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Vattenfall to Supply Power to Air Liquide from Hollandse Kust Zuid

Vattenfall has signed its first power contract for wind farm Hollandse Kust Zuid. Air Liquide will purchase 100GWh of fossil-free electricity per year from the wind farm located off the Dutch coast. The 15-year contract will start in 2023 when the Hollandse Kust Zuid wind farm is operational. Air Liquide, a world leader in gases, technologies and services for the industry and health sectors, will use the electricity to power its factories in the Netherlands.

Hollandse Kust Zuid is the first subsidy free offshore wind farm in the world. It will be located between 18 and 36 kilometers off the Dutch coast, between The Hague and Zandvoort. Construction will start in 2021. In 2023, when the wind farm is operational, the 140 wind turbines will produce more than 6 TWh of green electricity annually. The electricity will be available to households, government and businesses and thus contribute to Vattenfall’s ambition to provide all its Dutch customers with 100 per cent Dutch fossil-free electricity by 2030.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Berenschot en Kalavasta: maatschappelijke meerwaarde windenergie groter dan zonne-energie

Windenergieprojecten zijn op basis van maatschappelijke kosten en baten wenselijker dan zonne-energieprojecten. Dat stellen Berenschot en Kalavasta op basis van door hen uitgevoerd onderzoek in opdracht van Enpuls.

Hierbij is niet alleen gekeken naar hoe rendabel de verschillende opties zijn voor investeerders, maar zijn ook de maatschappelijke kosten en baten in beeld gebracht zoals de noodzakelijke netverzwaring, negatieve impact op de waarde van huizen en vermeden CO2-uitstoot. Daarbij maken de onderzoekers een belangrijke kanttekening: externe effecten zijn niet altijd te kwantificeren. Dit geldt bijvoorbeeld voor de aantasting van het landschap door wind- en zonneparken.

In de studie zijn 8 projectalternatieven met een vermogen van 7,5 megawatt vergeleken: een zonneweide op agrarisch grondgebied, een zonnestroominstallatie op een bedrijfsdak (met hoog en laag percentage eigenverbruik), zonnestroominstallaties op woningen, een windproject in de buurt van woningen en één in landelijk gebied en 2 zogeheten ‘re-powering’ windprojecten. Dat zijn bestaande windparken waarvan de windturbines worden vervangen door nieuwe, meer efficiënte exemplaren.

Voornaamste conclusie van de onderzoekers is dat alle alternatieven van wind-op-land in 2021 en in 2030 maatschappelijk gezien wenselijker zijn dan zon-op-land. Dat komt voornamelijk doordat windturbines meer energie opwekken per opgesteld vermogen dan zonnepanelen. Om die reden zorgen ze ook voor meer CO2-reductie en andere baten. In de MKBA trekken Kalavasta en Berenschot nog 4 andere belangrijke conclusies. Ten eerste stellen de onderzoekers dat de huidige systematiek van de subsidieregeling SDE++ onvoldoende rekening houdt met alle effecten van zon- en wind-op-land-projecten. Hierdoor worden projecten geprioriteerd welke de laagste subsidie-intensiteit hebben per vermeden ton CO2 en wordt onvoldoende rekening gehouden met maatschappelijke effecten. Indien de SDE-systematiek ook rekening zou houden met indirecte en externe effecten worden projecten met een hogere maatschappelijke waarde concurrerender en krijgen daardoor prioriteit.

De tweede conclusie is dat, afhankelijk van de ontwikkeling van de elektriciteitsprijs, op lange termijn zonneweiden en mogelijk ook zon-op-bedrijfsdaken na afloop van de SDE++ (2025) subsidieloos gerealiseerd kunnen worden. Ontwikkelt de elektriciteitsprijs zich echter ongunstig, dan is het volgens de onderzoekers zeer de vraag of zonnestroomprojecten in 2030 zonder subsidie gerealiseerd kunnen worden.

Tot slot concluderen de onderzoekers dat projecten die later in de tijd gerealiseerd worden minder bijdragen aan de maatschappij – vanwege afnemende baten van CO2-reductie die later in de tijd plaatsvindt – en dat niet iedereen momenteel in gelijke mate toegang heeft tot de bestaande financiële instrumenten. Hierdoor neemt de kloof tussen wel-/niet vermogende huishoudens toe. Dit kan volgens hen weerstand tegen de energietransitie in de hand werken.

Vertraging leidt tot lagere waarde
Het onderzoek laat tot slot zien dat de maatschappelijke waarde van zon- en wind-op-land daalt door vertraging van projecten. Hoe eerder CO2 gereduceerd wordt, hoe beter het is. Een noodzakelijke en kostbare netverzwaring is zo’n mogelijke vertragende factor voor projecten. Door een goede mix van zon en wind en een betere afstemming tussen het opwekken en verbruiken van elektriciteit, past er meer groene stroom in het huidige net en is er minder sprake van vertraging. Enpuls stelt het op basis van het rapport belangrijk te vinden dat de overheid efficiënt netgebruik gaat stimuleren met financiële prikkels, bijvoorbeeld via een subsidie voor uitgestelde invoeding van zonne-energie.

Door Edwin van Gastel, Marco de Jonge Baas

Dogger Bank Wind Farm Awards Contracts to North Star Renewables

The Dogger Bank A and B phases of the Dogger Bank wind farm have awarded UK-based North Star Renewables contracts for delivering three service operation vessels for the operation of these phases. The total value of the contracts including options is estimated at about GBP 270 million. The three SOVs will incorporate the latest technology, including a hybrid battery solution and power-to-shore to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. Technicians servicing the turbines will spend two weeks on board the high-tech vessels, more than 130 km off the North East coast of England, ensuring the wind farm phases are safely and efficiently maintained to provide optimum wind turbine availability.

SSE Renewables is the operator during the construction phase of the wind farm and Equinor will be the operator during the operations and maintenance phase. Around 200 people will be needed to operate the wind farm, based either offshore or at a new base to be constructed at the Port of Tyne.

North Star will deliver one SOV to be used for scheduled maintenance at Dogger Bank A and B. The vessel is due to be delivered in January 2024 and will also serve Dogger Bank C when this phase of the wind farm is operational. A further two SOVs will be delivered by North Star to be used for corrective maintenance, at Dogger Bank A and Dogger Bank B. Delivery of these vessels is scheduled for July 2023 and July 2024 respectively. A further contract for an SOV to be used for corrective maintenance at Dogger Bank C will be tendered at a later stage.

Each vessel will have dynamic positioning (DP2) capability, with walk-to-work gangways for safe transfer of personnel and equipment to and from the turbines. Using these gangways means that technicians will be able to transfer safely in wave heights above 3 meters, increasing the productive time on turbines and optimising wind farm availability.

All three contracts will run for a fixed period of 10 years and include three one-year options.

Dogger Bank will be the largest offshore wind farm in the world when complete in 2026, and is being built in three equal phases of 1.2 GW; Dogger Bank A, B and C.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
140 Siemens Gamesa Turbines for Wind Farm Hollandse Kust Zuid

Vattenfall and Siemens Gamesa are working together on the development of the new 11 MW Siemens Gamesa wind turbines for offshore Wind Farm Hollandse Kust Zuid. Hollandse Kust Zuid will be the first offshore wind farm to install a new series of wind turbines: the Siemens Gamesa Direct Drive 11 MW. These 140 new turbines will be the biggest ever to be installed at scale. To ensure that they will soon be able to supply green energy for decades, Siemens Gamesa is performing intensive tests with a prototype installed onshore in Østerild, Denmark. We spoke with Kevin Metcalfe, Wind Turbine Package Manager at Vattenfall, and with Peter Esmann and Rasmus Holm, Senior Product Manager and Chief Engineer at Siemens Gamesa. They discussed the intensive cooperation between the two companies and the development of these new turbines.

At the start of the collaboration between Vattenfall and Siemens Gamesa, the Siemens Gamesa Direct Drive 11 MW was selected as the turbine of choice for Hollandse Kust Zuid. At that time, each turbine was planned to feature a 193-meter rotor diameter. A few months ago, following an intensive thought process and lots of calculations, it was decided to upgrade to a rotor diameter of 200 meters. Kevin Metcalfe from Vattenfall explains why: “The larger blades result in a ~2,100 m2 increase in the swept area, which is about the size of eight tennis courts. This means the turbines generate even more green energy throughout their lifetime, even at lower wind speeds, which is important for a subsidy-free wind farm such as Hollandse Kust Zuid.”

1,200 Direct Drive turbines at sea

The biggest challenge that Siemens Gamesa sees for the coming year is scaling up the production process from a single prototype to serial production of one to two turbines per day. While the towers are almost the same for the 8 MW turbines and production can be scaled up quickly with familiar suppliers, the nacelle contains all kinds of new parts.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Shell volledig eigenaar windpark Egmond aan Zee

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Royal Dutch Shell heeft het aandeel in het offshore windpark Egmond aan Zee overgenomen van Vattenfall, waardoor de energiereus volledig eigenaar wordt van NoordzeeWind. Dit maakte Shell maandag bekend, zonder financiële details te noemen.

"De verkoop stelt Vattenfall in staat om zich nog meer te focussen op de ontwikkeling van onze nieuwe projecten", zo lichtte Kasper Simonsen, hoofd Asset Management bij Vattenfall, de verkoop aan Shell toe.

Shell en Vattenfall werkten ruim twintig jaar samen om Nederlands eerste windpark op zee te bouwen en exploiteren.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

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Dogger Bank Wind Farm Unveils Details of Port of Tyne

The developers of the Dogger Bank Wind Farm have revealed the design for the multi-million pound Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Base, that will serve the world’s biggest offshore wind farm. Subject to planning approval, the base will be constructed in the Port of Tyne. It will serve as the main hub for operating the wind farm which when complete will be capable of providing around 5% of the UK’s electricity demand. SSE Renewables is leading on construction of the wind farm and Equinor will operate the wind farm for its lifetime of up to 35 years, creating over 200 direct jobs in the North East of England.

Some roles will be based onshore, such as planners, engineers and management, whilst other roles such as wind turbine technicians will be based offshore at the wind farm itself, living for two weeks at a time on a vessel over 130km out to sea. The main recruitment activity is expected from 2022.

Illustration of Dogger Bank Wind Farm Operations and Maintenance Base

The facility has been designed using environmentally friendly materials, with EV chargers, solar panels and efficient heating systems to ensure the facility has a low carbon footprint.

Working with international design practice Ryder Architecture, headquartered in Newcastle, Equinor has designed the O&M Base to be built using environmentally friendly materials. EV chargers, solar panels and efficient heating systems have been included to ensure the facility has a low carbon impact.

As well as offices for those based onshore and a warehouse to store spare parts for the wind farm, the design includes development of a new quay suitable for the state-of-the-art Service Operations Vessels (SOVs) that provide accommodation, and transport for technicians to and from the wind farm. The vessels will come to the port approximately twice a month for resupply and crew change.

The plans for the O&M facility have been submitted to South Tyneside Council for a planning application. The construction contractor will be appointed in the coming months.

Dogger Bank is being built in three equal phases of 1.2 gigawatts each. The first two phases, Dogger Bank A and B, are a joint venture between Equinor 40%, SSE Renewables 40% and Eni 20. The third phase, Dogger Bank C, is being developed on a different timescale and is owned by Equinor 50% and SSE Renewables 50%.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Niet in mijn achtertuin
Anna Dijkman 00:30

‘Wilt ú een windmolen in uw achtertuin?’ Deze retorische klassieker kwam van een boze Amsterdammer op een online inspraakavond over nieuwe windmolenlocaties. Nu is achtertuin een breed begrip, maar een windmolen van bijna 150 meter op 350 meter afstand lijkt mij ook geen pretje.

De hoofdstad heeft met de havens een prima plek voor windmolens, alleen is dat niet genoeg voor het zelfopgelegde doel om 80% van de energie in 2030 duurzaam op te wekken. Dus komen de natuurgebiedjes aan de stadsrand in beeld, net als boze bewoners.

Je kunt je natuurlijk vrolijk maken over de GroenLinkse NIMBY's die zich ineens geconfronteerd zien met gevolgen van hun eigen keuze voor groen beleid. Maar hun worsteling legt ook de spagaat van de energietransitie bloot: hoeveel natuur, landschap en gezondheid wil je opofferen voor het klimaat? En kan het ook niet íets doordachter? Rijksadviseur voor het Landschap Berno Strootman waarschuwde eind vorig jaar nog dat Nederland 'een grote hagelslag' wordt van windmolens en zonneparken.

Amsterdam lijkt in haar streven naar een duurzaam paradijs de leefbaarheid te vergeten. En daarmee het draagvlak voor de energietransitie.

Originele link van het artikel: fd.nl/opinie/1378913/niet-in-mijn-ach...
Siemens Gamesa Bags 5.X Platform Order in Sweden

Siemens Gamesa has notched another two contracts totalling 86 MW in Sweden for its market leading Siemens Gamesa 5.X platform, building on a growing partnership with independent green energy supplier European Energy. The contracts will see Siemens Gamesa provide turbines at two different sites to be installed in 2022. At the site of Grevekulla near Eksjö six SG 5.8-170 turbines will be installed, and at the site of Skåramåla near Växjö a further eight of these turbines, with one of the largest rotors in the industry at 170 meters, will be erected. The turbines will have a flexible rating with most at these sites operating at 6.2 MW. The nacelles will sit on 115-meter towers at both sites, giving them a tip height of 200 meters.

Siemens Gamesa has signed three contracts with European Energy in the country in under six months. Indeed, Sweden has recorded the fastest uptake of the Siemens Gamesa 5.X platform providing one of the most competitive Levelized Cost of Energy (LCoE) in the sector, with over 1 GW of sales. Globally the platform has now registered around 2.5 GW of sales, with particular interest in the Nordics, but also in Brazil, the UK and Germany.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Gamesa to Supply Turbines to Repsol for WindFarms in Spain

Siemens Gamesa and Spanish energy giant Repsol have signed their first contract together that will see the installation of 24 SG 5.0-145 wind turbines across four wind farms in Spain, with a total installed capacity of 120 MW. This is the first contract between the pair as Repsol rolls out its ambitious growth plans in renewable energy. The agreement includes the supply of 20 turbines for two wind farms in the province of Zaragoza, in the North-East of Spain (part of Delta II project), for 100 MW, and the installation of four wind turbines in two other wind farms in the province of Valladolid to the North-West of the country (part of the PI project), with a capacity of 20 MW.

The SG 5.0-145 is one of the most powerful onshore turbines in Spain, with just one supplying sufficient green energy to around 4,000 households. The wind farms are scheduled to be commissioned between the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022. The agreement includes the maintenance of the turbines for a period of five years.

Repsol's Delta II project consists of 26 wind farms located in the provinces of Huesca, Zaragoza and Teruel. It will have a capacity of 860 MW, and will be developed between now and 2023. When operational it will supply electricity to 1.8 million people, over the entire population of the region of Aragon. In addition, it will prevent the emission of more than 2.6 million tonnes of CO2 per year. The wind farms in Valladolid correspond to the PI project, which will have a total installed capacity of 175 MW.

Once these four parks are operational, they will be supply enough clean energy to power around 130,000 Spanish households and will prevent the emission of 430,000 tonnes of CO2, equivalent to that produced by around 150,000 vehicles. To avoid a similar amount of emissions, around seven million trees would have to be planted.

The 24 nacelles will be assembled at Siemens Gamesa's plant in Ágreda (Soria), the gearboxes will be produced at the plants in Asteasu (Guipúzcoa), Lerma (Burgos) and the city of Burgos, and the electrical components will be produced at the factories in Reinosa (Cantabria), San Fernando de Henares (Madrid) and Benisanó (Valencia). Siemens Gamesa has nine plants in Spain employing 1,200 people, and 4,500 employees in total in the country.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
GE Consortium to Build HVDC System for Sofia Offshore Wind Farm

A specially formed consortium of GE Renewable Energy’s Grid Solutions and Sembcorp Marine today announced they have been awarded the full contract to supply a state-of-the-art high voltage direct current transmission system for Sofia, one of the world’s largest offshore wind farm projects. Once operational, Sofia, located in the North Sea 195 kilometers off the coast of the North East of England, will be able to generate enough wind energy to meet the electricity needs of almost 1.2 million average UK homes.

The HVDC transmission system represents Sofia’s second largest contract and will include the design, manufacture, installation, commissioning and maintenance of the offshore converter platform and the onshore converter station, including all ancillary equipment. Construction of the wind farm is set to begin onshore at its Teesside converter station site this year, with offshore construction expected to get underway in 2023. Teesside, an ideal location to serve the vast offshore wind potential of the North Sea, will also be the future home of GE Renewable Energy’s new blade manufacturing plant.

GE’s Grid Solutions will be leading the consortium for the engineering, procurement, construction and installation of the system’s two HVDC converter stations capable of transmitting 1,320 megawatts (MW) of power at 320 kilovolts (kV). The offshore converter station will be the most powerful ever built and will be installed 220 kilometers from shore, which will also make it the most remote.

Construction of the offshore converter platform will start this year and will be designed, built, installed and commissioned by Sembcorp Marine. Located at the heart of the wind farm, it will comprise a 17,000-ton topside and a jacket foundation structure piled into the seabed. The onshore converter station will convert the electricity generated by the wind farm to 400 kV alternating current, before it enters the UK national grid.

Sofia is the largest project in RWE Renewable’s current development portfolio with a generating capacity of up to 1.4 gigawatts. The wind farm site is located 195 km off the coast of the North East of England and on the shallow central area of the North Sea known as Dogger Bank. Once operational, Sofia will be able to generate enough green energy to meet the electricity needs of almost 1.2 million average UK homes.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Iberdrola to Build Wind Projects in Greece

Iberdrola advances in the development of renewable projects in Greece, within the framework of its strategy to combat climate change. It has signed a 102 MW turbine supply contract for its Askio II, Askio III and Rokani wind farms. The Rokani project, in the Viotia region, will install three EnVentus V162-6.0 MW turbines, the most powerful onshore wind turbines in the market to be used for the first time in Greece. The order also includes the supply and installation of twenty V150-4.2 MW for Askio II (33.6MW) and Askio III (50 MW) wind farms, located in Kozani, in the country's north, as well as two Active Output Management 5000 service agreements for 5 and 10 years.

Turbine delivery will take place in the first half of 2022 whilst commissioning is scheduled for the second half of the same year, after which Iberdrola's capacity in Greece and Cyprus will reach 437 MW.

The three projects were awarded to Iberdrola in the renewable capacity auction organised by the Greek government in July 2020. Through technological innovation and greater efficiency, the company is committed to develop competitive renewable energy, which is essential to advance in the energy transition towards a decarbonised model and combat climate change.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Noors staatsfonds koopt helft windmolenpark voor kust Zeeland

Het Noorse staatsinvesteringsfonds heeft een belang van 50 procent gekocht in het windmolenpark Borssele 1 & 2 dat ligt voor de kust van Zeeland. Dat belang werd overgenomen van het Deense energieconcern Ørsted voor een bedrag van bijna 1,4 miljard euro.

Economieredactie 07-04-21, 13:53

Het park telt 94 windmolens en heeft een productiecapaciteit van 752 megawatt. Dat is genoeg om circa 1 miljoen Nederlandse huishoudens jaarlijks van elektriciteit te voorzien. Vorig jaar gingen al geruchten dat Ørsted een belang in het windpark wilde verkopen. Het Deense bedrijf is de ontwikkelaar van Borssele 1 & 2, het op een na grootste offshore-windpark ter wereld op ongeveer 23 kilometer van de Zeeuwse kust. De bouw werd vorig jaar afgerond.

Het is voor het eerst dat het Noorse staatsinvesteringsfonds een direct belang neemt in een project rond duurzame energie. Het fonds belegt de inkomsten uit de Noorse olie- en gasindustrie en is met een beheerd vermogen van bijna 1100 miljard euro het grootste staatsfonds ter wereld. De Noren willen nog meer meer directe investeringen gaan doen in schone energiebronnen.

Nexans & Bureau Veritas form Offshore Wind Partnership

Bureau Veritas and Nexans have signed a partnership agreement to reduce risk and promote best practices for deliveries of high voltage power cables used for connecting offshore wind farms to onshore grids. This partnership builds on Bureau Veritas’s maritime expertise and extensive experience in risk management to help the offshore wind sector reduce operational risk. Nexans provides high voltage cables to transfer the energy generated by offshore wind farms. Bureau Veritas can offer its assurance on Nexans end-to-end Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation operational model.

High voltage power cables are among the most critical elements of offshore wind farms. Reliability of high voltage power cables end-to-end solutions, including installation, becomes an essential enabler for the current and the next generation of cables required to capture energy in deeper water. Bureau Veritas and Nexans, a global player in electrification, will partner to address this challenge and build trust for all stakeholders.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Subsea 7 Joins Simply Blue in Salamander Floating Windfarm Project

Leader in the delivery of offshore projects Subsea 7 and Irish blue economy developer Simply Blue Energy have joined forces to develop the Salamander floating wind project, off the North East Coast of Scotland. The companies have formed a joint venture partnership, where Subsea 7 has a minority interest, to develop a pre-commercial project. Subsea 7 will bring its proven track record in delivering offshore energy projects, together with the company’s expertise and detailed knowledge of the Scottish supply chain. Simply Blue Energy will bring its floating wind development experience from their projects in the Celtic Sea.

Energy consultants, Xodus Group, an autonomous subsidiary of Subsea 7, has been supporting the project from the inception stage and will continue to work with the project to develop the concept in readiness for acquiring a lease, in due course from the Crown Estate Scotland (under the innovation and oil and gas decarbonisation leasing activities referenced in the Offshore Wind Sectoral Marine Plan).

This early engagement provides an opportunity to develop a sustainable Scottish supply chain which can deliver a responsible energy future and bring economic benefits associated with offshore floating wind.

Up to 200 MW, Salamander will be another stepping stone project delivered by Simply Blue Energy, following on from four other such projects it is developing with major energy operators in the Celtic Sea.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Gamesa Turbines for Sofia Offshore Wind Power Project

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has been awarded the firm order from RWE for the 1.4 GW Sofia offshore wind power project. Sofia represents a giant leap for the company; located 195 km off the UK’s north eastern coast on Dogger Bank in the North Sea, the project will be the first to install the company’s flagship 14 MW Direct Drive offshore wind turbine. At 593 square kilometres, the Sofia project will also cover an area greater than that of the Isle of Man and will utilise the evolutionary technology of the SG 14-222 DD offshore wind turbine commercially for the first time anywhere in the world. The development brings other milestones; the 100 turbines will be installed furthest from shore of any project yet undertaken by the company and will feature the world’s largest single-cast turbine blade at 108 m long.

The B108 blades being used at Sofia are more than six times longer than the first offshore wind turbine blades ever installed, namely the 16-meter long blades used at Vindeby in Denmark in 1991. The 35-meter water depth, the distance from the UK’s coastline and the sheer scale of the turbine and its components make the stable, proven technology of Siemens Gamesa’s Direct Drive technology, where no gearbox is involved,an obvious choice for the Sofia wind power project. The strong, reliable winds far from shore will enable the completed wind power project to power the equivalent of 1.2 million UK households. Offshore construction works for the Sofia project will start in 2023 with turbine installation set to commence in 2025.

Two further preferred supplier agreements for wind power projects employing the SG 14-222 DD turbine are signed, totalling 2.94 GW: the 300 MW Hai Long offshore wind project in Taiwan and the 2.64 GW Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project in the USA. The enormous machines, with a capacity of up to 15 megawatts with Power Boost, a 222 m rotor diameter and overall height of 252 m, are able to bring utility-scale energy generation with far fewer turbines installed than was possible only a few years ago.

The B108 blades take advantage of the IntegralBlade® technology, as well as the superior Siemens Gamesa PowerEdge™ solution and lightning protection system. Recently produced, the first three B108 blades will be installed on the SG 14-222 DD prototype in Østerild, Denmark later in calendar year 2021.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Iberdrola Acquires Three Onshore Wind Farms in Poland

Iberdrola has increased its renewable energy footprint in Poland, one of the company's new growth markets. The group has reached an agreement with CEE Equity Partner to acquire three new onshore wind farms with a total capacity of 163 megawatts. The production from the facilities is largely already covered by 10-year power purchase agreements. Two of the projects, with a joint capacity of 112.5 MW, are already operational, while the third one, with 50.4 MW capacity, will start construction shortly.

The agreement reinforces Iberdrola's commitment to Poland, strengthening the company's position to be at the forefront of the energy transition in the country. It follows the recent acquisition of 70% of the developer Sea Wind, which has a pipeline of seven offshore projects with a potential capacity of up to 7,300 MW.

This new acquisition also boosts the company's renewables Baltic Sea Hub which will act as a centre for offshore and onshore services, as well as providing local content for Iberdrola's projects in the Germany-Poland-Sweden axis. The Baltic has an offshore wind development potential of 93,000 MW, of which 28,000 MW would be located in Polish waters.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
RWE Onshore Wind Farm in Italy Produces Electricity for Sofidel

RWE's renewable energy business has completed the construction of its new onshore wind farm Alcamo II in Sicily. The green electricity produced by this wind farm has already been contracted to the Italian Sofidel Group on a long-term basis as part of a Power Purchase Agreement. Sofidel is one of the largest producers of paper for hygienic and domestic uses in the world, particularly well-known for its brand ‘Regina’. The contract enabled RWE to build this wind farm without having to rely on state subsidies. For its part, thanks to the agreement, Sofidel will come a great deal closer to meeting its ambitious climate protection goals and strengthens its commitment to a sustainable future for people and planet.

The new wind farm consists of four Goldwind turbines (GW 136-3.4MW) with a total installed capacity of 13.6 megawatts (MW). The PPA with Sofidel enabled the realisation of Alcamo II by providing financial stability through contracting 26 gigawatt hours per year as the sole corporate off-taker. As part of the deal, Sofidel purchases all the guarantees of origin this wind park produces. The long-term contract started in early-April 2021 and will run until end of 2030.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Poland Awards Contract to RWE for Baltic II Offshore Wind Farm

RWE has moved a major step closer to the realisation of its first offshore wind farm in Poland: The Polish Energy Regulatory Office has awarded a Contract for Difference to the FEW Baltic II offshore wind project, which will have a planned installed capacity of 350 megawatts. This confirms that RWE’s project has been selected for the first phase of Poland’s ambitious offshore wind build-out program. The CfD award is subject to final approval from the European Commission.

Back in December 2020, RWE signed a Grid Connection Agreement for the FEW Baltic II project, which is located north of the Slupsk sand bank in the central Polish Baltic Sea exclusive economic zone. Subject to the final investment decision, construction works could commence as early as 2024. Once fully operational, the wind farm would be capable of producing enough green electricity to supply the equivalent of around 350,000 households.

The CfD mechanism provides green electricity projects with essentially a fixed inflation indexed ‘strike’ price for electricity over the project’s initial 100,000 hours of full load generation over up to 25 years of operation. If the electricity price is lower the state compensates the difference to the fixed bid price. If the electricity price exceeds the bid price, the wind farm operator must transfer the additional revenue to the state. This mechanism results in lower financing costs, which in turn lead to lower electricity costs for consumers.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Ørsted koopt het onshore-windenergieplatform in Ierland en het VK van Brookfield Renewable (USA) voor € 571 miljoen.

Met de overname van BRI betreedt Ørsted de Europese onshore-markt.

BRI, met hoofdkantoor in Cork, Ierland, is een ontwikkelaar, eigenaar en exploitant van onshore windparken.

BRI heeft een aantrekkelijke portefeuille van 389 MW in bedrijf en in aanbouw, 149 MW en meer dan 1 GW-ontwikkelingspijplijn in Ierland en het VK.

cc: globenewswire.com
Hvide Sande Port to Serve Vattenfall Wind Farms

Vattenfall has chosen Hvide Sande Harbour as its service port for Vesterhav Syd and Nord wind farms. Hvide Sande will to be the service hub for Vattenfall’s Danish offshore wind operations in the northern part of the North Sea and benefit from the creation of about 50 jobs. The choice of Hvide Sande as the service port for Vesterhav Syd and Nord wind farms means that three offshore wind farms will be serviced from the Port of Hvide Sande. In 2019, Hvide Sande was selected as Vattenfall’s service port for the Horns Rev 3 offshore wind farm. As a result, once Vesterhav Syd and Nord come on-line, the Port of Hvide Sande will service a total of 90 offshore wind turbines and a fossil-free electricity production matching the consumption of approx. 800,000 Danish homes.

This choice represents a milestone in the development of Vesterhav Syd and Nord offshore wind farms. Vattenfall will design and develop new facilities at the port for operating offices and warehousing, and it is expected that the new hub will make a positive contribution to the town in many ways.

Facts about the Hvide Sande Offshore Service Hub

Hvide Sande service hub will service a total of 90 offshore turbines spread over three offshore wind farms – Vesterhav Syd and Nord, and Horns Rev 3.

The service hub will employ about 50 workers locally, once Vesterhav Syd and Nord come on-line.

The total production of 757 MW from the three wind farms will be enough to supply about 800,000 homes with electricity

Horns Rev 3 has been in operation since 2019, and Vesterhav Syd and Nord are expected to come on-line by the end of 2023.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
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