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Hier nog wat uitspraken van de CEO van ING.
Bij geen gekke dingen meer, ziet er het redelijk goed uit voor komend jaar.
Thank you very much, and good morning, everyone, and welcome to our full-year 2020 results call. I hope you're all in good health, and I'm happy to take you through today's presentationWhen we presented our 2019 results a year ago, I don't think anyone expected that the year 2020 would evolve the way it did. 2020 goes into history books due to the COVID-19 pandemic which presented unprecedented challenges to our employees, customers and society. And also at ING, we have felt this effect.
The most notable effect of COVID-19 was on lending and deposits, with low lending demand turning historic low -- strong loan growth into a small negative for 2020, while deposit inflow doubled and rates in the Euro swap market and non-Eurozone country declines. These factors have put pressure on NII which we believe will be alleviated in normal circumstances.
For 2021, we expect to move close to our through-the-cycle average of around 25 basis points. On asset quality, we have a strong and well-diversified loan book built through a proven risk management framework which we did not change in our COVID-19. Our strong track record underscores that we are a low NPL bank also when compared to our Eurozone peers. The CET1 ratio improved from 15.3% to 15.5%, and this almost fully excludes the fourth-quarter net profit as this has been added to the 2.5 billion already reserved for future distributions, in line with our policy.
This brings the total amount of reserves for future distributions to 3.3 billion euro. We want to provide our shareholders with a healthy return and will start distribution of this amount with the delayed interim cash dividend over full-year 2020 of 0.12 per share, in line with the current ECB recommendation. We intend to distribute the remaining amount reserved after September 30, subject to prevailing ECB recommendations and relevant approvals. Looking forward, when economies recover, we are well positioned to capture growth again as we benefit from our geographical and product diversification.While for 2021, we expect to move closer to our through-the-cycle average. We're confident on the quality of our well-diversified loan book and the strong risk management framework we have in place.