Ziet er prima uit. Waarschijnlijk hebben ze nu een wat betere rekenaar als CEO, die gerommel in de leveringen niet tolereert. ("Not a supplier-client relationship"??), Scheelt een miljoen of 30 in de netto winst door de extra kosten van de afwikkeling van dit soort shit.
Bedrijf verdient bruto >100 miljoen per jaar. Dit jaar nog wat meer door de groei en rustiger vaarwater.
Blijdorp heeft genoeg €, zijn passie groeit gewoon door, genereert genoeg dividend op zijn bezit in aandelen. Waarom zou hij t overnemen? Overname zou m.i. later wel kunnen door een hele grote speler.
Strategic progress
Our mission to make premium consumer goods available to everyone, anywhere, guided our 2022
strategic focus. With the foundations for strategic and digital transformation firmly in place, we are
well-positioned to focus on opportunities for future growth.
When it comes to business development, we have remained focused on delivering our strategy in
each of our six segments. All in all, turnover increased by 14.9% over the year compared to 2021.
Global market developments, however, impacted margins; consumer inflation led to a shift from
premium to mainstream products in the Beauty and Liquor segments, flattening the gross profit
margins. Operating expenses were also affected by economic developments, mainly resulting in
increased staff costs. This led to a decrease in normalized EBITDA margin to 5.0%.
During the year, we had to take provisions for doubtful debtors, as previously announced, from two
isolated cases. The largest, which was already partly included in our H1 2022 results, stems from a
business partnership we entered into, but which did not materialize as expected. This is an isolated
case with no reflection on our client portfolio, as this was not a supplier-client relationship. The
second provision concerns an aged outstanding trade receivable for which payment has been
pending for over a year because of the ongoing, complex settlement process of a remote Food
contract of our client.
Zooming in on new business, we continued to expand our reach into new geographies and (digital)
territories. We reinforced our proposition in the US within our Beauty segment, opening a newwarehouse in Atlanta. Further geographic expansion in Beauty was accomplished in the Middle
East, Australia and Asia. Adding to this, our Retail segment expanded its presence by adding Venice,
Qatar, Brussels, Palma de Mallorca and Barcelona to its airport shop portfolio. We also continued
our acquisitive growth. In May, we acquired 70% of Europe Beauty Group, which services
consumers via closed online platforms (members only), its B2C webshops and its physical stores
throughout France. This is a perfect fit with our online and physical direct-to-consumer channels