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NANO One Materials 2021

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Iemand maakt een enthousiast verband tussen onderstaand bericht en de link van januari van NANO one. Ja, er is overeenkomst, maar waarom wordt in dit bericht niet gewoon NANO one ook genoemd? Reden tot twijfel stijgt....

Link NANO januari 2021:

BASF, Daimler, Fairphone and Volkswagen Group funding partnership for natural resource management, including lithium, in Chile
11 July 2021

Several companies have initiated a “Responsible Lithium Partnership” aiming to work towards responsible natural resource management, including lithium, in Chile‘s Salar de Atacama. This cross-industry partnership is funded at its inception by BASF, Daimler AG, Fairphone, and Volkswagen Group. The partnership intends to foster a dialogue among local stakeholders, generating -and synthesizing scientific facts- and seeking solutions in a participatory manner.

Due to the expansion of electromobility and digitalization, the demand for lithium as key material in batteries is expected to grow in the next years. The world’s largest lithium reserves and large parts of the total production are located in the Salar de Atacama. The region’s ecosystem is fragile and there is lack of consensus regarding the impacts and risks of lithium mining and other economic activity in the region. Potential risks derived from water and brine table shifts could potentially harm the ecosystems and affect local livelihoods. Addressing such water-related risks effectively requires the collaboration of stakeholders.

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH – a German development agency headquartered in Bonn and Eschborn that provides services in the field of international development cooperation and international education work – commissioned by the companies, will coordinate the partnership seeking to find common ground by building a multi-stakeholder platform among all relevant actors in the Salar watershed, ranging from civil society groups including indigenous communities, government institutions, mining companies and beyond.

The platform aims to facilitate a common understanding of the status quo and jointly develop a shared vision for the future of the Salar de Atacama watershed. In addition, it intends the co-development of a joint action plan to improve long-term integrated natural resource management and undertake the first implementing steps. Another aim is to synthesize and verify available technical data, improve on it if necessary, and increase accessibility. The Responsible Lithium Partnership will commence in spring 2021, with a planned duration of 2.5 years. It does not intend to facilitate the sourcing of lithium nor the purchase or selling of any raw mineral.

The financing companies BASF, Daimler AG, Fairphone, and Volkswagen Group are aware of their responsibility along the entire supply chain, including their human rights due diligence for raw material sourcing and production. They have, therefore, initiated the “Responsible Lithium Partnership” to promote sustainable development, contribute to the reduction of potential negative impacts and strengthen the protection of human rights. The Responsible Lithium Partnership shows that in today’s highly interconnected value chains, responsible business conduct is not only based on collaborating with business partners, but also relies on constructive engagement with governments and civil society. As such, the Partnership aims at a holistic approach and seeks to connect all local stakeholders in a joint vision for the Salar de Atacama.

Atacama (genoemd hier) en Antofagasta (genoemd in de link van NANO) liggen wél redelijk in dezelfde regio met een afstandsverschil van ca 300 km ;)

nine_inch_nerd schreef op 10 juli 2021 12:54:

Ik verwacht er niks van, maar ik denk dat ik eens meekijk/meeluister.

Volkswagen Group

Our cars and business models will change more than ever before!

On 13 July at 1.30 p.m. (CEST) we will present our new VWGroup Strategy NEWAUTO!
NEW AUTO - Mobility for Generations to Come
Net meegekeken.
Ik geloof niet dat NANO one nu en in de toekomst een rol gaat spelen bij Volkswagen Group.
QS zit er dik in!
Nu hopen Ford/GM....
Lees een echt sterk verhaal waarom NANO een belangrijke rol kan gaan spelen. De post die begint met 'Reflecting on NANO....What are the opportunities...

Musiclover schreef op 13 juli 2021 20:52:

Lees een echt sterk verhaal waarom NANO een belangrijke rol kan gaan spelen. De post die begint met 'Reflecting on NANO....What are the opportunities...
Geklets in de ruimte.

Musiclover schreef op 13 juli 2021 20:52:

Lees een echt sterk verhaal waarom NANO een belangrijke rol kan gaan spelen. De post die begint met 'Reflecting on NANO....What are the opportunities...
Ja, ik lees veel opmerkingen, visies en losse kreten.
Ik hoop op een echte 'breakthrough' op korte termijn. Om eerlijk te zijn hoopte ik vandaag bij VW group een klein beetje te horen over NANO. Andere samenwerkingen wereldwijd werden wel genoemd. Dus voor mij een officieuze bevestiging dat VW en NANO op korte termijn niet speelt. Ook omdat Quantumscape Corp in dezelfde branche wel de lead heeft bij VW.

nine_inch_nerd schreef op 13 juli 2021 23:11:


Ja, ik lees veel opmerkingen, visies en losse kreten.
Ik hoop op een echte 'breakthrough' op korte termijn. Om eerlijk te zijn hoopte ik vandaag bij VW group een klein beetje te horen over NANO. Andere samenwerkingen wereldwijd werden wel genoemd. Dus voor mij een officieuze bevestiging dat VW en NANO op korte termijn niet speelt. Ook omdat Quantumscape Corp in dezelfde branche wel de lead heeft bij VW.
NANO, alles is bij dit aandeel zeker, onzeker, bevestigd en niet bevestigd. EV batterij technologie zal een grote rol gaan spelen. Ik heb een behoorlijke positie NANO opgebouwd omdat ik gok dat zij een rol kunnen gaan spelen..... Vooral kunnen.. De rest is glazenbolwerk.
Ik zit al langere tijd in het aandeel en kijk tegen een forse winst aan. Een stoploss heb ik wel ingesteld, voor het geval als.......


4finance schreef op 23 juli 2021 14:35:


Ik zit al langere tijd in het aandeel en kijk tegen een forse winst aan.

Knap, dat je niet de neiging hebt "winst te pakken", want we moeten een lange adem hebben voor dit aandeel.
12.5 % in de min maar ik blijk ook geduldig.
Staat geen stoploss op dus echt gewoon afwachten.
Het is inderdaad een lange rit maar ik zie ook kans op een mooie winst.
Die partner(s) gaan er komen en zo niet helaas .

Goed weekend
ESG Investors look to Nano One as a connector in a sustainable future
Dean Bristow

If you follow Jack Lifton on InvestorIntel you’ll have a pretty good idea that the dream of replacing all the internal combustion engines on the road today with battery electric vehicles (BEVs) is more of a fantasy than a reality based on today’s technology. The demand for raw materials, in particular lithium, just doesn’t add up. Jack does a great job of explaining the math in his Lithium by the numbers article from earlier this month with a follow up to hammer the point home in Lithium: The Haves and the Have Nots from last week. In summary, the first article suggests that even if lithium production doubles by 2025 (which producers say they can do), that will only get the world to roughly 10% of annual car production being BEVs. The latter article states “There is not even the remotest possibility that global lithium (measured as metal) production could grow to this week’s prediction, for example, by the child-like prognosticators at Deloitte, that in 2030 32% of all newly manufactured motor vehicles would be battery electric vehicles (BEVs).”

I think it’s safe to say that most reasonable people around the world agree that reducing emissions is a positive step for humanity. But how do we think as a global community that we can achieve these goals in light of some pretty serious shortfalls in the basic building blocks to making this happen? Obviously, technology has to be the answer. We have to be more efficient with the resources we’ve got if we want to have any chance at not only meeting the political goals of carbon reduction but also avoiding the often unwitnessed reality of destroying the earth by mining every possible resource required to achieve those goals.

The good news is that there is already a company out there working on technology to improve lithium-ion batteries. Nano One Materials Corp. (TSX: NANO) is a technology company with a patented and scalable industrial process for the production of low-cost, high-performance cathode powders used in lithium-ion batteries. These unique materials are being designed to add value to electric vehicles and grid storage batteries in the global push for a zero-emission future. Nano One’s patented manufacturing technology – the “One Pot Process” – streamlines the production process and thereby reduces cost while enabling higher performance cathode materials as compared to the standard manufacturing process. Last year the Company announced the development of a coated, single crystal cathode material for lithium-ion batteries that provides up to 4 times improvement in longevity. Granted this doesn’t necessarily reduce initial demand for lithium but it certainly helps to put less stress on the supply chain going forward.

With that said, last month Nano One announced three new patents issued and allowed in Canada, the US and China. Notably coverage for a novel method for phosphate stabilizing of lithium-ion battery cathodes. An important, low-cost durability improvement to lithium nickel manganese oxide (LNMO) cathode material which delivers energy and power on par with other high-performance cathodes and is more cost-effective because it is cobalt-free, low in nickel and does not require excess lithium. LNMO also has an operating voltage that is 25% higher than commercial high nickel cathodes, enabling fewer cells in applications such as power tools and electric vehicles while providing improved productivity, efficiency, thermal management and power. So no cobalt, less nickel and ultimately less lithium given you don’t need as many power cells.

And then there’s the other unintended consequence of moving towards a lower carbon future, the supply chain. Currently, the cathode supply chain is long and complex. Nano One technology enables cathode materials to be manufactured directly from nickel, manganese, and cobalt metal feedstocks in the form of metal powders, metal carbonates and other salts rather than metal sulfates. Metal powders are one-fifth of the weight of metal sulfates, avoiding the added costs, energy, and environmental impact of converting to sulfate and shipping and handling of waste. Nano One’s technology aligns it with the sustainability objectives of automotive companies, investment communities and governmental infrastructure initiatives. It also offers an opportunity for metals refiners to provide environmentally, and sustainably mined sources of nickel ore to integrate and manufacture cost-reduced value-added cathode powders for direct supply to battery manufacturers.

In summary, Nano One appears to have the right technology at the right time. On top of that, the Company does it all with a lower overall carbon footprint than many, if not all, of its peers. In my opinion, the latter concept still isn’t valued as high as it should be given as most ESG investors appear to be focused on top line carbon impact, and rightfully so given that policymakers haven’t really made it an issue yet. In the meantime, as Jack Lifton educates the world that BEVs in every driveway may be a fallacy in our lifetime utilizing current technology, here’s a company that could perhaps help make it more of a reality.
Johnson Matthey Acquires Assets to Accelerate Green Hydrogen Scale-Up
July 28, 2021
Johnson Matthey Expands Fuel Cell Component Manufacturing Operations into China

LONDON — Johnson Matthey, a global leader in sustainable technologies, today announced its acquisition of the assets and intellectual property of Oxis Energy Limited, based near Oxford, UK.

Oxis Energy was a lithium-sulfur battery developer with assets which can be adapted for the manufacture of components for green hydrogen production. The company entered administration on 19 May 2021.

With moderate additional investment in upgrades, this transaction will significantly accelerate the scale-up of JM’s growing Green Hydrogen business. The facility will further expand JM’s ability to develop, test, and manufacture catalyst coated membranes and advanced materials for electrolysers, as this market continues to develop very rapidly and in response to positive progress with customers. The site will enable the production of tens of thousands of catalyst coated membrane parts per year – enough to equip hundreds of megawatts of electrolyser capacity.

Robert MacLeod, Chief Executive, stated: “We are delighted to secure this acquisition. The capability this opportunity delivers will enable our green hydrogen business to accelerate the scale-up of CCM production in line with market demand. The purchase of these assets further demonstrates our commitment to developing a low carbon economy and progressing towards net-zero.”

Eugene McKenna, Managing Director Green Hydrogen, commented: “Acquiring Oxis Energy’s assets enables us to support our customers as they meet the strong demand for proton exchange membrane electrolysers used to produce green hydrogen. Improving electrolyser efficiency and reducing the cost of hydrogen are key to the further development of the green hydrogen market and scaling up CCM manufacturing will help bring JM and our customers closer to achieving this goal.”

In addition to accelerating Green Hydrogen scale-up, the acquisition of a considerable IP portfolio in next-generation lithium-sulfur and adjacent battery technologies presents opportunities for JM’s Battery Materials business to advance its development of future battery material technologies.

About Johnson Matthey

Johnson Matthey is a global leader in science that enables a cleaner and healthier world. With over 200 years of sustained commitment to innovation and technological breakthroughs, we improve the performance, function and safety of our customers’ products. Our science has a global impact in areas such as low emission transport, pharmaceuticals, chemical processing and making the most efficient use of the planet’s natural resources. Today more than 15,000 Johnson Matthey professionals collaborate with our network of customers and partners to make a real difference to the world around us.
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Nano One Materials Corp — Stock Price and Discussion
On the Zoom meeting Dan mentioned a few things.

1) There are multiple others partners that will be announced in the coming months.

2) Nano One is working with ALL the OEMs through world and more calls are coming in because Elon Musk represented in Tesla Quarterly call that LFP is here to stay and the main battery type that will be used moving forward.

3) One of the partnerships furthest down the road regarding development and licensing is the undisclosed asian LMNO cathode materials manufacturer and this represents a huge opportunity for Nano One.

4) Licensing revenue possibilities across the board. Example: $1 licensing fee to Nano One per kg. 70kg per car. 75,000 cars per production line. $5 million per line. 200-280 production line possibility Nano One can be involved in.

5) JV revenue possibilities. Revenue multiple times higher than licensing. This requires higher capital costs than licensing. Nano One is working on both.

6) Continued work with Chilean organization

nine_inch_nerd schreef op 30 juli 2021 21:26:

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[4) Licensing revenue possibilities across the board. Example: $1 licensing fee to Nano One per kg. 70kg per car. 75,000 cars per production line. $5 million per line. 200-280 production line possibility Nano One can be involved in.
Flutbedragen en die 200-280 productielijnen kun je beter vergeten.

nine_inch_nerd schreef op 30 juli 2021 21:26:

copy/paste stocktwits site

Nano One Materials Corp — Stock Price and Discussion
On the Zoom meeting Dan mentioned a few things.

1) There are multiple others partners that will be announced in the coming months.

2) Nano One is working with ALL the OEMs through world and more calls are coming in because Elon Musk represented in Tesla Quarterly call that LFP is here to stay and the main battery type that will be used moving forward.

3) One of the partnerships furthest down the road regarding development and licensing is the undisclosed asian LMNO cathode materials manufacturer and this represents a huge opportunity for Nano One.

4) Licensing revenue possibilities across the board. Example: $1 licensing fee to Nano One per kg. 70kg per car. 75,000 cars per production line. $5 million per line. 200-280 production line possibility Nano One can be involved in.

5) JV revenue possibilities. Revenue multiple times higher than licensing. This requires higher capital costs than licensing. Nano One is working on both.

6) Continued work with Chilean organization

Video. Hopelijk lukt het af te spelen.
Interestante presentatie met toelichtingen op diverse punten.
Interessant was: naast de VW link (wat die nu precies inhoudt?), dat men bezig is met een US autofabrikant én een wereldwijde autofabrikant....
Als NanoOne zulke geweldige patenten heeft, hadden ze allang een deal gesloten, dus blijkbaar hebben ze niks te bieden wat de moeite waard is.

En die joint-ventures komen waarschijnlijk nooit van de grond.

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 31 juli 2021 12:06:

Als NanoOne zulke geweldige patenten heeft, hadden ze allang een deal gesloten, dus blijkbaar hebben ze niks te bieden wat de moeite waard is.

En die joint-ventures komen waarschijnlijk nooit van de grond.
Ja, natuurlijk, begrijpelijk jouw gevoel. Persoonlijk wil ik het ook allemaal ook eerst zien. Grote namen worden nú al genoemd, maar dat zegt allemaal niks (het Nikola-syndroom met onze fantast Trevor hebben we allemaal gezien, alhoewel NANO het wél gestructureerd en bescheiden brengt).
Nogmaals, de presentatie is goed gebracht en geeft beeld vwb de huidige situatie.
Binnenkort moet er meer nieuws en updates komen.
To be continued!
De aannames van DZR zijn natuurlijk flauwekul, want niet onderbouwd en meer provocerend dan iets anders. Feit is dat investeren in NANO een beetje een sprong in het duister is. En vooral gebaseerd is op vertrouwen in de toekomst. Maar dat vertrouwen heb ik, niet onderbouwd door cijfers etc. Maar wel door door hun producten en de aandacht voor batterijen, enthousiaste reacties van deskundigen, de samenwerking met JM (echt een grote partij) en de recente kapitaalinjectie van 25 mio CAD. Allemaal mensen die er meer vanaf weten dan ik. Het vraagt alleen uithoudingsvermogen en vertrouwen en dat is niet altijd gemakkelijk. Uiteindelijk hebben we positief nieuws nodig om de koers de goede kant op te sturen.

Musiclover schreef op 31 juli 2021 15:39:

De aannames van DZR zijn natuurlijk flauwekul, want niet onderbouwd en meer provocerend dan iets anders. Feit is dat investeren in NANO een beetje een sprong in het duister is. En vooral gebaseerd is op vertrouwen in de toekomst. Maar dat vertrouwen heb ik, niet onderbouwd door cijfers etc. Maar wel door door hun producten en de aandacht voor batterijen, enthousiaste reacties van deskundigen, de samenwerking met JM (echt een grote partij) en de recente kapitaalinjectie van 25 mio CAD. Allemaal mensen die er meer vanaf weten dan ik. Het vraagt alleen uithoudingsvermogen en vertrouwen en dat is niet altijd gemakkelijk. Uiteindelijk hebben we positief nieuws nodig om de koers de goede kant op te sturen.
Jouw mening is dus ook geheel niet 'onderbouwd' en gebaseerd op 'fantastische' verhalen........!!

Mijn mening is trouwens o.a. gebaseerd op het feit dat de researchkosten voor Nano praktisch nihil zijn.

Naar mijn mening is het dus een oplichtersbedrijf.
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