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vol is vol schreef:

Mindoro stijgt mooi door.....
vasthouden zou ik zeggen!

Gezien het volume aan de laat kant denkt iedereen daar zo over. Moet je eens zien zeg 160 aangeboden, en er worden gigantische partijen ingelegt. Vanmiddag is er een partij van 15000 stukkies weg gegaan. Lijkt me duidelijk dat ons heel veel moois staat te wachten.
Zie: www.mindoro.com/s/PressReleases.asp?R...
Het goede nieuws blijft maar komen, vreemd dat het zo kort na elkaar komt?? Koersmanupilatie of zou het er echt nu van komen? Het zou leuk zijn als Willem Middelkoop eens reageert op dit forum. Hij zou deze berichtgeving goed kunnen analyseren en beoordelen.
van inveztor:

Het exploratiebedrijf kwam gisteren naar buiten met een bevestiging van de uitbreiding van de nikkelzone. Eerder deze week publiceerde Mindoro al interessante boorresultaten op het Kay Tanda goud- en zilverconcessie. Kortom, volgens de markt zijn de resultaten geweldig en moet je dit aandeel bijkopen. Inveztor doet dat dus niet. Als rechtgeaarde contrarian verkopen wij de gehele positie op C$ 1,20, een winst van ruim 41%. De kans is aanwezig dat het aandeel doorstijgt en dan hebben we een opportunity loss. Wij schatten de kans hoger in dat we het aandeel veel goedkoper weer terug kunnen kopen.

Reden voor de verkoop is het uitblijven van nieuws omtrent de koper-goud porphyry concessie, genaamd 'Calo'. 28 maart maakte het bedrijf bekend dat boorstaal C1 mechanische problemen had en dat het bedrijf nog wacht op de geochemische resultaten van boorstaal C2. Het is een veeg teken dat deze resultaten nog niet bekend zijn. De forse stijging van ruim 50% in twee weken tijd is een mooie aanleiding om winst te nemen. Een eventuele teleurstellende update omtrent Calo zal zeker een rondje winstnemingen triggeren. Daarnaast staan er ruim 1,6 miljoen warrants uit met een uitoefenprijs van C$ 1. Deze warrants lopen in december 2007 af. Dit kan ook voor verkoopdruk gaan zorgen. Ondergetekende doet zijn privé-positie ook van de hand op korte termijn.

Peter Vermeulen

Toch leuk dat die man ons zo`n kans weg geeft om voor ons de posities uit te breiden. Gister stond er aan de laat kan 180stuks. Tja, dat haalt niet aan met de transactie kosten enzo. Maar als peter er ff 8000 tegen aan gooit, dan kan er voor ons mooi goedkoop ingeslagen worden. Sommige manieren van beleggen kan ik echt niet vatten. Alsof je een winnend lot van met een miljoen omruilt voor een ander lot in de hoop er 10 miljoen mee te winne.
voor de langer termijn zeker wel een fonds met potentie...

niet raar opkijken bij een daling van 10%

op de plank ermee


comeyertje schreef:

voor de langer termijn zeker wel een fonds met potentie...

niet raar opkijken bij een daling van 10%

op de plank ermee

Precies, en wat is nou 10% op 76cent? Ik heb dit aandeel gekocht, en het nieuws in de gaten gehouden. Naar de koers moet je niet kijken op korte termijn.
EDMONTON, Alberta; July 3, 2007 - Mindoro Resources Ltd. (TSXV: MIO; Frankfurt: WKN 906167) is pleased to report results from a further 13 drill holes on two drill cross sections; 9950N and 10200N on the Agata nickel laterite project. For section 9950N the limonite horizon averages 1.15 percent nickel and 42.16 percent iron over an average thickness of 7.83 meters. For section 10200N, 250 meters to the north, the limonite horizon averages 1.22 percent nickel and 42.02 percent iron over an average thickness of 4.58 meters. These grades exceed current requirements for direct shipping ore for nickel pig iron production in the Asia-Pacific region. The underlying saprolite horizon on section 9950N averages 1.24 percent nickel over an average thickness of 6.54 meters, while for section 10200N the saprolite horizon averages 1.17 percent nickel over an average thickness of 4.50 meters. Mineralization thicknesses exceed expectations, and tonnage of material greater than one percent nickel is expected to be nearly double the original target projection for these two sections.

As reported on March 13, 2007, five coring drill rigs are operating on the Agata nickel laterite project, with the objective of defining a NI 43-101 compliant resource adequate, initially, for three to five years of production at a rate of 500,000 to 700,000 wet metric tonnes per annum of direct shipping-grade material for the very high demand ferro-nickel markets of China, India and Korea. Mindoro has a target production date of the first half of 2008. The drilling is being conducted on 50 meter centers. This initial drill program covers less then ten percent of the area of nickel laterite mineralization mapped to date at Agata. On June 20, 2007, Mindoro released a revised global Exploration Target for the northern part of the Agata Project (see "About The Agata Nickel Laterite Project" below).

Results from 13 drill holes on sections 9950N and 10200N are reported. Results are consistent with the previously reported sections 10000N, 10050N, 10100N and 10150N (June 6 and 18, 2007). A drill location map accompanies this release, as well as two cross sections showing assay results. The iron-rich overburden above the limonite horizon also has high iron content of over 43 percent, as well as greater than 0.7 percent nickel, and has potential for blending purposes. The nickel and iron grades of the limonite horizon are robust, remarkably consistent between all six sections reported to date, and exceed current grade requirements for ferro-nickel feedstock. The average grade of the underlying saprolite horizon (1.21 percent nickel) is diluted by internal boulders and un-lateritized blocks ("floaters") which would be screened out during a mining operation, thus providing higher grade feed which has potential for nickel processing plant feedstock, with corresponding higher credits for nickel content.

Results are exceeding initial expectations and Mindoro management considers they form a sound basis for fast-tracking the project. Haul road designs have been completed, and the Environmental Compliance Certificate is in progress. A mining engineer has been commissioned to carry out mine design planning. Mindoro has been approached by many interested consumers with whom discussions are ongoing.


jetje1 schreef:

EDMONTON, Alberta; July 3, 2007 - Mindoro Resources Ltd. (TSXV: MIO; Frankfurt: WKN 906167) is pleased to report results from a further 13 drill holes on two drill cross sections; 9950N and 10200N on the Agata nickel laterite project. For section 9950N the limonite horizon averages 1.15 percent nickel and 42.16 percent iron over an average thickness of 7.83 meters. For section 10200N, 250 meters to the north, the limonite horizon averages 1.22 percent nickel and 42.02 percent iron over an average thickness of 4.58 meters. These grades exceed current requirements for direct shipping ore for nickel pig iron production in the Asia-Pacific region. The underlying saprolite horizon on section 9950N averages 1.24 percent nickel over an average thickness of 6.54 meters, while for section 10200N the saprolite horizon averages 1.17 percent nickel over an average thickness of 4.50 meters. Mineralization thicknesses exceed expectations, and tonnage of material greater than one percent nickel is expected to be nearly double the original target projection for these two sections.

As reported on March 13, 2007, five coring drill rigs are operating on the Agata nickel laterite project, with the objective of defining a NI 43-101 compliant resource adequate, initially, for three to five years of production at a rate of 500,000 to 700,000 wet metric tonnes per annum of direct shipping-grade material for the very high demand ferro-nickel markets of China, India and Korea. Mindoro has a target production date of the first half of 2008. The drilling is being conducted on 50 meter centers. This initial drill program covers less then ten percent of the area of nickel laterite mineralization mapped to date at Agata. On June 20, 2007, Mindoro released a revised global Exploration Target for the northern part of the Agata Project (see "About The Agata Nickel Laterite Project" below).

Results from 13 drill holes on sections 9950N and 10200N are reported. Results are consistent with the previously reported sections 10000N, 10050N, 10100N and 10150N (June 6 and 18, 2007). A drill location map accompanies this release, as well as two cross sections showing assay results. The iron-rich overburden above the limonite horizon also has high iron content of over 43 percent, as well as greater than 0.7 percent nickel, and has potential for blending purposes. The nickel and iron grades of the limonite horizon are robust, remarkably consistent between all six sections reported to date, and exceed current grade requirements for ferro-nickel feedstock. The average grade of the underlying saprolite horizon (1.21 percent nickel) is diluted by internal boulders and un-lateritized blocks ("floaters") which would be screened out during a mining operation, thus providing higher grade feed which has potential for nickel processing plant feedstock, with corresponding higher credits for nickel content.

Results are exceeding initial expectations and Mindoro management considers they form a sound basis for fast-tracking the project. Haul road designs have been completed, and the Environmental Compliance Certificate is in progress. A mining engineer has been commissioned to carry out mine design planning. Mindoro has been approached by many interested consumers with whom discussions are ongoing.

dat komt wel goed met Mindoro
JULY 4, 2007 - 12:15 ET

Mindoro Resources Ltd.: Calo Drilling Encounters Porphyry Related Alteration

EDMONTON, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - July 4, 2007) - Mindoro Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:MIO)(FRANKFURT:WKN 906167) today reported results of a further three reconnaissance drill holes CL-3 to CL-5 from its Calo porphyry copper-gold prospect, located within Mindoro's Batangas projects, Luzon Island, the Philippines. The three holes were drilled over a distance of one kilometer as a fence along section 9100N. All holes passed through porphyry-related advanced argillic lithocap, argillic alteration, and into inner propylitic alteration below. Structurally-controlled zones of phyllic alteration were encountered in the two easternmost holes (CL-4 and CL-5), with increasing intensity of porphyry-related alteration to the east. Pyrite content ranges from 5 to 15 percent, which probably explains the chargeability anomaly and is interpreted as the pyrite halo of the porphyry system. Anomalous gold, copper, silver, arsenic, zinc and lead were encountered in all holes. Hole CL-6, a further 675 meter step out to grid east has commenced. The map accompanying this release shows the location of all drill holes.

Tony Climie, Mindoro's President commented, "Although we have not yet located the mineralized core of the porphyry copper-gold system within what is a very large target area, we are pleased to note that all holes drilled so far, over a distance of 3.5 kilometers, have intersected porphyry-related alteration. Upon completion of holes six and seven, we will evaluate all results to date to assist us in vectoring in to the mineralization center in a second, more focused round of drilling."

CL-3 (9083N/ 10000E)

CL-3 (3300 degree azimuth/ 75 degree inclination) was drilled to test the advanced argillic zone in the western part of the Calo prospect. It is coincident with a moderate chargeability (20-30 msec) anomaly. The hole intersected advanced argillic alteration down to 16 meters and then porphyritic andesite with propylitic alteration down to hole bottom at 226 meters. Minor base metal sulfides consisting of galena, chalcopyrite and sphalerite are present as veinlets and as fracture fills within the propylitized andesite, plus very fine pyrite (to five percent). The advanced argillic alteration encountered in CL-3 is interpreted to be related to a porphyry system.

CL-4 (9000N/ 10450E)

CL-4 (150 degree azimuth/ 70 degree inclination) was situated in an argillic altered zone with a coincident moderate chargeability (20-30 msec) anomaly. From collar to 60 meters, the hole intersected argillic to intermediate argillic altered andesitic flows and lapilli tuffs, with gypsum veins and minor pyrite and chalcopyrite disseminations. From 60 meters to hole bottom at 360 meters, it intersected propylitic-altered porphyritic andesite. Weak sericite and epidote alteration occur within the propylitized zone, suggesting progressing intensity of porphyry-related alteration towards grid east. Pyrite content averages 10 percent.

CL-5 (9000N/ 10975E)

CL-5 (150 degree azimuth/ 75 degree inclination) was drilled in argillic-altered porphyritic andesite tuff with a coincident moderate to high chargeability anomaly (30-50 msec). The hole intersected weakly altered andesitic tuff down to 46 meters, then argillic to intermediate argillic-altered intercalated porphyritic andesite, lithic tuff and andesitic lapilli tuff with gypsum and anhydrite veins down to 250 meters depth. A narrow zone of vuggy silica zone was intersected from 61 to 65 meters with low grade gold mineralization (1.18 grams per tonne gold over 1.2 meters). High-temperature propylitic altered porphyritic andesite was then intersected to hole bottom at 456 meters. A narrow zone of structurally controlled phyllic alteration overprints the propylitic alteration.

Mindoro's Batangas projects cover over 30,000 hectares in a well-mineralized copper-gold belt and include the Kay Tanda epithermal gold-silver prospect, where a NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate is in progress, as well as the Calo and El Paso porphyry copper-gold targets. Phelps Dodge's (now Freeport McMoRan) Taysan porphyry copper-gold deposit is approximately nine kilometers north of Calo.


As described in Mindoro's November 30, 2006, press release, the Company has defined a cluster of unusually large Induced Polarization anomalies at Calo, with extremely high chargeability readings of up to 100 msecs against a background of 6-8 msecs. Much of the anomaly cluster, which is at least three kilometers by six kilometers in extent, is covered by younger rocks; with the source, therefore, being obscured. The anomalies are interpreted as related to porphyry-copper-gold mineralization, possibly with multiple mineralization centers. High-sulphidation epithermal copper-gold showings, along with advanced argillic alteration - which are usually indicative of proximity to porphyry mineralization in the Philippines - as well as diatreme breccias and porphyry-type alteration, occur around the margins of the chargeability anomalies, and in erosional windows.

Porphyry copper-gold mineralization has already been drill-intersected by Mindoro on the far-eastern margin of Calo, where Pica drill hole two intersected 213 meters of 0.18 percent copper and 0.30 grams per tonne gold below a cap of advanced argillic alteration. In another area, young volcanic breccia above the chargeability anomaly contain exotic copper mineralization which has moved in from an unknown source, and quite possibly from the chargeability anomaly below. Two trenches in this showing gave 2.62 percent copper over 30 meters, and 2.17 percent copper over 20 meters.

Programs are carried out under the supervision of Tony Climie, P.Geol., who is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.


Mindoro is a Tier 1 Issuer trading on the TSX Venture Exchange (MIO) and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (WKN 906167). The Company is carrying out three major drill programs: resource delineation and expansion drilling on the Kay Tanda epithermal gold-silver prospect where a NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate is in progress; reconnaissance drilling on the Calo porphyry copper-gold prospect; and advancing a significant nickel laterite prospect towards early production; in addition to holding another 22 identified porphyry copper-gold prospects in the Philippines.

This release may contain forward-looking statements including management's assessments of future plans and operations, and expectations of future production. These statements are based on current expectations that involve a number of risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated. These risks include, but are not limited to, the risks associated with the mining and exploration industry (e.g. operational risks in development, exploration and production; delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration or development projects or capital expenditures; the uncertainty of reserve estimates; the uncertainty of estimates and projections relating to production). The assumptions used in the preparation of such statements, although considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may prove to be imprecise and, as such, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements.
jetje 1 je vroeg een tijdje geleden naar nog meer van die aandeeltjes heb jij intussen iets op het oog of aangekocht
Jul 06, 2007 08:00 ET
Mindoro Resources Ltd.: Final Results From High Grade Hole KTDH-20 at Kay Tanda
EDMONTON, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - July 6, 2007) - Mindoro Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:MIO)(FRANKFURT:WKN 906167) is pleased to report additional results for two core drill holes from the Kay Tanda epithermal gold-silver prospect, Archangel Project, the Philippines. These include final results from KTDH-20, from which a bonanza intercept of one meter of 246.41 grams per tonne (g/t) gold from 25 to 26 meters was reported on June 15, 2007. Final results for KTDH-20 are 61 meters grading 5.12 g/t gold from 3 to 64 meters, which includes 11 meters of 25.42 g/t gold from 17 to 28 meters, as well as the bonanza intercept noted above. The bonanza intercept enhances overall grade and will be reduced by cutting in the final resource estimate.

It is anticipated that more, similar, high grade zones will be encountered within the large area of mineralization outlined to date at Kay Tanda, where drilling has been mostly on 50 meter by 50 meter centers. Since these zones fall within the area that is already being evaluated for an open pit operation, they will not be pursued by detailed drilling. Their significance is that they indicate a robust mineral system, with potential for high-grade underground mining below the proposed open-pit, and that they will raise the average final open pit head grade. High grade zones encountered below the proposed open pit level will be evaluated in more detail by drilling and underground exploration at a later date. Current focus is on advancing Kay Tanda as an open pit, heap leach operation.

Hole KTDH-19 was a step-out, low-angle hole, on the western part of Kay Tanda. Results included one meter of 643 g/t silver (from 137.5 to 138.5 meters), as well as low-grade gold mineralization deeper in the hole (25 meters of 0.69 g/t gold). Pervasive porphyry-related phyllic and SCC alteration was encountered from 230 meters to hole bottom at 500 meters, with abundant anhydrite, gypsum and quartz veining, with 2 to 10 percent pyrite, and minor, but significant quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite (copper) veining increasing with depth. These porphyry-related alteration and mineralization characteristics are commonly drill-intersected at deeper levels over broad areas at Kay Tanda. Drill targets for drill testing of porphyry potential will be selected once surface evaluation of the entire six kilometer mineralization trend at Archangel has been completed.


The table below summarizes results of the latest drilling (based on a cut-off grade of 0.3 g/t gold).

---------------------------------------------------------------------KTDH 19--------------------------------------------------------------------- Direction: Incl:9893N : 9521E 320 degrees -55 degrees--------------------------------------------------------------------- SAMPLE FROM TO LENGTH (m) Au g/t Ag g/t--------------------------------------------------------------------- 137.50 138.50 1.00 0.50 643.10--------------------------------------------------------------------- 141.00 142.00 1.00 0.49 9.65--------------------------------------------------------------------- 220.00 245.00 25.00 0.69 0.63---------------------------------------------------------------------Including 231.00 235.00 4.00 1.04 1.10--------------------------------------------------------------------- 269.00 270.00 1.00 0.49 0.50--------------------------------------------------------------------- 294.50 297.50 3.00 0.53 N/R--------------------------------------------------------------------- 304.00 305.00 1.00 0.44 N/R--------------------------------------------------------------------- 312.75 314.00 1.25 1.81 N/R---------------------------------------------------------------------KTDH 20--------------------------------------------------------------------- Direction: Incl:9907.6N : 9942.4E 140 degrees -70 degrees--------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.00 64.00 61.00 5.12 0.98---------------------------------------------------------------------Including 17.00 18.00 1.00 12.92 0.50---------------------------------------------------------------------Including 25.00 26.00 1.00 246.41 2.15--------------------------------------------------------------------- 72.00 73.00 1.00 0.44 0.50--------------------------------------------------------------------- 83.00 106.00 23.00 0.50 0.61---------------------------------------------------------------------N/R: not yet received


Epithermal gold-silver mineralization at Kay Tanda is associated with extensive and intense quartz stockworks, veins and hydrothermal breccias, with accompanying base metal sulphides. Kay Tanda is reflected by an induced polarization chargeability anomaly that is about 1.5 kilometers by 1.4 kilometers in extent, which is part of a much larger chargeability anomaly which extends over six kilometers along strike to the northeast. To date, drilling has been conducted only on the Kay Tanda part of the trend.

Mindoro has completed over 150 reverse circulation (RC) and twenty core drill holes at Kay Tanda. Almost all holes have encountered near-surface, generally flat-lying to gently-dipping blanket-like low-grade stockwork mineralization. This is strongly to partially oxidized to depths of 40 to 160 meters and non-oxide below this. Drilling, especially at deeper levels, has encountered at least five steeply-dipping, much higher-grade zones with bonanza grades to 246 g/t gold and over 1,000 g/t silver, which are interpreted as structurally controlled upflow, or "feeder" zones. Further drilling and structural studies are in progress to determine the nature and controls of the high-grade zones. The high-grade mineralization appears to occur preferentially at elevations below 150 meters (ASL) within a boiling zone. Few holes have penetrated to this depth to date. Such upflow zones can be associated with bonanza mineralization and constitute some of the world's best epithermal gold-silver deposits.

At a cut-off of 0.3 grams per tonne (g/t) gold, the immediate Exploration Target is from 35 to 40 million tonnes of open-pitable material at a grade of 0.76 to 0.80 g/t gold and 2.4 to 2.8 g/t silver, containing between 860,000 and 1,000,000 ounces of gold and 2.7 million to 3.6 million ounces of silver. This Exploration Target may be revised upwards at a later date as extension drilling continues with two diamond drill rigs at Kay Tanda. At a cut-off of 0.5 g/t gold, the immediate Exploration Target is from 15 to 20 million tonnes of open-pitable material at a grade of 1.1 to 1.4 g/t gold and 3.0 to 3.4 g/t silver, containing from 530,000 to 900,000 ounces of gold and from 1.45 to 2.2 million ounces of silver.

Kay Tanda is being evaluated for its open-pit, heap leach potential. Initial metallurgical test work has produced excellent results. Kay Tanda is interpreted as intermediate to low sulphidation epithermal quartz-carbonate-gold-silver-base-metal mineralization telescoped into the top of an underlying porphyry copper-gold system.

Programs are carried out under the supervision of Tony Climie, P.Geol., who is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Sample preparation and assaying is performed by McPhar Laboratory of Manila, an ISO 9001/2000 accredited laboratory. Gold assays were by 50 gm fire assay fusion; where gold assays greater than 3 ppm were by gravi
Jetje, mensen waarderen de mening van mensen meer als hele teksten over copieren. Ik mis daarom een reactie van jou op je eigen stuk tekst.

22years schreef:

Jetje, mensen waarderen de mening van mensen meer als hele teksten over copieren. Ik mis daarom een reactie van jou op je eigen stuk tekst.
en waar is die van jou?

jetje1 schreef:

Jetje, mensen waarderen de mening van mensen meer als hele teksten over copieren. Ik mis daarom een reactie van jou op je eigen stuk tekst.

en waar is die van jou?
Beetje makkelijke reactie vind je ook niet?

Renos2 schreef:

Operationeel personeel wordt al geworven voor de eerste open mijn. Zie: biz.yahoo.com/ccn/070713/200707130402...

Kijk, dat is nieuws waar je wat mee kunt. Iets dat aangeeft dat er serieus iets gaande is. Ik ben benieuwd wat de koers is over 2 maanden.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Excellent Final Metallurgical Results from Kay Tanda


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Excellent Final Metallurgical Results from Kay Tanda

EDMONTON, Alberta; July 17, 2007 - Mindoro Resources Ltd. (TSXV: MIO; Frankfurt: WKN 906167) today reported it has received excellent final results from extensive metallurgical testwork of drill core composites for two different crush sizes from both oxide and mixed (transitional) oxide and sulphide mineralized material from the Kay Tanda gold-silver prospect, Philippines. The independent metallurgical consultant noted that "the heap leach results are remarkably good in all cases, with recoveries (of the coarse crush) only approximately 10% below the maximum gold recovery achievable by grinding to a fine size."

Results to date indicate that both composites are highly amenable to heap leaching. It appears that most of the gold occurs in the cracks and fissures in the rocks and is readily accessible to the cyanide solution. Gold dissolution is rapid and high gold recoveries have been obtained from both composites, and with low cyanide consumption.

Kay Tanda is being evaluated for its open-pit, heap-leach potential. Preliminary bottle roll metallurgical test work on reverse circulation cuttings was largely positive (reported on January 14, 2004). A second round of testing was carried out on a small bulk sample of oxidized mineralized material from a pit and gave excellent results (reported on December 2, 2005). The current test had the objective of evaluating heap leach characteristics of near-surface oxide mineralization, as well as deeper mixed oxide/sulphide (transition) mineralization. Samples were collected by large diameter (PQ) core drilling and submitted to Metcon Laboratories, in Australia. The program was designed and supervised by an independent consultant, Peter J. Lewis and Associates of Australia. A summary table of results appears below. The full report will be posted on the Mindoro website in the near future.

Column tests (heap leach tests) were performed on a crush size of minus 12.7mm, i.e. 1/2 inch, which is close to the lower size limit normally used for heap leaching. Gold recovery from the oxide material after 29 days of leaching was 82.4% and for silver 32%. Silver recoveries are normally low and in this range for heap leach operations. Gold recovery from the transition material after 23 days was 78.3%, and silver 42%. Both composites are highly amenable to heap leaching.

Because of the encouraging results a further test was commenced at a very coarse crush size of 50mm (2 inches), since the coarser the crush, the lower the processing costs. Gold recovery from the coarse oxide material after 70 days was still a very high 80.7% and 29% silver. Gold recovery from the transition material after 70 days was 80.1% and for silver 56%. Since the transition sample contained a high proportion of sulphide-related mineralization, and leached very well, a test is also being carried out on deeper, entirely sulphide-related gold and silver mineralization as well.

Mindoro management is most encouraged by the results from Kay Tanda to date and considers them a strong basis for further evaluation of the project's economic potential. Preliminary work on a National Instrument 43-101 resource estimate has commenced, to be followed by a scoping study.

The program is carried out under the supervision of J. A. Climie, P. Geol., President of Mindoro and a "qualified person" as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Metallurgical reports will be posted on Mindoro's website on completion of all testwork.

Ore Type Crush size (mm) Leach time (days) Calculated Head g/t Au Residue grade g/t Ag % Recovery g/t Au Reagent consumptions (kg/t)
g/t Au g/t Ag g/t Au g/t Ag Au Ag Cement Cyanide NaOH
Oxide minus 12.7 29 1.14 3 0.2 2 82.4 32 2 1.43 0.46
minus 50 70 1.09 3 0.21 2 80.7 29 2 1.42 0.35
Transition minus 12.7 23 1.06 2 0.23 1 78.3 42 3 1.47 2.69
minus 50 70 0.95 1 0.19 0.5 80.1 56 6 1.57 0.62

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