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Windpower - Europe

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Nordex Group Receives New Orders for 227 MW from Europe

In the current quarter, Nordex Group received further new orders totalling 227 MW from Europe. The main sales market was Germany with 86 MW, followed by the Netherlands with approximately 70 MW, France with 42 MW and Belgium with 29 MW.

The Group has installed more than 29 GW of wind energy capacity in over 40 markets and in 2019 generated revenues of EUR 3.3 billion. The company currently employs a workforce of more than 7,900. The joint manufacturing capacity includes factories in Germany, Spain, Brazil, the United States, India, Argentina and Mexico. The product portfolio is focused on onshore turbines in the 2.4 to 5.X MW class, which are tailor-made for the market requirements of countries with limited space and regions with limited grid capacity.

RWE & SSE Renewables sign up for Extension to Greater Gabbard

Two of the world’s leading offshore wind developers have joined forces to develop an extension adjacent to the operational 504 megawatt Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm, located more than 20 kilometres off the UK coast in the southern North Sea. SSE Renewables and RWE Renewables, co-owners of the existing wind farm, have established an equal joint venture company and signed an Agreement for Lease with The Crown Estate, managers of the seabed, securing an option to develop an extension project on the site covering a total of 150 km2.

The project has been named North Falls Offshore Wind Farm, after the North Falls sandbank located at the southern tip of the proposed site of the wind farm.

The Agreement for Lease with The Crown Estate has been granted to the joint venture company under an extensions application process launched in 2017. The signing of both the joint venture agreement and the Agreement for Lease means the extension project can now begin its development activity in earnest including comprehensive onshore and offshore surveys and studies to inform the Environmental Assessment.

During the coming three years, work will also include engineering design, stakeholder consultation and community engagement before the Development Consent Order application is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate.

The joint venture company will comprise staff from both organisations and will be led by newly appointed Project Manager Martin Whyte, who comes to the project with more than 11 years’ experience working in the offshore wind sector.

The North Falls Offshore Wind Farm will comprise a number of wind turbines on fixed foundations, plus dedicated offshore and onshore electrical infrastructure. The newly-signed lease agreement is for an additional capacity of up to 504MW, the same as the existing Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm. The final capacity of the project will be determined during the development and consenting process.

Vestas wins 80 MW order in the Netherlands

Vestas has secured an 80 MW order for the wind farm Kroningswind majority owned by the Euronext listed infrastructure investor TINC. Wind farm Kroningswind is located on Goeree-Overflakkee in the South-West of the Netherlands.Vestas has developed a solution that comprises supply, installation and commissioning 19 V117-4.2 MW turbines and a 25-year Active Output Management 5000 service agreement, capable of maximising the project’s annual energy production while meeting local restrictions at the site. The wind farm will feature a VestasOnline Business SCADA solution, lowering turbine downtime and thus optimising the energy output.

The order is adding to Vestas’ installed onshore wind capacity of more than 2 GW in the country.

RWE to Develop Four Offshore Wind Farm Extensions Projects in UK

RWE Renewables and its project partners have signed with The Crown Estate Agreements for Lease for developing four projects in the United Kingdom to extend the existing offshore wind farms Gwynt y Môr, Galloper, Greater Gabbard and Rampion. The granted seabed leases comprise extension projects with a combined potential installed capacity of around 1.8 Gigawatts, with RWE’s pro rata share amounting to almost 900 megawatts. Furthermore, it was decided to seek to develop the remaining seabed option at the original Zone 6 of the existing Rampion project and combine this with the extension project at this windfarm.

The Gwynt y Môr extension project called Awel y Môr is located off the coast of North Wales in the Irish Sea. Its capacity may be up to 576 MW (RWE share 60%). The Galloper extension called Five Estuaries has a potential capacity of up to 353 MW (RWE share 25%) and the Greater Gabbard extension, renamed North Falls, has an agreement for up to 504 MW (RWE share 50%). Both projects are located in the southern North Sea. The Rampion 2 development project with a potential capacity of up to 1,200 MW (RWE share 50.01%) is located off the coast of Sussex in the English Channel.

All projects are in very early stages. The necessary development and consenting activities will now progress in accordance with current UK Government guidelines which will include comprehensive stakeholder consultation and determining each project’s exact installed capacity. The consenting processes are expected to take three to five years with participation in auctions for a Contract for Difference (CfD) and construction following thereafter. The wind farms could become fully operational towards the end of the decade.

RWE will take the lead on behalf of partners for the development of the Awel y Môr and Five Estuaries offshore wind farms. RWE and SSE Renewables have formed a 50:50 joint venture company to develop the North Falls offshore wind farm together. Rampion 2 is a joint venture between RWE, a Macquarie-led consortium and Enbridge. RWE will manage the project.

MHI Vestas & EolMed Partner for Floating Offshore Wind Farm in France

Vestas Offshore Wind has been selected as the preferred wind turbine supplier for the EolMed floating project and will supply three V164-10.0 MW turbines. The emergence of floating offshore wind in France took another step forward, as Qair, formerly known as Quadran Énergies Marines, tabbed MHI Vestas Offshore Wind to supply three V164-10.0 MW turbines for the EolMed pilot project. The project will contribute to the unique V164 cumulative experience, as the floating offshore wind industry sets its sights on commercial-scale developments in the coming decade. It will be the second floating project in which the V164 nominal capacity is brought to 10 MW. With more than 160 MW of V164 planned for floating operations, MHI Vestas looks forward to further accelerating the reduction in the levelized cost of energy of floating offshore wind.

The V164-10.0 MW turbines will be installed on Ideol’s foundation and will be located in the Mediterranean Sea approximately 18 km off the coast of Gruissan in the Aude region.

The combination of proven technologies such as Ideol’s patented Damping Pool foundation and MHI Vestas’ V164-10.0 MW turbine can potentially enable a quicker route to market for floating wind projects in Europe and Asia, where MHI Vestas deploys strong operational presences.

Following the announcements for Groix & Belle Ile and Eoliennes Flottantes du golfe du Lion, the 30 MW EolMed project is the third floating offshore wind project for MHI Vestas in France and the sixth floating project overall.

EolMed is scheduled for installation in 2023.

Vestas Secures New Auction Win in Italy

Vestas has secured a 28 MW order from the AM Energie Rinnovabili for the Serra del Vento project, located in the Palermo province. The order includes the supply and installation of eight V136-3.45 MW wind turbines as well as a 20-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement. This order adds to the more than 1.1 GW of contracts signed by Vestas in Italy’s auction system, which showcases the company’s ability to support customers in submitting winning auction bids. The order also reinforces Vestas’ leadership in the country’s wind energy sector, where it has installed more than 4.3 GW since 1991, accounting for a 40 percent market share.

Turbine delivery will begin in the first quarter of 2021 with commissioning scheduled for the the second quarter of the same year.

Vestas secures 25 MW auction win in Germany

Vestas has signed a 25 MW contract with long-standing customer PNE AG for the Boitzenhagen wind project in Lower Saxony, Northern Germany. The order is derived from Germany's fourth wind energy auction in 2020. In close collaboration with PNE AG, Vestas developed a site-specific wind energy solution that features one V126-3.45 MW turbine at 137m hub height, and six V136-3.45 MW turbines delivered in 3.6 MW Power Optimised Mode at 132m hub height in combination with a long-term service agreement. The tailored solution leverages the flexibility of the 4 MW platform to maximise the project’s energy production, while catering for local requirements.

The contract further includes supply, installation and commissioning of the wind turbines, as well as 20-year Active Output Management 4000 (AOM 4000) service agreement. The project will feature a VestasOnline® Business SCADA solution, lowering turbine downtime and thus optimising the energy output.

Deliveries and commissioning are expected to begin in the fourth quarter of 2021.

Klimaat gered, burger boos

Vorige week opende het grootste windmolenpark op land in Nederland. In de Wieringermeer, in de kop van Noord-Holland, staan nu 82 en straks 99 windmolens. Met een hoogte van 118 meter en een wiektop die tot 177 meter komt zijn ze niet te missen in het vlakke polderlandschap.

Ik vind de ranke masten prachtig en dat we nu minder kolenstroom nodig hebben ook. Maar ik woon niet in de Wieringermeer en heb dus niet dagelijks met de bewegende schaduwen, de zwiepende geluiden en de gevleugelde slachtoffers van de wieken te maken.

De overlast daarvan is aanzienlijk en zorgt, zoals ruimtelijke economen Martijn Dröes en Hans Koster van respectievelijk de Universiteit van Amsterdam en de Vrije Universiteit recent voorrekenden, voor een daling van de waarde van de woningen tot in de wijde omgeving.

Dröes en Koster bekeken alle woningverkopen in Nederland in de buurt van wind- en zonneparken sinds 1985 en lieten zien dat huizen binnen twee kilometer van windmolens zijn gebouwd, zoals die in de Wieringermeer, gemiddeld voor 5% minder verkocht werden dan vergelijkbare woningen elders. Zonneparken leiden gemiddeld tot 2% waardeverlies.

In de Wieringermeer krijgen bewoners daarom een financiële compensatie: 330 directe omwonenden mogen jaarlijks 429.000 euro verdelen. Dat is uiteraard een fractie van de geleden schade. Naast de waardedaling van de woning is er dus overlast. Ook profiteren de omwonenden niet van het park - de gegenereerde stroom gaat naar een datacenter van Microsoft (ook in de Wieringermeer) - en was er geen echte inspraak op de vormgeving van het project.

Het park in de Wieringermeer is geen uitzondering, maar de norm in Nederland. De Noordelijke Rekenkamer concludeerde na bestudering van negen projectdossiers van wind- en zonneparken in Friesland, Groningen en Drenthe, dat de interactie met die omgeving zich meestal beperkt tot het betalen van een planschadevergoeding of een heel beperkte mogelijkheid om financieel te participeren.

Parken aanleggen vergt kennis, een netwerk en financiële armslag die omwonenden vaak niet hebben. Tekenend is dat het grootste park dat met en door de bewoners wordt ontwikkeld (zonnepark Garyp) een vermogen van zes megawatt heeft, terwijl het Wieringermeerpark ruim driehonderd megawatt levert. En het succes van Garyp komt volgens de Rekenkamer mede doordat de voorzitter van de coöperatie oud-bankdirecteur was en voornoemde mogelijkheden wel had.

Goede participatie is lastig te organiseren; overheden en energiebedrijven zijn daarom vaak geneigd het op een akkoordje te gooien, waarbij de omwonenden achter het net vissen. Ze krijgen wel de lasten, maar niet de lusten.

Met de ervaringen in de Wieringermeer is het heel begrijpelijk als mensen zich verzetten tegen verduurzaming en vergroening. Het klimaatakkoord vindt daarom dat meer participatie door omwonenden nodig is. Laten we dat regelen, want het klimaat red je voor, en niet ten koste van de mensen.

Construction Starts on Hywind Tampen Floating Offshore Wind Farm

Prime Minister Erna Solberg and Kværner apprentice Arne Linga started construction of Hywind Tampen, a floating offshore wind farm, at Kværner Stord. The technology project opens up new opportunities for Norwegian industry. Prime Minister Solberg and Linga started the cutting robot on the project's first sheet of steel on Thursday, 1 October. Kværner’s assignment will include building 11 floating concrete hulls for the turbines on Hywind Tampen.

The development of the Hywind Tampen project involves around 250 full-time equivalents for Kværner employees. Kværner's project will also generate around 800 full-time equivalents in ripple effects for suppliers and the public sector, among others. A study conducted by Multiconsult shows that, in total, the Hywind Tampen project could provide 1,550 to 3,000 full-time equivalents in ripple effects for the Norwegian private sector.

Equinor's ambition is for floating offshore wind to be competitive with other forms of energy by 2030.

The Hywind Tampen project will be the first floating offshore wind project to supply renewable power for oil and gas installations. The wind farm will have a total capacity of 88 MW, and is expected to cover about 35 percent of the annual power needs on the five platforms Snorre A and B and Gullfaks A, B and C.

Hywind Tampen will reduce emissions from the Gullfaks and Snorre fields by more than 200,000 tonnes per year, which corresponds to annual emissions from 100,000 private vehicles.

As the operator, Equinor will be responsible for operation and maintenance of the wind farm.

The Gullfaks licence: Equinor Energy AS: 51%, Petoro AS: 30%, OMV (Norge) AS: 19%.
The Snorre licence: Equinor Energy AS: 33.3%, Petoro AS: 30%, , Idemitsu Petroleum Norge AS: 9.6%, Wintershall Dea Norge AS: 8.6%, Vår Energi AS: 18.6 %.

De nieuwe Belgische regering, wil de overeengekomen EU-klimaat doelstelling voor 2030 toch halen, vooral de elektriciteit productie via windenergie moet met 7.2 GW groeien
• Vlaanderen onshore van 1.3 GW naar 2.5 GW
• Wallonië onshore van 1 GW naar 4.6 GW
• België offshore van 1.6GW naar 4 GW


Nu nog afwachten of de Vlaamse regering een vergunning wil geven, want Calimero heeft er lange tenen… :(
Maersk Supply Service & Orsted to Test Offshore Charging Buoy

Supply Service A/S and Orsted, the world leader in offshore wind, have formed a partnership to test an innovative charging buoy that can bring green electricity to offshore wind farm service vessels and potentially to a wide range of maritime vessels. The buoy can be used to charge the smaller battery- or hybrid-electrical vessels and to supply power to larger vessels, enabling them to turn off their engines when laying idle. By substituting fossil-based fuels with green electricity, virtually all emissions are eliminated while the buoy is in use. The proto-type buoy has been developed by Maersk Supply Service while Ørsted is responsible for the buoy's integration with the electrical grid at the offshore wind farm. The charging buoy will be tested in the second half of 2021, where it will supply overnight power to one of Ørsted's service vessels.

Upon technical validation and commercial ramp up, the electrical charging buoy has significant potential, short to medium term, to contribute positively to reduce emissions for the maritime industry. This will happen through displacing tens of thousands of tons of fuel consumed every year in the wider maritime sector by enabling inactive vessels to turn engines off and replace energy consumption and charge batteries with renewable electricity. Within five years of global operation, Maersk Supply Service has the ambition to remove 5.5 million tons of CO2, additionally avoiding particulate matter, NOx, and Sox.

Ørsted intends to make any intellectual property generated in designing the integration of the buoy into the offshore wind asset publicly available to maximise the uptake potential of this carbon reduction innovation across the offshore wind sector.

As large parts of the global maritime fleet are getting ready to receive shore power in ports, timing is right for implementing this clean ocean-tech innovation. The charging buoy is applicable as a mooring point outside ports, in offshore wind farms, and near vicinity to other offshore installations. Additionally, it will further help limit the increasing vessel congestions and remove air pollution in port areas.

For the demonstration phase of the project, Maersk Supply Service has received one of the largest EUDP grants (Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Programme, under the Danish Energy Agency) in 2020 supporting with DKK 22 million to the engineering and demonstration of the power buoy. The Danish Maritime Fund has provided initial support to conceptualise the project.

Vestas Upgrades EnVentus Turbines to 6.0 MW & Installs V162-6.0 MW Prototype

Demonstrating its continued focus on innovation and product development, Vestas has upgraded the EnVentus platform’s existing turbine variants to 6.0 MW standard rating. The upgrade to 6.0 MW delivers an increase in energy production of more than three percent compared to 5.6 MW depending on site-specific conditions, while siteability parameters are maintained. The upgrade is enabled by advancements in load assessment and hardware upgrades specific to generator, gearbox and cooling system.

At the same time, Vestas is installing the V162-6.0 MW prototype turbine at the Østerild National test centre for large wind turbines in Western Jutland, Denmark. It will be installed next to the V150-5.6 MW prototype that is already upgraded to 6.0MW. Following final installation of the V162-6.0 MW turbine in mid-October, the prototype will undergo an extensive test and verification programme to ensure reliability before serial production commences in the second quarter of 2021.

With tip height up to 250m and a swept area of more than 20,000m2, the V162-6.0 MW applies the largest rotor size in the Vestas portfolio to maximise energy production at low to medium wind sites.

Introduced in 2019, the Enventus platform is the next generation of Vestas technology, building on and leveraging proven technology from the 2 MW, 4 MW and 9 MW platforms to meet customisation needs more efficiently through advanced modularity. Since the launch of the EnVentus platform, Vestas has secured orders for more than 1 GW across four different markets.

Siemens Gamesa to Suppl 5.X Platform for 372 MW Bjornberget Project in Sweden

Siemens Gamesa has closed the largest order to date for its 5.X platform with a new deal to supply 372 MW of the SG 5.8-170 turbine for the Björnberget project in Sweden. The wind farm, owned by asset manager Prime Capital and independent power producer Enlight, will be one of the largest onshore wind projects to start construction in Europe this year and brings the total order entry for the Siemens Gamesa 5.X to 1 GW in record time, only 18 months after its launch. It also consolidates the partnership between Siemens Gamesa and Prime Capital in Scandinavia, with close to 1 GW of projects.

Thanks to the OptimaFlex technology, the 60 units of the SG 5.8-170 will operate at 6.2 MW, which combined with the largest rotor in the onshore segment leads to unparalleled Annual Energy Production (AEP) and the lowest cost of energy. These features have positioned the Siemens Gamesa 5.X as the benchmark technology in the market, which plans to phase out its green certificate system.

The wind turbines, which have been certified for a 30-year lifetime and will be covered by a 15-year service agreement, will be installed in 2022 in the municipality of Ånge, in central Sweden. Once commissioned, Björnberget will be the largest ever Siemens Gamesa project in the Nordics and will generate enough electricity to meet the demands of around 300,000 European households.

The deal also marks the first investment of the Prime Green Energy Infrastructure Fund, a vehicle created to invest in large scale wind-powered energy assets in the Nordic countries, with no reliance on government support and with the lowest levelized cost of electricity in Europe.

Total Enters Floating Offshore Wind Sector in France

Total becomes a 20% shareholder in the Eolmed floating wind farm pilot project, located in the Mediterranean, off the coast of Gruissan and near Port-La-Nouvelle in Occitan region. Attributed in July 2016, this 30 megawatts project will accelerate the development of a floating wind technology. Together with Qair, the historical developer and majority shareholder of the project, and its local partners, Total brings its experience in the conception, deployment and exploitation of offshore installations throughout their life cycle.

Total is thus continuing to reinforce its position in the emerging sector of floating offshore wind, in which it wants to be one of the world leaders. Today, the Group is present in South Korea with a portfolio of 2 gigawatts and in the United Kingdom with the 100 MW Erebus project, which has just been granted exclusive development rights for its area.

Repsol Begins Producing Electricity in its Delta Wind Project

Repsol, as part of its commitment to an efficient and sustainable energy transition, has reached a new milestone and started to generate wind power with the connection to the grid of the first wind turbines at Delta, one of its two major wind projects located in the northern Spanish region of Aragon.

Delta is made up of eight wind farms, located in the Zaragoza and Teruel provinces, with a total of 89 wind turbines and 335 megawatts (MW) of installed power. The construction and commissioning of this facility, which is already supplying the grid with its first megawatt hours of 100% renewable energy, was completed in less than 12 months and has required an investment of 300 million euros. It is expected that this project, which will initially operate on a trial basis, will enter into commercial operation at the end of the year, according to the projected timetable.

Delta will produce 992 GWh of clean energy per year, the equivalent of the average annual consumption of 300,000 households, avoiding the emission into the atmosphere of one million tons of CO2 per year.

On December 2, last year, Repsol announced that it was orienting its strategy towards becoming a company with net-zero emissions by 2050 in accordance with the Paris Agreement, making it the first company in its sector to adopt this ambitious target.

MHI Vestas Ramps Up Activity at Triton Knoll Pre Assembly Hub

MHI Vestas has moved in to Able Seaton Port in Hartlepool ready to install 90 of its V164-9.5 MW turbines at the Triton Knoll project in Q1 2021. This signals a major ramp up in MHI Vestas’ UK offshore wind activity supporting the leading role of offshore wind in the delivery of the UK’s Net Zero ambitions, while helping drive a green economic recovery from the ongoing COVID pandemic. ASP will serve as the turbine logistics and pre-assembly hub for the project, with components expected to arrive from next month. Turbine tower sections, blades and nacelles will be marshalled and pre-assembled at ASP, before being loaded onto vessels for transport to the wind farm.

Triton Knoll, the 857 MW offshore wind farm, is being built by RWE Renewables in partnership with J-Power and Kansai Electric Power, and is RWE’s most powerful offshore project under construction. The wind farm will be powered by 90 MHI Vestas V164-9.5 MW turbines, which are due to be installed 32km off the Lincolnshire coast beginning in Q1 next year. Each turbine consists of 80m long blades, which are manufactured at MHI Vestas’ facility on the Isle of Wight, and finished at its Fawley plant across the Solent. The Fawley facility is a decommissioned, oil-fired power plant that has been repurposed into a state-of-the-art painting and logistics facility for the 80m-long blades.

Port owner Able UK carried out extensive site preparation works from November last year, to create a site suitable for MHI Vestas to move into. MHI Vestas, in turn, has now begun to prepare the site at ASP site for the impending arrival of turbine components, prioritising UK companies in the delivery of the project. As a result, ASP now hosts technicians on-site from local suppliers, including Global Wind Service, Dawson and Boston Energy, as well as MHI Vestas employees. The main crane and Self-Propelled Modular Transporter to be used at ASP for moving turbine components will be supplied by Weldex, based out of Alfreton, UK.

MHI Vestas will be installing several projects across the UK and Scotland in the coming years, including Triton Knoll, Moray East, Seagreen and Kincardine. These projects will continue to be supplied by MHI Vestas’ blade facility in the Isle of Wight and supported from existing offices in Warrington and London. MHI Vestas currently employs 1,096 people in the UK, all focused on delivering clean offshore wind energy to meet the UK government’s ambition of increasing new offshore wind capacity to 40GW by 2030.

Orsted & Yara to Develop Green Ammonia Project in Netherlands

Leading offshore wind developer Orsted and leading fertilizer company Yara have joined forces in developing a pioneering project aiming at replacing fossil hydrogen with renewable hydrogen in the production of ammonia with the potential to abate more than 100,000 tonnes of CO2 per year, equivalent to taking 50,000 conventional cars off the road. If the required public co-funding is secured and the right regulatory framework is in place, the project could be operational in 2024/2025.

Yara and Orsted share the vision of creating a sustainable future through being first movers and have joined forces to develop a 100 MW wind powered electrolyser plant for renewable hydrogen production, aiming to replace fossil-based hydrogen with renewable hydrogen for ammonia production in Yara's Sluiskil plant, located in the Dutch province of Zeeland. The renewable hydrogen would generate around 75,000 tons of green ammonia per year - approx. 10% of the capacity of one of the ammonia plants in Sluiskil - based on dedicated renewable energy supply from Ørsted's offshore wind farms. Ørsted is about to inaugurate its Borssele 1&2 offshore wind farm, the second biggest in the world, located off the coast of Zeeland close to the Sluiskil plant.

The green ammonia is intended to be used in the production of carbon neutral fertilizer products, decarbonizing the food value chain, and also has potential as a future climate neutral shipping fuel.

Hydrogen produced from renewable energy sources offers a carbon-free alternative to fossil-based hydrogen, but currently comes at a significantly higher cost. Closing this cost gap takes time and will depend on public support to supplement private investments in large-scale renewable hydrogen and ammonia production. Ørsted and Yara will therefore now seek public co-funding for the development and construction of the 100MW electrolyser facility to support the project. Subject to sufficient co-funding and a confirmed business case, a final investment decision to build the new plant could be taken late 2021 or early 2022.

Proserv & Synaptec Sign Strategic Alliance Agreement

Leading controls technology company Proserv Controls has penned a strategic alliance with power system monitoring leader Synaptec to develop a cutting-edge integrated holistic cable monitoring system, which will reduce downtime, improve safety and lower operating costs at offshore wind farms. The wide-ranging objective of the partnership is to move both companies forward in several energy markets, including offshore wind and upstream oil and gas, via the co-development of multiple innovative products and services.

Synaptec was founded in Glasgow in 2014 and provides distributed sensor networks to improve visibility and control of power systems across the offshore wind, transmission and distribution industries. Its advanced technologies use optical fibres and are completely passive: a global first for the power sector.

Proserv will incorporate Synaptec’s unique passive distributed electro-mechanical sensing technology within the monitoring solution.

Synaptec’s patented optical sensing capabilities, complemented by Proserv’s leading controls technology, allows the retrofit of control systems, enabling faults and failures to be identified pre-emptively, through a non-intrusive approach. The clear value for the end user lies in the saving of installation costs and in providing the capability to mitigate the occurrence of faults.

The partners will also evaluate how best to incorporate Synaptec’s unique passive DES into Proserv’s cutting-edge subsea control systems in order to monitor the performance of critical infrastructure.

The two firms will work to integrate their mutual technologies to generate condition monitoring solutions which will take preventative failure warnings to another level of sophistication, enabling timely intervention by operators, and thus preventing outages and costly lost production.

Vestas Secures 40 MW Order for Three Projects in Poland

Vestas has received a 40 MW order from Eurowind Energy A/S, a leading developer and operator of sustainable energy projects for three wind parks in Poland. The three projects are developed through Eurowind Energy’s joint venture in Poland E&W project. Located in the Wagrowiec, Oborniki and Wyrzysk provinces in the north-western part of the country, the projects will consist of V100-2.0 MW wind turbines combined with 120m towers and long-term service contracts, maximising power production while at the same time offering competitive levelised cost of energy.

Earlier this quarter, Vestas announced it has secured more than 1.5 GW of wind projects in Poland since the country introduced its auction system in 2018. This new order further consolidates Vestas' market leadership in the Polish renewable energy sector and builds on an installed base of more than 2.2 GW. Vestas has been operating in Poland since 2002 and employs around 400 people in the country.

The contracts further include supply, installation and commissioning of the wind turbines, as well as 20-year Active Output Management 4000 (AOM 4000) service agreements for the three wind parks. The projects will feature a VestasOnline Business SCADA solution, lowering turbine downtime and thus optimising the energy output.

Deliveries are planned for the third quarter of 2021.

Nordex Group Receives Order for 62 MW in UK

At the end of the 3rd Quarter, the Nordex Group received an order for the delivery of thirteen N133/4.8 turbines in the UK. The order also includes a 15 year Premium service contract for the turbines linked to production-based availability. The 62 MW wind farm will be built in a former coal mining region in South Lanarkshire, Scotland. The site is characterized by good mean wind speeds of 8.6 meters per second, perfect for the turbine variant for strong wind locations of the Delta4000 generation turbines. Installation of the turbines will start in autumn 2021.

The project and customer are undisclosed.

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