Stille vennoot schreef op 17 juni 2019 22:39:
Transparency notification
17 June 2019 at 22:01 CET
Mechelen, Belgium; 17 June 2019; 22.01 CET; regulated information - Galapagos NV (Euronext & NASDAQ: GLPG) received a transparency notification from The Capital Group Companies, Inc.
Pursuant to Belgian transparency legislation[1], Galapagos received a transparency notification on 6 June 2019 from The Capital Group Companies, Inc. who notified that it controls Capital Research and Management Company, which holds 2,772,024 of Galapagos' voting rights, consisting of ordinary shares. This represents 5.08% of Galapagos' currently outstanding 54,614,791 shares. The Capital Group Companies, Inc. thus crossed above the 5% threshold of Galapagos' voting rights by purchase of voting securities on 5 June 2019. The full transparency notice is available on the Galapagos website.
sinds 6 juni al...
hoeveel hebben ze er ondertussen al weer bijgekocht.....