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Natural Power complete construction of Sommette wind farm

Natural Power has successfully completed the construction phase of the Sommette wind farm in Picarde, Northern France. Total installed capacity for the Sommette wind farm is 21.6 MW from nine Nordex N117/2400 turbines, each with capacity of 2.4 MW. The project benefits from a 15-year feed in tariff.

Baptiste Durand, Construction Manager at Natural Power in France, said that “Sommette wind farm is a typical French project, where Natural Power’s experts can help the project owner successfully through the construction phase, and we are delighted to have helped deliver this project ahead of schedule.”

Stefan Istrate, Commercial Construction Manager at John Laing, highlighted that “Natural Power delivered a strong performance during the construction phase at Sommette, with a good quality of service, being able to manage the completion of construction and start of the operational phase more than one month in advance.”

Mr John Laing Group plc, the international originator, active investor and manager of infrastructure projects, acquired 100% of the Sommette-Eaucourt wind farm in September 2016, from French developer of the site and also EPC contractor for the BOP. In addition to John Laing’s GBP 11.7 million equity investment, the construction of the Sommette wind farm was project financed with debt from ING Bank.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Arkona offshore wind project in Baltic Sea completed

The heart of the Arkona offshore wind project in the German Baltic Sea has been completed on schedule. The electric offshore transformer station has now been successfully installed at a water depth of almost 30 meters. Moving the so-called 'topside' from a barge onto the foundation with the crane ship Oleg Strasnov was the installation of the world's heaviest alternating current platform, which had previously been lifted in one block on the high seas.

The largest single component of the billion-euro project weighs more than 5,000 tons and consists of the jacket foundation anchored in the seabed and the topside with the electrical switchgear and transformers. It is the size of an eight-storey apartment building and has a helipad at an altitude of 70 metres above sea level. The construction of the transformer station at the French shipyard STX required more than 500,000 working hours.

The joint venture consisting of E.ON and Statoil will jointly use the platform with the transmission grid operator 50Hertz. The unmanned station is located in the middle of the construction site of the wind farm and will bundle the electricity produced by the 60 wind turbines, which is then transported to the mainland by sea cable. The substation is operated from the operating station of the wind farm in the port of Mukran Port in Sassnitz on Rugen island, while E.ONs Offshore Marine Coordination Center in Hamburg monitors and controls the operation.

The next step in the construction phase will be the laying of the internal parking cabling. Finally, in late summer, the erection of the wind turbines on the foundations already installed will start. The complete commissioning of the entire wind farm is planned for 2019.

The Arkona project is located 35 kilometres northeast of the island of Rugen. The wind farm will have an output of 385 megawatts (MW) and can theoretically supply around 400,000 households with renewable energy. The investment volume amounts to 1.2 billion euros. Compared to conventionally generated electricity, Arkona saves up to 1.2 million tons of CO2 per year. 60 turbines in the six-megawatt class from Siemens will be installed. The plants are based on monopile foundations in water depths of 23 to 37 metres.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
ERG steps up growth in France

ERG, through its subsidiary ERG Power Generation SpA has signed an agreement with Impax New Energy Holding Cooperatief W.A., a Dutch company owned by Impax New Energy Investors II, for the acquisition of Parc Eolien du Melier SAS, which owns an 8-MW wind farm, with an expected output of around 23 GWh. The wind farm is entitled to benefit from the 2014 feed-in-tariff (FIT) for a period of 15 years following its coming on stream, which took place in November 2016;

Parc Eolien de la Vallée de Torfou SAS, which owns an 18-MW wind farm currently under construction, with an estimated average output of 48 GWh, scheduled to come on stream by the end of 2018. The wind farm will benefit from the 2014 FIT for a period of 15 years;

Epuron Energies Renouvelables SAS, which owns a pipeline of approximately 750 MW, comprising the following:

- Wave I, which includes 5 projects at an advanced stage of development with a total capacity of 101 MW, whose authorisation procedure presently underway envisages access to the 2016 FIP tariff, expected to come on stream during the second half of 2021;
- Wave II, which includes 5 projects at an intermediate stage of development, with a total capacity of 143 MW, whose authorisation procedure is currently under appraisal, expected to come on stream during the second half of 2022;
- Wave III, which includes "early stage" projects with a total capacity of over 500 MW, expected to come on stream after 2022.

Also included within the scope of the transaction is a team of 12 people, located between the Paris and Nantes offices, with a sound and long-standing experience in the development of greenfield projects, which will supplement ERG's existing presence in France, taking it to a total headcount of 45 comprising technicians assigned to management of the assets and professionals engaged to maximise the installed capacity.

In terms of Enterprise Value, the total price payable amounts to 57 million Euro, of which around 17 million Euro pertaining to the Project Financing outstanding as at 31 December 2017. The agreement, insofar as concerns the pipeline, also provides for an "earn-out" mechanism in favour of the Seller for a total sum of approximately 5 million Euro.

The transaction Closing, subject to certain conditions precedent, first and foremost the approval by the Project Finance financing institution, is expected to take place during the second quarter of 2018.

Mr Luca Bettonte, ERG's Chief Executive Officer, commented that "This transaction, which is part of our French growth strategy, will allow us to achieve an installed capacity of almost 300 MW in the country by the end of the year. We are also growing in terms of development potential, due to the acquisition of a team whose long-standing and proven experience in the sector will supplement our structures already existing in France. Moreover, in keeping with the Business Plan objectives, the pipeline acquired will enable us to expand and step up the organic growth path that commenced with the co-development agreement recently finalised with Vent d'Est, regarding a pipeline of 300 MW.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Stormachtige ontwikkelingen rond wind op zee

Het stormt achter de horizon. De komende tijd verrijst er bijna jaarlijks een nieuw windpark op zee. Vooral de Noordzee wordt een drukke bouwplaats, met steeds grotere turbines, installatieschepen, helihavens - en lagere kosten.

Foto: HH. (zie bijlage)

Jan Bruggenthijs, topman van Sif Group, zei het een beetje terloops. Het was augustus 2017 en in een zaaltje op het hoofdkantoor van ABN Amro aan de Zuidas had hij net een toelichting gegeven op de tegenvallende halfjaarcijfers. Bruggenthijs, die in mei vertrekt bij het bedrijf dat funderingen windturbines maakt, sprak over de 'snel dalende kosten voor wind op zee'.

Jan Bruggenthijs.Foto: Peter Boer.
Die kostendaling is gunstig voor de consument. Maar raakt het steeds goedkoper worden van windenergie niet de verdiencapaciteit van de toeleveranciers?
'Het gaat om efficiency', doceerde de boomlange topman van Sif. Het bedrijf uit Roermond was mede daarom verhuisd naar Rotterdam. Dat ligt pal aan de Noordzee, waar de enorme stalen funderingen - in jargon: monopiles - uiteindelijk komen te staan.

'Onze kade is uitgebaggerd in opdracht van het havenbedrijf. Op de bodem is zand gelegd,' vertelde Bruggenthijs. Schepen die de monopiles ophalen staan dan op poten die ze even laten zakken. 'In de klei zakten die poten weg. Dan duurde het laden van die schepen twee dagen', zei Bruggenthijs. 'Met de zandondergrond, die door de poten van het laadschip nog verder wordt aangestampt, duurt het laden 14 tot 18 uur. Dat scheelt nogal, aangezien de huur van zo'n schip $ 250.000 per dag is. En zo zoekt de hele keten naar een hogere efficiëntie.'

Optuigen toevoerketen
Dit is het kernverhaal van windenergie: de hele toevoerketen moet worden opgetuigd om zo gestroomlijnd mogelijk te werken. Het is schaken met de elementen, met miljardenbedragen en met technische vooruitgang. Want dat is een andere cruciale variabele in de windindustrie: de letterlijke groei van de turbines, waardoor de opbrengst stijgt en de kosten worden gedrukt.
Windenergie is schaken met de elementen, met miljarden en met technische vooruitgang

'Groot, groter, grootst' wordt daarmee realiteit in offshore wind. Dit proces verloopt momenteel explosief. Turbines van 3 megawatt die vier jaar geleden nog op zee werden neergezet zouden bij huidige aanbestedingen niet eens meer meedoen: ze zijn te klein.

Het Zweedse staatsbedrijf Vattenfall won vorige maand de laatste tender, zonder subsidie, voor de aanleg van windpark Hollandse Kust Zuid. In 2022 moet het zijn gebouwd. Vattenfall moet sommige details nog inkleuren, zei Gunnar Groebler, topman van de winddivisie, in maart op een steenkoude kade in Schiedam, vlak nadat bekend werd dat het moederbedrijf van Nuon de aanbesteding had gewonnen. Zo was het nog niet duidelijk wat voor type turbines Vattenfall gaat neerzetten in de Noordzee. Maar, zo verzekerde Groebler, 'het is zeker dat het turbines worden met een opwekcapaciteit van 8 megawatt.'

Ondertussen werkt GE al aan turbines van 12 megawatt. De ontwikkeltijd is drie tot vijf jaar, meldde dat Amerikaanse conglomeraat begin maart. Schaalvergroting van de turbines zullen uiteindelijk ook de kosten drukken, verwacht GE. Nog een claim: hun windmolens zullen 45% meer energie leveren dan de huidige.

Ook de installatieschepen voor de windturbines worden steeds groter. Van Oord investeerde tientallen miljoenen om het installatieschip Aeolus gereed te maken voor turbines van 8 tot 10 megawatt, de huidige maat der dingen.
Voor de volgende generatie, zoals die van GE, zijn er nog weer grotere schepen nodig. Schepen met kranen die tot 5000 ton kunnen heffen: dat is vijf miljoen kilo, ofwel het gewicht van alle bezoekers van een uitverkochte Arena bij elkaar, er vanuit gaande dat iedereen 92 kilo weegt.
‘IJmuiden, de Eemshaven en Vlissingen zouden goede locaties zijn voor minivliegveldjes.’• Conny van den Hoff

Record na record
Zo dendert de offshore-windindustrie door. Europa - en dan vooral de Noordzee, vanwege de geringe diepte - is goed voor het leeuwendeel van het geïnstalleerde vermogen van wind op zee. De records worden achter elkaar gebroken. 2017 was een recordjaar voor geïnstalleerd windvermogen, meldde branchevereniging WindEurope. Er is ruim 3000 megawatt aan vermogen bijgekomen. Het jaar daarvoor was dat 1600 megawatt.

Nederland wil tot aan 2023 vijf parken van 700 megawatt (enkele honderden molens) aan windvermogen op de Noordzee. Dat is nog maar het begin, want daar moeten er nog eens zeven windparken komen van elk 1000 megawatt. Samen met de relatief kleine windparken die er al staan, komt het totaal op zo'n 11000 megawatt. En daarmee stopt het nog zeker niet. Tennet ontvouwde twee jaar geleden het plan om een eiland aan te leggen op de Doggersbank.
Nog zo'n plan: meerdere helihavens om de enorme windparken te kunnen bereiken. Dit idee komt van Den Helder Airport, de luchthaven waarvan nu nog alle helikoptervluchten van en naar de olieplatforms worden uitgevoerd. IJmuiden, de Eemshaven en Vlissingen zouden goede locaties zijn voor minivliegveldjes, zei Conny van den Hoff van Den Helder Airport vorige zomer.

Verbinding zoeken
Het wordt de komende jaren druk op de Noordzee. 'Er spelen hier meerdere belangen: de visserij, de scheepvaart, de olie- en gassector, en in toenemende mate de windenergie', zei Floris van Hest, directeur van Stichting De Noordzee, de afgelopen herfst.

Om de klimaatdoelstellingen van Parijs te halen, zal waarschijnlijk 10% of meer van het zeeoppervlak gebruikt moeten worden voor wind. 'Dat is wel erg veel. Je zult verbinding moeten zoeken.'
Zo heeft TNO al het North Sea Energy programma opgetuigd. Bedrijven, brancheverenigingen, onderzoeksinstellingen en maatschappelijke organisaties willen met dat programma 'de energietransitie op de Noordzee versnellen', aldus TNO.

De World Economic Council becijferde dat er in de overgang van fossiele naar groene energie tussen de € 200 mrd en € 300 mrd te verdienen is aan de Noordzee. Deels is dat windenergie. Maar ook de ontmanteling van de bestaande infrastructuur voor gas en olie op de Noordzee vertegenwoordigt een markt van tientallen miljarden. Daarnaast zouden oude gasvelden gebruikt kunnen worden om CO2 op te slaan.

Vooral de vissers zijn gekant tegen de windparken. Het gebied waar zij kunnen vissen slinkt, wanneer er windturbines komen te staan.
Meer helihavens, zo dicht mogelijk bij de windparken, zijn gunstig voor het snelle onderhoud verder op zee, zodat de turbines straks maximaal kunnen draaien. Want als de kolossale turbines straks stilstaan, dan kost dat veel geld. Heen en weer vliegen met een dure helikopter loont, zo beweert althans de luchthaven Den Helder.
Deel 2:

De trend van 'groot, groter, grootst' betekent dat bedrijven over enkele jaren mogelijk geld moeten meenemen wanneer ze een windpark willen bouwen. Minister Eric Wiebes wilde daar niet te veel op vooruit lopen, toen hij in Schiedam bekendmaakte dat Vattenfall de tender voor een 'subsidieloos windpark' had gewonnen. 'Het zou in de toekomst kunnen. Maar nu is het vooral belangrijk dat we een heleboel subsidie besparen.'
Vast staat dat de Noordzee een energiecentrale moet worden. En dat 2018 het laatste rustige jaar is. Over twee jaar moet het windpark bij Borssele operationeel zijn, volgend jaar beginnen op zee de eerste voorbereidingen voor de aanleg. Daarna moet er bijna jaarlijks een nieuw windpark worden opgeleverd. Zo wordt de Noordzee een van de grootste bouwplaatsen van Nederland. En niemand die het ziet.

Carel Grol

World’s most powerful wind turbine successfully installed in Scottish waters

Power News - Published on Fri, 13 Apr 2018
Image Source: sbnn.co.uk

First deployment of the 11 innovative turbines for Vattenfall’s European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre marks treble project breakthrough for offshore wind industry. A hat-trick of offshore wind industry firsts has been achieved within a fortnight in North-east Scotland after the world’s most powerful single turbine was successfully installed on Monday, April 9 for Vattenfall’s ground-breaking European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre.

The turbine is the first of 11 to be deployed at the ground-breaking facility in Aberdeen Bay. In addition, Vattenfall has confirmed that it is one of two turbines that have been significantly enhanced with further internal power modes to generate more clean energy from the EOWDC. The two turbines have each increased from 8.4MW to 8.8MW and the installation represents the first time an 8.8 MW model has been deployed commercially in the offshore wind industry.

Together with the nine 8.4MW turbines, this substantially boosts the EOWDC’s output to 93.2MW. This allows the facility to produce the equivalent of more than 70% of Aberdeen’s domestic electricity demand and annually displace 134,128 tonnes of CO2.

The feat of engineering comes less than two weeks after the first of the EOWDC’s game-changing suction bucket jacket foundations was successfully installed. The EOWDC is the first offshore wind project to deploy the foundations at commercial scale and pairing them with the world’s most powerful turbines represents another industry first.

Gunnar Groebler, Vattenfall’s Head of Business Area Wind, said that “The turbines for the EOWDC, Scotland’s largest offshore wind test and demonstration facility, help secure Vattenfall’s vision to be fossil fuel free within one generation. The EOWDC, through its innovative approach to cost reduction and pioneering technologies, leads the industry drive towards generating clean and competitive wind energy power one that will reinforce Scotland’s global energy status.”

MHI Vestas has specially designed the V164-8.4 MW and V164-8.8 MW turbines which all have a tip height of 191 metres. Each blade is 80m long slightly taller than Aberdeen’s Marischal College and the 164m rotor has a circumference larger than that of the London Eye’s.

EOWDC project director at Vattenfall, Mr Adam Ezzamel said that “The first turbine installation is a significant achievement and credit to the diligence and engineering know-how of the project team and contractors. For it to be one of the 8.8MW models makes it an even more momentous moment because it further endorses the EOWDC as a world-class hub of offshore wind innovation. We are very excited by the cutting-edge technology deployed on all the turbines and it is remarkable that just one rotation of the blades can power the average UK home for a day.”

MHI Vestas Chief Operations Officer, Flemming Ougaard, said that “We are very pleased to have installed the first of 11 turbines at Aberdeen Bay. Our collaboration with Vattenfall not only provides clean wind energy for the UK, but also is an important opportunity for us to gain valuable experience with several different technologies. We look forward to the successful installation of the remaining turbines.”

The turbines are being transported from Esbjerg to Aberdeen by Swire Blue Ocean’s vessel, the Pacific Orca, where they will be lifted into position on the installed foundations. The Pacific Orca is believed to be the world’s largest wind farm installation vessel.

Mr Jean Morrison, Chair of Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group said that “The EOWDC is leading the way in terms of innovation for the offshore wind sector and will help enable the next generation of offshore wind. It’s a real coup for the region to have the world’s most powerful turbines on its doorstep and cements Aberdeen’s position as a major global energy city. It also will lead us to a greener future.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
MHI Vestas Unveils Pioneering MVOW SMART Turbine® Product Portfolio

In a drive to optimise customer offerings, MHI Vestas has launched a suite of next-generation SMART tools to enhance design assessments, turbine monitoring, and real-time decision-making. In addition to manufacturing the world’s most powerful available turbine, MHI Vestas Offshore Wind with its latest round of MVOW SMART Turbine® products is pushing boundaries inside the turbine and could now lay claim to having the world’s smartest available turbine.

Mr Henrik Baek Jorgensen, Head of Product Management, said that “We are not content to just manufacture the world’s most powerful turbine. We know that our customers require world-class production and operation of the turbine in every area. This product portfolio addresses their most critical business needs and gives them an unprecedented level of visibility and control.”

The portfolio of four products aims to improve MHI Vestas customers’ business case not only in the design phase but also operations and maintenance. Available to MHI Vestas customers immediately, the portfolio consists of:

SMART Foundation Loads – optimises foundation design upfront. The software package will allow MHI Vestas customers to perform integrated load design simulations prior to undertaking detailed load assessments.

SMART Dampers – designed to actively reduce fatigue loads. Active SMART Dampers reduce fatigue and design loads by reducing the side-to-side and fore-aft movements of the tower.

SMART Fast Data – dramatically increases the data flow from the turbine. Receiving data frequency 600 times faster than traditional SCADA methods, the tool unlocks hidden insights, enhances diagnostic capability and optimises scheduled service.

SMART Performance Monitor – brings wind power plant monitoring to a hand-held device. Feeding real-time information on turbine performance, site production, and operational notifications to any mobile device, the Performance Monitor puts the wind park into the customer’s pocket.

Mr Jorgensen continues that “Our ambition is to not only have the most powerful products, but also the smartest products in offshore wind. This portfolio is the latest example of how we’re taking digitalisation to the next level and reflects our singular commitment to optimise our customers’ business case.”

The product announcement comes as MHI Vestas, now under the leadership of new CEO Philippe Kavafyan, is taking its turbine offerings global, recently announcing its expansion into the Taiwan offshore wind market.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
UK wind turbines spinning to record levels in early 2018

Climate action Programme reported that energy data for the first three months of 2018 have shown that wind energy is the UK’s star performer, having rewritten records across the board. Energy consultancy, Enappsys, compiled the official National Grid figures, which show wind turbines reaching new heights for daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly output.

Wind power produced a quarterly high of 15.8 terawatt hours, a 39% increase on the same period last year. Windy conditions and new capacity helped push all renewable production to an all-time high of 25TWh, which represents 29% of all Great Britain’s power needs over the period.

By contrast, coal-fired power plants continued their decline and generated 9.4% of power; gas remained in pole position with 37.3%.

Early reports in March had concluded that the UK’s spell of inclement weather, dubbed the Beast from the East, had helped it provide high levels of renewable production. These latest findings show windy conditions have persisted throughout the early months of the year.

The latest data also confirms recent data that showed Scotland had a record-breaking start to the year for onshore wind generation.

Enappsys director Paul Verrill said that “The performance of renewables highlights just how important this electricity source and particularly wind has become to Britain’s power mix.”

The company’s quarterly report also concludes that: “With offshore wind farms now being a very cheap and relatively uncontroversial source of additional renewables generation, these levels of wind generation are expected to continue to rise, with additional generation also set to be released once the Western Link (subsea cable) becomes operational.”

Source : Climate action Programme
Voltalia launch the construction of the Echauffour wind plant

Voltalia an international player in renewable energies announced the beginning of the construction of the Echauffour wind power plant (10 MW) in Normandy. Located in Echauffour in the Orne department (61), the Echauffour power plant is Voltalia’s first wind farm in Normandy, a region benefitting from the second best wind potential of the country, after Brittany. Equipped with wind turbines provided by Senvion, this project will be built and operated by Voltalia. It will benefit from long-term revenues secured for 15 years, under the contract for difference1 scheme.

This project falls within the local energy transition policy. As part of the “Perche / Pays d’Ouche” regional wind plan, the Echauffour plant will help reach the region’s installed capacity target of 70 to 100 MW by 2020.

The commissioning of the power plant is expected in the first semester of 2019 and its electricity production should cover the consumption of circa 10,000 households.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Gamesa inks new agreement for four wind farms in Spain

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has entered into new agreements with Gas Natural Fenosa Renovables for the supply of 166 MW at four wind farm developments in Spain. These projects fall under the scope of the renewable capacity allocated to the Spanish utility as part of the auction held last May.

Specifically, Siemens Gamesa will commission a total of 48 of one of its most popular turbines, the SG 3.4-132, thus installing 166 MW of capacity. The company will also operate and maintain these four wind farms, which are due to be commissioned in mid-2019, for three years.

The blades for these turbines will be made at the Aoiz factory (Navarre, Spain) and the Tangier factory (Morocco), while the nacelles will be produced at the Ágreda facility (Soria, Spain).

Siemens Gamesa's relationship with Gas Natural Fenosa dates back to 1997, since which time the company has supplied the Spanish utility with more than 670 MW, most of which in Spain and Mexico.

These new orders reinforce the company's leadership position in Spain, where Siemens Gamesa is the number-one OEM, having installed nearly 55% of the country's total installed base, which is equivalent to over 12,500 turbines nationwide. In addition, the company services over 7,500 MW, which is roughly one-third of Spain's installed fleet.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Commissioning of the offshore wind farm Rampion

The construction of the Rampion offshore wind farm in the British Channel has made significant progress. All 116 turbines are online and feed renewable energy into the grid. The Rampion thus reaches its maximum generation capacity of 400 megawatts, which can supply almost 350,000 households. Further work will have to be completed in the coming months before the substations on land and at sea, for example, can be fully commissioned. Offshore construction of the Rampion project began in 2016. The project is to be completed before the end of this year.

The Rampion Offshore Wind Farm is being built 13 kilometres off the Sussex coast by E.ON, Canadian energy infrastructure company Enbridge and a consortium comprising of the Green Investment Group, Macquarie European Infrastructure Fund 5 and the Universities Superannuation Scheme.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Ukraine Power Resources plans 100 MW wind park in Odessa

Renewables Now reported that Ukraine Power Resources LLC intends to build a 100-MW wind farm in Odessa region, the Odessa Regional State Administration announced that the company has already submitted the investment project to the administration and expects to begin construction work immediately after receiving the required permit. This is likely to happen in October.

The plan is to erect 26 wind turbine in Liman district between the villages of Vizirka and Lubopil. The developer’s founder and general director Peter Gish stated that at its first stage the project will require an investment of about EUR 140 million (USD 173 million) and that the company is currently negotiating financing. It is yet to pick a turbine supplier.

Mr Svetlana Shatalova, deputy chairman of the Odessa Regional State Administration said that “We are ready to provide assistance at the regional level.”

Source : Renewables Now
Belgium to double offshore wind energy capacity as it exits nuclear power

Reuters reported that Belgium will double the area of its North Sea waters made available to offshore wind parks after 2020, the government announced, as part of its exit strategy from nuclear power. The country has four offshore wind parks that produce 871 megawatts of power and wants to increase that capacity to 2.2 gigawatts by 2020 and to 4 gigawatts by 2030.

After 2020, the government plans to designate a new, 221-square-kilometre (85 square miles) area near French waters.

Belgian state secretary for the North Sea, Philippe De Backer, said in a statement that "Our North Sea is a crucial partner in the energy transition towards renewable energy which is happening in our country.”

Belgium's two nuclear power plants, at Doel and Tihange with a total capacity of 6 gigawatts, have experienced a series of technical problems at reactors and are earmarked for closure by 2025.

With the costs of building and running offshore wind farms coming down in other European countries, De Backer said he believed future wind projects would not require any state subsidies.

Source : Reuters
Krachtigste windmolen ter wereld in Aberdeen Bay geïnstalleerd
16 april 2018 Windenergie Courant

Bij Vattenfalls European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre (EOWDC), een test- en ontwikkelingscentrum in Aberdeen Bay in Noordoost-Schotland, is onlangs de eerste 8,8-megawatt-turbine van MHI Vestas geplaatst: de krachtigste commercieel geïnstalleerde windmolen ter wereld.

In het EOWDC-windpark worden diverse innovaties voor de offshorewindenergiesector toegepast. Een van de opmerkelijkste is de toepassing van de suction-bucketfunderingen met frames voor de turbines, in plaats van de funderingen in de zeebodem te heien, wat de normale procedure is. De suction-bucketmethode is vrijwel geluidloos, wat de verstoring van de in zee levende dieren minimaliseert.
Ook de nieuwe windturbines spreken tot de verbeelding. Er komen 11 turbines met een totaal vermogen van 93,2 megawatt te staan. De jaarlijkse productie komt overeen met 70 procent van de elektriciteitsvraag van Aberdeen.

met video:

MHI Vestas V164 9.5 megawatt wind turbine

MHI Vestas has been awarded the Silver Medal in the category of renewable energy at the prestigious Edison Awards for its 9.5 MW offshore wind turbine, which it will test at Clemson University’s wind turbine testing facility at the SCE&G Energy Innovation Center in the former naval shipyard.

Mr Randy Collins, Clemson’s associate vice president, Office of Academic Affairs, Charleston said that “To be a partner with MHI Vestas, testing their award-winning 9.5 MW wind turbine that is recognized by national experts in science, technology, design and engineering, is something we at Clemson are very proud of. We’re really looking forward to further discovery through our support of and in partnership with MHI Vestas.”

Now in their 21st year of existence, the Edison Awards recognize and honor some of the most innovative new products, services and business leaders in the world.

The awards are named after Thomas Edison and are meant to symbolize and honor the persistence and excellence personified by him while also strengthening the human drive for innovation, creativity and ingenuity. Previous winners include General Electric, Tesla Motor Company and Apple.

Earlier this year, MHI Vestas agreed to test and verify its V164 9.5 MW turbine the world’s largest at the SCE&G Energy Innovation Center. There, in the university’s state-15 MW test bench, the 9.5 MW gearbox will be put through the paces to gain a better understanding of how the gearbox and bearings will react over the course of a 20-plus year lifecycle.

Mr Søren Thomsen, senior specialist, drive train engineering for MHI Vestas said that “The dramatic cost reduction in offshore wind is the result of many critical factors coming together, not the least of which is boundary-pushing technology inside the turbine. Our recent Edison innovation award affirms the leading position of the V164 platform and is a tribute to all of the men and women who brought it to life, so we’re exceptionally pleased to bring the V164 to the U.S. for testing in partnership with Clemson University. Their unparalleled 15 MW test facility will ensure that MHI Vestas turbine technology will produce clean energy safely and reliably for our customers for years to come.”

The deal with Clemson University marks MHI Vestas Offshore Wind’s first major investment in the United States, catapulting the U.S. into a leadership position in offshore wind as the country will be testing the world’s most powerful wind turbine.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Senvion completed installation of the 14th turbine in Serbia

Senvion, a leading global manufacturer of wind turbines, has completed the installation of the 14th turbine of out 21 Senvion MM100 turbines of the Serbian Alibunar wind farm. After its completion planned in summer this year, the 42 megawatts wind farm will be among the largest installed in Serbia and will produce enough energy to power around 27,600 households on average per year.

In Serbia, Senvion has successfully entered the market with the installation of Malibunar wind farm in 2017. Both Malibunar and Alibunar wind farms, developed by Elicio NV, are located about 60 kilometers north of Belgrade. Senvion will provide full maintenance services to the both wind farms over a period of 15 years and has recently opened a Senvion service base in Banatski Karlovac, close to the wind farms, in the province of Vojvodina.

Mr Carlo Schiapparelli MD of Senvion in Italy and the Balkan region, said that "Alibunar wind farm is the second project with Elicio NV in Serbia and we thank Elicio for its confidence in Senvion. The Malibunar and Alibunar wind farms demonstrate how Senvion can efficiently accompany its clients in Serbia and in the Balkan region."

Senvion is exhibiting at RENEXPO(R) WATER & ENERGY, in Belgrade from 24th to 26th April. Visit Senvion's experts at its stand F14.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Parkwind and MHI Vestas Join hands for Northwester 2 in Belgium

With installation planned for late 2019, Northwester 2 is set to become the world’s first offshore wind park with the record-setting V164-9.5 MW turbine. The offshore wind industry will look to Belgium for its first glimpse at the V164-9.5 MW turbine, the most powerful available wind turbine in the world.

The 224 MW Northwester 2 project, the fourth collaboration between Parkwind and MHI Vestas, will comprise 23 turbines and provide enough clean energy to power 220,000 Belgian homes.

Co-CEO’s of Parkwind, Eric Antoons & François Van Leeuw, said that “The Northwester 2 timing and general schedule is very challenging in the light of the timing wanted by the Belgian government. This challenging timeline has played an important role in the choice for MHI Vestas as turbine supplier having the capability of delivering the V164-9.5 MW. Parkwind is very delighted to have MHI Vestas for the fourth time as a partner.”

Both companies attribute the fast installation timetable, set for late 2019, to the industrialisation of offshore wind in Belgium, a highly collaborative approach, and supply chain readiness.

MHI Vestas CEO, Philippe Kavafyan, said that “We are delighted to sign our fourth project with Parkwind and it is a historic one. The first commercial installation of the world’s most powerful available turbine, the V164-9.5 MW, will be a Parkwind project, which is significant for our company and a notable milestone for the industry.”

Highlighting the positive impact of offshore wind on local communities in Belgium, the project promises to provide more than 1,000 direct and indirect jobs during the construction phase and 100 long-term jobs for operations and maintenance.

The conditional order announcement, which includes a service agreement, comes as the government has recently announced it will double offshore wind capacity in Belgian territorial waters, up to 4 GW by 2025.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Nordex launches N133/4.8 for strong-wind sites

The Nordex Group is extending its Delta4000 product series introduced in autumn 2017 to include a turbine especially designed for strong-wind sites: the N133/4.8. The rotor blade from the proven N131 turbine has been integrated into the Delta4000 series for the N133/4.8. By combining this rotor blade with the hub and nacelle of the N149/4.0-4.5, also from the Delta4000 product series, it was possible to increase the rotor diameter to 133 metres. The Nordex Group has also raised the maximum output to 4.8 MW in order to make optimal use of high wind speeds, resulting in an additional yield of up to 39 per cent for the N133/4.8 compared to the previous N100/3300 model, also optimised for strong-wind sites. With this turbine, the Group sets new standards in the strong-wind segment for both rotor diameter and maximum output.

The technical innovations embodied in the Delta4000 series’ first turbine, the N149/4.0-4.5, such as an improved service concept, a mobile crane solution and a more efficient electrical system, are also integral to the new N133/4.8, resulting in a significant drop in cost of energy.

As with the N149/4.0-4.5, the sound power level of the N133/4.8 is particularly low. Equipped with serrations, the N133/4.8 turbine's sound level is limited to just 106 dB(A) when under full power, and this can be reduced as required, depending on location, to 98 dB(A) by using numerous different operating modes. The fully flexible control system can even be adapted for special cases such as public holidays or certain times of the day.

Hub heights of 78, 83 and 110 metres ensure that any strict height restrictions can be complied with. This means that even under complex site conditions and with height restrictions of 145 metres the N133/4.8 can be operated efficiently and safely.

The N133/4.8 is particularly suitable for regions with strong winds in north-west Europe, such as Great Britain and Norway, as well as for sites with high wind speeds in Turkey, Australia and Central and South America.

The start of series production of the N133/4.8 is scheduled for 2019.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
GE Renewable and ORE Catapult inks five year R&D agreement

GE Renewable Energy and the UK's Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult have signed a five-year research and development agreement to test and develop next generation offshore wind technologies. GE's recently announced Haliade-X 12 MW offshore wind turbine and existing Haliade 150-6MW will undergo advanced test and demonstration programs that accurately replicate real-world operational conditions to enhance performance and reliability. Testing will take place at ORE Catapult's 15MW power train test facility in Blyth, Northumberland.

Research and development activities will include cooling technologies, converters, loading conditions across mechanical and electrical components, grid testing and design validation. This collaboration will drive technology improvements that will also help to develop the UK supply chain and increase access to demonstration opportunities for innovative small businesses.

Welcoming news of the agreement, UK Government Energy & Clean Growth Minister Claire Perry said that "This collaboration is great news and highlights our world-class research and testing facilities. Through our Industrial Strategy, we are making the UK a global leader in renewables, including offshore wind, with more support available than any other country in the world. With 22% of all investment in European wind projects coming to the UK, the offshore wind industry is exceptionally well placed to boost supplies of home grown clean energy whilst growing new jobs and opportunities."

Mr John Lavelle, President & CEO of GE's Offshore Wind business, said that "This is an important agreement because it will enable us to prove Haliade-X in a faster way by putting it under controlled and extreme conditions. Traditional testing methods rely on local wind conditions and therefore have limited repeatability for testing. By using ORE Catapult's facilities and expertise, we will be in a better position to adapt our technology in a shortened time, reduce unplanned maintenance, increase availability and power output, while introducing new features to meet customers' demands."

ORE Catapult Chief Executive, Andrew Jamieson said that "This five-year collaborative program with GE Renewable Energy is a testament to the Catapult's world class engineering, research and development capabilities across all aspects of wind turbine development and performance. By working closely together in areas such as power trains, blades and electrical infrastructure, we look forward to helping GE to both enhance their existing portfolio and bring new products and services to the offshore wind market, while simultaneously generating significant economic growth opportunities in the UK."

In addition to the R&D activities, the agreement also includes a GBP 6 million (USD 8.5 million) combined investment with Innovate UK and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to install the world's largest and most powerful grid emulation system at the Catapult's National Renewable Energy Centre in Blyth. Supplied by GE Power, Grid Emulation, in conjunction with the Catapult's power train test facilities, will enable the partners, UK companies and researchers to better assess the interaction between the next generation of large scale wind turbines and the electrical distribution network in the most challenging environments.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Tekmar Energy gets multiple contrat from Van Oord

Tekmar Energy the global leader in Cable Protection Systems for offshore wind farms has been awarded multiple contracts by Van Oord to supply their systems for both the Deutsche Bucht and BorWin3 projects.

Deutsche Bucht is a 252 MW offshore wind farm owned by Northland Power which will consist of 31 8 MW MHI Vestas wind turbines (8,4 MW power mode). Located in the German Bight, 95 kilometres northwest of the island of Borkum, installation is planned to start in the second half of 2018. Tekmar will supply its market leading CPS to protect the 35 inter-array cables planned on the project. The CPS is to be tailored for the project to cater for all different cable sizes applied and respective interface to the monopile foundations.

BorWin3 is a 900 MW DC grid connection system of the Dutch-German transmission system operator TenneT. BorWin3will convert three-phase electric power generated by offshore wind farms into direct current and transmit it 160 km back to shore. Tekmar will supply its export cable protection system to protect the 3 export cables between the Hohe See offshore wind farm and BorWin gamma, the corresponding offshore converter platform of BorWin3. Tekmar is also supplying its systems to protect the 79 inter-array cables on the Hohe See offshore wind farm, as part of a separate contract.

Tekmar said that “These contracts mark our 61st and 62nd named projects working within offshore wind, taking the total systems supplied to well over 6,000 protecting over 20 GW of electrical infrastructure around the globe. They also mark the 5th and 6th project that we have worked on with Van Oord, from the first project together taking place back in 2011.”

With more than 32 years’ experience, Tekmar is a market leader in the design, manufacture and supply of subsea cables, umbilicals and flexible protection systems for the global subsea energy market including oil and gas and offshore renewables.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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