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Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Calo Drilling Encounters Porphyry Related Alteration


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EDMONTON, Alberta; March 28, 2007 - Mindoro Resources Ltd. (TSXV: MIO; Frankfurt: WKN 906167) today reported results of the first two reconnaissance drill holes from its Calo porphyry copper-gold prospect, located within Mindoro's Batangas projects, Luzon Island, the Philippines. Both holes encountered hydrothermal alteration, consistent with the outer pyritic halo of a porphyry copper-gold system. A third hole, a further two kilometers distant from the first two holes, is commencing and is targeting an area of advanced argillic alteration, with associated copper showings. Due to the very large size of the target, this initial program of 3,500 meters in six drill holes will be widely-spaced; up to two kilometers apart.

Tony Climie, President of Mindoro, commented, "We are pleased with these results, as the first two holes ever drilled into Calo, and two kilometers apart, both encountered porphyry-related alteration. These results support our surface indications of a large porphyry copper-gold system. We will continue our program of wide spaced drilling with the objective of vectoring into the mineralization centers."

Hole Cl-1 was drilled in the southern part of the target and intersected loosely consolidated young cover sediments and pyroclastic materials from collar to 162 m depth. Volcanic breccias, flows and tuffs were then intersected to hole bottom at 502 meters. Zones of opaline silicification, pyritization and clay alteration were encountered, with intensity of hydrothermal alteration increasing with depth. Pyrite content [up to 15 per cent] and fracture frequency both increase towards hole bottom. Anomalous zinc [to 960 parts per million] and copper [to 200 parts per million], gold and arsenic are associated with the pyritic zones. The hole was terminated prematurely due to operational problems.

Hole Cl-2 was drilled two kilometers to the north. It intersected volcanic breccias, flow and tuffs, with zones of opaline and chalcedonic silica alteration, chloritization and barite. Sericite alteration occurs in structural zones. Geochemical results have not yet been received.

click to enlarge

The alteration is strongest in the more permeable volcanics units, indicating lateral flow of hydrothermal fluids. The opaline and chalcedonic silica and barite are interpreted to be associated with epithermal mineralization events, both low and high sulphidation, which frequently overprint porphyry copper-gold systems in the Philippines. The high temperature sericite alteration in Cl-2 is interpreted as porphyry-related. The high pyrite contents are consistent with the outer pyrite halo associated with porphyry copper-gold systems.

Hole Cl-3 is commencing in a further two kilometer step-out and will be drilled in an area of advanced argillic alteration on the western part of Calo. Copper and copper-gold showings are associated with the argillic alteration, and skarn copper mineralization was located nearby in newly acquired ground not yet covered by geophysical [IP] surveys.

Mindoro's Batangas projects cover over 30,000 hectares in a well-mineralized copper-gold belt and include the Kay Tanda epithermal gold-silver prospect, where resource delineation is in progress, and the promising Calo, El Paso and Archangel porphyry copper-gold prospects, each with multiple targets. Phelps Dodge's [now Freeport McMoRan] Taysan porphyry copper-gold deposit is approximately nine kilometers north of Calo.


As described in Mindoro's November 30, 2006, press release, the Company has defined a cluster of unusually large Induced Polarization anomalies at Calo, with extremely high chargeability readings of up to 100 msecs against a background of 6-8 msecs. Much of the anomaly cluster, which is at least three kilometers by six kilometers in extent, is covered by younger rocks; with the source, therefore, being obscured. The anomalies are interpreted as related to porphyry-copper-gold mineralization, possibly with multiple mineralization centers. High-sulphidation epithermal copper-gold showings, along with advanced argillic alteration, are usually indicative of proximity to porphyry mineralization in the Philippines, as well as diatreme breccias and porphyry-type alteration, occur around the margins of the chargeability anomalies, and in erosional windows.

Porphyry copper-gold mineralization has already been drill-intersected by Mindoro on the far-eastern margin of Calo, where Pica drill hole 2 intersected 213 meters of 0.18 percent copper and 0.30 grams per tonne gold below a cap of advanced argillic alteration. In another area, young volcanic conglomerates above the chargeability anomaly contain exotic copper mineralization which has moved in from an unknown source, and quite possibly from the chargeability anomaly below. Two trenches in this showing gave 2.62 percent copper over 30 meters, and 2.17 percent copper over 20 meters.

Programs are carried out under the supervision of Tony Climie, P.Geol., who is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

komt allemaal goed!
Mindoro Resources Ltd.: Further Drill Results Reported From Kay Tanda and Geostatistical Resource Estimate Commissioned

EDMONTON, ALBERTA, Apr 4, 2007 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --
Mindoro Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:MIO)(FRANKFURT:WKN 906167) today reported results from a further eighteen reverse circulation drill (RC) holes and partial results of four core (DH) holes from the Kay Tanda epithermal gold-silver prospect, located in the Archangel Project, the Philippines. The latest drill results are from a combination of infill and extension drilling. Although mineralization is still open in most directions, Mindoro considers it has established a foundation on which to move on to an advanced evaluation of the project's economic potential. Accordingly, a geostatistical resource estimate has been commissioned which will form the basis to proceed with a full NI 43-101 resource estimate.
Drill highlights include (intersections are believed to approximate true thicknesses):

- 14 meters of 2.16 grams per tonne (g/t) gold in KTRC-80

- 64 meters of 0.50 g/t gold in KTRC-82

- 42 meters of 0.66 g/t gold in KTRC-86

- 30 meters of 1.27 g/t gold in PLRC-39

- 20 meters of 1.64 g/t gold PLRC-40

- 60 meters of 1.46 g/t gold and 25.10 g/t silver in PLDH-01, including 6 meters of 11.10 g/t gold and 231.51 g/t silver

Near-surface mineralization has now been outlined over a strike length of about one kilometer, with a width of up to 700 meters. This is based on drilling at 50 meter centers, with some infill holes at 25 meter spacing on section to confirm internal continuity. Initially, Kay Tanda is being evaluated for its open-pit, heap-leach potential. At a later date, drilling will be extended to test the higher-grade, deeper mineralization intercepts encountered, as well as porphyry copper-gold related alteration and mineralization in deeper drill holes. As reported (see news release dated March 21, 2007), metallurgical testing to date has given excellent results. Metallurgical testing is on-going and further results will be reported in the near future.

Although the mineralization is open in most directions, Golder Associates in Brisbane, Australia, has been commissioned to carry out an initial indicator kriging resource estimate on that part of the prospect drilled to date. This will form the basis to proceed with a full NI 43-101 resource estimate.

SUMMARY OF LATEST RESULTSThe table below summarizes results of the latest drilling.(Based on a cut-off grade of 0.3 g/t gold)--------------------------------------------------------------- SAMPLE LENGTH FROM TO (m) Au g/t Ag g/t---------------------------------------------------------------KTRC 80 (RC Hole)---------------------------------------------------------------9800N : 9851E Vertical--------------------------------------------------------------- 10 14 4 0.32 0.50--------------------------------------------------------------- 16 18 2 0.30 0.50--------------------------------------------------------------- 26 32 6 0.48 0.63--------------------------------------------------------------- 44 60 16 0.85 0.75---------------------------------------------------------------Including 54 58 4 1.91 0.50--------------------------------------------------------------- 78 92 14 1.45 0.88---------------------------------------------------------------Including 88 90 2 6.56 1.35--------------------------------------------------------------- 118 132 14 2.16 0.79---------------------------------------------------------------Including 118 124 6 4.17 1.18---------------------------------------------------------------KTRC 81 (RC Hole)--------------------------------------------------------------- Direction: Incl: 320 -659750N : 9650E degrees degrees--------------------------------------------------------------- 24 38 14 0.38 3.50--------------------------------------------------------------- 58 96 38 0.66 0.98---------------------------------------------------------------Including 82 92 10 1.66 1.06--------------------------------------------------------------- 128 148 20 0.50 0.50---------------------------------------------------------------KTRC 82 (RC Hole)--------------------------------------------------------------- Direction: Incl: 140 -6010100N : 9750E degrees degrees--------------------------------------------------------------- 16 80 64 0.50 0.75---------------------------------------------------------------KTRC 83 (RC Hole)--------------------------------------------------------------- Direction: Incl: 140 -7010100N : 9700E degrees degrees--------------------------------------------------------------- 38 40 2 0.33 0.90--------------------------------------------------------------- 68 74 6 0.38 0.53--------------------------------------------------------------- 88 89 1 0.35 1.30---------------------------------------------------------------KTRC 84 (RC Hole)--------------------------------------------------------------- Direction: Incl: 140 -7010200N : 10100E degrees degrees--------------------------------------------------------------- 46 48 2 0.38 1.20--------------------------------------------------------------- 52 88 36 0.42 2.10---------------------------------------------------------------KTRC 85 (RC Hole)--------------------------------------------------------------- Direction: Incl: 320 -6510185N : 9900E degrees degrees--------------------------------------------------------------- 6 8 2 0.39 0.85--------------------------------------------------------------- 24 32 8 0.64 0.55--------------------------------------------------------------- 44 46 2 0.87 0.60--------------------------------------------------------------- 54 66 12 1.60 1.18---------------------------------------------------------------KTRC 86 (RC Hole)--------------------------------------------------------------- Direction: Incl: 140 -7010185N : 9900E degrees degrees--------------------------------------------------------------- 6 14 8 0.45 1.63--------------------------------------------------------------- 28 70 42 0.66 0.54---------------------------------------------------------------Including 52 60 8 1.96 0.50--------------------------------------------------------------- 92 94 2 6.42 0.60--------------------------------------------------------------- 106 108 2 0.63 0.50---------------------------------------------------------------KTRC 87 (RC Hole)--------------------------------------------------------------- Direction: Incl: 140 -7010200N : 10050E degrees degrees--------------------------------------------------------------- 10 18 8 0.70 8.09--------------------------------------------------------------- 52 54 2 0.57 1.10--------------------------------------------------------------- 62 66 4 0.43 3.15--------------------------------------------------------------- 88 90 2 0.93 1.50---------------------------------------------------------------KTRC 88 (RC Hole)--------------------------------------------------------------- Direction: Incl: 140 -7010150N : 9900E degrees degrees--------------------------------------------------------------- 4 44 40 0.49 1.63---------------------------------------------------------------Including 32 34 2 3.24 3.15--------------------------------------------------------------- 62 66 4 1.07 0.50---------------------------------------------------------------KTRC 89 (RC Hole)--------------------------------------------------------------- Direction: Incl: 140 -6510200N :
'The alteration is strongest in the more permeable volcanics units, indicating lateral flow of hydrothermal fluids. The opaline and chalcedonic silica and barite are interpreted to be associated with epithermal mineralization events, both low and high sulphidation, which frequently overprint porphyry copper-gold systems in the Philippines. The high temperature sericite alteration in Cl-2 is interpreted as porphyry-related. The high pyrite contents are consistent with the outer pyrite halo associated with porphyry copper-gold systems.'


uit het bovenstaande blijkt : zowel high als low sulphidation, dwz gemiddeld behoorlijke zwavelgehaltes in erts, dwz grote milieubelasting bij mining, wat het rendement ernstig aantast, om van het milieu nog maar te zwijgen. Verder is sprake van ijzerverbindingen in de vorm van pyriet: maw ijzer-zwavel verbinding. Dit is een lastige vervuiling die, alweer, het rendement bij mining aantast.
Het is niet alles goud wat er blinkt....

oud nieuws, onderstaande info reeds op 1 febr. geplaatst.

am very glad you brought this to my attention. Mindoro is, and always has been, a socially and environmentally responsible company. Global communication can be a wonderful thing, but it is sad that people choose to use it to spread lies and slander without having to be held accountable. A few issues to clarify:

- Mindoro is not involved in any mining at the moment, only exploration
- Mindoro does not trespass - we negotiate access with the local landowners. If we do not have permission of the local landowner, then we do not access their land.
- Landowners are compensated more than fair value for any trees or crops damaged in our exploration activities.
- Mindoro works with local communities to provide benefit through our exploration activities. For example, when we needed to build a drill access road in our Agata project, we worked with the local communities to build a farm-to-market road for all to enjoy. This quality of road was much higher standard (and more expensive) than we required for our own drill access needs, but it is our policy to work with the community and assist in ways that benefit all.
- Regarding trees, we are explorers, not loggers, we are not in the business of cutting and selling trees.
- Our website is alive and well and can be accessed by anyone at www.mindoro.com
- We do not pay bribes - that is illegal and we don't work that way; we work with local government units and landowners to bring a better quality of life to the broader community. We employ locals to work in our operations. We currently have about 600 rotating field workers in our employ. We count on the support of local people to assist us in our exploration endeavors.
- We have a strong policy of environmental responsibility which is strictly implemented and monitored to ensure compliance
- Mindoro does not employ armed security guards - I have no idea what we would be trying to scare everyone away from.
- Mindoro recently underwent a very thorough environmental and social responsibility review process by the IFC in connection with the investment by Asian Lion Limited. We are required to comply with IFC social and environmental performance standards in all our activities.
- Working in an ethical and responsible manner is a cornerstone of our business philosophy - one that each of us holds as not just a corporate responsibility, but a personal one as well.

I hope I have helped to clear up some misconceptions. If there is something specific that you would like to discuss further, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Penny Gould
Executive Vice President
Waarom komt er naar dit redelijke nieuws geen lichte koersstijging?

Zou iemand kort kunnen vermelden wat dit nieuws nu in contrast staat met de verwachtingen over het Kay Tanda gebied.


Leon Schaap schreef:

Waarom komt er naar dit redelijke nieuws geen lichte koersstijging?

Zou iemand kort kunnen vermelden wat dit nieuws nu in contrast staat met de verwachtingen over het Kay Tanda gebied.

Vind je 8% niet eens een lichte stijging ?
Thu Apr 5, 2007
New Transfer Agent


EDMONTON, Alberta; April 5, 2007 - Mindoro Resources Ltd. (TSXV: MIO; Frankfurt: WKN 906167) today announced that it has appointed Valiant Trust Company as its registrar and transfer agent for Mindoro's common shares. All future inquiries and correspondence relating to shareholder records, transfer of shares, lost certificates, or change of address should be directed to Valiant Trust Company as follows:

Valiant Trust Company
2300, 10303 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5J 3X6
Toll-Free: 1-866-441-2267
Phone: 780-441-2267
E-mail: inquiries@valianttrust.com

Zie: www.mindoro.com/s/PressReleases.asp?R...

hoi joebar,

Houdt dit persbericht in dat je moet melden bij deze nieuwe instantie als je aandelen hebt in mindoro?

Onervaren en mijn eerste aandelen?
Groet Ellen
Stijging 9,09 %
vandaag 0,04 cent gestegen. van 0,44 naar 0,48.
Ik heb er 5000 van 0,48 dus sta quitte :)gekocht een maand geleden.

Ik kreeg keurig een mail van de vailant trust company, ik hoef uiteraard niets te doen, alleen veranderingen door geven.
Hoi Jetje,

Ik kan het mishebben maar de uiteindelijke winsten zullen toch uit mining moeten komen??
Alleen exploration... is wat ze nu doen geven ze aan in het bericht van 1 febr.

Groet Ellen
helemaal mee eens, wat dacht je wat volgend jaar met het Agatha nickel staat te gebeuren?= inkomsten!
Panoro Minerals to sell Surigao interest to Mindoro

Panoro Minerals Ltd (C:PML)
Shares Issued 37,815,725
Last Close 4/10/2007 $0.85
Wednesday April 11 2007 - Property Agreement

Also Mindoro Resources Ltd (C:MIO) Property Agreement

The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing a purchase and sale agreement between Panoro Minerals Ltd. and Mindoro Resources Ltd., to sell the company's 40-per-cent interest in a package of properties in the Surigao gold district of northern Mindanao, in the Philippines.

The compensation payable by Mindoro to the company is:

$750,000 cash plus 500,000 Mindoro common shares upon signing;
$500,000 cash plus 500,000 Mindoro common shares on the first anniversary of closing;
$500,000 cash on the shipment of a total of one million tonnes of nickel laterite, in the event that the nickel laterite prospect is located on the Agata project and proceeds to production; and
$500,000 cash payment on the first anniversary of the above shipment

De vraag is wanneer pakt de markt het goede nieuws nu eens op

Mindoro Resources Ltd.-New Gold Zone Located at Kay Tanda: 5.96 g/t Gold Over 26 Meters

EDMONTON, ALBERTA--(CCNMatthews - April 17, 2007) - Mindoro Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:MIO)(FRANKFURT:WKN 906167) today reported results from a further ten reverse circulation drill (RC) holes from the Kay Tanda epithermal gold-silver prospect, located in the Archangel Project, the Philippines. A new zone of mineralization was intersected in the northwest part of Kay Tanda where KT-101 intersected 5.96 grams per tonne (g/t) gold over 26 meters from 128 to 154 meters; including 10.18 g/t gold over 14 meters (section 10,050N). Silver results are awaited. KT-101 was an angle hole and the intercept is believed to represent true thickness. It appears to represent a deeper zone of mineralization than previously intersected, and it is open in most directions. The latest drill results are from a combination of infill and extension drilling. Two coring rigs are being moved into proximity to extend this new zone with 50 meter step out holes.
Drill holes KT-99 with 46 meters at 0.40 g/t gold, and KT-103 with 38 meters at 0.91 g/t gold, were angle holes 50 meters apart, bracketing a previous vertical hole KT-44, which gave 76 meters of 1.19 g/t gold. This establishes continuity of extensive near-surface, stockwork mineralization in the western part of Kay Tanda (section 9,800N).

Near-surface mineralization has now been outlined over a strike length of about one kilometer, with a width of more than 700 meters. Drilling to date has been on 50-meter centers, with some infill holes at 25-meter spacing on section to confirm internal continuity. Initially, Kay Tanda is being evaluated for its open-pit, heap-leach potential. As reported on April 3, 2007, although mineralization is still open in most directions, Mindoro considers it has established a foundation on which to move on to an advanced evaluation of the project's economic potential. Accordingly, a geostatistical resource estimate by Golder Associates was commissioned and this will form the basis to proceed with a full NI 43-101 resource estimate. The new intercept in KT-101 underlines the potential for deeper, higher grade mineralization below the near-surface stockwork zone on which drilling has focused to date.

A map posted on Mindoro's website ("Kay Tanda Gold g/t X meters"), shows the location of all drill holes to date and distribution of gold values in grams per tonne (g/t) times intercept length in meters for each hole. Using a cut-off of 0.3 g/t gold, mineralization intercepts for each drill hole are summed and plotted in contour form. Mindoro considers the contoured areas defined by numbers greater than 15 (g/t gold x length of intercept) to be of particular interest. This map format illustrates the distribution of mineralization and provides information on mineralization centers, structural controls, as well as mineralization trends. Two assay cross sections (A-A' and B-B') accompanied the April 3, 2007, release.
Is mindoro op dit moment nog steeds koopwaardig? Op somigge momenten van de dag helemaal is er geen koers informatie?!
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