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Zonnig Delta
Het Zeeuwse energiebedrijf Delta wil zonnecellenfabrikant Solland overnemen. Solland is op zoek naar een sterke financiële en strategische partner om door te kunnen groeien. Een akkoord is op een haar na gesloten. Delta wil uiteindelijk een meerderheidsbelang. Een overnamebedrag wordt niet genoemd. (FD, p.11)
Megaorders voor Limburgse zonnecelfabrikant

Het deze week door energiebedrijf Delta overgenomen
zonnecellenbedrijf Solland in Heerlen blijkt onlangs twee
megaorders te hebben afgesloten. Het gaat om bestellingen van in
totaal 800 mln.

Technip says wins solar power plant contract
PARIS, Feb 15 (Reuters) - French oil services group Technip said on Thursday it had won a contract to help design a 2,500-ton silicon plant in south-eastern France that will supply the solar power industry. It did not provide a value for the contract but said the plant, to be built by Silicium de Provence, represented a total investment of 245 million euros ($320 million).
Technip has said it wants to build up its industrial engineering consultancy and other activities to reduce reliance on the oil and gas industry.

Development agency in India seeks bids to supply solar, other systems
The Haryana Renewable Energy Development Agency, run by the government of the northern Indian state of Haryana, invites tenders to supply and install 126 solar supply light control systems, 846 SPV street lights, 700 solar road studs, 220 solar blinkers (with 37 Watt modules), 21 solar traffic signals (500 Watts), and 11 solar power plants (1 kW). The agency also has issued letters of intent to develop 24 biomass, three small hydroelectric and four wind energy projects and welcomes proposals from developers.
Applications are due February 19 for the solar energy project and February 28 for the other renewables projects. Additional information is available at +91 172 279 0918, fax +91 172 279 0928, email hareda@chd.nic.in, or on the Web at www.hareda.gov.in .

Solon subsidiary remains upbeat about Italian market prospects
Italian solar module producer S.E. Project, a subsidiary of German solar company Solon since 2006, has completed its first photovoltaic roof installation in Bolzano in south Tyrol. The 840-kW plant is the largest of its kind in Italy. Looking ahead, Solon executives expressed optimism about the Italian photovoltaic market following amendments to the 2005 renewable energy feed-in law. They noted that under the initial law, developments were sluggish, with just 6 MW of photovoltaic capacity connected to the grid last year, bringing Italy's total to 30MW, as reported by Italian government agency Gestore dei Servizi Elettrici.
The amendment law, however, "coupled with a simplification of the highly complex application procedure supports the expectation that growth of the Italian photovoltaic market will be more dynamic in 2007 and reach 100 megawatts," the company said.

Wat d8ten jullie van solarworld aan de xetra/techdax, heeft net een order gekregen d8t ik, en staat nu nog laag mischien mooi instap moment?
SPG Solar, Western Wine Services Unveil Record Setting 827 Kilowatt Solar Energy System in Napa
SAN RAFAEL, Calif. - (BUSINESS WIRE) - SPG Solar, Inc. announced today the completion of Phase III of the 827 kilowatt (kW) DC photovoltaic (solar energy) system for Western Wine Services in Napa Valley, California. SPG designed and installed the photovoltaic (PV) system, the largest commercial solar installation of its kind in Napa to date, over a three-year period. Western Wine provides barrel-aging, storage and transportation services for premium Napa winemakers in American Canyon, at the southern end of the Napa Valley. "We immediately recognized the financial and ecological rewards of clean renewable solar energy. Having completed the largest system ever in the Napa Valley, we are delighted to increase our commitment to the environment," said Tony Politeo Vice President, Western Wine Services.
"Clearly the leadership at Western Wine has embraced the sprit of sustainability and has captured the vision to reduce global warming through renewable clean solar energy," said President and CEO of SPG Solar, Dan Thompson.

Western Wine produces enough energy to power 283 California homes each year. The 827 kW solar PV system prevents 1,655,672 lbs. of carbon dioxide from being emitted into the atmosphere annually by a natural gas power plant. It takes 626 acres of pine forest to absorb this much CO2 from the atmosphere each year. This is equivalent to removing 163 passenger cars from the road or offsetting 1,747 barrels of oil.

Net Metering Provides Green Energy for Napa

To properly store its clients' wines, Western Wine Services utilizes mechanical air conditioning and night air exchange to cool its facilities. The PV system produces more energy than Western Wine consumes for a good portion of the year. Excess energy flows back up the utility line through a bi-directional electric meter for credit with PG&E, the local electric utility. Napa Valley homes and businesses adjacent to the warehouses utilize the excess solar, benefiting from the green energy produced by Western Wine.

System Specifications

SPG began design and installation of Phase I of the Western Wine system in 2003, and completed Phase III in December 2006. SPG installed a total of 3,626 PV panels on the rooftops of three Western Wine warehouses in American Canyon.

CONSTRUCTION PHASE I II III ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENERGY PRODUCTION 115 kW DC 231 kW DC 481 kW DC ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PV MODULES 688 1,386 1,552 Kyocera 167-watt Kyocera 167-watt Schott 310-watt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INVERTER 1 Xantrex 100 kW 1 Xantrex 225 kW 1 SatCon 135 kW 1 SatCon 225 kW 1 SatCon 50 kW ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPLETION 2003 2004 December 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------

The solar panels are mounted on open supports to maximize cooling airflow over their top and bottom surfaces, lowering electrical resistance and improving system efficiency. The tilted panels also shed airborne dust, promoting the collection of photons from the sun by staying clean.

SPG's proprietary SunSpot(R) monitoring system reports how much energy the Western Wine PV system produces throughout the day. Western Wine management uses the SunSpot(R) web interface to view the system's productivity in real time online.

About Western Wine Services

Western Wine Services provides storage/fulfillment and transportation services to over 140 domestic wineries and importers. Located in the City of American Canyon at the southern end of Napa Valley, Western Wine's facilities encompass over 1 million square feet. The warehouses are conveniently located close to the San Francisco Bay Area's ocean ports and intermodal transportation facilities. Its sister company, Western Carriers, provides similar services at its operation in North Bergen, New Jersey. For more information, visit www.westerncarriers.com .

About SPG Solar, Inc.

SPG Solar, Inc. (SPG) is one of the renewable energy industry's leading integrated developer, designer, and installer of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems for homes, businesses, agriculture and large-scale commercial and government facilities. SPG Solar was founded in 2001 in response to California's rolling blackouts and skyrocketing energy prices and is committed to building the highest-performing solar PV systems with the highest return on investment. SPG Solar is an expert provider of solar energy systems for wineries and vineyards, meeting their seasonal needs with clean renewable energy generated on-site. SPG Solar has designed and installed PV systems for numerous wineries and wine industry businesses, for a cumulative 1.9 MW of power.

For more information, visit www.spgsolar.com .

New York (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Analysten der Citigroup stufen die Aktie von SolarWorld (ISIN DE0005108401 / WKN 510840) unverändert mit "hold" ein.

SolarWorld habe mitgeteilt, für 30 Mio. EUR eine Produktionsstätte der japanischen Komatsu-Gruppe im US-Bundesstaat Oregon übernommen zu haben. Es sollten bis 2009 weitere 300 Mio. EUR investiert werden, um die Kapazität auf 500 MW auszuweiten.


Der Preis von 30 Mio. EUR erscheine angesichts des Bilds von der Anlage zu schön um wahr zu sein. Es sei schon ein Wunder, wie dies möglich sei und kein anderes Solarunternehmen sein Interesse bekundet habe, was sicherlich den Preis in die Höhe getrieben hätte.

SolarWorld wolle bis 2010 eine Gesamtkapazität von 1 GW aufbauen, aufgeteilt in 500 MW in den USA und 500 MW in Freiberg. Dies sei ein recht anspruchsvolles Ziel und würde die bisherige Zielsetzung verdoppeln. Allerdings bedeute Kapazität nicht gleich Produktion. Quantitative Aussagen bzgl. der Versorgung seien nicht gemacht worden. Mangels dieser Informationen scheue man sich noch die Kapazitätenausweitung voll im Modell zu berücksichtigen. In 2007 dürfte es in Vancouver und Hillsboro zu höheren Anfangskosten kommen. Ab 2008 würden die Schätzungen nur moderat steigen, wobei man sagen müsse, dass man sich mit den Prognosen bereits am oberen Ende der Konsenserwartungen befinde.

Insgesamt scheine der Deal exzellent zu sein. Da man aber nicht ausreichend Informationen habe, würde nur ein Teil des Potenzials im Modell berücksichtigt, wodurch das Kursziel von 60,50 auf 64 EUR steige.

Vor diesem Hintergrund bleiben die Analysten der Citigroup bei ihrer Empfehlung die Aktie von SolarWorld zu halten. (02.03.2007/ac/a/t)

(By Zep Hu)
Taipei, Feb. 28 (CNA) The total production value of Taiwan's solar cell industry is estimated to top NT$20 billion-NT$25 billion (US$ 605 million-US$757 million) by 2010, a four-fold expansion compared with the present value, academic sources said Wednesday. Officials at the Hsinchu-based Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) said that thanks to a complete upstream-to-downstream production capacity, the solar cell industry has a good opportunity to engage in fast expansion along with the surging global demand for clean, renewable energy.
The current production value of solar cells in Taiwan is about NT$5.6 billion, representing 6 percent of the global market.

Officials said that with the help of government funding -- including NT$16.5 billion in investment over the next five years, a favorable purchase price for solar energy at NT$10 per kilowatt- hour, and a 50 percent subsidy for solar energy equipment, Taiwan's total production capacity will top 280 megawatts by 2010, with an estimated market value of NT$20 billion-NT$25 billion.

Taiwan's global market share will have expanded to 15 percent-20 percent by that time, they predicted.

Gamesa subsidiary wraps up work on Spain's biggest PV plant
Gamesa Solar, an affiliate of Spanish wind power giant Gamesa Corp, has commissioned the 3.4-MW Aznolcóllar solar array in the sun-drenched Spanish province of Seville. Aznalcóllar beats other much larger and advanced projects in the works to become Spain's largest operational photovoltaic plant to date. Gamesa told Platts it built all five phases of the complex and will remain as operator of the 1-MW fifth phase. The other four phases were sold during development to renewables firm Idesa, which now claims 13.3% control of Spain's online PV market. Idesa will manage phases 1-4 after selling each of the modules to 106 private investors.
The entire complex, with an estimated annual production of 5.4 GWh, comprises 28,000 static modules from a wide range of suppliers, including Gamesa Solar's 1051–1611 watt range. Idesa now plans to expand the complex to 13.5 MW
5 grootste dalers
SOLF Solarfun Power 12,97 13,57 -4,42%
NOM.V Norsemont 1,72 1,82 -5,49%
RPT.V Rampart 0,40 0,42 -5,95%
XE.V Xemplar 1,56 1,66 -6,02%
VK.PA Vallourec 174,75 188,23 -7,16%
Was beetje tegenvallende dag bij MT. Heb mij met mijn snoepgeld wat STP (Suntech Power Technology) gekocht. Heb er geen spijt van. Zie het als LT belegging.
Juwi plans 40-MW PV plant
Renewable energy developer Juwi is developing a 40-MW photovoltaic plant, described as the largest planned in the world, for a site in Brandis near Leipzig in the state of Saxony (Sachsen) formerly used as a military airport. The plant will be installed on 110 hectares of land, equivalent to the area covered by 200 football pitches. Thanks to its size the plant's specific installation costs will amount to about €3,250/kW, 20-40% below current solar market prices, says the company. Sachsen Landesbank will organize project financing for the €130 million investment. Equity to be raised through a closed-end fund which SachsenFonds, part of the Sachsen Landesbank, will market, probably in the summer.
Output will reach around 40 GWh/year, avoiding annual CO2 emissions of 25,000 tons. Under Germany's renewable energy support law, the electricity will command a price of €0.3318-0.3796/kWh depending on the commissioning date. The plant will come on line in stages between 2007 and 2009. The PV plant is expected to operate for at least 20 years, but probably 30-40 years, says Juwi. In a bullish outlook, Juwi predicts that within ten years PV power will be cheaper than conventional power: "that will unleash a boom of quite new dimensions because everybody will want a plant."

DJ Norsk Hydro:Ascent Investment Underpinned By Strong Solar Mkt
OSLO, Mar 14, 2007 (DJCS via Comtex) -- Norsk Hydro ASA (NHY) said Wednesday that significant growth in the solar energy market underpinned its purchase of 1.6 million Ascent Solar Technologies shares announced late Tuesday.
"We believe the solar market will continue to grow," said Hydro spokesman Lars Nermoen. "We have competence from the aluminium side on building systems and will look for opportunities to find new solutions for buildings when it comes to solar integrated systems."

Hydro's investment of $9.236 million in Ascent Solar Technologies Inc. (ASTI) through the purchase of 23% of the company's shares at $5.7725 a share, is its second foray into the solar market.

In November 2006 it invested 150 million Norwegian kroner ($24.5 million) investment in Norsun, a company planning to open a plant in Norway producing monocystalline silicon wafers for solar cells.

Nermoen said Hydro may consider taking some new positions in the solar industry, but he couldn't comment further.

"First of all we have to make these investments work," Nermoen said.

Under Tuesday's deal Hydro is entitled to purchase up to an additional 12% of the outstanding shares of Ascent Solar's common stock post-issuance and a corresponding proportion of Class A and Class B warrants.

Ascent Solar produces extremely thin cells by applying a later of copper, indium, gallium and selenide, or CIGS, to a flexible foil which can be applied to curved surfaces as well as being used in the same way as conventional cells. In addition, in contrast with existing solar cells, they will be produced in a continuous manufacturing process which, combined with low material consumption means production costs are low.

"Ascent Solar's flexible film is very exciting...flexible solar cells have a large number of potential applications in the future," said Hydro's head of oil and energy markets Jorgen Arentz Rostrup.

Norsk Hydro's oil and gas assets are in the process of being spun-off to Norwegian oil and gas giant Statoil ASA (STO) in a $30 billion deal due to complete later this year. Hydro will remain as a stand alone aluminium company.

Company Web site: www.hydro.com

-By Elizabeth Cowley, Dow Jones Newswires; +47 22 20 10 58; elizabeth.cowley@dowjones.com

Brenninkmeijers nu ook zonnekoningen

Familie investeert viaZwitsers investeringsbedrijf Good Energies miljarden in zonnestroom


MAASTRICHT/ZUG — Ze zitten al zes generaties in textiel, de familie Brenninkmeijer van kledinggigant C&A. Om de monden te kunnen voeden van de nieuwe generaties Brenninkmeijer wordt ook massaal ingezet op zonnestroom. Inmiddels zit de familie voor miljarden in zonen windenergie. Mede dankzij sterk stijgende koersen. ‘We zijn al heel vroeg ingestapt’, zegt woordvoerder Alexander Rohde van de raad van bestuur van investeringsbedrijf Good Energies in het Zwitserse Zug. Good Energies is de duurzame energiedochter van de Cofra Holding van de familie Brenninkmeijer. ‘Vijf jaar geleden deden niet veel mensen dat. Bij Q-Cells in Duitsland was er toen nog niet veel meer dan een houten gebouw en een productielijn. Nu is de productiecapaciteit vele honderden malen groter.’
Het schuurtje van toen is nu een bedrijf met een beurswaarde van ruim € 5 mrd. Een andere successtory van Good Energies is het Noorse Rec. Een verkoop vorige maand van een deel van de aandelen in Rec leverde Good Energies bijna € 800 mln op.
Exacte winstcijfers en investeringsbedragen wil Rohde niet noemen. Wel dat de totale aandelenportefeuille van Good Energies op 31 december 2006 ongeveer €3 mrd waard is. Rohde: ‘En we zijn er niet bij ingeschoten, we maken goede rendementen.’
Good Energies heeft aandelenpakketten van de grootste en veelal explosief stijgende zonnecellenbedrijven in Europa en breidt de belangen uit naar de Verenigde Staten en China. Volgens woordvoerder Rohde is Marcel Brenninkmeijer de man achter de opmars. Rohde stelt dat Marcel Brenninkmeijer ‘een groen hart’ heeft.
Rohde: ‘Hij stelt grote interesse in het milieu. Hij heeft eerst voor C&A een milieuprogramma gemaakt en zich georiënteerd op het verantwoord duurzaam maatschappelijk ondernemen. Zo kwam hij bij de zonnecellen terecht’.
Dat Good Energies vorige maand een deel van het aandelenpakket van het Noorse Rec (met een totale beurswaarde van rond de € 8 mrd) heeft verkocht, is volgens Rohde geen signaal dat het bedrijf de zonnecellen de rug gaat toekeren. ‘Onze mix van bedrijven waarin we zaten was niet in balans. We zaten heel sterk in Rec.’ Overigens blijft Good Energies betrokken bij Rec. Naast verkoop van aandelen tegen geld is een ander deel geruild tegen aandelen van Q-Cells. En dat bedrijf heeft ook weer belangen in Rec.

Volgens Good Energies wordt duurzame energie alleen maar belangrijker. ‘Want we hebben twee grote problemen in de wereld, energie en water.’ De prijs van zonnestroom zal de komende jaren verder verlaagd worden, denkt de woordvoerder. ‘Door massaproductie dalen de kosten. En door betere technologie stijgt de energieopbrengst van zonnecellen.’ Toch denkt de zegsman van Good Energies dat overheidssubsidie de komende vijf tot tien jaar nog nodig is om de prijs concurrerend te maken met fossiele brandstoffen en kernenergie. ‘Anders bereik je nooit wat de Europese Commissie wil, 20% alternatieve energie in 2020.’
Inmiddels heeft Marcel Brenninkmeijer binnen de familie ‘concurrentie’ gekregen, al spreekt Rohde van ‘versterking’. Neef Herman Brenninkmeijer zit inmiddels ook in de zonnecellen en windenergie. Hij heeft via een andere dochter van Cofra, het Entrepreneurs Fund, een belang in het Utrechtse wind-en zonnestroombedrijf Econcern, de onderneming waar ook een andere bekende Nederlandse ondernemersfamilie, Fentener van Vlissingen, aandelen van heeft.

Plextronics receives $750K to develop solar cells.(NORTH AMERICA: GLOBAL NEWS)
Molinaro, Hope
Plextronics of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, has announced that it has received $750,000 in funding from the Sustainable Energy Fund (SEF) of Central Eastern Pennsylvania to further develop its Plexcore PV technology for organic solar cells. The goal is eventual commercialization of organic solar cells as a leading source of renewable energy. Organic solar cells use extremely thin layers of plastic semiconductors, instead of silicon, to absorb light and create electricity, Plextronics explains. They can be lightweight and flexible, and can operate well even in low-light conditions. The semiconductors can be printed like inks, resulting in a much lower cost of production, says the company.
NV Set to Upstage Neighbor with Largest New Solar Plant
California has created most of the solar buzz with its 10-year statewide initiative for on-site solar photovoltaic (PV) installations and two high-profile proposed baseload concentrating solar power (CSP) projects in the desert regions east of Los Angeles and San Diego in Southern California. However, it is Nevada, with its equally plentiful sunshine in the south, that will boast the nation's largest new CSP solar facility when it begins commercial operations this summer. Sierra Pacific Resources' Nevada Power Co. and Sierra Pacific Power Co. have a long-term contract for all 64 MW and the renewable credits from the parabolic trough system being built in El Dorado Valley east of Las Vegas by Solargenix and Spain's Acciona Energy, SA. They classify the project as the third largest in the nation, and the largest solar installation put together in the last 15 years.
The installation should be hooked to the grid and partially operating in May, according to officials with the equipment maker, New York-based Schott North America. An education center and other peripheral parts of the installation will be finished between May and the official commercial launch.

"The parabolic trough work is about 99.5% complete," said a Schott official in a brief interview with Power Market Today on Tuesday. "Most of the remaining work is centered on the power block, with its turbines and generator."

Called "Nevada Solar One," this project has been around for five years, originally as part of a supply contract between the Sierra Pacific utilities and a predecessor company to Solargenix. Originally, the two Nevada utilities were counting on supplies from the project -- then slated at the 50 MW level -- in 2005 or 2006.

Construction began a year ago, and initial commercial operations were set to begin by the end of this month. As a CSP system, the facility will consist of a series of concave-shaped troughs that collect the sun's heat and transfer 750 degrees to a steam turbine that will generate the 64 MW.

The technology is considered well tested since the nation's two largest solar installations begun 20 years ago in the Mojave Desert 100 miles northeast of downtown Los Angeles have a collective capacity of 354 MW and have been operated (in recent years by merchant owner/operators) continuously by different owners.

"Parabolic trough power plants can be integrated with conventional fossil fuel power plants for back-up purposes, such as the two California installations or for supplemental purposes in integrated solar combined-cycle power plants," said a Schott spokesperson.

Solar Cube uses solar and wind power to provide clean drinking water and emergency electricity. The system can purify water from any source, and is able to turn up to 1,500 gallons of seawater a day or nearly 3,500 gallons of polluted fresh water a day into clean drinking water. The cube is powered by a built-in bank of 24-volt batteries which are charged by solar panels and a wind generator. The batteries have a charge that lasts for 24 hours and works continuously as long as there is sun or wind. A self-maintained system, the product is able to clean its own filters and will last for a minimum of seven years. Currently, Solar Cube is being used in remote villages in Pakistan, Venezuela and Africa. Spectra Watermakers Inc.; 415-526-2780; www.spectrawatermakers.com Select the product information you want and contact the manufacturer at either the Website or phone number provided. Manufacturers can send information on new products to ENR_Products@mcgraw-hill.com
Renewable Energies in the Spotlight - Bosch Expands Production for Solar Technology; - Increase in worldwide production capacity for solar collectors; - Efficient heating systems in great demand
FARMINGTON HILLS, Mich., April 3 /PRNewswire/ -- The Bosch Group announced that it is significantly expanding its production of solar thermal systems. Bosch's Thermotechnology Division expects sales of more than 150,000 solar collectors in 2007, 60 percent more than it sold in 2006, and is looking to more than double sales by 2009. "The sun provides us with an endless supply of energy, and Bosch already has the technology to use this efficiently," said Wolfgang Chur, member of the Bosch board of management who also oversees the Thermotechnology Division. This year, Bosch is looking to use solar and geothermal systems to boost sales overall by about 100 million euros ($125 million) to 400 million euros ($500 million).
Solar power is second only to wind power in making the greatest contribution to meeting worldwide energy needs among all renewable energy systems. No CO2 emissions are produced during the operation of a solar thermal system. Two collectors, each with a surface area of around two square meters, are required to heat water for a four-person household.

The global market for solar thermal systems is growing strongly with sales expected to reach 2.6 billion euros ($3.26 b) within the next five years. 2006 sales totaled 1.2 billion euros ($1.5 b).

Bosch is meeting this rise in demand by expanding production at its facility in Wettringen, Germany. The number of associates at the location has doubled to 170 in the last two years alone. In addition, a new production line recently went live in Aveiro, Portugal to cater to the increasing demand for solar thermal systems in the southern European market. New regulations came into force in Spain last year that require solar technology to be installed in new buildings and whenever major renovation work is carried out. This meant that the surface area of newly installed collectors nearly doubled in 2006 compared to the previous year. By 2010, the surface area of collectors installed in Spain is expected to total five million square meters leading to 250 million fewer liters (66 million gallons) of heating oil being used and reducing environmental impact by around 550,000 tons of CO2 compared with conventional hot water systems.

Last year, Bosch Thermotechnology launched a new generation of durable collectors that are particularly lightweight and easy to assemble and recycle. Environmentally friendly solar thermal systems in combination with state-of- the-art condensing technology are also more economical to run. "Replacing an old system with one comprising a condensing boiler and solar collectors for water heating can cut energy costs for a household in Germany by up to 800 euros ($1,000) a year," said Dr. Joachim Berner, president of Bosch Thermotechnology Division.

In addition to expanding its production capacities for solar collectors, the Bosch Group has also stepped up its activities in the heat-pump field. At the end of January, it acquired Ft. Lauderdale, FL-based FHP Manufacturing, a leading supplier in the heat-pump industry. Two years ago, Bosch also acquired Swedish manufacturer IVT Holding AB. Recently, at the ISH trade fair in Frankfurt, Bosch presented a burner that can run on vegetable oil. Bosch expects that systems that use renewable energy will account for half of the German thermotechnology market by 2009 from 35 percent today. In Europe as a whole, this share will rise to 26 percent by 2015.

The Bosch Group is a leading global manufacturer of automotive and industrial technology, consumer goods, and building technology. In fiscal 2006, some 260,000 associates generated sales of 43.7 billion euros. Set up in Stuttgart in 1886 by Robert Bosch (1861-1942) as "Workshop for Precision Mechanics and Electrical Engineering," the Bosch Group today comprises a manufacturing, sales, and after-sales service network of some 300 subsidiaries and more than 13,000 Bosch service centers in over 140 countries.

In North America, the Bosch Group manufactures and markets automotive original equipment and aftermarket products, industrial automation and mobile products, power tools and accessories, security technology, thermo-technology, packaging equipment and household appliances. Bosch employs nearly 22,700 associates in more than 80 primary and 20 associated facilities throughout the region with reported sales of $8.8 billion in 2006. For more information on the company, visit www.bosch.us

Robert Bosch Corporation www.bosch.us Corporate Communications Contact: Eric Kosmider Telephone: 248-876-2474 Fax: 248-876-1116 E-mail: eric.kosmider@us.bosch.com

SOURCE Bosch North America

Italy Installs 186,000 Sq M Solar Energy Collectors 2006
(ANSA) – Brussels, April 23 – In 2006 Italy installed 186,000 sq m of solar energy collectors, which ranked the country among the leaders in the European market, France and Spain. The upward trend is expected to continue with a boom in 2007. According to a survey carried out by the research centre of Solarexpo, an international conference and exhibition on renewable energy, distributed generation and green building, a yearly growth by 54 pct is expected for 2007. Some 286,000 sq m of solar energy collectors are forecast to be installed in the country in 2007, reaching about 1.0 million sq m in total.
The data from the survey significantly differ from the official figures presented so far, which spoke of an increase in solar energy installations in 2006 by between 70,000 sq m and 80,000 sq m.

According to the Solarexpo research, the turnover generated by solar energy in 2006 stood at some 78 mln euro ($105.6 mln) and the sector guaranteed 2,000 full-time jobs. The turnover for 2007 has been estimated at 120 mln euro ($162.5 mln) and the number of jobs is seen rising to 3,000. (ANSA).


Source: ANSA (MI/IM/MI)
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