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Qurius een bedrijf met toekomst

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the legend
Qurius präsentiert integrierte Handelslösung auf der EuroCIS

Hamburg, 28. Januar 2009. Die Qurius Deutschland AG und Microsoft Deutschland präsentieren auf der Internationalen Fachmesse für Kommunikations-, Informations- und Sicherheitstechnik im Handel, der EuroCIS in Düsseldorf, mit Qurius Retail eine neue Filiallösung für den Einzelhandel, die auf der betriebswirtschaftlichen Software Microsoft Dynamics NAV oder AX aufbaut.

Qurius Retail ist eine umfassende Einzelhandelslösung auf Basis von Microsoft Dynamics NAV oder AX. Sie integriert die Anwendungen von der Kasse bis zum Backoffice. Schnittstellen und die damit verbundenen Probleme zwischen unterschiedlichen Applikationen entfallen. Die flexible Lösung kann in Unternehmen mit einer Zentral- und Filialstruktur ebenso eingesetzt werden wie in einzelnen Geschäften. Durch die Integration mit Microsoft Dynamics müssen sich die Benutzer nur mit einer Oberfläche vertraut machen. Sämtliche Ebenen haben die gleiche Anwendungslogik.
Qurius Retail unterstützt die Effizienz von Einzelhändlern mit Funktionen für die Verkaufsförderung (Merchandising) und die Nachorder der Waren (Replenishment). Daneben beinhaltet die neue Lösung ein „In-Store Management“-Modul, das die Überwachung von Warenbewegungen mit Hilfe der Radio Frequenz Identification Technologie (RFID) erlaubt. Das „Inventory Management System“ wiederum ermöglicht die Handhabung periodischer Buchungen von vorhandenen Beständen sowie auch von Waren, die nicht lagermäßig geführt werden.
Des Weiteren bietet Qurius Retail vielfältige Funktionen entlang der Wertschöpfungskette, die es dem Mitarbeiter ermöglichen, zeitnah Daten für betriebswirtschaftliche Zwecke auszuwerten und für unternehmerische Entscheidungen zu nutzen, beispielsweise mit multidimensionalen Analysen. Such- und Filterfunktionen ermöglichen den Blick auf aktuelle Detaildaten wie beispielsweise Bonanalyse oder Artikelabverkäufe.
Auf dem Messestand von Qurius in Halle 14, C18, wird ein Kassenarbeitsplatz aus dem Discount- und Fachhandelsbereich installiert, der in die zentrale Back- und Headoffice-Anwendung Microsoft Dynamics integriert ist. Die Software Qurius Retail steuert das gesamte Einzelhandelsunternehmen und bietet somit einen stets aktuellen und detaillierten Überblick über sämtliche Unternehmensbereiche.

Qurius bietet Architekturen, Realisierung und Systemmanagement von Business- und IT-Lösungen auf Basis von Microsoft-Technologie, Infrastrukturen eingeschlossen. Qurius hat über 1.100 Beschäftigte; der Stammsitz ist in Zaltbommel, Niederlande. Von den Niederlassungen in Belgien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Großbritannien, Italien, der Niederlande, Norwegen, Österreich, Schweden und Spanien sowie dem Entwicklungszentrum in der tschechischen Republik werden über 2.800 Kunden betreut. Qurius ist seit 1998 an der Euronext Amsterdam gelistet. Besuchen Sie für weitere Informationen


Ingo H. Fleckenstein
Qurius Deutschland AG, Notkestr. 7, 22607 Hamburg
Tel. 040 899 58-294, Mobiltel. 0151 12 435 049

bull in't noorden
k'moet zeggen Dutch je houdt dit bericht lang in de lucht. Tijd voor een nieuw onderwerp joh.

garoeten uit het zonnige en mooie noorden


bull in 't noord'n schreef:

k'moet zeggen Dutch je houdt dit bericht lang in de lucht. Tijd voor een nieuw onderwerp joh.

garoeten uit het zonnige en mooie noorden

waar slaat dat op
the legend
IDC opmerkelijk positief over IT-sector
door: Rene Schoemaker
op: 29 januari
tijd: 14.29 uur
> Stuur door
> Print dit artikel Peter Vermeulen, hoofdonderzoeker van IDC in Nederland, heeft zich vandaag opmerkelijk positief uitgelaten over de kansen van de Nederlandse ICT-sector in de huidige economische omstandigheden. Vermeulen verwacht geen daling in uitgaven, maar een zo geheten 'nulgroei'.

Dat meldt Business News Radio op gezag van het ANP. Dat de Nederlandse ICT-sector dit jaar stil zal staan, is ten opzichte van de krimp van de algehele economie een winst te noemen. Naar verwachting zal de economie met 2 procent krimpen. Vermeulen zegt wel dat binnen de ICT-sector de verschillen groot zullen zijn. bedrijven die zich bezighouden met het verkopen van hardware krijgen het moeilijk. Dat komt omdat consumenten vervanging van hun pc of telefoon uit zullen stellen.

De uitspraken van vermeulen staan haaks op die van Bert Landman van Landman Consultancy. Hij zegt in de papieren uitgave van ChannelWorld, die deze week is verschenen, dat de Nederlandse ICT-sector juist meer zal krimpen dan de algehele economie. Landman voorspelt dat de ICT-markt met 3 procent zal krimpen.

the legend
Qurius Spain reinforces its Division of Services Negotiated through a strategic agreement with Ofiwex

> Qurius, supplier of integral solutions of business management, has arrived at a strategic agreement to incorporate in its offering of services negotiated the solution of Ofiwex, Spanish firm of solutions of outsourcing for pymes.

> Thanks to this agreement, the division of services of Qurius expands its offering with a data processing solution that permits to the businesses to reduce prices and to be benefited of the technology, without having that to be in charge of her and in exchange for a quota monthly.

Qurius, supplier of integral solutions of business management, has arrived at a strategic agreement to incorporate in its offering of services negotiated the solution of Ofiwex, Spanish firm of outsourcing data processing integral for pymes. With this decision, the division of services of Qurius puts at the disposal of its clients an integral data processing solution for small and medium businesses of the latest generation and completely negotiated, in exchange for a monthly quota.

The agreement reinforces the offering of Services Negotiated of Qurius, directed to an extensive base installed of clients with platforms and solutions based on technology Microsoft. Among them, they emphasize the services of backup, license, lodging and outsourcing, software more services, and management of applications and infrastructures. With five competences Microsoft Gold and a base installed of more than 300 clients Microsoft Dynamics and Infor (Baan) in Spain, Qurius is one of the main suppliers of our management solutions country, with a clear focus of unique supplier of complete platform

The solution of Ofiwex permits to Qurius to offer to the small and medium businesses an integral data processing service in exchange for a monthly rate. The solution guarantees for contract the operation of the infrastructure (hardware, software, communications) by a medium price by position. It provides, besides, universal access to all the data, applications and resources since any place for the employees, and includes the management of the software and the technical support, as well as the corrector measures according to the LOPD.

In words of José María Sánchez Holy Cecilia, general director of Qurius Spain, "this agreement is framed inside a strategy oriented to give complete cover to the systems of our clients. The contribution with Ofiwex will help us to offer them prices of smaller property and, at the same time, a total guarantee of service".

The agreement supposes for Ofiwex a way of expansion of their business toward the large integrators of solutions, with the ones that maintains important synergies, like their specialization in the establishment and management of technological platforms and the development of complete solutions and integrated that they bear the daily business of their clients.

As it emphasizes the associate director of Ofiwex, Daniel Camiroaga, "our integral solution adapts to the financial standing of each client and incorporates a model of very flexible payment that avoids the peaks of expense and converts the technology in an investment praised in the time".

For the final client, the idea cannot be simpler: all their data processing is consolidated in a dates center sure (although can also be situated in the own installations of the client) and is maintained brought up to date and available for all the employees, at the moment that need it and since any place, through a simple ADSL connection.

"We coincide with Qurius in the simpler strategy to do, the data processing solutions and to approach the PYMES", explains Camiroaga, "and, therefore, its resources dedicated and cost associates. This synchrony in the focus, as well as the complementariedad in the solutions and services of both, supposes a great advantage at the moment of to provide so much, excellent solutions in time limit of set in motion, as in prices and return of the investment".

About Ofiwex

It founded in 2004, Ofiwex is the first one and Spanish only company that offers a sure, integral management and guaranteed by contract of the data processing of a business or business, any that be its activity and so great, in exchange for a monthly fixed quota.

Ofiwex I lend services of outsourcing data processing integral at more than 3,000 users in 7 countries, assures its data and permits to agree to all the information and applications of its respective businesses since any place of the world, thanks to the solution that calls "Remote PC
Beste Dutch,

Ik weet eigenlijk niet zo goed hoe groot ik het belang van deze nieuwe samenwerking moet inschatten. Heb jij hier een mening over? En als dit dan al zo goed in de strategie van Qurius past, zal deze samenwerking dan uiteindelijk niet in een breder verband getrokken worden dan alleen voor Spanje. Op de site van Ofiwex zag ik dat ze momenteel ook reeds o.a. voor klanten in Duitsland en Italië actief zijn.


Nieuw ordertje voor Qurius Spanje:

Una empresa de limpieza mejora gestión de pedidos 06/02/2009 9:33:22
Qurius instala y personaliza la solución Microsoft Dynamics CRM en Thomil, una distribuidora de artículos de higiene y ambientación.

Por Cristina López Albarrán.

Thomil lleva más de 40 años trabajando en el sector de la limpieza profesional. Con cobertura comercial para España y Portugal, este fabricante y distribuidor de productos de higiene y ambientación, así como de limpieza de superficies, tratamiento de suelos y lavandería industrial, ha apostado por el CRM de Microsoft para gestionar sus pedidos y disponer de sistemas de tarificación avanzados.

Este proyecto contó con un presupuesto inicial de 150.000 euros que fue destinado a la adquisición del programa. No obstante, como reconocen desde Thomil, las sucesivas adaptaciones al aplicativo en cuestión que la empresa ha tenido que realizar han implicado un aumento en esa cifra de partida.

Las iniciativas futuras en las que se moverá la compañía se fijarán en el diseño y realización de una nueva página web. En este site, la multinacional quiere mostrar un canal cliente a través del cual sus distribuidores puedan consultar el catálogo completo, fichas técnicas, así como realizar pedidos, estudiar tarifas, stocks, etc.

En concreto, la tecnología implantada en sus instalaciones ha sido la solución de gestión comercial, de marketing y servicio al cliente Microsoft Dynamics CRM, además de Executive Viewer, herramienta de análisis de cubos OLAP, y del software de comunicaciones Citrix. Se trata de un aplicativo que descansa sobre una infraestructura basada en tecnología Microsoft (Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SQL Server y Microsoft Windows Server) y hardware HP.

Para llevar a cabo la integración, la marca de productos de higiene firmó un contrato con Watermark (actualmente Qurius) en diciembre de 2005. En virtud del mismo, ambas compañías empezaron a trabajar a la largo de 2006 para adaptar el producto implementado (Microsoft CRM) a las necesidades de la firma. A finales de ese año, la parte de ventas y clientes quedó totalmente implantada. El equipo del partner encargado de estas tareas fue la división de Qurius Advanced Solutions, especializada en soluciones CRM, Business Intelligence y portales.

Agilidad y efectividad en la respuesta
La solución de CRM instalada se ha centrado en la gestión de pedidos y en la puesta en marcha de un sistema de tarificación avanzado, lo que ha permitido a Thomil implantar políticas globales de tarifas y promociones, con una importante mejora en la agilidad de respuesta y satisfacción de clientes.

En general, el proyecto ha permitido acelerar el tiempo de respuesta al cliente y mejorar la exactitud y rapidez de creación de las propuestas comerciales. De hecho, su integración con las aplicaciones de gestión contable y facturación permite reducir los errores en el traspaso de información y eliminar procesos administrativos redundantes.

Así, con Dynamics CRM el fabricante ha dotado a su fuerza comercial con una herramienta sencilla y disponible para la realización de sus ofertas comerciales y el seguimiento de oportunidades. Además, esta tecnología incluye un sistema de tarificación avanzado, adaptado al complejo procedimiento de tarifas de la firma.

Con la solución, los comerciales disponen ahora de una hoja de pedidos que recoge directamente las políticas de precios y promociones que Thomil establece. La gestión de pedidos está integrada con las aplicaciones de back office, de modo que el traslado de los pedidos es automático desde el registro, y los tiempos de servicio al cliente se reducen drásticamente.



Jesse Livermore
the legend
personalizes the solution Microsoft Dynamics CRM in Thomil, a hygiene articles distributor and ambientación.

By Cristina López Albarrán.

Thomil carries more than 40 years working in the sector of the professional cleaning. With commercial cover for Spain and Portugal, this manufacturer and hygiene products distributor and ambientación, as well as of cleaning of surfaces, processing of floors and industrial laundry, has bet on the CRM of Microsoft to negotiate its orders and to have systems of metering advanced.

This project included an initial budget of 150,000 euro that was destined to the acquisition of the program. Nevertheless, as they recognize from Thomil, the successive adaptations to the application one in question that the business has had that to carry out have implied an increase in that figure of departure.

The future initiatives in which will move the company they will notice the design and execution of a new web page. In this site, the multinational wants to show a channel client through which their distributors can consult the complete catalogue, you put on file techniques, as well as to carry out orders, to study rates, stocks, etc.

In concrete, the technology established in its installations has been the solution of commercial management, of marketing and service to the client Microsoft Dynamics CRM, besides Executive Viewer, buckets analysis tool OLAP, and of the communications software Citrix. It is a matter of an application one that rests on an infrastructure based on technology Microsoft (Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Windows Server) and hardware HP.

To carry out the integration, the hygiene products mark signed a contract with Watermark (at present Qurius) in December of 2005. By virtue of the same one, both companies began to work eventually of 2006 to adapt the product implemented (Microsoft CRM) to the needs of the firm. To ends of that year, the part of sales and clients remained completely established. The team of the partner responsible for these tasks was the division of Qurius Advanced Solutions, specialized in solutions CRM, Business Intelligence and entries.

Agility and effectiveness in the answer The solution of CRM installed has been centered in the management of orders and in it set in motion of a system of metering advanced, what has permitted to Thomil to establish global politics of rates and promotions, with an important improvement in the agility of answer and satisfaction of clients.

In general, the project has permitted to accelerate the time of answer to the client and to improve the accuracy and rapidity of creation of the commercial proposals. In fact, its integration with the applications of accounting management and billing permits to reduce the errors in the transfer of information and to eliminate redundant administrative processes.

Thus, with Dynamics CRM the manufacturer has gifted to his commercial force with an available and simple tool for the execution of his commercial offerings and the monitoring of opportunities. Besides, this technology includes a system of metering advanced, adapted to the complex procedure of rates of the firm.

With the solution, the commercial arrange now of an order form that collects directly the politics of prices and promotions that Thomil establishes. The management of orders is integrated with the applications of back office, so that the transfer of the orders is automatic since the registration, and the times of service to the client are reduced drastically
the legend
Renault Trucks has at present centers of design and production of components in France and Spain, besides 11 plants of assembly distributed throughout the world. Their vehicles and spare parts are distributed through a commercial network with 1200 points of sale that cover more than 100 countries in the five continents, offering commercial services and post-sale.

Innovation and efficacy are two of the noticeable values in Renault Trucks and presents in their projects. According to that philosophy, when due to the volume and importance of the operations of the group was decided strategic to establish a system ERP, the company decided to bet on a solution of management advanced that to permit to optimize its processes of business and to give backup to its ambitious plans of growth.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV, the solution of management integrated and adaptable of Microsoft that already they utilize more than 45,000 businesses everywhere, was it elected by Renault Trucks in Spain as software to bear its financial processes and like central system of information for the company.

Of the hand of Qurius as partner global of services, Renault Trucks was of the first companies in Spain in establishing Dynamics NAV5.0, the last version of the solution, for its financial management. Basing on Microsoft SQL2005 as database for the storage of the information, the new platform has contributed improvements in the access, analysis and data interpretation capacities at the same time that has prompted clearly the performance of the systems of Renault.

Various factors were fundamental for the company at the moment to opt for a solution for their financial management. In the first place the tool should cover the main financial processes, for at the same time optimize them and to expedite them in the possible thing. Thus, thanks to the extensive functionality of Dynamics NAV5.0, Renault Trucks can administer the accounting, the payments, collections, inventory, analytic accounting, fixed assets and the cash flow, besides carrying out banking conciliations of efficient form.

It given its presence and international focus, another of the key needs for Renault Trucks upon electing its system of management was the power to include an application multidivisa capable of negotiating operations in different monetary units. Being this one of the key functionalities inside the financial management of Microsoft Dynamics NAV5.0., the new system has expedited the accounting of the company. The execution of international operations, the clients accounts management and suppliers of other countries, or the process of accounting operations in which they intervene several currencies and exchange rates, they are carried out now easily. Thus, Dynamics NAV5.0 has reduced the complexity of the global transactions supporting the international nature of the financial processes of Renault Trucks.

The navigability and capacity to agree quickly to the information were also two fundamental aspects in the election of Microsoft Dynamics NAV that have reported quickly benefits to Renault Trucks. The interface of user of the application, highly intuitive and very relative for the ones that already utilize other products Microsoft, has facilitated its adoption on the part of the employees of the company. Besides, thanks to their full compatibility with the remainder of solutions Microsoft, permits to transfer data to Excel and Word of simple and fast form facilitating still more than the employees they can see, to analyze and to share the financial news in formats that relatives result.

Another fundamental aspect to emphasize of the new solution is their key role as source of information brought up to date, reliable, and to which can be agreed easily. Thanks to it, after the process of updating and integration carried out by Qurius, the personnel of Renault Trucks arranges now of real-time access to prominent data of the business. It permits to examine the processes with detail, to be reported of the operations and to make the opportune decisions in base to a solid information. Microsoft Dynamics NAV functions besides perfectly integrated with other applications used in the group, guaranteeing in every moment the integrity of the data, so much among the different applications utilized in the company for the management of specific processes, as among the different headquarters of the business in Spain, now connected through Citrix

dutchamazone schreef:

Renault Trucks
Had ik gemist deze, vrij actueel?

Renault is grooooooooot in bedrijfswagens europees, leuk potentieel

Christmastree schreef:

Renault Trucks

Had ik gemist deze, vrij actueel?

Renault is grooooooooot in bedrijfswagens europees, leuk potentieel
Even off topic, voor de goudzoekers hier Nutri Pharma (NUT) genoteerd aan de beurs van Oslo. Heb wat info beschikbaar.

Go find the bone dogs
ParkVision Chosen by Drimsynie Estate and Cowal Leisure

Based in Lochgoilhead, Scotland, Drimsynie offers a range of holiday products including parks, lodges, cottages, caravans, larger houses, and apartments. Drimsynie is the holding company for Argyll Holidays.

2nd February 2009: Qurius UK, the leading provider of Microsoft Dynamics NAV business applications, has announced that Drimsynie Estates has become the latest leisure business to choose its holiday home sector solution, ParkVision.

Drimsynie Estate and Cowal Leisure operate seven holiday parks across the West of Scotland, offering holidaymakers a choice of hotels, cottages, and holiday home parks. ParkVision is the leading end-to-end business application for the leisure sector and is built on the award-winning Microsoft Dynamics NAV technology.

ParkVision will replace Drimsynie Estate and Cowal Leisure’s existing operating systems and is expected to go-live in April 2009.

Because ParkVision offers a complete Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution, providing Drimsynie Estate and Cowal Leisure with a fully integrated business system across their parks, the solution will give full transparency of data across all the parks.

Keith Campbell – Managing Director of Drimsynie Estate and Cowal Leisure

“During our search for a system that could help us achieve efficiencies now as well as allow for future expansion of our business, it soon became clear that ParkVision is significantly ahead of rival software solutions. It has a proven track record in our industry, which gave us the confidence that it was the right choice for us. In addition to which, the Qurius team really understand our sector and have a great deal of experience and expertise for us to draw on.”

ParkVision has the capability to manage reservations (including online bookings), sales and marketing, finance, park management, site maintenance, purchasing, and fixed asset management. During the first phase of the Qurius project, Drimsynie Estate and Cowal Leisure will install ParkVision’s finance, park management and deal-maker modules.

The potential benefits ParkVision offers include; improved levels of customer service, accounting and debt control, increased visibility of stock and plot information, improved scheduling and invoicing of maintenance tasks and, importantly, giving clients instant visibility across all parks allowing informed, real-time business decisions to be made.

Jamaine Campbell, Customer Relations Director at Qurius UK, commented: “ParkVision is establishing itself as the industry standard for park management software systems. Thanks to the many successful implementations we have handled, we can provide our customers with the confidence that they have chosen a technology partner that has the capability and the vision to transform their business.”

Meneer Ronald Kasteel van Ordina heeft er een zooitje van gemaakt, laat alle beleggers in Ordina
maar overstappen naar Qurius, gaat gebeuren let maar op !!

Fabelr schreef:

Meneer Ronald Kasteel van Ordina heeft er een zooitje van gemaakt, laat alle beleggers in Ordina
maar overstappen naar Qurius, gaat gebeuren let maar op !!
Lijkt me een verstandige keuze, ebita focus bij Q ook beter dan wat Kasteel tot nu toe presteert. Moet alleen nog wel even gehaald worden die 9% ;-)

Christmastree schreef:

Meneer Ronald Kasteel van Ordina heeft er een zooitje van gemaakt, laat alle beleggers in Ordina
maar overstappen naar Qurius, gaat gebeuren let maar op !!

Lijkt me een verstandige keuze, ebita focus bij Q ook beter dan wat Kasteel tot nu toe presteert. Moet alleen nog wel even gehaald worden die 9% ;-)
En toch dik stijgen vandaag. Schiet mij maar lek.
Atlas Magnetics live met Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 van Qurius

Zaltbommel, 13 maart 2009 - De Atlas Magnetics Group, een groep bedrijven gespecialiseerd in magnetische oplossingen, is begin januari succesvol live gegaan met Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009. Atlas Magnetics is hiermee de eerste Qurius-klant in Nederland die live gaat met deze vernieuwde ERP-oplossing. Het systeem ondersteunt de wens van Atlas Magnetics om per 1 januari 2009 binnen een nieuwe financiële structuur te werken. Daarnaast biedt het een goede basis om later extra functionaliteit uit te rollen, waaronder workflow en ordersheet-functionaliteit.

AX 2009 biedt Atlas Magnetics efficiëntere functionaliteit op het gebied van artikelbeheer en prijzen, nieuwe inkoopfunctionaliteit, een verbeterde inrichting met een nieuwe (financiële) structuur en een goed platform om - in een later stadium - workflow te implementeren. Ook biedt het systeem een goede basis om de ordersheet-functionaliteit geïntegreerd te laten werken, iets dat nu nog in Excel plaatsvindt.

Met de overgang naar AX 2009 heeft Atlas Magnetics een flinke sprong gemaakt. Leo Elbertse, CFO van Atlas Magnetics: "We hadden de wens om naar AX 2009 over te gaan vanwege de extra functionaliteiten, waar we graag gebruik van wilden maken. Bovendien hadden we de voorkeur met de allernieuwste AX-versie werken. Daarom hebben we ervoor gekozen de `tussenstap' (AX 4.0) over te slaan en direct AX 2009 te implementeren."

Mede door de al aanwezige kennis van AX 3.0 binnen de organisatie is de implementatie snel en soepel verlopen. Stephan Losekoot, projectmanager bij Qurius: "We hebben in een kort tijdsbestek een volledig implementatietraject doorlopen. Het hele project heeft ongeveer 3,5 maand geduurd, mede dankzij een goede samenwerking tussen de key-users van Atlas Magnetics en de consultants en developers van Qurius."

Meer informatie
Kijk voor meer informatie over Atlas Magnetics op:


Jesse Livermore
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