Volgens publicaties op MEMX site:
De gemiddelde dagomzet juni is gestegen van 7,9$B naar 15$B t.o.v. de zelfde maand een jaar eerder.
En tevens:
MEMX exchange market share excluding TRF volume was 6.1% in June 2022, up from 4.3% in June 2021
MEMX exchange market share excluding TRF and auction volume was 7.2% in June 2022, up from 5.0% in June 2021
MEMX ranked 2nd in number of symbols quoted over 75% of the time at the NBBO in June
MEMX ranked 4th in NBBO setting in June
Court rejects non-SRO voting in SEC governance order, but firms can have an impact by supporting exchanges that put member needs first.
En dan nog dit:
On July 5th, the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit issued its second significant market data ruling for the year. This ruling rejected one important piece of the SEC’s efforts to improve the governance of the consolidated tape plans, i.e., allowing industry representatives (non-SROs) onto the SIP operating committee as voting members. While MEMX will continue to advocate for market data reform, including fair and reasonable pricing, this ruling will unfortunately allow the incumbent exchanges to continue to delay needed reforms. However, the industry still has a say in consolidated tape governance. Though siding with the incumbent exchanges on the issue of non-SRO voting, the court upheld other portions of the SEC’s governance initiative, including changes that would require voting by exchange group as well as an independent administrator requirement. With two votes allocated to exchange groups with more than 15% consolidated equity market share, we encourage firms to vote with their feet and support exchanges that put member needs first.
De banken proberen dus met alle macht hun verdienmodel in stand te houden, maar er wordt dus flink aan de poten van hun stoelen gezaagd. De strijd is heftig. Aangezien Blackrock ook MEMX lid is en steeds harder groeit, gaat de zaag er steeds dieper in. Niet vergeten dat MEMX pas 1,5 jaar bezig is. De oude "verdienmodellen" van Flow (bijna alleen hedge tegen sterke koersfluctuaties) gaan dus langzaam maar zeker op de schroothoop. Niet dat die hedge er niet meer zou zijn, maar hij wordt m.i. van streeds ondergeschikter belang. Mijn mening voor wat die waard is uiteraard. AM1993