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Fes Cruise sail,

Ik heb niet altijd tijd. Maar vanavond op verschillende van de websites rondgekeken die jullie gepost hebben de afgelopen 6 weken. Echt de moeite en bedankt daarvoor!

Wilde ik alleen maar even melden. Waarschijnlijk zijn er nog veel meer stille meelezers van jullie verwijzingen.


ffff schreef:

Fes Cruise sail,

Ik heb niet altijd tijd. Maar vanavond op verschillende van de websites rondgekeken die jullie gepost hebben de afgelopen 6 weken. Echt de moeite en bedankt daarvoor!

Wilde ik alleen maar even melden. Waarschijnlijk zijn er nog veel meer stille meelezers van jullie verwijzingen.

Beste ffff,

Bedankt voor je feedback

the Hubbert curve

Named after the late Dr. M. King Hubbert, Geophysicist, this website provides data, analysis and recommendations regarding the upcoming peak in the rate of global oil extraction.


fijne avond
.........But SunPower does have some clouds hanging over its future.

Evergreen Solar's (Nasdaq: ESLR - News) IPO in 2000 and the more recent IPO of SunTech Power Holdings (NYSE: STP - News) late last year both bring significant competition to the solar-panel market. Even competition in the DIY market has just heated up, now that.......

full story:
Solar or bubble?

UPI Energy SAN JOSE, Calif., Oct. 23 (UPI) -- This year's solar energy boom might have capital market theorists and skeptics seeing bubbles, but many prominent investors are saying the solar market really isn't too good to be true.

Indicating growth graphs for the wind, solar, biodiesel and ethanol industries -- all of which are rising at dizzying rates -- New Energy Fund Managing Partner Mark Townsend Cox said: "It's the light in the life of an investor when the charts are all looking like this."

Investment banker Riaz Ladhabhoy, Deutsche Bank's vice president of technology investment banking, described the graphs as going "up and to the right in a massive way."

There are about 60 quoted solar companies on the market now, a big jump from the 30 or so last year and the five the year before, Cox told United Press International.

"That looks bubble-like," he said. Stock prices for solar companies are also rising in "Microsoft-ish" fashion -- Solar World traded at 12 euros last year and is up to 140 euros this year, Cox said. But, he stressed, the market really isn't a bubble.

full story:

Australia to build largest solar plant

CANBERRA, Australia - The Australian government pledged $95 million in funding Wednesday for two projects as part of its new strategy to combat global warming, including the construction of the world's largest solar power plant.

The projects are the first to be funded under a $379 million package announced earlier this week to prevent global warming. Australia has been criticized over its refusal to sign the Kyoto Protocol on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The government will contribute $57 million to the $319 million project to build a 154 megawatt solar power plant in Victoria state, which will use mirrored panels to concentrate the sun's rays, Treasurer Peter Costello said.


fes schreef:

Schott (VS) zit zonder silicium.



1. They produce SILICON-FREE solar panels used to convert sunlight to electricity;they adopt a new technology called CIGS (copper,indium,gallium,selenide) with a vacuum sputtering process on substrate.The company was started in 1997,and they are "sold out until further notice" actually.

2. -The raw polysilicon shortage has slashed growth for the industry from more than 50% in 2004 to a projected 5% in 2006.
-The thin film solar panels on flexible substrate are much thinner and use less raw materials than common silicon solar
panels, they can also be installed almost everywhere.
-DayStar has achieved 16.9% efficiency for Terrafoil Gen I on 1.1cm square, 13.5% efficiency for Terrafoil Gen II on 14 cm square by continuous processes developed for Gen III , the PVs are self repairing and no toxic materials are used in the manufacturing process. Life expectancy is projected to be 20-30 years.
The costs are 2$/watt for terrafoil pvs and 4-10$/watt for lightfoil pvs.
-They are creating a new operating division, the Equipment Development Group in Santa Clara, California, in order to accelerate the development of its Generation III roll-to-roll continous production platform.
-They retained ownership to intellectual property rights in techhnologies relating to CONCENTRATING PV optics in order to
convert heat into electricity (2 us patents, 9 int.patents and 2 int.applications).
-There is known R&D happening now to establish 2x, 3x, multi-junction panels (currently used in the space) which if they deliver >30% efficiency they will obsolete the current silicon panels; the timeframe is 2-3 years.

3. They ship monthly products to Blitzstrom (The amended agreement calls for the purchase of up to 130 MW of DayStar's TerraFoil(TM) product through the end of 2010.
) ,a company based in Germany , the world's leader country for solar panels, and to the chinese company MEG too.

4. They hired many new workers (from 10 to 75) and a new vice president of manufacturing that left the solar silicon competitor ESLR for DSTI.

5. The japanese Honda will start to produce CIGS PVs in fall 2006; "We are serious about solar cells, and in the future will be making hydrogen with them," said Takeo Fukui, president and chief executive officer (CEO) of Honda Motor Co Ltd of Japan.

6. They have a low float of 4.47 millions shares and 6.7 millions outstanding shares; that predicts high volatility.
They have a very low Market Cap compared with other solar players, no debts, 10M$ in tax grants, 12M$ in cash and received $1 million from 2007 defense appropriations bill. They completed 15M$ financing. The best strategy is to invest for the long term.

7. The Chairman Tuttle (formerly senior scientist at the NREL) said that "2006 will be our year", he is very confident of having two 10 MW systems up and running in 07, the first in early 07, bringing in up to "$40 million annually" togheter, and easily replicatable up to first, 25 MW, and then 100 MW. They will add a "significant" customer this year.

8. Solar energy is the only way to produce electricity over the long term (1 hour of sunlight worldwide can produce 14 Terawatts, the amount of energy coming from fossil fuels in 1 year) because fossil fuels are running out and they are the cause of wars, terrorism and climate change.
Solar can satisfy all the 4 Policy Challenges (Energy Security, National Security, Environmental Security and Economic Security).
SunTech Shines On

In August, SunTech Power (NYSE: STP) established SunTech America, a wholly owned subsidiary aimed at expanding the company's U.S. market share. It now appears that the subsidiary has just landed its first big victory.

Earlier today, the company announced a multi-year contract to supply solar modules to a division of SunEdison, North America's largest solar-energy service provider.

The contract is reportedly valued between $50 million and $90 million over its life span. The size of the contract, however, is less important than the speed with which SunTech has landed such a major deal.

The deal offers concrete proof that SunTech is now penetrating the rapidly growing U.S. solar market, and it suggests that the company will likely be a long-term player in photovoltaics. According to the release, SunTech anticipates that most of the modules shipped under the contract will go to California.

This is great news for SunTech, because California recently instituted a $3 billion solar initiative, with hopes of installing 3,000 megawatts of solar power throughout the state by 2018. That goal implies that SunTech has plenty of room for future growth.

Combine these facts with the news of company's latest quarterly report, in which it disclosed that it had tripled sequential revenues and profits, as well as the news of the big deal it signed last week in Spain, and a compelling picture of SunTech's future growth prospects begin to emerge.

SunTech is still smaller than BP Solar (NYSE: BP), Sharp, and Kyocera (NYSE: KYO). However, I think this news should serve as a wake-up call to those rivals that SunTech is a legitimate competitor. It should also draw the attention of companies like SunPower (Nasdaq: SPWR) and Evergreen Solar (Nasdaq: ESLR), because it suggests that the cost and efficiency advantages of SunTech's PV modules are drawing the attention of some large buyers

Sun edison + STP
Sea Gull Lighting Installs SunEdison Solar-Power System

Riverside, New Jersey [RenewableEnergyAccess.com] Sea Gull Lighting Products, LLC, installed a solar-powered energy system at its Riverside, New Jersey headquarters and Burlington Township, New Jersey Distribution Center. Provided and operated by SunEdison, LLC, the new system is expected to supply in excess of 20 percent of each facility's peak power load during periods of heaviest demand in the year. In addition to the reduced electric costs, for the next ten years Sea Gull Lighting has locked in price rates for the electricity generated by the solar energy system. According to SunEdison, the Sea Gull Lighting solar system is expected to save over 10 percent in annual electricity costs.

Goed nieuw zzzaai. Weet jij toevallig wat het rendement van de zonncellen zijn die in de ruimte gebruikt worden?
Glas is breekbaar, betrekkelijk zwaar, n liter water in orbit kost n miljoen dollar.

Dus denk dat thin film meest gebruikt in satellites, als ik op satellite +thin film google heb ik ook meer hits.

Groot budget, mogen een hoop kosten, in space heb je ook geen remming van licht door de dampkring,

n goeie sci-cel doet 21,5% die BP, dus ik schat zo, euhh, 18%

d8 dat dat nuon solar team met ex sat cellen rondrijd maar ik weet eigenlijk te weinig van satellieten:)
Xcel Energy issues RFP for solar projects in Colorado
Xcel Energy on Tuesday issued a request for proposals for commercial customer site solar installations as part of its effort to comply with Colorado's renewable portfolio standard, documents showed. Xcel is seeking 7,000 MWh/year in new solar projects, the Minneapolis-based utility company said. Each Colorado proposal must be rated above 100 kW and less than 2 MW in capacity.
The RFP is open to current Colorado electric customers and third-party developers who want to develop a solar generating facility at a current Xcel Energy Colorado electric customer's site.

Colorado's RPS requires that 0.12% of Xcel's annual retail sales come from solar generation between 2007 to 2010. By 2015, Xcel's retail sales in the state must include 0.4% of power sourced from solar generation.

The Colorado Public Utilities Commission is currently reviewing a deal under which Xcel would pay Baltimore-based SunEdison $224/MWh for electricity from an 8-MW solar power plant the firm plans to build in Colorado.

Proposals are due January 4. Xcel plans to finish the negotiation process by February 19. For more information, contact: Ronald Miller, RFP project manager, at ron.miller@xcelenergy.com or on (303) 294-2110.

Norway's REC group announces plans to build world's biggest solar power component factory
OSLO, Norway (AP) - Norway's Renewable Energy Corporation announced plans Wednesday to expand a factory in the south of the country into what it claims will be the world's largest solar power component factory. REC will spend 2.5 billion kroner (US$400 million; euro300 million) on building two new plants to make multicrystalline wafers, used in solar panels, at its Heroeya site.
"When up and running, total annual production will be close to 1.3 gigawatts, making Heroeya by far the largest solar production site in the world," the company said.

The first new plant is expected to start production in the fourth quarter of 2008 and the other during the second quarter of 2009. The company projects annual revenues from the new plants at up to 6 billion kroner (US$970 million; euro736 million).


On the Net:


Press Release Source: Evergreen Solar, Inc.

German Regulatory Authorities Approve EverQ Partnership Agreements
Thursday December 21, 5:04 pm ET
Evergreen Solar, Q-Cells and REC Become Equal Partners in EverQ

MARLBORO, Mass.; THALHEIM, SAXONY-ANHALT, Germany & HOVIK, Norway--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Evergreen Solar, Inc. (Nasdaq: ESLR - News), Q-Cells AG (FSE: QCE) and Renewable Energy Corporation ASA (OSEAX: REC.OL) (REC) today announced that regulatory authorities in Germany have approved previously announced partnership agreements that make the companies equal partners in EverQ, which manufactures solar modules in Thalheim, Germany. Effective December 19, 2006, all three partners will share equally in the net income generated by EverQ.

The EverQ partnership and related polysilicon supply agreements are intended to facilitate the next phase of expansion of EverQ's production facilities in Thalheim. The partnership intends to grow the EverQ business to approximately 10 times the size of its first facility, generating 300MW of solar production by 2010. In the third quarter of 2006, EverQ's first factory ramped to full production capacity of 30MW. EverQ's second factory - EverQ-2 - is on track to begin production in the second quarter of 2007, and is expected to reach its full capacity of 60MW by the end of 2007 bringing EverQ's total capacity to approximately 90MW.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Joyeux Noel et Bonne Année
Gesegnete Weihnachten und ein glückliches Neues Jahr
Craciun binecuvantat si un An Nou fericit!

Gelukkig Kerstfeest en een Heel gelukkig en gezond 2007 !


Ik las op het forum van Wallstreetweb dat Evergreen Solar op 5 januari een aandeelhoudersvergadering gaat houden aangaande een aanstaande emissie, heeft dit met EverQ te maken (bovenstaand bericht)? Of wie weet hier toevallig meer over?

Alvast dank!
PSE Seeks to Develop Solar-Power Facility
BELLEVUE - Puget Sound Energy issued a request for proposals to develop the Pacific Northwest's largest solar-powered generating facility at the company's nearly completed Wild Horse Wind Project (Wild Horse) in Eastern Washington. At 500 kilowatts, the pilot solar project would roughly double the state's entire solar-powered electricity generation and be four times bigger than any solar facility now in existence in the Northwest. PSE is on schedule this month to complete the construction of Wild Horse, its second and largest wind farm, which will make the company the single largest producer of renewable energy in the Northwest.
The RFP issued is for the design and construction of a 500-kilowatt solar facility in Kittitas County. The project would sit on about eight acres of PSE-owned land on the 9,000-acre Wild Horse site, located roughly 120 miles east of Seattle between Ellensburg and the Columbia River. Specifics on the RFP can be found on www.pse.com , the company's Web site.


Plextronics Receives $750,000 in Funding to Further Development of Plexcore(TM) PV for Organic Solar Cells
PITTSBURGH, Jan. 23 /PRNewswire/ -- Plextronics, a world leader in developing active layer technology for printed electronic devices, announced it has received $750,000 in funding from the Sustainable Energy Fund (SEF) of Central Eastern Pennsylvania to further development of Plexcore(TM) PV technology for organic solar cells. Plexcore PV technology is paving the way for the commercialization of organic solar cells as a leading source of renewable energy. Organic solar cells use extremely thin layers of plastic semiconductors, instead of silicon, to absorb light and create electricity. They can be lightweight, flexible, and can operate well even in low-light conditions. The semiconductors can be printed like inks resulting in a much lower cost of production.
"The Sustainable Energy Fund is pleased to partner with Plextronics in the research and development of photovoltaic and organic lighting projects. These projects are a natural fit with the SEF's mission of developing and investing in economically viable, energy related projects that promote environmentally sound and sustainable energy use," stated Dennis Maloskey, Chairman of the Program Related Investment Committee.

"The SEF of Central Eastern Pennsylvania is leading the way in efforts to create a diversified energy base by investing in new technologies that will have a dramatic impact on the industry, improve the environment, and create jobs. We are thrilled to have their support. This investment will allow Plextronics to expand our development of Plexcore PV and help us reach our collective goals for solar energy," commented Andrew Hannah, President and CEO, Plextronics.

In March 2006, the West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund (WPPSEF) also invested in Plextronics to support the development of Plexcore(TM) HIL for solid-state lighting. Pennsylvania has one of the nation's most progressive alternative energy portfolio standards. It states that by 2020, 18 percent of all retail energy must come from clean, efficient and advanced resources.

About Sustainable Energy Fund of Central Eastern Pennsylvania

The Sustainable Energy Fund (SEF) of Central Eastern Pennsylvania is a non-profit, private organization dedicated to the use of renewable energy, clean energy technologies, energy conservation and education. Founded in 1999 by the Pennsylvania Utility Commission (PUC), the SEF promotes clean and renewable energy initiatives and enterprises to benefit customers within the PPL service territory and throughout Pennsylvania. To learn more, visit their website at www.thesef.org .

About Plextronics

Plextronics, Inc. is a world leader in developing and delivering active layer technology for printed electronic devices - OLED displays and lighting, polymer solar cells and plastic circuitry. Active layer technology is the printed conductors and semiconductors that drive device performance. Plextronics has unsurpassed control of polymer design and ink formulation, as well as an intimate understanding of device physics and its impact on device performance. This knowledge is applied to the creation of Plexcore(TM) technology, which is specifically designed for each application to maximize device efficiency and operating lifetime in a cost effective manner. In 2006, Plextronics received the following recognition: A Wall Street Journal Technology Innovation Awards Runner-Up, the Organic Semiconductor Industry Awards Start-Up of the Year, A Top 50 Nanotechnology Start-Up by Lux Research, and NREL Clean Energy Entrepreneur of the Year. For additional information, please visit www.plextronics.com .

SOURCE Plextronics, Inc.

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