North East housing association launches £100k community scheme ahead of new HQ
A North East housing association has announced that it has launched a £100k community scheme as it moves into new headquarters.
Home Group, which has partnered with real estate developers Ask Real Estate and BAM Construction, is launching the new community benefits scheme, which aims to meet the needs of people living in the west end of Newcastle.
This comes as Home Group, which has been based in the region for more than 85 years, announces it will move into its new head office, One Strawberry Lane, next autumn.
The offices have been developed by Ask and are being built by BAM, with areas of the new headquarters acting as a physical support hub for the scheme.
Typical projects supported by the scheme could include the development of new community gardens, renovating or updating existing facilities or the creation of new internal or external spaces.
Mark Henderson, Home Group’s chief executive, said: “Our new head office is about much more than simply delivering a sustainable workspace for our colleagues. It’s going to be a place that can support One Strawberry Lane’s surrounding communities, add value to the city and its businesses, and most importantly our customers.
“Launching our community benefit project at the start of construction enables us to begin that process immediately.”