Haha...dashers forum op reddit. Altijd leuk:
DoorDash sent me an email trying to spin this as if
it's a cool new positive thing:
Orders will have the same base pay whether it's 1
order or 3. So theoretically you can deliver a 3 order
stack (that could take up to an hour) and if all 3 of
them were no-tippers, you'd still only make a total of
$2. Asinine
What a wild decision. The lack of awareness to mass
email it to all of us with an underlying tone of "this is
great for dashers!" blows my mind.
Such an incompetent organization. I've never
submitted any replacement requests, yet they ve sent
me 3 "welcome to DoorDash" packs. So I have 3 red
cards, 3 hot bags, 3 packs of stickers that no sane
person would ever put on their car. They can afford
to send me all of that for free, but god forbid base
pay is over $2.
F*ck this company. There are 200k+ members here,
surely there's something we can do as a community
with that number.
If only there was a way to crash their stupid f*cking
stock that has somehow been an upward trend for
over a year now. Why would the stock be rising stillin
Pandemic is over. Drivers hate DD, customers hate
DD, restaurants hate DD. But investors keep making
massive profits. What the hell gives.