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Waterstof of watersof?

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Waterstof, CO2-opslag en innovatie
Er zijn veel verschillende strategieën en denkwijzen over hoe bedrijven dat doel kunnen bereiken, volgens Yergin. "Maar de grote thema's die er deze week uitspringen zijn waterstof, CO2-opslag, en innovatie. Er bestaat behoefte aan grote bedrijven met technische capaciteiten die op schaal kunnen opereren - en dat is toevallig de niche van de olie- en gasindustrie."

De topmensen van onder meer BP, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Occidental Petroleum en ConocoPhillips spraken op het energiecongres over de overgang van de industrie naar een wereld met minder CO2-uitstoot.
Waterstofrevolutie in Groningse gascentrale stokt door gebrek aan subsidie
Carel Grol 12:19

De Magnum-centrale in het Groningse Eemshavengebied. De ambitie van Vattenfall om een van de drie centrales in 2023 op waterstof te laten draaien, is met ten minste vier jaar vertraagd en staat op losse schroeven. Foto: Anjo de Haan/ANP

De plannen om de Magnum-gascentrale in de Groningse Eemshaven voor een deel te laten draaien op waterstof, kampen met een jarenlange vertraging. Vattenfall, de eigenaar van de centrale, mikte er aanvankelijk op dat in 2023 een van de drie gasturbines zou zijn omgebouwd en daarmee elektriciteit zou maken uit waterstof. Inmiddels verwacht het bedrijf dat dit op zijn vroegst gebeurt in 2027. Dat zegt Vattenfall in antwoord op vragen van het FD.

De Magnum-centrale gold jarenlang als toonbeeld van kapitaalvernietiging. De bouw kostte €1,8 mrd en na oplevering in september 2013 draaide de gascentrale ver beneden zijn kunnen. In juli 2017 ontvouwden Nuon (inmiddels omgedoopt tot Vattenfall), het Noorse Statoil (nu Equinor geheten) en Gasunie een plan om één van de drie gasturbines van de Magnum, te laten draaien op waterstof.

Grijs, blauw, of groen
Want waterstof is de toekomst, vanwege het milieuvriendelijke karakter. De toepassingen zijn heel breed — van transport tot verwarming — en bij verbranding komt er geen CO2 vrij. In heel Europa zijn enorme plannen voor de zogeheten waterstofeconomie.

Er bestaan verschillende typen waterstof die worden aangeduid in 'kleuren': grijs, blauw, of groen. Grijze waterstof wordt gemaakt met aardgas, waarbij de CO2 wordt afgesplitst en niet wordt opgeslagen en dus in de lucht de terechtkomt. Blauwe waterstof wordt ook gemaakt van aardgas, waarbij de CO2 wordt gescheiden en daarna opgeslagen. Groene waterstof — de meest duurzame en kostbare variant — kan tot stand komen door overschotten aan elektriciteit uit windparken. Die stroom wordt met zogeheten elektrolyse omgezet in waterstof. Op dit moment heeft Nederland nog geen surplus aan windstroom.

Het plan van Vattenfall, Equinor en Gasunie zette in op de blauwe variant. In Noorwegen zou Equinor aardgas splitsen in waterstof en CO2. Dat broeikasgas moest dan ondergronds worden opgeslagen voor de Noorse kust. Gasunie kan dan de waterstof naar de Magnum-centrale transporteren, en zo nodig tijdelijk opslaan. Vattenfall zou vervolgens deze waterstof inzetten voor verbranding in de Magnum-centrale. Op die manier moest elektriciteit worden geproduceerd.

Bedragen zijn nooit genoemd, al was het duidelijk dat dit een miljardenproject zou zijn. 'De beslissing om te investeren valt in 2020', stelde een medewerker van Vattenfall in september 2017, toen het bedrijf een rondleiding hield door de kolossale centrale. 'Concreet hebben we nog niets.'

Technisch haalbaar
Drieënhalf jaar later is het plan nauwelijks concreter. De haalbaarheidsstudie is afgerond. 'Technisch is het haalbaar', concludeert Vattenfall, dat in het verleden honderden miljoenen euro's afboekte op de Magnum-centrale. De huidige prognose: binnen zes tot zeven jaar kan deze centrale voor een deel op blauwe waterstof draaien.

‘Voor het nemen van de volgende stap is veel geld nodig’Woordvoerder Vattenfall
Alleen is de investeringsbeslissing voor de ombouw nog niet genomen, zegt een woordvoerder. 'Voor het nemen van de volgende stap is veel geld nodig. Dat kan alleen als er vanuit Vattenfall, Equinor en Gasunie zicht is op een businesscase, oftewel: er moet voldoende duidelijkheid komen dat er subsidie beschikbaar is.'

Op dit moment is blauwe waterstof ongeveer drie keer zo duur als aardgas, en groene waterstof nog veel duurder. Een elektriciteitscentrale die stroom maakt door de verbranding van aardgas, draait dus aanmerkelijk goedkoper dan eentje die waterstof verbrandt. Dus is er geen businesscase voor waterstof zonder substantiële subsidie. Vorige week vroeg de Waterstofcoalitie, een verzameling van milieuclubs, havenbedrijven en energiemaatschappijen, waaronder Vattenfall, nog €2,5 mrd van het nieuwe kabinet.

Niet onrealistisch
Machiel Mulder, hoogleraar regulering van energiemarkten aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, noemt het 'omslachtig en duur om met deze waterstof stroom te gaan maken'. Toch is het volgens hem 'niet zo heel onrealistisch'. 'Noorwegen zet hier heel sterk op in. Het land heeft natuurlijk grote gasvoorraden. De Noren zien ook dat de enige manier om daar in de toekomst geld aan te blijven verdienen, is door de koolstof eruit te halen.'

Vattenfall kijkt ondertussen naar alternatieven, bijvoorbeeld het bijmengen van groene waterstof met aardgas. Op die manier zouden we op beperktere schaal kunnen starten met groene waterstof, zegt de woordvoerder. 'Maar ook hier geldt: er zal subsidie nodig zijn om de omschakeling te kunnen maken.'

Originele link van het artikel: fd.nl/ondernemen/1376087/waterstofrev...
Iberdrola Mobilises Aragón's Green Hydrogen Generation Project

Iberdrola is leading a project in Aragón to produce green hydrogen by building a hydrogenerator at the PLAZA Logistics Platform in Zaragoza, with 10 MW of electrolysers capable of producing and supplying green hydrogen to heavy road transport vehicles and moving towards ever-more sustainable mobility. This facility, which will be open to the public, represents an investment of more than EUR 36 million and will include building a photovoltaic power plant for self consumption which, as well as supplying renewable energy to Iberdrola, will allow the plant to use only zero-emissions electricity. The aim of this project is to generate and supply green hydrogen to heavy road transport vehicle fleets, buses, light private and industrial vehicles, and the railway sector (with an option to serve the Zaragoza-Canfranc link and its future Pau- France connection) and projected airport use. It also includes renewable hydrogen storage and dispensing stations in nearby areas with potential for consumption in Zaragoza and Valle del Aragón.

Iberdrola is leading the initiative - which it has submitted to the EU's Next Generation programme - that will be carried out in association with Aragon's institutions and companies that have shown interest in the project. These include the regional government, Zaragoza and Jaca City Councils, the Aragón Hydrogen Foundation, the University of Zaragoza, the Aragón Automobile Cluster, the Zaragoza Area Transport Consortium and companies Zoilo Ríos, Carreras Grupo Logístico, Calvera, Inycom (Instrumentación y Componentes), Arpa and CAF, as well as PLAZA, the site on which the facility will be built.

The initiative will be a massive driving force for the region, creating 1,800 direct and indirect jobs during the construction and operational phases, as well as contracts for services, materials and equipment awarded to local companies in Aragón, such as Ingeniería y Control Electrónico, Montajes Eléctricos García, Sfice Innovative Minds, Aralink Tecnologías de la Información and Efinetika. It will also improve competitiveness in these companies and boost sustainability, attract investment and encourage training and research into this type of renewable technology in universities and training centres in the region, which is one of the pioneers in the study of green hydrogen.

Iberdrola is already developing several green hydrogen projects that will enable the decarbonisation of industry and transport or heavy mobility in Spain and the UK and it is also developing the value chain. The company has also submitted 53 projects to the EU's Next Generation programme, which would trigger investments of €2.5 billion to reach an annual production of 60,000 tonnes/year.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
6 Companies Seeking IPCEI Funding for Hydrogen Projects

Six companies, five of them from the Saarland in Germany, have jointly applied for IPCEI funding. The aim of the individual projects is to develop a green hydrogen economy in the Saarland, France and Luxembourg. The energy company STEAG, the plant manufacturer Siemens Energy, the grid operator Creos Deutschland, the Saarbahn public transport compan, and the Stahl Holding Saar with its companies Dillinger and Saarstahl have developed a joint project idea aimed at establishing a cross border and prospectively green hydrogen economy through the production, use and transport of hydrogen. This concept has now been jointly submitted in response to the current call from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy for expressions of interest to identify important hydrogen projects of pan European interest, IPCEI for short.

Hydrogen is an energy carrier and fuel both for low carbon production of steel and for emission-free mobility in the region. Its benefits can be exploited to create value if the production and use of preferably green hydrogen and its transport through a fully functioning infrastructure are dovetailed with each other. The hydrogen projects HydroHub Fenne by STEAG, H2SYNgas by Stahl Holding Saar and TraficHdeux by Saarbahn in the Saarland and the Saarland French hydrogen project mosaHYc by Creos Deutschland form part of the alliance of projects applying jointly for funding. With the funding as an Important Project of Common European Interest, the companies hope to secure the necessary capital to implement their projects.

The mosaHYc project, jointly undertaken by the distribution grid operators Creos and GRTgaz, aims to use an existing gas infrastructure to develop a cross-border high-pressure grid for the transport of hydrogen. The aim is to create a 100-kilometer-long infrastructure that will enable hydrogen producers and consumers in the Grande Région to develop business models in industry, the heat market and the transport sector. In the context of a feasibility study, the existing pipelines are being examined and prepared for conversion to hydrogen. In addition, it is being examined to what extent an existing pipeline route between Völklingen and Saarbrücken can be used for the transport of hydrogen.

The HydroHub Fenne project (2 x 17.3 MWel or 664 kg H2 per hour, equivalent to approx. 5,800 t H2 per year) pursued by STEAG and Siemens Energy, which has already been selected as a Living lab for the energy transition, is to be the first Proton Exchange Membrane electrolysis plant of significant scale. The plant is to be built in Völklingen in the Saarland on the site of an existing STEAG power plant, taking a brownfield approach and making continued use of existing structures without any far-reaching changes or environmental impact. The plant will use electricity from renewable sources for electrolysis, producing green oxygen and green hydrogen. The green electricity will be partly generated by STEAG in its own plants, eg by STEAG New Energies and STEAG Solar Energy Solutions, or procured on the market via green power purchase agreements.

The TraficHdeux project initiated by Saarbahn aims to build up the infrastructure for operating cross-border public transport with hydrogen-powered fuel cell trains and buses. The core of this project is the reactivation of non-electrified or only partially electrified rail lines across national borders. In addition, the construction of a filling station infrastructure at the STEAG power plant site in Völklingen is planned. The bus fleet is also to be converted to zero-emission operation as quickly as possible. By 2030, Saarbahn will have to replace around 85 solo and articulated buses. The majority of these are to be procured as zero-emission vehicles. In addition, a small-scale electrolyzer is to be installed to ensure supply until the connection to the mosaHYc pipeline is completed. In order to make optimum use of the excess capacity available during the start-up phase, the filling station is therefore also to be made accessible to other municipal companies and commercial users.

The Saarland steel industry, with the companies Dillinger and Saarstahl, plays a key role as an industrial consumer in the strategic development of the regional cross-border hydrogen value chain. Use of hydrogen is required to reduce emissions from processes in the steel industry. Within the scope of the H2SYNgas innovation project, a technology is being developed at a blast furnace operated by ROGESA Roheisengesellschaft Saar mbH, a joint subsidiary of Dillinger and Saarstahl, which will enable the use of the company’s own process gases and, in addition, substantial quantities of hydrogen for the blast furnace process. The synthesis gas generated from the company's own process gases will be enriched with hydrogen. This hydrogen-rich mixed gas will then be used as a reducing agent for the reduction of iron ore, replacing coke in the blast furnace process and thus avoiding CO2 emissions. Following the coke-oven gas injection system already installed at the blast furnaces in Dillinger in 2020, Stahl Holding Saar is set to take the next step on the road to CO2-neutral steel production in the Saar region by implementing this new innovative technology.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Zak geld voor bouw waterstofschip

Minister Van Nieuwenhuizen (Infrastructuur en Waterstaat) trekt 4 miljoen euro uit voor de bouw, ontwikkeling en het in de vaart brengen van het eerste nieuwe binnenvaartvrachtschip in Nederland dat wordt aangedreven door waterstof.

Edwin van der Aa 10-03-21, 07:00 Laatste update: 07:23

,,Varen op waterstof is nu niet langer meer een idee dat op de tekentafel ligt. Door dit schip te bouwen en er straks mee te varen, leren we in de praktijk wat er nodig is om waterstof veilig en op grotere schaal te gebruiken in onze binnenvaart”, aldus de bewindsvrouw.

Lees ook
Plannen voor waterstofproductie in Zuiderzeehaven
Plannen voor waterstofproductie in Zuiderzeehaven
Drone uit Delft vliegt op waterstof en stijgt verticaal op

In 2050 moet de Nederlandse binnenvaart uitstootvrij zijn. Het nieuwe binnenvaartschip komt naar verwachting in 2023 in de vaart. Het schip krijgt de naam Antonie en wordt 135 meter lang. De Antonie gaat zout vervoeren van Delfzijl naar de Botlek in Rotterdam.

Het kabinet stelt de komende vijf jaar ook 65 miljoen euro beschikbaar om binnenvaartschepen uit te rusten met katalysatoren die stikstofoxide omzetten in waterdamp en stikstof, bleek eerder al.

LONDON (ICIS)--Dutch fertilizer major OCI on Friday announced the signing of two memorandums of understanding (MoU) as it seeks to commercialise ammonia and methanol as the "shipping fuels of the future".

The first pact is with MAN Energy Solutions (MAN) and Hartmann Gas Carriers Germany (Hartmann), under which OCI intends to charter ammonia vessels built, owned and operated by Hartmann and its commercial arm, GasChem Services. These vessels will be operated using ammonia engines designed by MAN.

"The partnership aims to propel the commercialisation of ammonia-fueled vessels and accelerate the energy transition and decarbonisation of the shipping industry," OCI said in a lengthy news release.

The second alliance involves MAN Energy Solutions and Eastern Pacific Shipping (EPS) and will target retrofitting existing vessels from EPS’ tanker fleet to use methanol and ammonia, as well as new-build methanol and ammonia-fuelled vessels.

"The technology to retrofit a vessel to accept methanol as a fuel is available today and the intention is for OCI to charter the first retrofitted methanol fueled vessel operated by EPS using already in-service MAN engines and technology in the next two years," OCI explained.

"Ammonia and methanol, OCI’s core products, are the only practical alternatives for long-distance shipping.

"With global infrastructure in place, these products can bridge the transition from 'grey' to 'green' until the industry has fully scaled up to products based solely on renewable energy sources."

OCI noted that, when compared to hydrogen and LNG, ammonia is widely used and easier to store with extensive global distribution and storage infrastructure in place.

Converting all long-distance shipping fuel to ammonia would require 750-900m tonnes/year of new capacity by 2050, 4-5 times the current total global ammonia production, OCI added.

For methanol, converting all long-distance shipping would require about 650-720m tonnes/year of new output by 2050, 6-7 times the current total global methanol production.

Brian Ostergaard Sorensen, VP and Head of R&D, Two-Stroke Business at MAN, said: “We view these initiatives as closely aligned with our own strategy of cooperating with external partners to develop sustainable technologies.

"Methanol and ammonia are very interesting candidates as zero-carbon fuels. In fact, we have already introduced a methanol-burning two-stroke engine, while we expect to deliver the first ammonia-fueled engine in 2024."

With ammonia and methanol production assets in North America, Europe and the Middle East & North Africa (MENA), OCI believes it is well placed to capture new opportunities in both products.

"[Nitrogen fertilizer producer] Fertiglobe particularly benefits from proximity to ample underutilised wind and solar generation capacity across the MENA, enabling stable production of green ammonia at a low cost," OCI said.

"By 2030, Europe will likely not produce sufficient green hydrogen to meet their needs and is expected to depend on imports with the MENA region the most competitive alternative."

Eastern Pacific Shipping CEO, Cyril Ducau, added: "Converting our existing conventional fleet to burn methanol creates a unique opportunity to continue lowering our carbon footprint significantly and rapidly.”

OCI CEO, Ahmed El-Hoshy, concluded "Our products are perfectly positioned to fuel the transition and we believe the push towards low carbon fuels in the coming years will be met with the adoption of both methanol and ammonia as industry standard.

"We see this as starting with the adoption of grey/blue methanol and ammonia and then shifting to green as production costs come down, customer appetites move towards green and regulations continue to develop.

"We are confident ... existing vessels can economically convert their engines to use our low-carbon products and help the industry meet its goals."

Any subsequent commercial agreements are subject to agreement on commercial terms and definitive documentation, the statement added.
GET H2 Seek State Funding under IPCEI Program

Seven companies from the GET H2 initiative bp, Evonik, Nowega, OGE, RWE, Salzgitter Flachstahl and Thyssengas have now expressed their interest in funding under the IPCEI program, Important Project of Common European Interest, submitted to the Federal Ministry of Economics. By using green hydrogen in refineries, in steel production and for further industrial use, the overall project outlined here is intended to avoid CO 2 emissions of up to 16 million tonnes by 2030. The consortium wants to set up a cross-border infrastructure for hydrogen starting with the generation of green hydrogen, through transport, to industrial use. From Lingen in Emsland to Gelsenkirchen and from the Dutch border to Salzgitter, the generation, transport, storage and industrial purchase of green hydrogen are to be combined in several steps between 2024 and 2030 under the umbrella of the overall project.

In Lingen, RWE generates green hydrogen through electrolysis. From 2024 the bp refinery in Gelsenkirchen will be supplied with it. Most of the transport takes place via existing pipelines in the gas network, which will be converted to hydrogen transport. The expansion of the network to the Dutch border is planned for 2025, and a cavern storage facility is to be integrated in Gronau-Epe by RWE in 2026. The network is to be expanded to the Salzgitter steelworks by 2030 and, if necessary, to connect to other networks

Together, the overall project can map the essential building blocks of the green hydrogen value chain and form the basis for an efficient European gas infrastructure for hydrogen. With the integration of a cavern storage facility by RWE in Gronau-Epe, the system, which is based on electricity generation from wind energy, can also make a contribution to security of supply. The link to the Dutch gas market lays the foundation for a trans-European hydrogen market. The expansion of the project by partners from the transport sector and for the distribution of green hydrogen in the area is also already in preparation. Other partners of the GET H2 initiative have also expressed their interest in IPCEI funding for projects

The companies want to promote the development of a hydrogen economy. However, these plans can only be implemented with the necessary regulatory framework. The current focus is primarily on the amendment to the Energy Industry Act. The companies are convinced that the draft adopted by the Federal Cabinet at the beginning of February falls short. There is no overarching regulation of gas and hydrogen networks with a uniform gas and hydrogen network fee. However, that would be the best solution to enable uniform and non-discriminatory use of the hydrogen infrastructure on sustainable terms. The network construction can be partially financed through the IPCEI program. However, the financing of the network operation requires a long-term solution to the fee issue in the EnWG.

The move follows announcement earlier this week by six companies, five of them from the Saarland in Germany, have jointly applied for IPCEI funding to develop a green hydrogen economy in the Saarland, France and Luxembourg. The energy company STEAG, the plant manufacturer Siemens Energy, the grid operator Creos Deutschland, the Saarbahn public transport compan, and the Stahl Holding Saar with its companies Dillinger and Saarstahl have developed a joint project idea aimed at establishing a cross border and prospectively green hydrogen economy through the production, use and transport of hydrogen.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Scania Counting on Fossil Free Steel Project H2GS

Swedish commercial vehicles manufacturer Scania is gearing up in its journey towards completely emission free products after recent decision to invest in and enter into a partnership with the company H2 Green Steel. At this completely new steel plant in Boden, in northern Sweden, carbon dioxide emissions per tonne of steel produced can be reduced by 95% thanks to a new production method and the use of hydrogen gas produced from electricity from hydropower and wind power.

H2GS is built on the experience and lessons learned from the establishment of battery manufacturer Northvolt. The business model is based on a close partnership with strategic customers, including a deep collaboration on product development, process technology, recycling strategies and logistics.

H2GS plans to start production at the new steel plant in 2024. Production in Boden will comprise around 90% of the various types of steel and qualities that Scania demands.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Saipem & Alboran Hydrogen Join Hands for Green Hydrogen Production

Saipem and Alboran Hydrogen have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the joint development and the construction of five plants for the production of green hydrogen through the electrolysis process, three of which in Italy and the other two in the Mediterranean basin. The two companies will take advantage of their respective and complementary skills, experience and technologies acquired from having been engaged over the years in the construction of plants served to the production of hydrogen. In particular, as a global solution provider in the energy and infrastructure sector, Saipem will be engaged with the engineering, procurement and construction of the plants, as part of the development and eventual implementation activities. Alboran Hydrogen, operating in the development of renewable projects, will take care to coordinate the technological aspects with the research institutes concerned, as well as of the authorization activities for the development of the plants, and of the supply chain agreements with the Research Centres, Bodies and Universities involved.

The agreement proposes, among the various possible initiatives identified, the development and creation of a green hydrogen hub located in Puglia (Italy), through the construction of three plants in the territories of Brindisi, Taranto and Foggia with the participation of the National Energy Technology District, La Sapienza University, the Salento University and the Brindisi Research Center (Cittadella della Ricerca di Brindisi). This initiative fits within the objectives set by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).

The agreement also provides for the development and the construction of two additional plants in the Mediterranean basin, specifically in Albania and Morocco. The latter will concern the production of ammonia from green hydrogen.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Windwasserstoff Salzgitter WindH2 Commissioned

Salzgitter AG, Avacon and Linde have taken an important and exemplary step on the way to decarbonising German steel industry. With the commissioning of the sector coupling project Windwasserstoff Salzgitter WindH2, which is unique in Germany, green hydrogen will in future be generated on the site of the steelworks in Salzgitter using electricity from wind energy. WindH2 forms a central component of the developed by Salzgitter AG technology project SALCOS, SA lzgitter L ow CO 2 S teelmaking, to reduce CO2 emissions and even to almost CO2-free steel production in the long term. Hydrogen produced from renewable sources will replace the carbon previously required for smelting iron ores. The three blast furnaces operated so far must be gradually replaced by a combination of direct reduction systems and electric arc furnaces. Such a transformation of steel production could reduce its CO 2 emissions by around 95% by the year 2050.

Avacon, a company of the E.ON Group, operates seven newly built wind turbines with a total output of 30 megawatts on the Salzgitter AG site. Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH installed two Siemens 1.25 megawatt PEM electrolysis units centrally on the factory premises, which will generate around 450 cubic meters of high-purity hydrogen per hour. Hydrogen is already being used in steel production for annealing processes and in hot-dip galvanizing plants. The industrial gas producer Linde is currently delivering the gas by truck and will continue to ensure the continuous supply of hydrogen demand in the future. All systems are currently in trial operation.

The costs for the entire project, - construction of the wind turbines and the hydrogen systems including their integration into the existing pipeline networks, amount to around 50 million euros. The construction of the electrolysis was funded by KfW.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
"By 2030, Europe will likely not produce sufficient green hydrogen to meet their needs and is expected to depend on imports with the MENA region the most competitive alternative."

Thank you black knight.

Kleintje66 schreef op 13 maart 2021 11:29:

"By 2030, Europe will likely not produce sufficient green hydrogen to meet their needs and is expected to depend on imports with the MENA region the most competitive alternative."

Thank you black knight.
Niemand wil weer afhankelijk worden van de Arabieren, dus dat feest gaat niet door.
New dawn
Alles valt of staat met de efficiënte electrolyse van water. In de BRD zijn ze daar druk mee bezig.

New dawn schreef op 13 maart 2021 12:20:

Alles valt of staat met de efficiënte electrolyse van water. In de BRD zijn ze daar druk mee bezig.

laat nu net Giner elx onderdeel v Plug power hierop een patent hebben tot 2024


en DZW vwb Arabieren, lees je eens in wat er in Portugal en Marroco gaande is

pacman schreef op 13 maart 2021 12:36:

laat nu net Giner elx onderdeel v Plug power hierop een patent hebben tot 2024


en DZW vwb Arabieren, lees je eens in wat er in Portugal en Marroco gaande is
Het maakt allemaal geen bal verschil: waterstof is simpelweg veel te duur om grootschalig en commercieel te kunnen gebruiken.

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 13 maart 2021 12:41:

Het maakt allemaal geen bal verschil: waterstof is simpelweg veel te duur om commercieel te kunnen gebruiken.
klopt helemaal ...vandaar ook onderstaand

On January 6, 2021, Plug Power announced a $1.5 billion investment from SK Group and the intention to form a joint venture in South Korea.
en buiten deze 1.5,

SK Group to invest $16.4B to create hydrogen production-distribution-consumption ecosystem by 2025
05 March 2021

Renault and Plug Power to develop hydrogen fuel cell commercial vehicles


Plug Power and Universal Hydrogen Expand Partnership to Include Investment and Global Green Hydrogen Supply for Aviation
Together the companies will complete the hydrogen value chain for aviation

zomaar voor de Jen ...

[verwijderd schreef:

id=701903 date=200310162210]
Dan neig ik naar watersof.

Praktischer oplossingen zijn het wagenpark overschakelen op aardgas: je kunt je auto gewoon thuis opladen, goedkoop en milieu vriendelijker. Ik geloof dat slechts 5% extra aardgas uit Groningen voldoende is. Voor zover ik weet kun je de huidige motoren vrij simpel hiervoor aanpassen zoals bij LPG.

Nou.......ik heb een auto op aardgas. Deze tanks wordt gas in opgeslagen onder een druk van 200 bar. Ter vergelijk: een racefietsband of een LPG installatie hebben een druk van pakweg 7,5 bar.

Je hebt een zware compressie installatie nodig die prive te duur zou zijn. Verder: ja, schoon, milieuvriendelijk en uiteraard zwaar belast, want melkkoe.
ADNOC & GS Energy to Grow Abu Dhabi’s Hydrogen Economy

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company hosted the United Arab Emirates’ virtual business trip to the Republic of Korea, in which ADNOC and GS Energy agreed to explore opportunities to grow Abu Dhabi’s hydrogen economy and carrier fuel export position. ADNOC’s latest agreement with GS Energy reinforces this foundation in low-carbon energy and innovation, through its focus on blue hydrogen and its carrier fuels as promising areas for development within the fast-evolving global energy mix.

This agreement also makes ADNOC well-placed to further strengthen the UAE’s historic relationship with Korea, reinforcing the resilience of both nations’ economies throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and seizing the many potential joint opportunities for greater industrial cooperation, particularly those which capitalize upon the UAE and Republic of Korea’s regional leadership in both technology and sustainability.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
McDermott Expands with Green Hydrogen Award

McDermott International Ltd announced that it’s CB&I Storage Solutions business has been awarded a contract by New Jersey Natural Gas for the engineering, procurement and construction of a power-to-gas facility in Howell, New Jersey. The facility will use solar power to produce green hydrogen for injection into an existing natural gas distribution network for home and commercial use. Initial engineering activities are underway in Plainfield, Illinois; project completion is expected in 2021.

CB&I Storage Solutions is the world's leading designer and builder of storage facilities, tanks and terminals. With more than 59,000 structures completed throughout its 130-year history, CB&I Storage Solutions has the global expertise and strategically-located operations to provide its customers world-class storage solutions for even the most complex energy infrastructure projects.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
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 WTI 67,22 -0,64%
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Pharming +9,82%
Alfen N.V. +2,30%
UMG +1,86%
ASR Nederland +1,64%


INPOST -5,83%
CM.COM -3,67%
Basic-Fit -3,13%
JDE PEET'S -3,00%

EU stocks, real time, by Cboe Europe Ltd.; Other, Euronext & US stocks by NYSE & Cboe BZX Exchange, 15 min. delayed
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