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Moray East inks order with MHI Vestas Offshore Wind

Confirming the largest MW project to date in the company’s history, MHI Vestas will supply 100 V164-9.5 MW turbines for the 950 MW project to be installed in Scotland’s Moray Firth.MHI Vestas celebrated financial close today with Moray East for the 950 MW Moray East Offshore Wind Farm as the offshore wind turbine manufacturer signed a firm turbine supply order. The order includes a 15-year service agreement.

Moray Offshore Windfarm (East) Limited, known as Moray East, is a 950 MW offshore wind project 22km from the coast of Scotland, which in 2017 won a Contract for Difference (CfD) from the UK Government to supply electricity at £57.50/MWh, representing a significant cost reduction compared with similar projects under construction today (typically £140/MWh).

Project Director for Moray East, Oscar Diaz, said that “Moray East is a landmark project for the offshore wind industry, delivering sustainable, renewable generation at a highly competitive power price. The project will bring new opportunities to areas including Fraserburgh, where we have announced the windfarm’s operations and maintenance base will be located, and in the Cromarty Firth, where the port was last week selected as the pre-assembly port. We look forward to working with MHI Vestas, particularly in Fraserburgh and in Invergordon, where we have ongoing plans for local supply chain engagement.”

MHI Vestas CEO, Mr Philippe Kavafyan, said that “We are pleased that Moray East has reached financial close. With the signing of the firm order, we can accelerate preparations for our company’s largest MW project to date. Installing the world’s most powerful commercial turbine, the V164-9.5 MW, in Moray Firth means more local, clean energy jobs in Scotland and across the UK, including our most recent expansion of blade production on the Isle of Wight.”

In May, Moray East announced Fraserburgh as the preferred Operations and Maintenance port for the project and last month, the Port of Cromarty Firth was selected as the pre-assembly harbour, sending a strong signal that the project is progressing on schedule.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Polish PGE Seeks Offshore partner for wind Parks

Oedigital reported that Polish state owned power company Polska Grupa Energetyczna has invited over a dozen parties to potentially cooperate with the company ?n building up to 2.55 GW of offshore wind parks. The Polish power group said in a statement that it was looking for an experienced partner with knowhow in developing offshore wind farms. The two facilities, the 1,500 MW Baltica 2 and 1,045 MW Baltica 3, will be situated 30 kilometers north of Poland's coast near the town of Leba with and set to be completed after 2025. PGE intends to eventually sell up to a 50 percent stake in two special purpose vehicles that are preparing the offshore projects, continuing to operate them with the partner on a joint venture basis.

To meet the requirements, PGE’s partner should have appropriate experience in implementing this type of investment on the European market, be able to support these projects in their technical aspects and in contractor management and to share know-how in this area with PGE.

Offshore wind farms constitute one of PGE Group’s strategic development options after 2020. The undertaking is currently at the stage where the requisite environmental permits are being secured, wind conditions are being surveyed and works on power off-take and other technical activities are under-way. Preparations for preliminary geological surveys are also in progress.

Henryk Baranowski, CEO of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna said that “Wind measurements in the Baltic Sea in the area of the planned investment are on-going since January 2018. So far, the results confirm very good wind conditions for the surveyed areas. Estimated wind speeds at our locations might exceed 9 m/s.”

PGE expects to receive a positive decision on environmental conditions for the wind farm next year. According to the schedule, electricity from PGE Group’s first offshore wind farm might start flowing around 2025, while commercial operation might begin in 2026.

Source : Oedigital
Vestas reinforces its leadership in Italy

Adding to the more than 1 GW of contracts signed by Vestas in Italy’s auction system, renewable energy projects developer Andali Energia S.r.l. has placed an order for the supply and installation of ten V136-3.6 MW turbines for the 36 MW Andali wind park located in the Calabria Region in Italy.

Managing Director of Andali Energia, Gaetano Canosinohas, underline his satisfaction about the project he said that “I’m proud of my team; we have dedicated a lot of time and have spent a lot of energy to start this adventure. This goal represents the opportunity to improve our experience and to collaborate with primary suppliers in the wind energy market”.

Mr Rainer Karan, General Manager of Vestas Mediterranean Eastern Cluster, highlights that “This project showcases, once again, that Vestas is the preferred supplier to compete in auctions. Our vast experience, in-depth customer knowledge and innovative technological solutions make Vestas the wind energy leader globally as well as in Italy. We are proud to work in close collaboration with customers like Andali Energia and we hope this contract becomes the beginning of a fruitful relationship”.

The project was awarded in the first Italian auction held in 2013. Turbine delivery and commissioning are planned for the second quarter of 2019.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Glennmont agrees sale of French wind portfolio

Glennmont Partners has agreed to divest a portfolio of five onshore wind farms in north-eastern and western France, totalling installed capacity of 59.5MW, to a wholly-owned subsidiary of Falck Renewables, a listed company on the Italian stock exchange, in a EUR37 million deal. The five onshore windfarms, Bois Ballay (12.5MW), Les Coudrays (10MW), Mazeray (12.5MW), Eol Team (12MW), and Noyales (12.5MW), commenced operations between 2006 and 2013. The deal is expected to close in early 2019.

Glennmont Partners focuses exclusively on investment in clean energy infrastructure. The sale continues to demonstrate the successful divestment of Glennmont’s Clean Energy Fund Europe I (Fund), which was fully invested in 14 projects across five geographies.

The Fund combined investments in onshore wind, solar PV and bioenergy markets.
The deal follows the recent announcement of the sale of the Fund’s Portuguese solar PV projects to Cubico Sustainable Investments in September and Glennmont’s acquisition of Project Goudelancourt in October, a 16.8MW wind farm located in Northern France. The next divestments to come for the Fund include French solar, Italian wind and solar, and UK and Irish wind and biomass.

Mr Peter Dickson, a Founding Partner of Glennmont Partners, said that “We are very encouraged by this deal and by how attractive our French assets have proved to be for investors seeking a stable, yielding and financially de-risked power plant. Over the past 10 years, Glennmont has been actively compiling a very large mixed renewable energy portfolio. Investors can look forward to more of the same in 2019, both in France and further afield.”

Mr Toni Volpe, Falck Renewables CEO said that “This acquisition provides needed solidity to our presence in France, one of the most attractive markets in which we operate. We will reach almost 100MW installed in France, with a portfolio of assets and turbine technologies on which we can build further in terms of industrial optimisation and long-term value extraction.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
SeaMade bereikt financial close voor Belgisch windpark op zee van 487 megawatt

SeaMade heeft financial close voor offshorewindpark in de Belgische Noordzee met een vermogen van 487 megawatt. SeaMade is een samenwerking tussen Otary, ENGIE Electrabel en Eneco Wind Belgium. SeaMade staat in voor de gelijktijdige ontwikkeling van zowel de Mermaid- als Seastar-offshorewindparken, resulterend in het grootste windmolenpark dat ooit werd gefinancierd en gebouwd in België.

SeaMade staat namelijk voor een combinatie van 2 offshorewindprojecten, voorheen bekend als Mermaid (235 megawatt) en Seastar (252 megawatt). Otary RS heeft het meerderheidsbelang in het SeaMade-project. De voorbereidende werkzaamheden op land lopen reeds enige tijd. De start van de offshorewerkzaamheden is voorzien in de zomer van 2019 om zo beide windparken operationeel te hebben vóór eind 2020. SeaMade levert een belangrijke bijdrage aan de Belgische doelstellingen op het vlak van de ontwikkeling van hernieuwbare energie. Vanaf 2020 zal SeaMade hernieuwbare energie leveren voor 485.000 huishoudens. Hierdoor is er ook een reductie van meer dan 500.000 ton CO2-uitstoot per jaar mogelijk.

De 58 offshorewindturbines worden geïnstalleerd en onderhouden door Siemens Gamesa. Met een hubhoogte van 109 meter en een rotordiameter van 167 meter zijn deze windturbines zo breed als de spanwijdte van twee Airbussen A380, het grootste passagiersvliegtuig ter wereld, of 2 maal de hoogte van het Atomium. Met hun piekhoogte van 193 meter zullen dit qua omvang de grootste windturbines zijn die tot nu toe in de Belgische Noordzee zijn geïnstalleerd. Dit turbinemodel heeft een basiscapaciteit van 8 megawatt met een powerboostfunctie die een capaciteit van 8,4 megawatt biedt.

Het bereiken van financial close is volledig volgens schema. Het SeaMade-project is het tweede project dat met succes is ontwikkeld en gefinancierd door Otary RS. SeaMade staat voor een combinatie van 2 offshorewindprojecten, voorheen bekend als Mermaid (235 megawatt) en Seastar (252 megawatt). Otary RS heeft het meerderheidsbelang in het SeaMade-project. Het project wordt gefinancierd door een internationaal kredietconsortium bestaande uit de Europese Investeringsbank, het Deense exportkredietbureau EKF en 15 commerciële banken. Deze groep omvat Santander, Bank of China, Belfius, BNP Paribas, Commerzbank, Rabobank, ASN Bank, ING, KBC, KfW IPEX, MUFG, Siemens Bank, Société Générale, SMTB en Triodos. De Europese Investeringsbank zal een toezegging van 250 miljoen euro doen via het Europees Fonds voor strategische investeringen (EFSI of Junker-plan).

Windmolens in buitenland moeten Nederland helpen duurzame-energiedoelen te halen

Een meerderheid van de Tweede Kamer wil dat het kabinet kijkt naar de mogelijkheid om duurzame-energieprojecten in het buitenland op te zetten om zo bij te dragen aan de nationale doelstellingen voor het opwekken van duurzame energie. Een motie van Kamerleden Matthijs Sienot (D66) en Agnes Mulder (CDA) hierover is woensdag aangenomen.

De motie roept het kabinet op te kijken hoe het zogenoemde Joint Project Mechanism van de EU ingezet kan worden. De Europese Commissie creëert de mogelijkheid dat lidstaten gezamenlijk projecten voor hernieuwbare energie ontwikkelen. Door de stroomproductie ervan te delen kan een bijdrage worden geleverd aan de eigen duurzame-energiedoelen.

Het is daarbij niet nodig dat er fysiek transport van de opgewekte stroom plaatsvindt tussen de lidstaten. De opgewekte elektriciteit wordt geregistreerd, toegekend aan de adopterende lidstaat en ingevoerd in het elektriciteitsnet van de EU.

Windpark in het Duitse Norden.Hollandse Hoogte

Volgens Mulder en Sienot kan dit een interessante oplossing zijn, omdat Nederland nu nog worstelt om zijn doelen te halen. Nederland moet in 2020 14% van zijn energie produceren uit hernieuwbare bronnen zoals zonnepanelen, windturbines, biomassa en waterkracht. Die doelstelling is vastgelegd in het Energieakkoord en volgt uit een bindende Europese Richtlijn uit 2009. Bij de laatste tussenstand eind 2017 stond de teller pas op 6,56%, vergeleken met 5,98% in 2016.

Draai van Wiebes
Als Nederland zijn doelen niet haalt moet ons land aanvullende maatregelen nemen en riskeert het een EU-boete die in de honderden miljoenen euro's kan lopen.

Minister Wiebes van Economische Zaken en Klimaat zag tot nu toe niets in gezamenlijke buitenlands projecten. Hij liet eerder via zijn woordvoerder weten dat hij zich inzet om de doelen uit het Energieakkoord binnen Nederland te realiseren. Maar eind november zette hij opeens toch de deur open voor buitenlandse projecten. 'Ik sta daar op zich niet afwijzend tegenover', zei hij in de Kamer.

'We hebben wel een nationale ambitie vast gesteld in het regeerakkoord. We zien allemaal dat het puur nationaal houden van een ambitie niet per se bijdraagt aan het succes. Je moet daarna open staan voor mogelijkheden om dat op een innovatieve manier te realiseren met, door of in het buitenland', aldus Wiebes.

Nero-project in Roemenië
Er bestaat al een concreet project: Nero in Roemenië. Dat is een Nederlands initiatief om in dat land een groot windpark te realiseren. Via de Europese joint-projectregeling zou Nederland het vermogen van het park mogen optellen bij het eigen binnenlandse vermogen. Alle vergunningen in Roemenië zijn rond en er liggen aanbevelingsbrieven van de overheid en alle betrokken gemeenten in Roemenië’, aldus Markus Vrieling, adviseur bij het project eerder in het FD.

Andere EU-landen die achterblijven bij hun duurzame energiedoelen hebben al maatregelen genomen. Luxemburg, dat net als Nederland onderaan de ranglijst van duurzame energie bungelt, sloot vorig jaar al een overeenkomst met zowel Estland als Litouwen. Die Baltische staten hebben hun duurzame energiedoelstellingen voor 2020 al gehaald en verkopen een deel van hun overschotten aan Luxemburg. Een land als Ierland moet daarentegen rekening gaan houden met honderden miljoenen extra kosten, omdat het de duurzame energiedoelen waarschijnlijk niet gaat halen.

Bert van Dijk

Senvion inks 48 MW contracts of 3.XM series in European core markets

Senvion has signed 47.5 megawatts (MW) firm contracts of its modular 3.XM series in Belgium, France and Portugal in the fourth quarter of 2018. In Belgium, Senvion has concluded contracts with customers including EDF Luminus for the Sint Gillis Waas wind farm and Eoly for the Rebaix wind farm. The Belgian wind farms total four wind turbines including 3.4M104 and 3.4M114 turbine types. The installation and the commissioning of the Belgian wind farms are planned for Summer 2019.

In France and Portugal, Senvion has signed contracts with new customers, respectively ?EZ Group and EKZ, the utility of the Canton of Zurich. The French Aschère-le-Marché wind farm, developed by ABO Wind and owned by ?EZ Group, is located in the region of Centre - Val de Loire. Four Senvion 3.4M114 turbines at various hub heights - 79 metres and 93 metres - will be installed and commissioned within the second half of 2019. The 20.4 MW Portuguese wind project, called Marvila II, is located in the region of Leiria and will consist of six Senvion 3.4M122 wind turbines with a hub height at 119 metres. The commissioning is planned for Autumn 2019.

Senvion will provide full maintenance services for a period of 20 years to the EDF Luminus's wind farm and for a period of 15 years with extensions up to 25 years for the Marvila wind farm and up to 20 years for the Rebaix and Aschère-le-Marché wind farms.

Mr Olivier Perot, Managing Director of Senvion Europe South, states that "These projects perfectly illustrate how the modularity of the Senvion's turbine portfolio is a real competitive advantage, providing wind energy at a low LCoE. Senvion's 3.XM platform with different rotor sizes and hub heights can be efficiently integrated in any location, regardless of what the complexity of the sites. In addition, Senvion's flexible approach is also very much appreciated by the clients with diversified profiles, which is reflected by the contracts won with new clients such as ?EZ Group and EKZ. An efficient product portfolio and a tailor-made customer approach are key for Senvion to sustainable growth in its core markets."

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Lokale Energie Monitor 2018: 46 megawattpiek aan collectieve windenergieprojecten

Het geïnstalleerde vermogen aan collectieve windenergieprojecten van lokale energiecoöperaties is in 2018 gegroeid tot 159 megawatt. Dat blijkt uit de Lokale Energie Monitor 2018 van Stichting HIER opgewekt.

Dit betekent een toename van 46 megawatt oftewel 40 procent ten opzichte van 2017. Hiermee komt het totale coöperatieve aandeel uit op circa 5 procent van het totale wind op land vermogen in Nederland (red. Windstats.nl oktober 2018, inclusief 35 megawatt windpark Krammer). Bovendien is er volgens de monitor nog minstens 150 megawatt nieuw windvermogen gepland, waardoor het totaal oploopt tot 309 megawatt rond 2020/2021, oftewel 5 procent van de landelijke doelstelling van 6.000 megawatt.

Het aantal energiecoöperaties is in 2018 toegenomen met 85 tot 484. Bijna 70.000 Nederlanders zijn lid van een lokale energiecoöperatie.
De meest energiecoöperaties zijn te vinden in Noord-Holland (77) en Gelderland (66). In 2018 zijn in Noord-Holland (15), Zuid-Holland (12) en Groningen (11) de meeste nieuwe coöperaties opgericht.

(foto: Windpark Krammer)

leanWinTur biofouling solutions for offshore wind turbines

The European Marine Energy Centre, NDT Consultants, Brunel University London, Reece Innovation, InnoTecUK, 3-Sci and E.ON have joined forces to launch a new and innovative project named CleanWinTur. The project which has been funded by Innovate UK, aims to research practical solutions to minimise the impacts of biofouling on Offshore Wind Turbines. Offshore wind energy has been instrumental in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and rendering the UK less dependent on imports to cover its energy needs. As such, large investment programmes and favourable legislation have been driving growth in the sector with overall capacity doubling every five years, a trend that is set to continue up to 2030. However, offshore wind energy costs remain high and the increasing depth and distance from the shore continue to drive maintenance costs up, especially those associated to the substructure, limiting the sector's growth potential.

The biggest challenge is dealing with biofouling (settlement and growth of organisms) on the OWT transition piece and monopile. The consequence of which is an acceleration in corrosion of components affecting the functionality and survivability of the offshore assets, which in turn can make the OTW’s increasingly costly, challenging, dangerous, and ineffective.

CleanWinTur will address both issues by developing an ultrasonic system that performs continuous condition monitoring and effective anti-fouling, thereby enabling the implementation of predictive and or condition-based maintenance and reduce OPEX.

Mr Djelloul Seghier, Project Manager at NDT Consultants, said that “The CleanWinTur consortium includes businesses with a blend of expertise which is required to drive this innovative project forward. NDT Consultants specialise in Non-Destructive Testing and have expertise in ultrasonic testing. We work very closely with offshore operators and therefore fully recognise the importance of developing systems to ensure the industry can overcome and limit the negative impacts that biofouling can bring. We are confident that the investigation will find real practical solutions to solve ongoing biofouling challenges, which will have a positive impact on the Offshore Wind sector and potentially save the industry millions, as well as creating new jobs after commercialisation.”

Mr Myles Heward, Performance Test Engineer at EMEC, who is leading the real-sea testing explained that “EMEC are delighted to be working on this project and to test the protype system in the controlled environment here in Orkney. This will allow for lessons to be learnt from testing in real sea conditions, which will ensure the system is fully optimised before it is installed on E.ON’s infrastructure. EMEC are well known for testing wave and tidal devices, however we’re enthusiastic to be diversifying into Offshore Wind testing as well as research and development projects to help the industry progress towards a clean energy system.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Gamesa and Aalborg University to lead EU-funded R&D project

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy and Aalborg University in Denmark will lead the new i4Offshore research and development project focused on significantly reducing the cost of offshore wind power. Officially entitled "Integrated Implementation of Industrial Innovations for Offshore Wind Cost Reduction", the project is supported by a European Union grant of nearly 20 million euro. The project will demonstrate and test new offshore wind power technologies, leading to solutions which will make consumers' electricity bills both lower and more environmentally-friendly compared to fossil fuel sources such as oil or coal or other renewable energy sources such as solar or hydropower.

A total of 15 project partners companies are involved in the project in addition to SGRE and AAU. They are all experts within the offshore wind industry, and include Universal Foundation A/S, Bladt Industries A/S, Per Aarsleff A/S, Salzgitter AG, Windar Renovables, Dr. Techn. Olav Olsen AS, NKT Cables GmbH & Co KG, SINTEF Ocean, Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore SA, Maersk Broker K/S, Deugro Danmark A/S, Fred. Olsen Windcarrier, Technical University of Denmark (DTU).

Ms Jesper Moeller, project lead and Senior Specialist in Offshore Technologies at SGRE’s Offshore Business Unit said that “Siemens Gamesa is committed to reducing the cost of offshore wind energy, and greatly welcomes this grant. Our constant focus on innovation – along with strong partners, customers, and support such as from the EU – enables us to push the industry forward, delivering a lower Levelized Cost of Energy (LCoE) and higher annual energy production. The R&D work we'll do during this project has clear goals of benefitting our customers, ratepayers, and society-at-large.”

The i4Offshore project, which is based on classical engineering disciplines such as structural analysis, geotechnical engineering, production and risk analysis, will test a complete installation of a future version of a full-scale Siemens Gamesa offshore turbine. A new 1,000-ton bucket foundation, a steel jacket, a concrete transition piece and a new cable connection will prove that the technology is reliable, and that production, transport, and installation can be done more cost effectively than today.

Mr Lars Bo Ibsen, Professor at Aalborg University said that “One of the challenges of offshore wind energy is that the high cost of building offshore wind turbines has necessitated various governmental subsidies to improve the business case. While all forms of industrial power generation receive governmental support, whether from renewable, fossil, or other sources, our project aims at making offshore wind energy even more cost-effective without external financial support.”

The project aims to apply the advanced technologies to reduce the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCoE) from offshore wind. The LCoE calculations show the total cost of electricity from a particular energy technology when all costs are included. But before the project reaches that goal, the various elements must prove that they can be integrated into an overall solution.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Blackfinch Investments completes third wind project acquisition

TLT has reunited with clean energy investor Blackfinch Investments and Santander to complete the acquisition and project funding for two additional onshore wind turbines near Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire. The turbines, each with a 500kW generation capacity, were acquired through Blackfinch’s renewable energy investment entity, Sedgwick Trading. The deal forms part of Blackfinch's ambitious growth plans in the UK and continued investment in operational wind assets, this being Sedgwick’s third wind project acquisition in the past year.

In the seventh clean energy project the trio have worked on together, TLT handled all legal aspects of the corporate acquisition and the provision of debt funding by Santander.

TLT also prepared and negotiated the agreements for the supply of electricity by private wire from one of the wind turbines, including associated grid sharing arrangements.

The TLT team included Maral Nafar and Gary Roscoe (banking), Nick Rains (corporate), Matthew Grimwood (real estate) Nick Pincott (projects, infrastructure and construction) and Stuart Urquhart (commercial).

Mr Guy Lavarack, investment director at Blackfinch Investments, said that "This is the seventh deal we have worked on with Santander and TLT – the approach works really well and is helping us to achieve our growth ambitions in the UK. The TLT team has worked really hard over the last few weeks to help us achieve this success, project managing everything so diligently and with great patience and stamina. We are grateful as ever for their sound advice and for coming up with the best solutions for our business."

Ms Katie Bagshaw, director, infrastructure and renewable energy at Santander, said that "We are excited to work with TLT again and support Blackfinch with the further expansion of its clean energy portfolio in the UK. The continued growth of this portfolio and the performance of the sites to date demonstrate that this is a buoyant market, and we are looking forward to realising further opportunities to support the growing clean energy market next year."

Mr Gary Roscoe, banking partner at TLT, said that "This deal is a further example of the continued buoyancy we are seeing in the M&A and debt finance markets for renewable projects given their long-term, stable returns and clean energy credentials. We are delighted to have worked with Blackfinch and Santander once again to complete this deal and ensure that this project continues to deliver operationally and strategically for them."

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Vestas secures first order from enercity Erneuerbare GmbH in Germany

Vestas has received a 33 MW order from German municipal utility enercity Erneuerbare GmbH, a subsidiary of Hannover-based utility enercity AG, for the Klettwitz III B.A. 2.2 project located in Klettwitz in the Brandenburg region in eastern Germany. The project will comprise ten V117-3.3 MW turbines, which will be installed on a former coal surface mining area, making the project an example of the German energy market's rapid transformation from fossils to renewables. The contract includes supply, installation and commissioning of the wind turbines, as well as a 15-year Active Output Management 4000 (AOM 4000) service agreement. The project will feature VestasOnline® Business SCADA solution to lower turbine downtime and optimise the energy output. Deliveries are scheduled for late 2019 and early 2020.

Mr Ivo Grünhagen, CEO of enercity Erneuerbare GmbH said that “The Klettwitz III B.A. 2.2 is an extension of the existing Klettwitz park and will make a significant contribution to the German energy transition. When fully commissioned, it will produce around 95.000 MWh/y, which is enough to provide energy for around 30.000 households.”

The project builds on Vestas’ extensive experience from previous projects in the Klettwitz region. Vestas’ first wind turbines in the region were commissioned in 1999, and in 2014 the first repowering activities began, which at the time was one of the largest repowering projects in Germany.

Mr Jens Kück, Sales Director at Vestas Northern & Central Europe said that "Our extensive local experience and project expertise has been key in winning this order with a new customer, and we are grateful for enercity placing their trust in our ability to build and execute this project flawlessly. Located on a former coal surface mining area, the wind park is a good example of how a former coal region can make the transition to taking a leading role for the expansion of renewable energy.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
EDP Renováveis is awarded long term CfD of wind at Greek energy auction

EDP Renewables a global leader in the renewable energy sector and one of the world's largest wind energy producers, secured 20-year Contract-for-Difference at the Greek wind energy auction to sell electricity produced by Aerorrachi 15 MW wind farm, located in North Greece and with expected commercial operation until 2021.

In July 4th 2018 EDPR announced the entrance in Greece with the award of a 20-year CfD for Livadi 45 MW wind farm. With this new contract EDPR reinforces its footprint in a new market with a sustainable development of its Renewable Energy Source.

As part of its growth strategy, EDPR continues to study worldwide opportunities while developing profitable projects focused in countries with low risk profile and regulatory stability.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Raad van State wuift laatste bezwaren tegen windpark Zeewolde weg

Het omstreden Windpark Zeewolde mag er komen. De Raad van State heeft de bezwaren van woningbouwontwikkelaars en van eigenaren van bestaande windturbines ongegrond verklaard.

In de omgeving van Zeewolde staan ook al moderne windmolens in een windpark van Vattenfall. Die nieuwe windturbines zijn gebouwd door Nuon.Foto: Flip Franssen/HH

De uitspraak woensdag van de Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State betekent dat in het zuidelijk deel van Flevoland 91 nieuwe windturbines mogen worden gebouwd en dat de 220 bestaande en verspreid staande windturbines moeten worden afgebroken.

Meer capaciteit
De 91 nieuwe turbines hebben volgens de Raad van State beduidend meer capaciteit dan de bestaande. De Raad van State zegt in de uitspraak de belangen van de eigenaren van de bestaande turbines te erkennen, maar hecht tegelijkertijd meer belang aan het opwekken van meer groene energie en de verbetering van het landschap.

De nieuwe turbines wekken bijna drie keer zo veel energie op als de huidige molens. Windpark Zeewolde, een samenwerkingsverband van meer dan 200 boeren, bewoners en ondernemers uit het buitengebied van Zeewolde, levert vanaf 2021 groene stroom voor ruim een kwart miljoen huishoudens. Eigenaren van bestaande turbines hadden zelf een deel van de bouwwerkzaamheden willen uitvoeren. Windpark Zeewolde claimt de grootste boeren/burgerwindcoöperatie van Europa te zijn.

Bezwaren tegen het windpark kwamen vooral van woningbouwontwikkelaars. Het park zou volgens hen op gespannen voet staan met de ambitie van het Rijk om de komende jaren 15.000 woningen in zuidelijk Flevoland te bouwen. De Raad van State deelt die bezwaren niet en zegt ook dat de woningbouwplannen nog onzeker zijn.

Volgens Windpark Zeewolde worden komende maanden de contracten met de turbineleverancier en andere aannemers gesloten. Eind 2019 verwacht de organisatie de bankfinanciering rond te hebben, waarna begonnen wordt met de bouw. Als alles volgens plan verloopt moet het nieuwe park eind 2021 draaien. Vijf jaar later moeten alle 220 huidige turbines zijn verdwenen.

NTR buys two French wind farms for EUR 35 million

RTE reported that NTR, an investor in renewable energy, has entered the French renewables market through a deal to buy two wind projects for over EUR 35 million. The two wind farms - Bricqueville and Saint-Pierre-de-Juillers - together comprise just under 20MW. The 8.8 MW Bricqueville project is located in the Normandy region of France and is entering into production.

NTR said that when fully operational, it will produce enough clean energy to power approximately 4,000 homes. This project is powered by four Vestas V100 turbines.

The 10.2 MW Saint-Pierre-de-Juillers project is located in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region of France, and is producing enough clean energy to power over 7,000 households.

The project is powered by five Senvion MM92 turbines.

Mr Manus O'Donnell, NTR's chief investment officer of NTR said that "These two acquisitions are a strong demonstration of our intent to be an active participant in the rapidly growing French wind and solar market.”

Mr O'Donnell said that the company intends to further expand its French presence with both international and domestic developers.

Source : RTE
ENGIE and EDPR sign an alliance with Sumitomo Corporation

As part of the alliance, Sumitomo Corporation acquires a 29.5% equity stake in the French offshore projects (Dieppe Le Tréport and Yeu Noirmoutier) and will bring to the consortium its proven and complementary offshore wind expertise in terms of development, construction and operation. ENGIE remains the reference shareholder with a 31% stake and the leading industrial player of both parks (496 MW each), in partnership with EDPR (29,5%) and La Banque des Territoires (part of Groupe Caisse des Dépôts, 10%).

Sumitomo Corporation is a leading Japanese industrial group already strongly positioned in the wind energy sector in Japan, Europe, United-States, South-Africa and China. The company is also part of some major offshore wind projects in Belgium and in the United Kingdom, totaling an installed capacity of over 1.5 GW1.1.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
MHI Vestas and ESVAGT enter into another SOV contract

Another ESVAGT Service Operation Vessel for offshore wind farms is on its way to MHI Vestas. The vessel will service the offshore wind farm, the Moray East, in the UK from 2021. The partnership between MHI Vestas and ESVAGT continues with another new build SOV for delivery at the start of 2021, bringing the number of wind vessels on contract to MHI Vestas to five in 2021.

ESVAGT and MHI Vestas have been working together since 2008. The past year, the 'Esvagt Mercator' has been servicing MHI Vestas in the offshore wind farms, Nobelwind and Belwind, in Belgium, and in August 2019, a newly built SOV will enter into a 15 year contract with MHI Vestas in the Deutsche Bucht Wind Farm in Germany.

In September 2018, MHI Vestas and ESVAGT signed contracts for the delivery of two new SOVs for the Borssele III-IV parks (NL) and Triton Knoll (UK) and announced that there was also an option on a third vessel. This is the option that is now being acted on, making it the fifth new build contract for SOVs between the two parties. From 2021 and for the following 15 years, a new build SOV will service the offshore wind farm, the Moray East, in the UK sector.

Keld Kristensen, Marine Specialist, Marine Engineering and Offshore Logistics for MHI Vestas Offshore said that “It has been an exciting process to develop the concepts around the vessels, so they can give our technicians the optimal conditions to service the turbines whilst finding a balance to ensure a cost efficient vessel operation. With ESVAGT we have, over the years, developed a collaborative approach where no one is looking at the colour of the work wear, but everyone is working together to make our operation much more efficient and competitive.”

Mr Søren Karas, Chief Commercial Officer for ESVAGT said that "We are glad that we have created an even closer and more productive partnership with MHI Vestas with a tailor made solution. This reinforces our position in the market and shows that MHI Vestas appreciates how to take full advantage of all the possibilities that ESVAGT's unique SOV concept brings.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
'Combineer offshore wind tenders met waterstof'

Shell, netbeheerder Tennet en Siemens roepen de Duitse overheid op om toekomstige aanbestedingen van windparken op zee te combineren met de productie van waterstof. Zo zou moeten worden voorkomen dat er een overschot aan groene elektriciteit ontstaat die het landelijk net niet kan worden ingevoerd omdat de transportcapaciteit te beperkt is. Dat hebben de bedrijven eerder deze maand gezamenlijk laten weten.

Toename groene stroom
Het potentieel van offshore wind is heel groot en nog lang niet uitgeput. Waterstof kan daarbij een belangrijke rol in de energiemix gaan spelen, omdat een overschot aan stroom via elektrolyse kan worden opgeslagen in waterstof en het elektriciteitsnet ontlasten.

Een Tennet Offshore converter platform voor de aansluiting van Duitse offshore windparken op het elektriciteitsnet wordt op deze archieffoto uit 2012 geassembleerd bij Heerema in ZwijndrechtHollandse Hoogte

Waterstof is immers makkelijk op te slaan en te transporteren en kan zo seizoensschommelingen opvangen. Nu bestaat het risico dat de uitrol van windenergie in Duitsland op termijn wordt vertraagd, omdat de uitbouw van het landelijk elektriciteitsnet geen gelijke tred houdt met de grote toename aan duurzame elektriciteit.

Industrie en vervoer
Shell, Siemens en Tennet stellen daarom voor om nieuwe aanbestedingen voor offshore windparken te combineren met de aanbesteding van waterstofproductie. Daarmee kan de uitrol van offshore wind doorgaan en tegelijkertijd technologieën om elektriciteit om te zetten in waterstof marktrijp worden gemaakt.

Duitsland zou tussen 2026-2030 een extra 900 megawatt aan offshore windcapaciteit kunnen bouwen in combinatie met waterstof. Dat zou blijken uit een studie die de bedrijven hier naar hebben laten doen. De waterstof kan niet alleen het net balanceren en schommelingen opvangen, maar ook andere sectoren van de economie, zoals de industrie en de mobiliteitssector, helpen vergroenen.

Kosten moeten omlaag
Het omzetten van elektriciteit in gassen, zoals waterstof wordt al langere tijd gezien als een mogelijk interessante oplossing voor het probleem dat in de toekomst bij een elektriciteitssysteem dat grotendeels draait op weersafhankelijke groene energiebronnen, er periodes zijn dat geen elektriciteit wordt geproduceerd. Dat is bijvoorbeeld het geval tijdens periodes dat het nauwelijks waait en het bewolkt is.

Grote uitdaging om de technologie van waterstof in te zetten is het verlagen van de kosten.

Bert van Dijk

Equinor buys half stake in Polish wind farms

Energy Reporters reported that Norway’s Equinor has exercised an option to acquire a 50 per cent stake in a Polish offshore wind project, Ba?tyk I, from Poland-based energy producer Polenergia. Equinor in March already acquired a 50-per-cent interest in Ba?tyk Srodkowy II and Ba?tyk Srodkowy III alongside Polenergia.

Jens Okland, the state-controlled Norwegian firm’s new energy boss, said that “We are very pleased to further deepen our presence in Poland and to work with Polenergia, which is an experienced energy company with an in-depth knowledge of the Polish energy market. This acquisition strengthens our presence in the Baltic Sea, giving opportunities for scale and synergies in a longer perspective.”

Equinor said it would manage the construction preparation and operational phases at the site about 81km from the port of Leba (pictured) and work in partnership with Polenergia.

The Ba?tyk I offshore licence allows for the development of a wind farm at depths of between 25 metres and 35 metres with a capacity up to 1.5 gigawatts.

Poland’s energy ministry’s draft policy until 2040 was released this month covering renewable energy sources with a specific focus on offshore wind development.

Source : Energy Reporters
Norway not to halt 288 MW Fosen Vind project

Renewables Now reported that Norway’s energy ministry said that it would not be halting construction of Fosen Vind’s 288-MW Storheia wind farm, despite concerns about the turbines’ impact on reindeer herding in the area. In a letter dated December 10, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights asked the Norwegian government to stop the construction of the wind park as it had received a complaint by Sami reindeer herders, who feared the wind park would have a negative impact on winter pastures. The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, however, said there is no basis for halting work on the project, which has passed through all legal inspections.

The UN call came under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

Storheia is one of six wind farms being built by Fosen Vind, a company in which Norwegian state-owned utility Statkraft AS has a 52.1% stake. Its partners in the projects are TroenderEnergi, with 7.9%, and Nordic Wind Power DA, with 40%. Significant progress has already been made at Storheia in preparation for the start of wind turbine installation, Fosen has informed the ministry. The 3.6-MW Vestas turbines will be erected between April and August 2019. Fosen has agreed to take measures to address the concerns of reindeer herders during construction.

Completion of the Storheia wind farm is planned for the fourth quarter of 2019. It will be the third of the portfolio to reach operation, after the 256-MW Roan wind farm, up and running since the summer of 2018, and the 94-MW Hitra II park, which will be ready in the third quarter of 2019. The other three parks Geitfjellet (155 MW), Harbaksfjellet (108 MW) and Kvenndalsfjellet (101 MW) will be completed in the third quarter of 2020, according to a recent update by Statkraft.

Source : Renewables Now
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