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Windturbinebouwer Siemens Gamesa haalt grootste windenergieorder van 2017 binnen

Siemens Gamesa heeft een megaorder gekregen van de Zweedse energiegigant Vattenfall, moeder van het Nederlandse Nuon. Het gaat 113 windmolens bouwen voor drie windparken voor de Deense kust. Met de order is €1,7 mrd gemoeid, werd dinsdag bekend.

Volgens Vattenfall is dat wereldwijd de grootste order op het gebied van windenergie, dit jaar. Voor Siemens Gamesa is de bestelling een enorme meevaller. Het concern kondigde onlangs aan de komende maanden circa 6000 arbeidsplaatsen te zullen schrappen, 5300 meer dan eerder aangekondigd. De ontslagen vinden plaats in 24 van de 90 landen waarin het actief is. Mogelijk kan de megaorder het aantal ontslagen verminderen.

Het bedrijf is een fusie van het windenergiebedrijf van het Duitse technologieconcern Siemens en de windenergietak van het Spaanse Gamesa. De fusie werd in mei afgerond, waarmee een van ’s werelds grootste spelers op het gebied van windenergie ontstond. Siemens is met 59% van de aandelen de dominante partij in de onderneming. Het behaalde in het fiscale jaar 2017 een omzet van circa €11 mrd.

De order omvat ontwerp, fabricage, installatie en onderhoud van de molens. De capaciteit van de drie windparken zal circa 1 gigawatt bedragen, goed voor de stroomvoorziening van een miljoen Deense huishoudens.

Vattenfall, dat vorig jaar de aanbesteding van de drie windparken won, investeert tussen 2016 en 2022 in totaal €2,7 mrd in windenergie in Denemarken.

Siemens brengt gezondheidstak naar beurs

Gepubliceerd op 29 nov 2017 om 18:42 | Views: 515

Philips Koninklijke 17:35
32,44 -0,35 (-1,05%)

114,75 +1,33 (+1,17%)

MÜNCHEN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Siemens brengt zijn medische divisie in de eerste helft van volgend jaar naar de beurs in Frankfurt. Het bestuur van het Duitse bedrijf heeft dat woensdag besloten. De voorbereidingen van de beursgang van Siemens Healthineers liggen volgens de Duitse industriereus op schema.

Siemens had eerder al de gezondheidsdivisie op eigen benen gezet, met het voornemen om het onderdeel uiteindelijk naar de beurs te brengen. OP die manier moet kapitaal worden opgehaald om het medisch technologiebedrijf verder te laten groeien. Het onderdeel dat ziekenhuisapparatuur en zorgtechnologie maakt is een belangrijke concurrent van Philips.

Siemens brengt een minderheidsbelang in Siemens Healthineers naar de beurs. Naar verwachting gaat het om 15 tot 25 procent. Eerder werd ook nog rekening gehouden met een keuze voor een beursnotering in New York.
Siemens Gamesa received order to build a 200MW wind farm in India
Published on Wed, 06 Dec 2017

Siemens Gamesa has received a new order from Orange Renewable for the EPC construction of a 200-MW wind farm located in Poovani, in the state of Tamil Nadu.

The agreement encompasses the entire infrastructure needed to operate the project together with the supply of 100 of its G114-2.0 wind turbines with a hub height of 106 meters. The project is expected to be commissioned by February 2019. The project will be connected to India’s interstate transmission grid, which will enable the flow of energy from a renewable-resource-rich state to other states.

Source : Wind Tech
Siemens announces India plan for manufacturing solar PV inverters

Economic Times reported that Siemens AGplans to start manufacturing Solar Photo-Voltaic inverters in India which will initially cater to the domestic market and later supplied for exports. The company said the Sinacon PV inverter will be locally produced and manufactured at Siemens’ Kalwa plant near Mumbai. It added the Indian renewable energy sector is the second most attractive renewable energy market in the world, crossing 14 Gigawatt of installed solar capacity with the government firm on its ambition of 100 GW of solar generation by 2022.

Mr Harald Griem, Executive Vice-President and Head of Energy Management at Siemens Ltd said that “Siemens is committed to partner the government in its endeavour to increase use of clean energy sources. The National Solar Mission of the government aims to establish India as a global leader in solar energy. Siemens aspires to contribute to this with local value-addition in line with Make in India.”

A solar PV inverter converts the variable Direct Current output of a PV solar panel into a utility frequency Alternating Current that can be fed into a commercial electrical grid or used by a local, off-grid electrical network. Siemens said the Sinacon PV inverter is equipped with three-level IGBT modules, has an outdoor design for harsh environment with fluid cooling and can operate up to 60 Degree Celsius ambient temperature.

In addition to inverter manufacturing, Siemens also plans to set up a local assembly of medium voltage inverter stations. The new inverters and inverter stations target large scale, ground-mounted solar PV power plants comprising Electrical Balance of Plant solutions.

The eBoP solution enables solar power to be intelligently integrated into the grid. The company said it offers planning, engineering, financing, commissioning and servicing as part of the eBoP solutions. This includes optimum interconnection of energy storage systems and even complete microgrids.

Source : Economic Times
Siemens Nederland ziet omzet met helft dalen

Siemens Nederland heeft in het boekjaar dat afliep op 30 september 2017 de omzet met ruim de helft zien afnemen. De omzet daalde van € 2,1 mrd in het vorige boek jaar tot circa € 1,1 mrd in het laatste boekjaar.

Topman Ab van der Touw, voorzitter van de raad van bestuur van Siemens Nederland. Volgend jaar treedt hij afFoto: HH

De sterke terugloop van de omzet heeft vooral te maken met feit dat Siemens veel minder profiteerde van de hausse in windenergie dan in het jaar daarvoor. De orderportefeuille is teruggelopen, maar nog belangrijker is dat de windactiviteiten vanaf mei 2017 niet meer onder Siemens (Nederland) vielen, een gevolg van de creatie van het nieuwe bedrijf Siemens Gamesa.

Dat is een een fusie van het windenergiebedrijf van het Duitse technologieconcern en de windenergietak van het Spaanse Gamesa. De fusie werd in mei afgerond, waarmee een van ’s werelds grootste spelers op het gebied van windenergie ontstond. Siemens is met 59% van de aandelen wel de dominante partij in de onderneming.

Siemens Nederland was in het voorgaande boekjaar nog betrokken bij projecten als de bouw van het zogeheten nearshore windpark Westermeerwind, vlakbij Urk, en het leverde ook de turbines voor het offshore windpark Gemini ten noorden van Schiermonnikoog. De komende jaren gaat Siemens Gamesa ook bijna honderd windturbines bouwen bij het Zeeuwse Borssele.

Siemens Nederland behaalde uit de lopende operaties een nettowinst van € 65 mln. De totale nettowinst kwam uit op € 193 mln, waarin ook de resultaten van de afgesplitste activiteiten van de divisies wind en medische technologie (Siemens Healthcare) zijn opgenomen en de overdracht van aandelen aan Siemens Gamesa.

Vorig boekjaar kwam de nettowinst uit op € 169 mln. Siemens Nederland zelf spreekt van een ‘stabiel jaar’, ondanks de sterk teruglopende omzet vanwege fusies of omdat Siemens-divisies steeds meer op eigen benen komen te staan.

Zo maakten eerder Siemens en het Franse Alstom bekend hun treinactiviteiten te fuseren en gaat ook de zorgdivisie zich afsplitsen. Verder wil Siemens ook de fabriek in Hengelo sluiten of mogelijk verkopen. Daar worden gasturbines en compressoren gemaakt en werken circa 600 mensen.

Siemens Nederland wil zich de komende jaren sterk gaan richten op gebieden als digitalisering, modernisering van de infrastructuur, energie-efficiëntie in de gebouwde omgeving en op betaalbare, hoogwaardige gezondheidszorg.

Siemens signs contract to acquire Serbia's Milanovic Inzenjering

SeeNews reported that Serbian unit of German electronics and engineering group Siemens has signed a contract for the acquisition of local supplier of aluminium body parts for rail vehicles Milanovic Inzenjering, the Siemens subsidiary CEO said.

"We have signed the acquisition of Milanovic Inzenjering, but the deal is subject to regulatory approvals," Udo Eichlinger said in a video file posted on the website of Serbian news agency Tanjug on Tuesday.

Siemens plans further investments and intends to increase its workforce in Serbia, in order to support the growth of Milanovic Inzenjering after the acquisition is completed, Eichlinger said on the sidelines of a business forum organised by the regional government of the northern Serbian autonomous province of Vojvodina.

"We do not buy a company just because we want to have it. We do not invest in concrete enterprises, but in business models," Eichlinger said in the video file.

In November, the Serbian unit of Siemens said it plans to acquire local supplier of aluminium body parts for rail vehicles Milanovic Inzenjering for an undisclosed sum. The acquisition of Milanovic Inzenjering, which has a workforce of 430 employees, will be completed in the beginning of 2018, as the transaction is subject to regulatory approvals, the company said back then.

Source : SeeNews
Siemens receives ASME award for 3D printed gas turbine blades

The Fabricator reported that Siemens has received a Mechanical Engineering Emerging Technology Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers for its technological achievement with the first successfully 3-D-printed and fully tested gas turbine blades.

In early 2017 Siemens finished its first full-load engine tests for gas turbine blades completely produced using additive manufacturing technology. The company successfully validated multiple 3-D-printed turbine blades with a conventional blade design at full engine conditions. This means the components were tested at 13,000 RPM and temperatures beyond 1,250 degrees C. Furthermore, Siemens tested a new blade design with a completely revised and improved internal cooling geometry manufactured using the AM technology.

Source : The Fabricator
Siemens to electrify Gujarat Metro Link Express

Siemens to implement electrification of Gujarat Metro Link Express, it was announced. The Indian mass-transit operator Metro Link Express for Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad (MEGA) Company Limited has awarded an order of approximately INR 579 crore to the consortium of Siemens Limited India and Siemens AG, Germany for electrification of the 39.2-kilometer Metro Express Link in Ahmedabad, a statement issued.

Currently, the line under construction, will run in Ahmedabad city in two corridors.

The statement said that Siemens will be responsible for the complete electrification of the new double-track Metro line. In addition, Siemens will also provide a SCADA (supervisory control and data acqui-sition) system for monitoring and controlling the traction power.

Mr Tilak Raj Seth, Executive Vice-President, Siemens Ltd. and CEO, Mobility Division in Lead Country India, said that “We at Siemens are happy to be an integral part of the development in Gujarat’s public transportation system through this landmark Metro line. Metro will play a pivotal role in enhancing quality of life and economic growth of the city and the region. Mobility is an area of expertise for us and Siemens will continue to partner with the government to help improve connectivity and public infrastructure.

Mr Seth said that “With addition of this project, Siemens is executing electrification projects for six Metro cities in India, the other five being, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Nagpur and Greater Noida, matching the pace of urbanization in India.”

Source : ET
Siemens Gamesa signed two new agreements for supply of 96 MW

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy continues to grow in China the world's biggest wind market - having signed two new agreements *for the supply of 96 MW: 48 MW to the Chinese utility Datang and other 48 MW to the Chinese General Nuclear Power Group.

Under the terms of the contract signed with Datang, Siemens Gamesa will supply and commission 24 of its G114-2.0 MW turbines at the Yangshugou wind farm located in the province of Liaoning, in north-eastern China.

Elsewhere, the agreement reached with CGN encompasses the installation of 24 of the firm's G97-2.0 MW turbines at the Wohushan wind farm located in the province of Shandong, in eastern China.

The turbines for both projects will be delivered in 2018.

Siemens Gamesa has enjoyed a close relationship with both customers for several years: to date, it has supplied 612 MW to CGN and 295 MW to Datang. Siemens Gamesa's Chinese presence dates back 30 years, during which time it has established itself as one of the leading players in the wind power industry. Indeed, the company has installed over 4,600 MW in China.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
'Siemens wil af van onderdeel Flender'

Gepubliceerd op 25 jan 2018 om 12:49 | Views: 645

123,30 -2,06 (-1,64%)

MÜNCHEN (AFN) - Siemens is naar verluidt van plan om dit jaar fabrikant van aandrijfsystemen Flender te verkopen. Volgens ingewijden aan persbureau Bloomberg is dat een van de manieren waarop het Duitse industrieconcern de eigen organisatie weer meer in het gareel probeert te krijgen.

Het onderdeel met ruim 6000 werknemers zou Siemens meer dan 1 miljard euro kunnen opleveren, aldus de bronnen. Er zou al interesse zijn van diverse Chinese bedrijven en investeerders. Daarvoor zou dan later dit jaar een formeel verkoopproces worden gestart. Of het tot een deal komt is evenwel nog niet zeker.

Siemens kocht Flender in 2005 voor 1,2 miljard euro van de investeringsmaatschappij Citigroup Venture Capital Equity Partners. Recent is het concern echter begonnen om zich weer meer op zijn industriële kerntaken te richten. Flender zou daar niet meer bijpassen. Eind vorig jaar zette Siemens ook al flink het mes in zijn energie- en gastak. Door die reorganisatie gaan wereldwijd 6900 banen verloren, waaronder 600 bij de vestiging in Hengelo.
Prestaties Siemens lijden onder energietak

Gepubliceerd op 31 jan 2018 om 07:51 | Views: 570

121,76 -0,08 (-0,07%)

MÜNCHEN (AFN) - De winst van Siemens is in het eerste kwartaal van zijn gebroken boekjaar flink gedaald. Dat is te wijten aan de slecht presterende energie- en gastak van het concern. Bij die divisie kondigde het Duitse industrieconcern vorig jaar al maatregelen aan, waaronder sluiting van de vestiging in Hengelo.

De winst uit de industriële operaties zakte met 14 procent naar 2,2 miljard euro. Dat cijfer was hoger dan de verwachtingen van analisten, maar bevatte een eenmalige bate van 437 miljoen euro door de belastinghervormingen in de Verenigde Staten. De orders en de omzet gingen wel omhoog.

De energie- en gasdivisie van Siemens heeft te lijden onder de afnemende vraag naar fossiele energie. De winst van de divisie daalde 49 procent. Siemens gaf in november al aan 6900 banen te schrappen bij dit bedrijfsonderdeel.
Siemens Gamesa got seven orders for Safe Harbor equipment in 2017

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has been awarded seven orders for Safe Harbor equipment during CY 2017 (Calendar Year 2017), with a combined total capacity of 318 MW, enabling all seven undisclosed customers across the U.S. to qualify projects for 80% of the Production Tax Credit.

These orders allow PTC qualification for both new installation and repowering projects that will reach commercial operation date before the end of 2021. These PTC orders consist of different models and components of SGRE's product portfolio.

Mr José Antonio Miranda, Onshore Americas CEO, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy said that "These orders demonstrate the U.S. market's continued confidence in Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy as a trusted technology partner for new installations and repowering initiatives. With the broadest portfolio in the industry, we are perfectly positioned to address the diverse needs of the North American market."

With more than 150 project sites across 32 US states and its territories, Siemens Gamesa has installed more than 17 GW in the US, enough energy to power over five million average homes.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Gamesa announces result of Q1

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy released its results for the first quarter of fiscal 2018 (October-December); financial performance was in line with the guidance for the year, and commercial activity was strong in all business units. Between October and December, the company received orders for 2.8 GW of turbines (+29%), driven by both the onshore business (+19%) and the offshore business, where orders practically doubled.

The quarter saw strong progress with the post-merger integration. Decisions about the product portfolio have been made. The first post-merger models of wind turbines have been presented to the market: SG 4.2-145 for onshore and SG 8.0-167 DD for offshore. In fact, the company has already received its first order for the latter model from Vattenfall.

Financial performance between October and December was in line with the guidance for 2018 (revenues €9-9.6 billion, and an EBIT1 margin of 7-8%), which factors in a decline in onshore prices, expected seasonal fluctuations in the business (higher activity in the second half), and the effect of synergies.

In line with projections for the fiscal year, the group's sales during the first quarter amounted to EUR 2,127 million (-23%).

EBIT pre PPA, restructuring and integration costs1 in the quarter amounted to EUR 133 million, and the margin1 was 6.3%. The company reported a net income of EUR -35 million due to restructuring and integration costs, the non-cash impact of the US tax reform on the value of tax assets, and amortisation of the PPA.

The company maintained the positive trend of the previous quarter and accelerated commercial activity in both the onshore and offshore segments, as reflected in the robust order intake of 2.8 GW (+29%), providing 80% coverage of expected onshore sales and fully covered in the case of offshore. India made a strong contribution after resumption of activity in this market. The company expects the Indian market to stabilise in 2018 and normalize in 2019. There was also a strong influx of orders from the US as well as from such countries as Denmark, Thailand and Egypt.

Offshore order intake was also strong, firming the company's world-leading position in this segment. In fact, offshore order intake doubled with respect to the same quarter of the previous year.

The energy transition ensures good long-term prospects for wind power. The International Energy Agency estimates that wind's contribution to the energy mix will rise from 4% in 2016 to 17% by 2040. One factor driving this growth is wind's competitiveness, as it has actually underbid conventional fossil fuels in some recent auctions.

The European Parliament has just approved a goal of 35% renewable energy by 2030, providing a stable long-term regulatory framework to assist in achieving the climate goals.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens reports Q1 profit dips

Reuters reported German engineering group Siemens posted a 14% decline in quarterly industrial profit as it struggled with continued weak demand from the power and gas sector and ramped up investments in its flagship factory software. Chief Executive Joe Kaeser said that "The declining market for fossil power generation is not a temporary slump. Instead it reveals the expected dramatic development that we'll only be able to address and we must address by taking strategic measures.”

It said that the group is in talks with labour representative about implementing job cuts.

Industrial profit at the trains-to-turbines group came to 2.21 billion euros (USD 2.75 billion) in the fiscal first quarter to end-December, taking a hit from a near halving of profits at the Power and Gas division.

That compares with consensus for 2.19 billion in a Reuters poll of analysts.

The profit margin from industrial business shrank to 11% from 13.2% in the year-earlier period.

Arch-rival General Electric, which is struggling to reverse steep declines in some of its units and looking to sell USD 20 billion of assets, reported an industrial margin of 11.2 percent for the December quarter.

Both conglomerates are slimming down GE faster than Siemens. The German group under Kaeser in the last year alone has hived off its wind-power unit into a joint venture and agreed to do the same with its trains and signalling unit.

Siemens's quarterly sales rose 3% to 19.82 billion euros, broadly in line with consensus, while new orders jumped 14 percent to 22.48 billion euros, compared with the average analyst forecast for 20.81 billion euros.

Source : Reuters

Toch nog maar eens gezegd; Super bedankt voor het bijhouden van dit soort draadjes! Regelmatig steek ik er weer van op, lees ik mijzelf weer " bij".

Siemens December quarter net up by 18pct

Siemens posted 18.6% jump in its net profit to INR 190.5 crore in quarter ended December 2017, compared with year ago period. Siemens said in a BSE filing that the company's net profit was INR 160.7 crore in the quarter ended on December 2016. According to the statement, for the first quarter of financial year 2018 ended December 2017, Siemens registered a revenue of Rs 2,363 crore, which is a 5.8 per cent increase in revenue (excluding the impact of transition from excise duty to GST) over the same quarter in the preceding year.

New orders for the period stood at INR 3,257 crore, up 2.1%.

Mr Sunil Mathur MD and CEO of Siemens Limited, said that "While our revenue growth comes largely out of our strong order backlog, which as at 30th September 2017 stood at an all-time high of Rs 12,263 crore, orders continue to grow primarily from the infrastructure sector and digitalisation projects."

Source : Economic Times
Siemens brengt gezondheidstak naar de beurs

Gepubliceerd op 19 feb 2018 om 08:22 | Views: 1.276

111,40 +1,10 (+1,00%)

MÜNCHEN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Siemens brengt zijn gezondheidstak Healthineers nog voor de zomer naar de beurs. Dat meldt het Duitse industrieconcern maandag. Het onderdeel dat ziekenhuisapparatuur en zorgtechnologie maakt is een belangrijke concurrent van Philips.

De verkoop van een belang van circa 25 procent op de beurs in Frankfurt moet naar verluidt 6 miljard tot 10 miljard euro opleveren. De opbrengst wordt naar verwachting gebruikt voor overnames ter versterking van de kernactiviteiten van Siemens, dat actief blijft in onder meer de energiesector.

Siemens splitste eerder al zijn verlichtingsbedrijf Osram af. Daarnaast werden de afgelopen jaren samenwerkingsverbanden met branchegenoten gesloten voor de activiteiten op het gebied van windenergie en treinen.
Siemens Gamesa unveils its 2018-2020 strategic plan

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy presented its 2018-2020 strategic plan, designed to deliver global leadership. It sets the foundations in 2018 for sustainable and profitable growth in the years ahead. Against a backdrop of increasing competition, Siemens Gamesa expects to outperform the market on sales while maintaining strict balance-sheet control. With this target in mind, SGRE has launched a three-year program -L3AD2020-, articulated around three strategic cornerstones:

Business model agility, offering customers greater flexibility in terms of products and services, financial solutions and response times.
Best-in class LCoE (Levelized Cost of Energy), thanks to the technology platform, cost streamlining and operational excellence.
Digital intelligence, as a differentiating factor as against its competitors.

Also a key element in this transformation plan is the Change Management program, focused on People and Culture.

Mr Markus Tacke Siemens Gamesa's CEO said that "the measures rolled out in recent months, coupled with the strategic plan we are presenting today, set Siemens Gamesa on track for strong profitable growth that will enable us to create more value for our shareholders and customers, fully bearing out the merger rationale and positioning us as leaders in an increasingly competitive environment.”

The plan includes a series of measures that will unlock EUR 2 billion of cost reductions. They include accelerated delivery of the targeted merger synergies -estimated at over EUR 400 million by 2020-, fine-tuning of the product portfolio, procurement and industrial footprint as well as the restructuring effort already underway.

The company's technology strategy is premised on "one segment, one technology", which means consolidating geared technology in the onshore segment and direct-drive technology in the offshore arena.

Siemens Gamesa expects to continue to grow in the onshore segment, increasing its market share, underpinned by its new product portfolio. To this end, during the three-year plan, it will launch new turbines under the 4.2 MW platform, with rotors spanning 132, 145 and 155 meters, as well as turbines custom-configured to address the needs of strategic markets such as the US and India.

In the offshore segment, where Siemens Gamesa is the global leader, the target is to maintain its leadership in Europe, where it has a market share of 70%, and establish itself as a benchmark player in new markets such as Taiwan and the US.

Siemens Gamesa is in the process of developing its new offshore turbine, the SG 8.0-167 DD, working to continuously improve this platform's competitiveness and laying the foundations for the development of higher-capacity platforms from 2020.

In operations and maintenance services, the company remains the number-two player worldwide and expects to leverage digitalization to grow faster than the market. By 2020 it expects to increase the portfolio for this business by 40% to 80 GW.

The wind power sector expects huge growth in the coming years. The onshore market will grow a 5% until 2020, and the offshore market will raise 13% to 2025. For Services, market size will increase by 11% to 2020.

Meanwhile, Siemens Gamesa continues to explore businesses that complement its core wind business, such as solar power, hybrid technology and energy storage.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Gamesa inks new contract in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Siemens Gamesa has secured a new order in Bosnia and Herzegovina from F.L. Wind, one of country's independent power producers, for the supply of 36 MW. This is the company's second project in the country and overall tenth project on the Western Balkans. The scope of the agreement includes delivery and installation of 18 turbines G97-2.0 MW at the Jelovaca wind farm, located in the north of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Siemens Gamesa has also been engaged to operate and maintain the wind farm for five years, which is due to come on-stream towards the end of this year.

This project will contribute to country's target for larger share of local renewable energy generation.

Siemens Gamesa is one of the leading OEMs on the Western Balkans with established local presence. Since the market entry seven years ago, the company has received orders in Croatia, Republic of Macedonia and Bosnia & Herzegovina for the supply of 116 wind turbines with cumulative capacity of more than 285 MW.

Source : Strategic Research Institute

voda schreef op 25 januari 2018 16:38:

'Siemens wil af van onderdeel Flender'

Gepubliceerd op 25 jan 2018 om 12:49 | Views: 645

123,30 -2,06 (-1,64%)

MÜNCHEN (AFN) - Siemens is naar verluidt van plan om dit jaar fabrikant van aandrijfsystemen Flender te verkopen. Volgens ingewijden aan persbureau Bloomberg is dat een van de manieren waarop het Duitse industrieconcern de eigen organisatie weer meer in het gareel probeert te krijgen.
Beetje tegengesteld aan idee van totaaloplossing leveren. Ze leveren besturingssoftware voor alles maken de vermogenselectronica en dan de aandrijving niet meer. Vreemde strategie als je bij aanschaf an allerlei mededinging moet voldoen om niet te veel marktmacht te hebben en daar nu vrijwillig afstand van te doen.

De bos
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