tatje schreef op 4 oktober 2023 10:59:
Q3 voorspelling.
A 92
E 40
C 28
totaal 160
Gross margin 84%
gross profit 134,4
Opex 133
ebit + 1,4
D en A 11,2
ebitda 12,6
Nemen we in Q3 de gekapitaliseerde kosten, dan zal de gross margin 3% lager worden, nl 81%
A 92
E 40
C 28
totaal 160
gross margin 81%
gross profit 129,6
opex 133
ebit - 3,4
D en A 11,2
ebitda + 7,8
Over die gekapitaliseerde kosten zei Taco op de CMD het volgende.
Also important to mention here is that gross margin can fluctuate quarter by quarter. And that's
related to if you do specific work for Automotive. We capitalize that and release that at once as cost of
sales. So, that can have big effects in a quarter.
Ach, moet het, drie glazen melk per dag doet het'