties tegen Moskou en in reactie op de oorlogsmisdaden in Oekraïne die de afgelopen dagen aan het licht zijn gekomen. Dit kondigde de voorzitter van de Europese Commissie, Ursula von der Leyen dinsdag aan op Twitter.

"Een duidelijk standpunt innemen is cruciaal voor de hele wereld. Een duidelijk standpunt tegen de keuzeoorlog van Poetin. Tegen het bloedbad van burgers. Tegen de schending van de fundamentele beginselen van de wereldorde", zei Von der Leyen.

De EU importeert jaarlijks voor 4 miljard euro aan steenkool uit Rusland.

Andere voorstellen zijn dat vrachtvervoer vanuit Rusland en Belarus geen toegang meer krijgt tot de EU, ook niet de havens. Verder komt er een ban op transacties met vier grote Russische banken, waaronder de tweede bank van het land, VTB.

Ook wil de EU een verder exportverbod, ter waarde van 10 miljard euro, op geavanceerde halfgeleiders, machines en transportapparatuur, aldus Von der Leyen, en een specifiek invoerverbod ter waarde van 5,5 miljard euro.

Er komen bovendien gerichte maatregelen, zoals een verbod op deelname van Russische bedrijven aan openbare aanbestedingen in de EU en uitsluiting van alle financiële steun, EU- of nationaal aan Russische overheidsinstanties. Daarnaast worden opnieuw sancties opgelegd aan een aantal oligarchen.

"We werken ook aan aanvullende sancties, onder meer voor olie-import, en denken na over enkele ideeën van de lidstaten, zoals belastingen of specifieke betalingskanalen zoals een geblokkeerde rekening", zei Von der Leyen.

De 27 lidstaten van de EU moeten akkoord gaan met de sancties voor ze in werking treden.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
Rio Tinto Queensland Resources Council Over Coal

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
19 Apr, 2022, 6:30 am

Rio Tinto has exited from Queensland Resources Council after raising concerns that its policy on expansion of coal mines did not align with the Paris Climate Agreement, Rio Tinto's Australia CEO Kellie Parker said "After careful consideration, Rio Tinto will not renew its membership with the Queensland Resources Council for the 2022-2023 financial year.”

Investor advisory firm Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility had filed in February a shareholder resolution to Rio Tinto to suspend its membership with the resource council.

ACCR said the other members that claim to be supportive of the Paris Agreement including Anglo American, BHP, Origin Energy and South32 must follow Rio Tinto and exit the QRC.
Chinese productie kolen en aardgas fors omhoog in maart
ANP Producties 20 uur geleden

BEIJING (ANP/BLOOMBERG) - De productie van kolen en aardgas in China is in maart fors omhoog gegaan. Het land schaalt de landelijke productie van de fossiele brandstoffen op om er zeker van te zijn genoeg energie te hebben. Ook de oorlog in Oekraïne speelt mee. Daardoor zijn de prijzen van energie nog verder gestegen.

De productie van kolen steeg ten opzichte van een jaar geleden met 15 procent naar 396 miljoen ton. Aardgas steeg met ruim 6 procent naar 19,7 miljard kuub, meldde het Chinese statistiekbureau maandag.

China maakt zich daarnaast zorgen om een nieuwe energiecrisis, die het land vorig jaar trof. Toen waren er tijdelijk te weinig kolen om aan de energievraag te voldoen. Dat is ook een van de redenen waarom het land zo inzet op het verhogen van de productie van kolen. Aan die productieverhoging zitten wel grenzen, waarschuwde een Chinese topambtenaar uit de kolenindustrie onlangs. De extra productie zou een nieuwe energiecrisis in belangrijke industriële regio's wellicht niet kunnen voorkomen.

De productie van ruwe olie steeg met bijna 4 procent naar bijna 18 miljoen ton. Dat is het hoogste niveau sinds december 2015, ondanks de terugloop in de productie van olie door de pandemie. China kampt sinds enige tijd met heroplevingen van het coronavirus, waardoor veel plekken, waaronder miljoenenstad Shanghai, in gehele of gedeeltelijke lockdowns zitten.
Russia May Restrict Coking Coal Exports

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
22 Apr, 2022, 5:15 am

According to media reports, Russian government is considering imitating exports of coking coal to reduce prices in the domestic market and Russian government’s Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Industry & Trade are preparing framework of restrictions on exports of coking coal from Russia. Earlier report suggest that Russian authorities had appealed to all market participants to give preferences to supplies to the domestic market instead of export trading and to refrain from using a direct correlation with global prices when settling offer prices for the domestic market.

European Union in the fifth round of punitive measures against Russia on 5 April has imposed import ban on coal from Russia, worth EIU 4 billion. While announcing the measures, Ursula von der Leyen had said that coal was a vital source of income for Russia and, therefore, it is crucial for the European Union to impose a ban on its import.

According to the Energy Ministry in Russia, in 2021 coal exports from Russia amounted to 215.1 million tonnes, including 22.6 million tonnes of coking coal. China imported 3.76 tonnes metallurgical coal in March, up 26% on the month but 23% lower on the year. Russia was the top origin for China’s in met coal intake in March, with the volume up 26% on the month or rising 159% on the year to 1.43 million tonnes, partly reflecting the reshuffling Russian coal trade since February.
Mr Ilya Shirokobord is New CEO of Raspadskaya Coal Company

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
28 Apr, 2022, 6:30 am

Mr Ilya Shirokobrod has started as CEO of OOO Raspadskaya Coal Company, which manages the coal business of PJSC Raspadskaya. As RCC’s President, Mr Shirokobrod will focus on the strategic development and finance, as well as logistics, supplies, and sales.

RCC’s General Director Andrey Davydov is in charge of manufacturing and operations.
Jameson Resources Submits EA for Crown Mountain Coal Project

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
11 May, 2022, 6:30 am

The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada is to review an environmental authority application for the USD 350 million Crown Mountain metallurgical coal project in British Columbia. The application was submitted to the IAAC by the project’s main proponent Jameson Resources after four years of detailed technical evaluation to assess the potential impact of the project over its lifespan from development, operation, and closure to rehabilitation. The EA application has been developed to meet the requirements of the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office & IAAC’s environmental impact statement guidelines. Jameson Resources chairman Nicole Hollows said “The submission of the EA application is a major milestone for progress of the project and further supports the International Energy Agency’s assessment that Crown Mountain is the most advanced steelmaking coal development project in Canada.”

Crown Mountain will be jointly assessed by British Columbian and Canadian government regulators.

The project is for a 3.7 million ton per year open pit mine in British Columbia’s Elk Valley region to produce hard coking coal over a lifespan of 16 years for shipment through Vancouver’s coal terminal on Canada’s west coast. Jameson Resources has a 77.8% interest in NWP Coal Canada, a company with a 90% stake in the Crown Mountain project, and New Zealand coal producer Bathurst Resources has a 22.2% stake. The company said its portfolio of coal tenements in British Columbia is mostly located adjacent to existing mines for met coal and export routes including rail corridors to port facilities.
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 Europe50^ 5.420,69 +0,31%
 US30^ 41.420,70 0,00%
 Nasd100^ 19.651,10 0,00%
 US500^ 5.623,92 0,00%
 Japan225^ 37.519,50 0,00%
 Gold spot 2.984,72 0,00%
 EUR/USD 1,0883 0,00%
 WTI 67,14 0,00%
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer


AZERION +9,48%
Sif Holding +6,14%
Corbion +4,46%


UMG -8,75%
Pharming -6,04%
OCI -2,89%
Ahold Delhaize -0,68%

EU stocks, real time, by Cboe Europe Ltd.; Other, Euronext & US stocks by NYSE & Cboe BZX Exchange, 15 min. delayed
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer, streaming powered by: Infront