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Siemens Gamesa awarded order for 128 MW for a Voltalia wind project

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy recently signed its third contract with Voltalia in Brazil to supply the wind project Ventos da Serra do Mel 2 (VSM 2). The scope of the contract with Voltalia, recognized international player in renewable energy with a presence in 18 countries, includes the supply of 36 units of the SG 3.4-132 wind turbine model with a flexible power rating of 3.55 MW for the VSM 2 wind complex, located in Rio Grande do Norte, northeastern region of Brazil, for a combined total nominal capacity of 128 MW. Commissioning of VSM 2 is planned for 2020. This is the third contract signed with Voltalia in Brazil following Vila Acre I (27 MW, 13 units of SG 2.1-114) and Ventos da Serra do Mel 1 (163 MW, 47 units of SG 3.4-132). In total, Siemens Gamesa has been awarded a total of 318 MW by Voltalia in Brazil, since 2016.

Mr Roberto Prida, Managing Director Onshore Brazil said that “Our customers’ trust is fundamental to enable and drive our growth strategy, and we are very pleased to have received this third order from Voltalia. We feel very confident that together we are advancing wind power as the most competitive generation technology in Brazil.”

Mr Robert Klein, CEO of Voltalia Brazil said that “Siemens Gamesa is a trusted partner for the supply of wind turbines and we are glad to continue our partnership with them to build new projects. We have a great confidence in Siemens Gamesa’s equipment and capabilities.”

Since 2012, Siemens Gamesa has provided more than 3.1 GW (more than 1,500 units) of output capacity for close to 60 project sites across Brazil. The company has a strong footprint in the country consisting of manufacturing, service and offices.

The SG 3.4-132 onshore wind turbine is the most profitable product in its segment, featuring optimal Levelized Cost of Energy for medium and high winds, rotor diameter of 132 meters, a flexible power rating of 3.3-3.75 MW depending on the project requirements, and low risk based on proven technologies and enhanced performance with the highest levels of reliability.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Voltalia launches the construction of VSM 2 wind project in Brazil

Voltalia an international player in renewable energies, has signed with Siemens Gamesa a purchase contract for 36 wind turbines, in order to launch the construction of the VSM 2 power plant.

Mr Sebastien Clerc, CEO of Voltalia said that "After securing several long-term power sale contracts in Brazil since the end of 2017, we are now currently building 291 MW of power plonts with a significant anticipation in order to commission them in the course of2020. Altogether we will install an additional number of 83 wind turbines in our Serro Branca cluster, which is located in one of the windiest areas in Brazil. The VSM 2 project brings our total capacity in operation and construction to 911 MW.”

As for the Vila Acre (27 MW) and more recently the VSM 1 (163 MW) power plants, Voltalia has once again chosen Siemens Gamesa for the supply of wind turbines which will equip VSM 2 (128 MW). The 36 turbines to be installed are the SG 3.4-132 model with a power rating of 3.55 MW each. Rotors with a diameter of 132 meters will tower 120 meters above the ground.

The VMS 2 project is located in the Serra Branca cluster, neighboring the VSM 1 project already in construction and will therefore benefit from significant economies of scale for the construction process and for the connection facilities, on top of exceptional wind conditions.

Long-term power sale agreements secured for VSM 2 will start in 2021 (64 MW) and 2024 (64 MW). The electricity produced between the commissioning of the plant and these dates will be sold at attractive prices on the free market.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Senvion and Mainstream sign further 84 MW conditional order for project in Chile

Senvion and Mainstream Renewable Power Ltd have signed a conditional contract for 20 Senvion 4.2M148 turbines for the Alena wind farm project in Chile. This is the third conditional contract within a month. The three contracts signed are for a total of 424 MW and the contract scope includes the delivery, installation and commissioning of the wind turbines. Senvion and Mainstream signed a long-term full-service contract for the period of 20 years with the option to be extended.

The Alena project is part of the first of three phases for Mainstream’s fully-contracted 1.3 gigawatt wind and solar platform awarded to the company in the Chilean energy auction in August 2016. The 4.2M148 turbines have a hub height of 140 meters, the installation is planned for 2020.

Mr David Hardy, Executive Director and CSO of Senvion, said that “We are glad to see that our newly launched 4.2 turbine platform proves itself as successful and competitive as we expected it to be: Especially the continuous orders from new markets reflect its efficiency in low and medium wind sites.”

Mr Manuel Tagle, General Manager for Mainstream Renewable Power in Chile, said that “This contract is another important advancement to demonstrate that our projects, which are scheduled to begin construction this year, are on track to reach commercial operational by 2021. These advancements show that we have achieved what we have set out to do, which is to supply clean energy and contribute to phase out fossil fuels in the Chile.”

Mr Toralf Pohl, Vice President New Markets at Senvion, added that ”We want to thank Mainstream for the on-going cooperation. Our significant increase in MW order-intake, especially in key growth markets such as Chile, is based on our close partnerships with leading market players, like Mainstream Renewable Power.”

Mr Barry O’Donnell, Head of Procurement for Mainstream Renewable Power said that “We are delighted to continue our collaboration with Senvion on this first phase of our 1.3 GW fully-contracted wind and solar platform in Chile. We look forward to starting construction and getting these projects successfully into commercial operation on schedule.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
NIPSCO announces three new Indiana Wind Farms

Northern Indiana Public Service Co which is phasing out coal-fired power as part of its “Your Energy, Your Future” plan announced late last year, on Feb. 1 said it will develop three new wind farm projects in the state that will add about 800 MW of renewable power generation capacity to its portfolio. The Merrillville, Ind.-based utility on Friday said the wind farms will be sited in Benton, Montgomery, and White counties. NIPSCO said the projects are partnerships between the utility and private companies, and were chosen after NIPSCO last year issued a request for proposals (RFP) for alternative energy generation.

Mr Violet Sistovaris, NIPSCO’s president, in a statement said that “We’re excited for the opportunity to add more home-grown renewable energy in Indiana. In addition to the economic benefits that projects like these add, the transition we’re making in our electric generation equates to an estimated $4 billion in cost-savings for customers over the long-term.”

The utility said it received 90 proposals for energy projects, including 70 sited within the state. NIPSCO said it expects to issue another RFP this year, asking for renewable energy projects.

NIPSCO plans to close the last four coal units at its 1,943-MW Schahfer Generating Station near Wheatfield, Ind., by year-end 2023. It has said it will retire another coal unit at the Michigan City Generating Station in Michigan City, Ind., by year-end 2028. NIPSCO in 2018 retired the two coal-fired units at its 604-MW Bailly Generating Station plant in Chesterton, Ind.

The utility in its strategic plan announced last year said the long-term cost of coal generation, including for fuel and plant maintenance, was higher than the cost of alternative resources such as wind, solar, and battery storage.

The wind farm projects have been submitted to the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission for approval. NIPSCO said it expects the projects will begin commercial operation by late 2020.

The projects include Jordan Creek, 400-MW wind farm that will be developed and built by Florida-based NextEra Energy Resources in Benton and Warren counties, near Williamsport. It will feature about 160 wind turbines. NIPSCO will purchase power directly from the facility under a 20-year power purchase agreement (PPA). NextEra already operates a 120-MW wind farm in Jay and Randolph counties in Indiana.

Roaming Bison is a 300-MW wind project with an estimated 107 turbines that will be developed and built by Virginia-based Apex Clean Energy in Montgomery County, near Waynetown. NIPSCO also has a 20-year PPA with the facility.

Mr Mark Goodwin Apex President and CEO said in a statement that “NIPSCO is taking advantage of strong, local wind resources and low generation costs to accelerate the shift from aging coal plants. At the same time, the vital community support shown by the residents of Montgomery County will yield tremendous returns in terms of economic benefits—both to the county and to landowners involved in the project.”

The third project is the 102-MW Rosewater, which will be developed and built by EDP Renewables North America, a subsidiary of Madrid, Spain-based EDP Renewables. The project will include about 25 turbines. EDP and NIPSCO entered into a joint venture to own the facility, with a contract that allows for NIPSCO to assume full ownership. EDP Renewables North America already operates two Indiana wind farms, in White and Benton counties, that combined have generation capacity of 700 MW.

Source : POWERmag
US DOE announces USD 28 million for Offshore Wind Energy

The US Department of Energy today announced up to USD 28 million in funding for a new Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) program, Aerodynamic Turbines, Lighter and Afloat, with Nautical Technologies and Integrated Servo-control (ATLANTIS). ATLANTIS projects will develop new technologies for floating, offshore wind turbines using the discipline of control co-design.

US Secretary of Energy Mr Rick Perry said that “The United States has 13,000 miles of shoreline, which is a huge opportunity to lead the world in capitalizing offshore wind. The ATLANTIS projects will help advance American offshore wind production and the accompanying job, manufacturing, and investment growth for the nation.”

Control co-design methodologies bring together diverse engineering disciplines to work concurrently while designing a device, instead of in sequential steps. The CCD approach enables project teams to develop new ways to build FOWTs that would not be possible using a traditional design approach.

Much of the United States’ best offshore wind resources are found in waters too deep for traditional offshore wind turbines, which are fixed to the sea floor. Floating turbines introduce a new set of technical challenges, however. To be successful, ATLANTIS projects will require design approaches that maximize power to weight ratios while maintaining or increasing turbine efficiency.

The ATLANTIS funding opportunity encourages collaboration, calling on scientists, engineers, and practitioners from different disciplines, technology sectors, and organizations to form diverse and experienced project teams. ARPA-E projects are intended to facilitate scientific and technological discoveries that a single group alone would not be able to achieve.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Mexico cancels clean energy auction

Wind Power Monthly reported that Mexico's grid operator and regulator Cenace (the National Energy Control Centre) has scrapped plans for the country's 5.9TWh clean energy tender. It had previously suspended the auction in December, a day before bids were due, and two days after new president Andrés Miguel López Obrador was sworn in.

Brian Gaylord, senior analyst for Latin America at Wood Mackenzie Power and Renewbles (formerly Make Consulting), described the decision to cancel the tender as "ludicrous". He tweeted that it was "extremely difficult to envision a logical reason" for the cancellation.

He told Windpower Monthly the decision appeared to be politically motivated as the new administration has vowed to modernise its old thermal and hydro power plants.

And in his inauguration speech, Amlo had criticised the previous government’s energy reform of opening up the market to private companies for the first time in eight decades.

Gaylord said that 2019 should be a "record year" for wind power installations in Mexico due to previously contracted projects.

However, the clean energy auction’s cancellation was likely to have a "major chilling effect" on wind power development in Mexico, he added.

In a tweet, Gaylord added that without the clean energy tenders, it was "impossible to imagine an alternative that doesn’t result in higher electricity rates for Mexicans".

He had previously said it was "understandable" that the new administration would suspend the auction while it took time to review the tender’s scope and objectives.

Source : Wind Power Monthly
Georgia Power proposes renewable programs in its new 20 year energy plan

Wind Power Engineering Georgia Power has filed its 2019 Integrated Resource Plan with the Georgia Public Service Commission. The company files an IRP every three years to outline how it will continue to deliver clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy to its 2.5 million customers over the next 20 years.

The 2019 plan is a result of the in-depth IRP process, which includes projections of future fuel costs, load, and energy forecasts, an analysis of available generation technologies, the 10-year transmission plan, and an economic assessment of potential and proposed energy efficiency and demand response programs.

The company also evaluates the cost-effectiveness of its generating resources given changing environmental regulations and emerging technologies and discusses the growing importance of resilience to the electric system.

Mr Allen Reaves, Senior Vice President and Senior Production Officer for Georgia Power said that “At Georgia Power, we are committed to making smart investments for Georgia’s energy future while ensuring our customers have the clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy they expect and deserve.”

As part of the filing, Georgia Power is proposing new renewable energy programs, including a request to approve the procurement of up to 1,000 MW of new renewable resources. If approved, the company’s total renewable energy capacity would increase to 18% of Georgia Power’s already diverse portfolio by 2024.

The 2019 plan also proposes energy efficiency targets similar to those approved in previous IRPs, while adding new, innovative energy-saving programs for both residential and commercial customers. By 2022, these programs are designed to help reduce peak demand approximately 1,600 MW, which is 10% of the company’s current peak demand.

The company is emphasizing the importance of resilience in both generation and power delivery planning in recognition of the change in generation resources, availability of new and emerging technologies and related factors in providing reliable, affordable energy to customers.

Source : Wind Power Engineering
Capstone Infrastructure announced acquisition of 10 MW Wind Facility in Ontario

Capstone Infrastructure Corporation announced its acquisition of the assets of the Watford Wind Facility from Zephyr Farms Limited. The 10 MW facility is located near the municipality of Brooke-Alvinston in Ontario and operates under a power purchase agreement that expires in 2032. The addition of Watford increases Capstone’s wind power generation to 194 megawatts in Ontario.

Mr David Eva, Chief Executive Officer, Capstone Infrastructure said that “We are really pleased to be adding Watford to our Ontario wind fleet as it complements our existing wind farms in the area and demonstrates Capstone’s ability to leverage our operational expertise to grow the business.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Final environmental impact report for Vineyard Wind project

Vineyard Wind announced that Massachusetts Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs Mr Matthew A. Beaton has certified the Final Environmental Impact Report for the United States’ first utility-scale offshore wind farm. The decision finalizes the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act review process for the proposed 800-MW offshore wind generation and transmission project, allowing the project to proceed with state, regional and local permitting.

Mr Erich Stephens, Chief Development Officer for Vineyard Wind said that “The MEPA environmental review process provided a significant benefit to the project, allowing numerous stakeholders, advocacy groups, and interested citizens to help identify and address impacts so they can be effectively managed or mitigated. Our team will continue to work collaboratively with state, regional and local regulatory agencies – as well as all stakeholders- as the project moves forward.”

With MEPA’s certification, the project will now seek permit review from the Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard Commissions, and the Barnstable Conservation Commission, among others. FEIR Certification represents the latest key milestone for the project as it advances through permitting.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Iberdrola and Nike go global with new green energy partnership

Iberdrola and Nike have agreed their third clean energy power purchase agreement (PPA) in three years, setting their sights on Europe for the first time. The new PPA will build on the success of previous agreements between the two companies in the US. In total, on both sides of the Atlantic, the global sporting brand now benefits from the supply of over 200 megawatts (MW) of renewable wind power. The new agreement will see Nike facilities in Europe supplied by 40 MW of clean electricity from the Cavar wind complex in Navarra, northern Spain. Iberdrola, the world´s leading wind power company, will soon start construction on the complex which will see four projects completed by 2020 with an overall capacity of 111 MW.

Mr Noel Kinder, Nike Chief Sustainability Officer said that “All athletes need fresh air and clean water to thrive. Delivering on our sustainability commitments, like working towards 100% renewable energy across our owned and operated facilities worldwide, is just one of the ways we protect the future of sport.”

In 2018, we announced that we had contracted for 100% renewable energy in North America, and this latest agreement means we will be operating on 100% renewable energy across Europe by 2020. This means we are delivering against more than 75% of our worldwide goal.In the US, the deals between Nike and Avangrid Renewables (a subsidiary of Iberdrola) include 100 MW of wind power supplied from the Karankawa Wind Farm (Texas). Additionally, a service for Nike's Global HQ in Oregon delivers renewable supply from the nearby Leaning Juniper and Juniper Canyon wind facilities, with an equivalent capacity of 69 MW. This capacity will enable Nike to source 100 percent renewable energy across their owned or operated facilities in North

America.Commenting on the agreement, Mr Xabier Viteri, Director of Renewables at Iberdrola said that “Large businesses with a focus on sustainability are showing that they can be a positive force in tackling climate change. More and more we are seeing companies set themselves tough carbon reduction goals, and Nike is showing leadership in taking action to deliver on those goals.”

Mr Viteri added that “The additional renewable energy that we are building to secure PPA agreements not only directly benefits the sustainable partners we are working with, it also benefits wider communities by increasing the amount of emission-free electricity being generated. There is a strong market in Europe for renewable PPA deals, and we anticipate securing further agreements in a number of countries in the months ahead.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
AWEA names Tri Global Energy leading wind developer in Texas

The American Wind Energy Association has announced Dallas-based US renewable energy company Tri Global Energy the leading wind developer in Texas for the fifth year in a row in its fourth quarter (Q4) 2018 market report. The AWEA report showed that TGE has an estimated 2,689MW of combined project capacity throughout Texas, six times more than any other company in the state. TGE is also ranked fourth in the US for wind development.

TGE chair and CEO Mr John Billingsley said that “The TGE team continued its track record of strong execution in 2018. 2018 also was one of our best years for initiating new renewable energy development projects, which will power the company’s growth through 2021 and beyond. We should continue or even better our competitive performance during the next several years, given our pipeline of expansion projects. Wind energy has taken off, and as the largest renewable generation capacity of all renewables, wind energy is now enabling US industry growth and US competitiveness.”

Texas is currently the leading state in the US for wind power. Of the 96,488MW of wind capacity currently installed in the US, 24,899MW is in Texas alone, more than triple of second place Oklahoma (8,072MW). Of this, 2,359MW was added in 2018, more than double the wind capacity added by second-place Iowa (1,120MW).

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Extremadura enters the wind energy age with its first Naturgy wind farm

The wind farm is composed of 15 wind turbines and will contribute to reducing around 120,000 tons of polluting and greenhouse emissions and CO2 emissions throughout its lifetime. The president of the Junta de Extremadura, Guillermo Fernández, accompanied by the Mayor of Plasencia, Fernando Pizarro, and the General Director of Gas and Electricity of Naturgy, Manuel Fernández, inaugurated this morning the Merengue Wind Farm, the first to be built in the region of Extremadura.

The event was also attended by the director of Generation of Naturgy, Ana Peris, the director of Development of Generation of the company, Carlos González, and the head of Renewable Development in Extremadura of Naturgy, Ana Ruiz.

Also, at the inauguration were present the Minister of Economy and Infrastructure of the Junta de Extremadura, Olga García, the delegate of the Government in Extremadura, Yolanda García, and the President of the Assembly of Extremadura, Blanca Martín, as well as several councilors of the City Council of Plasencia and numerous personalities from the institutional and business sector of the region.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Five companies bid to supply New York with offshore wind power

Reuters reported that five companies, including Norway's Equinor, Denmark's Orsted and France's EDF have submitted bids to supply offshore wind power to the New York state. New York state closed bidding to provide 800-megawatts of offshore wind energy, a part of a plan develop up to 2,400 megawatts (MW) of offshore wind power by 2030, and will choose a supplier in the spring.

Equinor is planning to build a wind park on 80,000 acres south of Long Island it won in a US federal auction in 2016, with potential total capacity of up to 2,000 MW, in push to diversify its investments away from oil and gas.

Orsted, the world's largest operator of offshore wind farms, has made a joint proposal with Eversource Energy to build an offshore wind farm, Sunrise Wind, east of Montauk Point.

EDF Renewables said in an email to Reuters that EDF's renewable energy arm has made a joint bid with Anglo-Dutch oil and gas firm Shell.

None of the companies have detailed their bids.

Equinor said that on its website that investments for a 1-gigawatt offshore wind project would typically be about USD 3 billion.

In total, Equinor and four joint ventures, also including EDPR, a renewable energy arm of Portuguese energy firm EDP, told the state they may be interested in bidding by Dec. 20 deadline.

EDPR was not immediately available to comment.

Source : Economic Times
Equinor submits offshore bid for New York’s Empire Wind project

Equinor Wind US has submitted a bid to provide New York state with a significant, long-term source of renewable energy from its Empire Wind lease site located offshore New York and New Jersey. The bid comes in response to the 800-MW New York State Offshore Wind Power Procurement, the state’s first formal solicitation targeted to the newly developing U.S. offshore wind industry. The state is expected to announce the chosen supplier(s) later this spring.

Christer af Geijerstam, President of Equinor Wind US said that “Submitting this offer to provide New York with a steady supply of offshore wind is both a major step forward in the development process of the Empire Wind project and an important milestone for New York’s transition to renewable energy. Our project can make a major contribution toward fulfilling New York’s robust renewable energy goals, and the emissions reductions and economic impacts of our bid provide a clear benefit to New Yorkers.”

Equinor secured the 80,000-acre lease in a federal auction in December 2016. The site is located between 14 and 35 miles south of Long Island in the New York Bight, with a potential capacity of up to 2 GW of renewable power.

Mr Geijerstam said that “We look forward to working with the state as we turn that potential into a tangible asset that the people of New York can rely on for energy well into the future.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Liberty Wind proposes to deliver up to 1200 MW Offshore Wind Power to New York

Vineyard Wind announced a new offshore wind project proposal to serve New York called Liberty Wind. The Liberty Wind proposal was submitted in response to the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority's (NYSERDA) solicitation of offshore wind project proposals for supplying New York with clean, emission free offshore wind energy.

The Liberty Wind proposal includes 400, 800 and 1,200 megawatt project size options. The 1,200 megawatt project, which is the most cost-effective option for New York ratepayers, would be one of the largest offshore wind projects in the world and would make a major contribution to Governor Andrew Cuomo's objective of developing 9,000 megawatts of offshore wind energy to supply New York. The Liberty Wind 1,200 megawatt project would supply enough emission free energy to power over 750,000 New York homes.

Liberty Wind will also bring substantial economic development and job creation benefits to New York, providing hundreds of millions of dollars in economic activity and thousands of jobs on Long Island, the Capitol Region, and in New York City. Foundation components will be fabricated at a port facility in the Capitol Region and transported down the Hudson River to the project site in the Atlantic Ocean.

Liberty Wind's turbines will be located in federal waters 85 miles away from the nearest New York shore, and will not be visible from any New York shoreline. The project will deliver up to 1,200 megawatts of clean power directly to the New York grid at an existing substation on Long Island. The power will be delivered by a submarine cable that comes to shore and is then buried along an existing roadway onshore. The grid connection will utilize an advanced high voltage direct current system that will ensure reliable delivery of the energy and also enhance the resiliency of New York's grid, particularly in outage situations during major storms.

Vineyard Wind is collaborating with transmission developer Anbaric Development Partners (Anbaric) for Liberty Wind. Anbaric has helped spearhead the development of two transmission projects serving New York. Vineyard Wind will finance and own the generation components of the project and Anbaric will finance and own the transmission components.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
General Motors partners with DTE on wind energy in Michigan

As part of its commitment to increasing its renewable energy footprint globally and finding clean energy solutions near its operations, General Motors Co. has partnered with DTE Energy for 300,000 megawatt hours (MWh) of wind energy in the state of Michigan. Once complete, the energy sourced will be enough to power 100 percent of the electricity needs of GM’s global technical center in Warren and its Detroit-based operations at the Renaissance Center. The 300,000 megawatt hours (MWh) are equivalent to the amount of power consumed by nearly 30,000 U.S. households per year. To date, GM has contracted or invested in a total of 1.71 terawatt hours of clean energy power in North America, equivalent to more than 145,000 households and more than any other automaker in the region.

GM will source the wind power through an agreement with DTE Energy’s MIGreenPower, a renewable energy program that enables DTE customers to attribute up to 100 percent of their energy use to DTE clean energy projects in Michigan. In January 2019, DTE received approval from the Michigan Public Service Commission to offer a MIGreenPower program designed for major Michigan corporations and industrial companies who want access to more renewable energy to meet corporate sustainability goals.

Mr Rob Threlkeld, global manager of Sustainable Energy and Supply Reliability for General Motors said that “Investing in renewable energy remains an important part of GM’s vision for a zero emissions future. Our partnership with DTE Energy will help us get closer to achieving our goal of powering all our operations in Michigan with 100 percent clean energy. It helps demonstrate that local and regional industry partnerships are paramount to GM’s clean energy future, where renewable sources will account for 100 percent of our global energy footprint by 2050.”

DTE plans to build or acquire additional clean energy projects and expand MIGreenPower to meet increasing customer demand. It will begin sourcing to GM once the first new projects are on line. As the state’s largest producer of renewable energy, DTE will more than double its renewable energy generation capacity, investing an additional $2 billion in wind and solar by 2024. As part of its commitment to reduce carbon emissions by more than 80 percent by 2050, DTE is significantly increasing the amount of clean energy in its generation portfolio.

Mr Trevor F Lauer, president and COO, DTE Electric said that “Knowing that access to more renewable energy is important to our largest corporate and industrial customers, DTE will continue to expand MIGreenPower to help customers meet their sustainability targets. We appreciate GM’s environmental leadership and are excited that we can partner with them through MIGreenPower to deliver on their clean energy goals.”

The MIGreenPower agreement comes on the heels of GM reaching 20 percent of its global energy supply from renewables. GM is a member of the Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance (REBA) and an early signatory of RE100, a collaborative global initiative uniting influential businesses committed to 100 percent renewable electricity, working to increase demand for and delivery of renewable energy.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
E.ON starts construction on South Texas wind farm

E.ON has announced Peyton Creek Windfarm, a 151MW project, located in Matagorda County, Texas, is under construction and it expects to commission the project before the end of 2019. The project, located in the ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) south market, is powered by 48 3.15 MW turbines supplied by the Nordex Group and will generate enough electricity to power more than 45,000 homes. With the addition of Peyton Creek, E.ON will have a total capacity of more than 4,000 MW online in the U.S.

E.ON recently completed another South Texas onshore windfarm, Stella, a 201 MW project in Kenedy County, Texas, at the end of 2018.

E.ON has developed, built, and operates more than 3,873 MW of solar, wind and energy storage projects across the U.S., with more on the way.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Vestas receives 220 MW order in USA with 25-year service agreement

Vestas has received an order for 220 MW of V120-2.2 MW turbines for a wind project in the USA. Underlining Vestas’ ability to deliver optimised project performance and reliability, the order includes supply and commissioning of the turbines as well as a 25-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement.

Customer and project are undisclosed per the customer’s request.

Deliveries are expected to begin in the third quarter of 2019 with commissioning planned for the fourth quarter of 2019.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Nordex Group bags contract for Delta4000 Turbines in Argentina

The Nordex Group has received a major order from Argentina at the end of March. For the first time, the Group is supplying turbines from its Delta4000 series to an overseas destination. The pooled project is “Chubut Norte II, III & IV”. Moreover, the Group will be providing multi-year service for the wind farm.

The contract for the “Chubut Norte II, III & IV” wind farm has been awarded by the leading renewable energy Independent Power Producer (IPP) company in Argentina, Genneia, for which the Nordex Group is currently installing the Argentinean Pomona I & II projects (113,1 MW). Located in the southern Province of Chubut near Puerto Madryn, the new-ordered 166.4 MW wind farm will be composed of 38 N149/4.0-4.5 turbines with an installed capacity of 4.380 MW each. Installation of the turbines is scheduled for the third quarter of 2019.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Argentina unveils new landmark renewables and grid capacity tender

Undersecretary for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency of the Government Secretariat of Energy, Ministry of Treasury, Argentina, unveiled new tender at GWEC’s Global Session on Global Markets at Wind Europe 2019 Conference & Exhibition to support further renewables growth and additional grid capacity in Argentina. Round 4 tender of the RenovAr programme will aim to foster the growth of wind power in Argentina by securing a certain amount of additional renewable energy in 2019, to be determined this year. The tender currently under analysis will support the commitments outlined in National Law 27.191 of 2015, which sets a mandate to incorporate 20% of renewable electricity by 2025 into Argentina’s energy system.

Undersecretary for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency of the Government Secretariat of Energy, Ministry of Treasury, Argentina, Sebastian Kind, said “We are delighted to announce that the government in Argentina is actively working in the devolpment of RenovAr Round 4 tender which will be coming soon, and will include transmission grid infrastructure investments to foster further renewable energy deployment in the country.”

Since 2016, the Argentinian government has been implementing new procurement schemes that have revitalised the renewable sector in general, and in particular the wind power sector. This has contributed to 3.7 GW of wind power capacity from 63 projects and 5 billion USD in investments, including plans to develop the local supply chain by leading OEMs Vestas and Nordex, demonstrating the long-term potential of the market. In addition to supporting Argentina’s decarbonisation commitments, wind energy has contributed to the creation of 5,000 skilled jobs.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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