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Probiodrug 2019

3.116 Posts, Pagina: « 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 ... 152 153 154 155 156 » | Laatste
Gezien de zeer magere volumes ben ik er toch maar even uitgegaan. Ik heb 3000 st verkocht op een volume van totaal 4100st. Ik heb de opbrengst geïnvesteerd in AMG en Kiadis. Vooral AMG zal DZR deugd doen..
Gisteren 2 ritjes op gemaakt, AMG. Moet eerst weer 50 cent af voor ik hier in stap.

Bones schreef op 3 mei 2019 12:44:

Staat daar nou '99 boven?

Dat jij geen vertrouwen in die tent hebt, weten we onderhand wel. Maar met zulke berichten haal je jezelf alleen maar naar beneden.
Die 'man' is niet helemaal goed hoor, wel sneu!
Hij heeft werkelijk niks zinnigs te melden..

Gala-diner schreef op 3 mei 2019 12:44:

Je leeft in het verleden, dat is jou probleem.
Beleggen is vooruit kijken met een heldere blik, dat talent bezit jij helaas niet...
Dankzij jouw veel te rooskleurige vergezichten is het helaas noodzakelijk om even te laten zien dat we dit soort verhalen al veel vaker gehoord hebben.

Door jouw fantasie-verhalen raken veel mensen zeer waarschijnlijk hun geld kwijt en dat is zeer kwalijk.

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 3 mei 2019 13:14:

Dankzij jouw veel te rooskleurige vergezichten is het helaas noodzakelijk om even te laten zien dat we dit soort verhalen al veel vaker gehoord hebben.

Door jouw fantasie-verhalen raken veel mensen zeer waarschijnlijk hun geld kwijt en dat is zeer kwalijk.
Ik denk dat mensen prima in staat zijn om zelf die afweging te maken, anders moeten ze niet gaan beleggen.

Alex69 schreef op 3 mei 2019 13:33:

Ik denk dat mensen prima in staat zijn om zelf die afweging te maken, anders moeten ze niet gaan beleggen.
Ik denk van niet; het barst hier van de newbies die alle mooie verhalen geloven.
zelfs een samenwerking met Merk kon Probio niet redden:
News Archive
Merck & Co., Inc. and probiodrug GmbH sign exclusive worldwide Licensing Arrangement

Published: 12.11.2000

Halle (Saale), Germany //
Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA and probiodrug Gesellschaft für Arzneimittelforschung mbH, Halle (Saale), Germany announced today that they have signed a licensing agreement that gives Merck certain exclusive worldwide rights to probiodrug’s proprietary dipeptidyl peptidase “four” (DP IV) inhibitors.

Merck plans to use these oral DP IV inhibitors in the development of drugs for diabetes and related conditions. probiodrug will receive an initial payment and an equity investment in addition to future payments in the event drug development milestones are met. Additionally, probiodrug will receive royalties on any commercialized products.

DP IV is an enzyme that is intimately involved in the regulation of peptide hormones, such as GLP-1 and GIP, that trigger glucose-dependent insulin biosynthesis and secretion. Inhibition of this enzyme in studies of diabetic animals has been shown to result in improved glucose parameters. probiodrug developed and studied P32/98, its leading DP IV inhibitor development candidate, in preclinical and initial clinical studies, including both healthy volunteers and patients with diabetes.

“We are convinced by the therapeutic potential of this exciting compound”, said Dr. Hans-Ulrich Demuth, Managing Director Research and Development of probiodrug. “This agreement allows Merck to develop antidiabetic drugs using compounds from probiodrug‘s DP IV-inhibitor portfolio, and for probiodrug to focus on developing certain other indications and exploit further antidiabetic targets”.

“We are pleased to enter into this agreement with probiodrug on a promising new avenue of research,” said Dr. Bennett Shapiro, Executive Vice President, Worldwide Licensing and External Research at Merck Research Laboratories. “An aggressive new focus on external collaborations, like this one with probiodrug, is bringing the best science to Merck and broadening our future new product base”.

Type 2 diabetes — the most common form of diabetes — affects about 7-9% of the world population. In the U.S. alone, an estimated 15 million persons are affected. It occurs most often in people over age 45, and the prevalence is increasing. Left untreated, it can lead to serious health complications, including blindness, heart disease, stroke, kidney failure and limb amputation. Diabetes is estimated to cost $98 billion in direct U.S. health care costs annually.

Probiodrug is a drug development company with proprietary know-how in structure-function analysis of human regulatory enzymes with broad therapeutic and preventive potential in metabolic diseases, immunology and CNS disorders. The company was established in 1997 in Halle (Saale), Germany, by Drs. Hans-Ulrich Demuth and Konrad Glund.

Merck & Co, Inc. is a leading research-driven pharmaceutical products and service company. Merck discovers, develops, manufactures and markets a broad range of innovative products to improve human and animal health, directly and through its joint ventures. Merck-Medco Managed Care manages pharmacy benefits for employers, insurers and other plan sponsors, encouraging the appropriate use of medicines and providing disease management programs. Through these complementary capabilities, Merck works to improve quality of life and contain overall health-care costs.

Probiodrug AG
Dr. Konrad Glund, CEO/CFO
Dr. Hans-Ulrich Demuth, CEO/CSO
Tel.: +49 345 55599-00

Dr. Larry Hirsch
VP of Public Affairs
Merck Research Laboratories
Tel.: +1 908 423 4650

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 3 mei 2019 13:37:

zelfs een samenwerking met Merk kon Probio niet redden:
News Archive
Merck & Co., Inc. and probiodrug GmbH sign exclusive worldwide Licensing Arrangement

Published: 12.11.2000

Halle (Saale), Germany //
Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA and probiodrug Gesellschaft für Arzneimittelforschung mbH, Halle (Saale), Germany announced today that they have signed a licensing agreement that gives Merck certain exclusive worldwide rights to probiodrug’s proprietary dipeptidyl peptidase “four” (DP IV) inhibitors.

Merck plans to use these oral DP IV inhibitors in the development of drugs for diabetes and related conditions. probiodrug will receive an initial payment and an equity investment in addition to future payments in the event drug development milestones are met. Additionally, probiodrug will receive royalties on any commercialized products.

DP IV is an enzyme that is intimately involved in the regulation of peptide hormones, such as GLP-1 and GIP, that trigger glucose-dependent insulin biosynthesis and secretion. Inhibition of this enzyme in studies of diabetic animals has been shown to result in improved glucose parameters. probiodrug developed and studied P32/98, its leading DP IV inhibitor development candidate, in preclinical and initial clinical studies, including both healthy volunteers and patients with diabetes.

“We are convinced by the therapeutic potential of this exciting compound”, said Dr. Hans-Ulrich Demuth, Managing Director Research and Development of probiodrug. “This agreement allows Merck to develop antidiabetic drugs using compounds from probiodrug‘s DP IV-inhibitor portfolio, and for probiodrug to focus on developing certain other indications and exploit further antidiabetic targets”.

“We are pleased to enter into this agreement with probiodrug on a promising new avenue of research,” said Dr. Bennett Shapiro, Executive Vice President, Worldwide Licensing and External Research at Merck Research Laboratories. “An aggressive new focus on external collaborations, like this one with probiodrug, is bringing the best science to Merck and broadening our future new product base”.

Type 2 diabetes — the most common form of diabetes — affects about 7-9% of the world population. In the U.S. alone, an estimated 15 million persons are affected. It occurs most often in people over age 45, and the prevalence is increasing. Left untreated, it can lead to serious health complications, including blindness, heart disease, stroke, kidney failure and limb amputation. Diabetes is estimated to cost $98 billion in direct U.S. health care costs annually.

Probiodrug is a drug development company with proprietary know-how in structure-function analysis of human regulatory enzymes with broad therapeutic and preventive potential in metabolic diseases, immunology and CNS disorders. The company was established in 1997 in Halle (Saale), Germany, by Drs. Hans-Ulrich Demuth and Konrad Glund.

Merck & Co, Inc. is a leading research-driven pharmaceutical products and service company. Merck discovers, develops, manufactures and markets a broad range of innovative products to improve human and animal health, directly and through its joint ventures. Merck-Medco Managed Care manages pharmacy benefits for employers, insurers and other plan sponsors, encouraging the appropriate use of medicines and providing disease management programs. Through these complementary capabilities, Merck works to improve quality of life and contain overall health-care costs.

Probiodrug AG
Dr. Konrad Glund, CEO/CFO
Dr. Hans-Ulrich Demuth, CEO/CSO
Tel.: +49 345 55599-00

Dr. Larry Hirsch
VP of Public Affairs
Merck Research Laboratories
Tel.: +1 908 423 4650

Dat je persberichten nodig hebt uit 1999 en 2000 zegt alles...

Gala-diner schreef op 3 mei 2019 13:42:

Dat je persberichten nodig hebt uit 1999 en 2000 zegt alles...
Dat jij deze berichten niet wil zien, zegt alles.

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 3 mei 2019 13:36:

Ik denk van niet; het barst hier van de newbies die alle mooie verhalen geloven.
En jouw missie is om die mensen te waarschuwen voor mogelijk financieel onheil? En wat motiveert je dan?
Sta ik achter de doelstellingen van Probiodrug ?
Uiteraard !
Echter de munt heeft twee zijden.
De andere kant is de verplichting van mij te kijken of ik met dit aandeel van geld meer geld kan maken en daarbij tracht ik immer een behoorlijk gok_element te vermijden.

De kans van werkelijk slagen van voorkomen en/of effectief bestrijden van Alzheimer en/of aandoedingen van carcinoom acht ik bijzonder laag en schat in minder dan 4%

Investeren in het Probiodrug aandeel is derhalve m.i zeer risicovol.

Go4profit schreef op 3 mei 2019 14:18:

Sta ik achter de doelstellingen van Probiodrug ?
Uiteraard !
Echter de munt heeft twee zijden.
De andere kant is de verplichting van mij te kijken of ik met dit aandeel van geld meer geld kan maken en daarbij tracht ik immer een behoorlijk gok_element te vermijden.

De kans van werkelijk slagen van voorkomen en/of effectief bestrijden van Alzheimer en/of aandoedingen van carcinoom acht ik bijzonder laag en schat in minder dan 4%

Investeren in het Probiodrug aandeel is derhalve m.i zeer risicovol.
Waarschijnlijk heb je een duimpje ontvangen van je ridder-vrind, heb jij ook een leuk weekend, gefeliciteerd!
Dat je de kansen niet goed inschat, zal later duidelijk worden.
Bovendien heb ik niet het idee dat je begrijpt wat er nu gebeurd en wat er komen gaat.
Das jammer, dan loop je een prachtig rendement mis.
Stap jij maar in 'veilige' beleggingen, daar maak je dan natuurlijk wel een stuk minder rendement mee of zelfs verlies.
Voorlopig heb ik het prima ingeschat en heb ik een leuk portie Probiodrug voor de LT gratis, door handelen.
Mij hoor hé niet klagen en het is altijd fijn als je niet meer kan verliezen.
Fijn weekend!
Aankomende week de 10 euro maar eens opzoeken, al was het alleen maar om een lange neus naar dzr te trekken.

Bones schreef op 4 mei 2019 16:39:

Aankomende week de 10 euro maar eens opzoeken, al was het alleen maar om een lange neus naar dzr te trekken.
Dan krijgt 'ie' waarschijnlijk een beroerte.
En roept 'ie' weer 'Shuffle, Shuffle, Shuffle'

Gala-diner schreef op 4 mei 2019 17:15:

Dan krijgt 'ie' waarschijnlijk een beroerte.
En roept 'ie' weer 'Shuffle, Shuffle, Shuffle'
Hoho, "nepshuffle" hè, DZR wel juist citeren.
Trump had het ook niet over "news", maar "fake news".
Zonder positieve persberichten gaat die Euro 10 opzoeken trouwens nog wel even duren.

fd183 schreef op 4 mei 2019 19:37:

Hoho, "nepshuffle" hè, DZR wel juist citeren.
Trump had het ook niet over "news", maar "fake news".
Zonder positieve persberichten gaat die Euro 10 opzoeken trouwens nog wel even duren.
Ik verwacht toch spoedig goed nieuws uit het Probiodrug-kamp.
Ps: nepshuffle=geen shuffle, dan heeft dzr het toch goed gezien ;-)
De recente stijging is namelijk veroorzaakt door prima nieuws van Probiodrug.

Ook deze samenwerking is totaal mislukt:
News Archive
Probiodrug and Synt:em announce collaboration to develop compounds for certain drug targets for CNS

Published: 18.11.2002

Nimes, France // Halle (Saale), Germany //
Companies to apply Pep:trans technology to vectorise product into the brain to treat Multiple Sclerosis. probiodrug AG, a German biopharmaceutical company and Synt:em, a French biopharmaceutical company, announced today the signing of a collaboration agreement. The collaboration between the two companies is designed to combine probiodrug’s proprietary library of small molecules as effectors of certain drug targets with Synt:em’s Pep:transTM technology, a breakthrough reengineering technology that helps compounds to reach their target across complex biological membranes. The companies aim to develop NCE’s able to cross the blood brain barrier and thus to develop new effective drugs to treat diseases of the central nervous system (CNS), i.e. multiple sclerosis. They agreed to share developmental costs and revenues.

“We are pleased to enter into this collaboration agreement with Synt:em, which marks our efforts for the development of proprietary compounds targeting the CNS”, said Hans-Ulrich Demuth, Ph.D., CEO/CSO of Probiodrug. “Synt:em´s technologies are exceptionally suited to deliver drugs specifically to selected organs, e.g. the brain. Hence, vectorising our compounds will add specificity to the drugs and will lower the amount needed in the circulation for selective brain targeting.”

In commenting upon the deal, Michel Kaczorek, CEO and President of Synt:em expressed his delight on the arrangement: ” in this time of difficult time for financing, we confirm with this agreement in place, that our strategy to re-engineer drugs with Pep:transTM is an attractive way to develop a proprietary portfolio of compounds among which some are co-developed with partners in a risk balanced and cost efficient model. Our choice to collaborate with probiodrug is based on the very promising molecule they have discovered and the excellence of their science.”
About Synt:em

Synt:em is a private French biopharmaceutical company that is focused on the discovery and development of novel Central Nervous System (CNS) medicines. Synt:em’s strategy is to take advantage of its complementary and proprietary technology platforms Pep:transTM and Acti:mapTM to develop an internal pipeline of drug candidates for the treatment of CNS disorders. In addition, Synt:em will continue establishing strong partnerships with Pharma and Biotech companies based on its Pep:transTM and Acti:mapTM technologies. For additional information about the company, please visit
About Probiodrug AG

Probiodrug AG is a biopharmaceutical company, that discovers, develops, and intends to commercialize therapeutic medicines for the treatment of diabetes, obesity and other serious medical conditions based on its detailed understanding of the actions of DP IV and related enzymes.

Maisberger & Partner
Gisela Blaas
Kirchenstr. 17 c-d
D-81675 München
Tel.: +49 89 419599 23
Fax: +49 89 41 95 99 98 23

Probiodrug AG
Dr. Konrad Glund
Weinbergweg 22/Biozentrum
D-06120 Halle

Bones schreef op 5 mei 2019 15:25:

Da's alles?
Nee hoor, er zijn nog veel meer mislukkingen....!!!
3.116 Posts, Pagina: « 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 ... 152 153 154 155 156 » | Laatste
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