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Siemens Energy to Use HVDC Grid for Celtic Interconnector

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
8 Dec, 2022, 4:30 am

Siemens Energy will deliver the high-voltage direct current transmission technology for the Celtic Interconnector, an electricity highway between France and Ireland. It will be the first connection between the Irish grid and Continental Europe. The project will strengthen the security of electricity supply in both countries and facilitate the integration of renewable energy sources into the European electricity grid. The order value for Siemens Energy is in the mid three-digit million-euro range. The interconnector is jointly developed by EirGrid, the electricity transmission system operator in Ireland, and its French counterpart, RTE.

Celtic Interconnector has a total length of 575 kilometers, of which 500 kilometers of cables will run through the Celtic Sea. Over such long distances, electricity can only be economically transported in the form of direct current.

Siemens Energy is therefore building two converter stations at the end points of the interconnector – one near Knockraha, located in the County Cork region of Ireland, the other one near La Martyre in France. Both can convert alternating current, as fed into the stations from the respective national grid, into direct current for transportation, and vice versa. In this way, the converter stations enable the bidirectional exchange of up to 700 megawatts of electricity.

This corresponds to the supply of around 450,000 households. In the future, Ireland will be able to import French electricity to secure base load in the grid or – after implementation of its ambitious wind energy plans - send excess renewable energy to Europe. Energization of Celtic Interconnector is scheduled for 2026.
Siemens Gamesa to Service Clyde Extension Wind Farm in Scotland

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
12 Dec, 2022, 4:13 am

Siemens Gamesa has been selected by Clyde Wind Farm (Scotland) to service the Clyde Extension wind farm for an additional 15 years. Located in South Lanarkshire, Scotland, Siemens Gamesa’s skilled team has been chosen to oversee the full service and maintenance for the 172.8-MW onshore wind farm until 2037.

Made up of 54 of Siemens Gamesa’s 3.2-MW wind turbines, Clyde Extension has been operational since 2017, and brings both Clyde and Clyde Extension wind farms, a total of 206 turbines, under the expert stewardship of Siemens Gamesa.

Clyde Wind Farm is a partnership between SSE Renewables (50.1%), Greencoat UK Wind Holdco Limited (28.2%) and GLIL Corporate Holdings Ltd (21.7%).
Siemens Gamesa Selected by OX2 for 145-MW Project in Finland

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
21 Dec, 2022, 4:04 am

Siemens Gamesa’s relationship with OX2 continues to grow as the SG 6.6-170 wind turbine is chosen for their next project in Finland. Siemens Gamesa and OX2 sign latest deal for 145-MW Niinimäki project in the Pieksämäki municipality

Once installation is complete, expected in late 2024, then Siemens Gamesa will also assume maintenance services for the project over a 35-year period ensuring the wind turbines operate at their maximum capabilities over their lifetime.

The Niinimäki project will be located in the Pieksämäki municipality in the Southern Savonia region of the country and will utilize 22 SG 6.6-170 turbines, among the most powerful in the onshore wind landscape. With a hub height of 165 meters, these turbines will capitalize on strong wind speeds found in the region. When operational these wind turbines will provide enough green electricity to power around 100,000 homes.

The deal follows a 70-MW deal for the Riberget project in Sweden signed with OX2 last month, as the two companies collaborate once more to push wind energy forward in the country.
Dragados & Siemens to Build HVDC Converter at LanWin Projects

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
16 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

Dragados Offshore, in consortium with Siemens Energy, are awarded the HVDC converter platforms of both the LanWin1 and LanWin3 HVDC grid connection projects by Amprion Offshore. Dragados Offshore is responsible for providing the offshore platforms, including detail design and engineering, procurement, fabrication, construction, load out, transportation, installation and hook-up of the offshore platform, and installation and commissioning of its platform systems. The topsides have a weight of approx. 24.000 tons each and the jackets of approximately 10.000 tons each. The HVDC systems, as well as the complete onshore converter stations, are the scope of work of our partner Siemens Energy. LanWin1 and LanWin3 are scheduled to be in commercial operation at the end of 2029 and 2030 respectively.

The projects are the first of 2 Gigawatt bi-pole converter systems awarded, as part of the transmission of electrical energy generated in offshore wind parks in the German North Sea, part of Germany’s Energy Transition, where Amprion is the transmission system operator responsible for both systems. The two projects are furthermore among the first of the overall 2GW offshore programme to be developed in Northern Europe. The wind farms are connected to both offshore stations via 66 kV AC direct connection systems and convert the power to 525 kV DC voltage for transmission to shore.

The two HVDC onshore stations for LanWin1 and LanWin3 are located at the Wehrendorf and Westerkappeln grid connection points respectively, where they are connected to the 380 kV links yet to be built for the AC transmission grid. With a total transmission capacity of 4 GW, these converter stations will be sufficient to supply the electricity for a major city like Berlin.
RWE Selects Siemens Gamesa for Thor Offshore Wind Farm in Denmark

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
16 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

RWE is further progressing with the deployment of Denmark’s largest offshore wind power plant to date by signing a Preferred Supplier Agreement with Siemens Gamesa. 72 units of Siemens Gamesa’s flagship SG 14-236 DD offshore wind turbines are planned to be installed at RWE’s 1,000-MW (megawatt) Thor project. In addition, a service contract for the wind turbines is included. All deliveries are subject to RWE’s final investment decision.

The SG 14-236 DD is Siemens Gamesa’s flagship offshore wind turbine. It features a capacity of almost 15 MW and a 236-meter diameter rotor with an astounding swept area of 43,500 square meters. This allows the SG 14-236 DD to provide an increase of more than 30% in Annual Energy Production compared to its predecessor. It features Siemens Gamesa’s patented IntegralBlades, each measuring 115 meters in length.

For the operation and maintenance of Thor, RWE will set up a service base at the port of Thorsminde. RWE intends to contribute to the local economy and community by creating up to 60 permanent jobs. This includes technicians, engineers, nautical personnel as well as crew for the service vessels. It is expected that the new service station will be fully operational from 2026 onward. RWE plans to support its project for at least 30 years from this port.

With a planned capacity of 1,000 MW, Thor will increase Denmark’s share of electricity produced from renewable energy sources and help to reduce the country’s carbon emissions, in line with the European Green Deal. Once fully operational, which is planned to be no later than the end of 2027, RWE’s Thor offshore wind power plant would be capable of producing enough green electricity to supply the equivalent of more than one million Danish households.
Siemens gaat 1200 elektrische locomotieven leveren aan India
Artikel van ANP Producties • Gisteren om 16:59


MÜNCHEN (ANP/DPA) - Het Duitse industrieconcern Siemens gaat 1200 elektrische locomotieven leveren aan India. Met die opdracht van staatsbedrijf Indian Railways is een bedrag gemoeid van ongeveer 3 miljard euro. Het is volgens Siemens de grootste spooropdracht voor de onderneming ooit.

De locomotieven zullen over een periode van elf jaar geleverd gaan worden voor inzet bij het goederentransport in India. De treintrekkers worden gebouwd in India door Siemens Mobility in samenwerking met Indian Railways. Ook gaat het Duitse concern voor 35 jaar onderhoudsdiensten verlenen.

De locomotieven hebben een kracht om tot 4500 ton te trekken met snelheden van maximaal 120 kilometer per uur. Door meer elektrisch te rijden wil India de uitstoot verlagen, bijvoorbeeld omdat dieseltreinen worden vervangen en er minder vrachtwagens nodig zijn om goederen te vervoeren.

India heeft een van de grootste spoornetwerken ter wereld en behoort volgens Siemens tot de snelst groeiende markten voor spoortransport. Het land met bijna 1,4 miljard inwoners heeft een ambitie om geheel elektrisch te gaan rijden op het spoor.
Waarschuwing Siemens Energy

Door ABM Financial News op donderdag 19 januari 2023
Views: 3.683

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Siemens Energy verwacht in het lopende boekjaar 2023 in de rode cijfers te belanden, ondanks een vrij sterk eerste kwartaal. Dit meldde het Duitse bedrijf donderdagavond.

In het eerste kwartaal van dit boekjaar heeft Siemens Energy een sterke order- en omzetgroei en een beter dan verwachte kasstroom gerealiseerd.

Toch werd een verbetering van de onderliggende operationele winst bij Gas Services, Grid Technologies en Transformation of Industry teniet gedaan door hogere kosten bij Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, dat niet langer rekent op de winstgevendheid in 2023 die eerder werd geschetst in zijn bedrijfsplan. In het eerste kwartaal behaalde Gamesa een aangepaste EBIT van 760 miljoen euro negatief.

Dit heeft als gevolg dat Siemens Energy de verwachtingen voor het volledige boekjaar moet aanpassen. Eerder werd een scherpe winstdaling voorspeld voor 2023. Nu rekent het bedrijf op een nettoverlies. De winstmarge zal vermoedelijk niet uitkomen op 2 tot 4 procent, maar 1 tot 3 procent, aldus Siemens Energy.

De verwachte omzetgroei in 2023 van 3 tot 7 procent blijft wel staan.

In het eerste kwartaal kwam de orderintake van Siemens Energy uit op 12.727 miljoen euro, ruim boven de marktconsensus van 9.453 miljoen euro, bleek donderdag uit de voorlopige cijfers over het afgelopen kwartaal.

De omzet bedroeg 7.064 miljoen euro, waar analisten 6.644 miljoen euro voorspelden.

Onder de streep resteerde een verlies van 384 miljoen euro met een negatieve marge van 5,4 procent. Hier ging de markt uit van een bescheiden verlies van 32 miljoen euro en een negatieve marge van 0,5 procent. Het aangepaste resultaat was 282 miljoen euro negatief, waar analisten uitgingen van 53 miljoen euro positief.

De aangepaste vrije kasstroom kwam in het eerste kwartaal uit op 58 miljoen euro negatief, aldus Siemens Energy. Voor het volledige boekjaar 2023 wordt wel gerekend op een positieve aangepaste vrije kasstroom. De verwachting was eerder negatief.

Op 7 februari aanstaande komt Siemens Energy met volledige kwartaalcijfers.

Bron: ABM Financial News
Siemens to Sell Thousand Locomotives to Indian Railways

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

Siemens has signed EUR 3 nillion contract to supply 1,200 electric freight locomotives to India, the largest such deal in the company’s history. Over the next 11 years it will supply the locomotives to Indian Railways and maintain each for 35 years. The 9,000-horsepower locomotives will haul loads of 4,500 tons at a maximum speed of 120km/h, and Siemens Mobility will use its Railigent data platform to “deliver the highest availability and performance”.

They’ll be assembled at the Indian Railways factory in Dahod, in the state of Gujarat. Maintenance will be done in four depots located in Vishakhapatnam, Raipur, Kharagpur and Pune.

India’s rail networks are used by 24 million passengers a day, travelling on more than 22,000 trains. The Government of India plans to increase the share of railways for freight transport to 40-45% from 27% at present, and to achieve zero net carbon by 2030.
Siemens & Dragados to Build Transmission for Offshore Wind

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

In future, a single grid connection will transport up to two gigawatts of offshore wind power to the onshore power grid. This is made possible by converter systems provided by Siemens Energy and Spanish company Dragados Offshore. The German transmission system operator Amprion has awarded the world's first order for two of these systems to the consortium. In total, up to four gigawatts of green electricity from several offshore wind farms in the German North Sea can be transported to shore – enough electricity to meet the needs of about four million people. The contract for the consortium is worth a total of more than EUR 4 billion including maintenance for ten years. For Siemens Energy it is the largest offshore grid connection order the company has received to date.

Siemens Energy's scope of supply consists of two converter platforms at sea and two associated stations on land. The wind turbines generate alternating current and feed it into the converter platforms, which convert the alternating current into a direct current. Only in this way can large amounts of energy travel the long distance of around 390 kilometers (242 miles) each to the two converter stations on land via a direct current cable. The converter stations on land are being built near Wehrendorf in Lower Saxony and Westerkappeln in northern North Rhine-Westphalia.

Siemens Energy will manufacture all major high-voltage equipment for the two connection systems, such as converter technology, transformers, and switchgear, in Germany and will assume the systems’ complete maintenance for a period of 10 years. This includes services to ensure cyber security and transport logistics, such as the provision of service ships and helicopters. The Spanish consortium partner, Dragados Offshore, is responsible for the construction and offshore installation of the associated platforms. Construction will take place at the company's shipyard in Cadiz, Spain.

In addition, the systems are designed to be integrated into multi-terminal-systems in the future. Instead of pure point-to-point connections, several direct current connections could converge in one station. These direct-current grids on land and on the high seas (as offshore hubs) are intended to bring electricity to consumers more flexibly and quickly. The converter systems will then act as electricity hubs at the grid nodes that transmit the electricity according to the demand situation.

The connection systems are expected to transmit power as early as 2029 and 2030, supporting Germany's accelerated energy transition goals.
Siemens & Skyway Paving Way for Vertiports for eVTOLs

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
2 Feb, 2023, 6:14 am

Siemens and Skyway have agreed to work together to determine the electrical and digital infrastructure needed to support vertiport operations. Vertiports are hubs for vertical take-off and landing VTOL vehicles such as air taxis and drones. The scope of collaboration involves both companies researching energy demands of vertiports and developing sustainable electrical supply, standard charging processes, and a “system of systems” to support aircraft operations. Innovation around vertiport infrastructure will be critical to the future scalability of electric vertical take-off and landing eVTOL flight operations.

A main objective of the collaborative effort is to develop vertiports. This includes researching, developing, planning, and being part of the construction and operation of them, with each company bringing its own strength and experience to the effort. Skyway has vast knowledge of airspace mission planning and management, air traffic navigation, and unmanned aircraft operations, and Siemens has infrastructure expertise in electrification, vehicle charging, and facility operations.

Together, the two will work together to design and engineer a universal eVTOL charging process by evaluating the charging, power, and software requirements to ensure reliable and efficient operations. In addition, Siemens and Skyway will collaborate on innovative ideas to standardize overall vertiport planning and design and reduce energy consumption.
Siemens Gamesa & Doosan Sign Offshore Wind Pact

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
13 Feb, 2023, 2:06 am

World-leading provider of wind power solutions Siemens Gamesa and Doosan Enerbility, formerly Doosan Heavy Industries have signed a binding framework agreement for a strategic partnership for the South Korean offshore wind market. The agreement follows successful exploration of potential cooperation made possible by a memorandum of understanding signed in June 2022. This next step lays the foundation for strong local content offerings in the South Korean offshore wind market in the future. The implementation of the partnership scope is subject to successful offshore wind power orders in the South Korean market.

The framework agreement covers three areas for knowledge exchange on technology in which the two companies will collaborate closely in South Korea. Doosan will assemble Siemens Gamesa’s offshore wind turbine nacelles in a Doosan facility currently in the design phase, undertake turbine assembly for Siemens Gamesa machines in staging harbors as well as the offshore construction of projects using Siemens Gamesa machines, and perform offshore service on selected orders involving Siemens Gamesa machines.

The alliance between the companies bolsters Korea’s burgeoning offshore wind industry. Among the benefits are efficient and environmentally conscious local assembly and local job creation to serve the South Korean.
Siemens Gamesa to Build Wind Turbine Nacelle Facility in New York

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
20 Feb, 2023, 3:30 am

Siemens Gamesa has announced its intention to build a major nacelle manufacturing facility in New York State, subject to the company’s wind turbines being selected by the New York authorities in their third offshore wind solicitation. The planned facility will be located at the Port of Coeymans. It would create up to approximately 420 direct jobs, support a significant rise in indirect jobs, and represent an investment of around USD 500 million in the region.

Siemens Gamesa is also committing to localizing several new component supplier facilities, including steel component fabrication, bearings, and composite components, demonstrating the further development of a sustainable local supply chain ecosystem. This could help double the number of jobs created by the facility.

New York expects to procure a minimum of 2 GW of offshore wind energy, and up to 4.7 GW in this third round of procurement to achieve a total of 9 GW of offshore wind energy. This is a significant part of the United States’ target to realize 30 GW of offshore wind power by 2030.
Siemens Mobility Bags Service Contract for Ontario’s Metrolinx

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
28 Feb, 2023, 3:30 am

Siemens Mobility has been selected by Ontario’s local public operator Metrolinx to provide track, signal, and right-of-way maintenance services for the agency’s railway infrastructure system that makes up the West Region of Toronto. The contract includes service for three years with an additional two-year option. Siemens Mobility’s suite of digital tools and software will complement the knowledge and expertise their teams possess with the intelligent use of rail data to provide Metrolinx with superior service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Metrolinx is a Crown agency of the Government of Ontario that manages and integrates road and rail public transport in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. With 20 transit lines and serving more than 100 million passengers, Metrolinx works to improve the coordination and integration of all modes of transportation in the Greater Golden Horseshoe.

Currently, Siemens Mobility provides various services and products to Metrolinx including Signal and Communications back-office support and fault control services at Metrolinx’s Network Operations Center (NOC) in Oakville, Ontario.
Amerikaanse opdracht van Siemens voor Arcadis

Waarde project 220 miljoen dollar.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Arcadis is door Siemens Real Estate geselecteerd om projectmanagement diensten te verlenen bij de bouw van een nieuwe fabriek in Lexington in North Carolina. Dit maakte het Nederlandse ingenieursbedrijf donderdagochtend bekend.

Met het project in het Amerikaanse Lexington is een bedrag van 220 miljoen dollar gemoeid.Het betreft onder meer de bouw van een nieuwe fabriek voor treinwagons inclusief onderhoudsfaciliteiten. De werkzaamheden moeten deze zomer van start gaan.

Hoeveel omzet er voor Arcadis met dit project is gemoeid, werd niet vermeld.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
Siemens Gamesa to Supply Wind Turbines to AM Green Energy

Siemens Gamesa, a leading renewable energy company, has signed a supply agreement with ArcelorMittal subsidiary, AM Green Energy, to provide 46 SG 3.6-145 wind turbines for a 166MW project in Andhra Pradesh, India. The wind farm is part of a larger 989MW wind-solar hybrid renewable energy project by AMGEPL in the Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh. The deal will help AM/NS India, a steel plant located in Gujarat, meet 20% of its electricity needs from renewable resources and reduce its carbon emissions by 1.5 million metric tons annually.

Mr. Amit Harlalka, Vice President, ArcelorMittal and CFO, AM/NS India, commented, "Our partnership with Siemens Gamesa for this benchmark model project demonstrates how establishing partnerships and collaborating across the supply chain can help us progress faster toward our decarbonization targets.”

Siemens Gamesa will manufacture the turbines at its plants in India, and the supply will begin in the second quarter of 2023. This deal marks an important milestone for the company’s onshore 3.X platform, with order entry surpassing 1.5GW, and reinforces its competitiveness in the Indian market.

Andhra Pradesh, where the project is located, has significant potential for power generation through wind projects. This project is in line with the state government’s Renewable Energy Export Policy 2020 for solar, wind, and hybrid projects, which aims to promote the export of renewable energy outside the state.
POSCO & Siemens Collaborate for Eco-Friendly Steel Production

POSCO, the South Korean steelmaker, has announced its collaboration with Siemens, the German industrial giant, to enhance the competitiveness of the steel industry during their meeting in Seoul. Siemens is Europe's largest engineering company with businesses in factory automation, energy, power generation, and medical care. It is a strategic partner for POSCO, as it purchases rear plate products for wind towers from Posco and supplies driving motors and control facilities to the company. POSCO, in return, delivered a plaque of appreciation to Siemens citing the latter's help in recovering the flooding of the Nangcheon Stream at Pohang Steelworks in September last year.

The two companies discussed strengthening mutual cooperation and finding new business opportunities. In response to Posco's eco-friendly steel brand Greenable, Siemens proposed supplying high-performance and high-efficiency control systems to POSCO. The German firm also decided to cooperate in smart factories and carbon-neutral areas, which is a common interest between the two companies. Posco plans to introduce its eco-friendly steel brand Greenable and actively respond to Siemens' demands for eco-friendly projects. Greenable is Posco Group’s own green brand for specialized steel products and solutions used to produce, transport or store eco-friendly energy such as wind power, solar power, and hydrogen.

Posco Group's Vice Chairman, Mrr. Kim Hak-dong, believes that "Strengthening business partnerships with Siemens will be of great help to Posco becoming competitive in the global market," adding, "We hope for more exchanges in the supply of eco-friendly materials and energy-saving factory control facilities to materialize strategic cooperation between the two companies."

Siemens' CEO, Mr. Roland Busch, sees the collaboration as a great opportunity to expand the company's business in South Korea and said, "We will continue to seek various ways to collaborate and work together for the sustainable growth of both companies." The partnership between the two companies is expected to lead to further innovation in the steel industry while also promoting eco-friendly solutions.
Omzet en winst Siemens Healthineers onder druk

Profiteert minder van coronacrisis.

(ABM FN) Siemens Healthineers heeft in het tweede kwartaal van het lopende gebroken boekjaar de resultaten onder druk zien staan, vanwege de lagere vraag naar coronatesten, maar de outlook voor heel het jaar werd wel gehandhaafd. Dit bleek woensdag uit cijfers van het bedrijf.

In het afgelopen kwartaal, dat eindigde op 31 maart, werd een nettowinst geboekt van 108 miljoen euro, beduidend minder dan de 583 miljoen euro een jaar eerder.

De aangepaste EBIT liep ook terug van 980 naar 681 miljoen euro, met een margedaling van 17,9 naar 12,7 procent.

De kernwinst per aandeel daalde op jaarbasis van 0,52 naar 0,09 euro.

De resultaten stonden onder druk vanwege een lagere bijdrage van coronatesten, maar ook vanwege herstructureringskosten gerelateerd aan de diagnosticadivisie. De omzet uit deze divisie liep maar liefst met 39 procent fors terug.

De totale omzet daalde met 2,1 procent naar 5,35 miljard euro. Op vergelijkbare basis was de daling 2,5 procent.

Desondanks werd de outlook voor heel het jaar gehandhaafd. Siemens Healthineers verwacht een kleine omzetdaling- of stijging van een procent.

Exclusief de omzet uit coronatesten, zou de omzetgroei tussen de 6 en 8 procent moeten uitkomen. Op divisieniveau, werden de verwachtingen voor de diagnosticadivisie wel verlaagd.

De aangepaste basiswinst per aandeel zal tussen de 2,00 en 2,20 euro uitkomen, verwacht Siemens Healthineers.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +32(0)78 486 481
Siemens Energy verhoogt groeiverwachting

Verwacht meer groei en meer verlies.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Siemens Energy heeft in het tweede kwartaal minder verlies geboekt en verhoogt de groeiverwachting na een sterke instroom van nieuwe orders. Dat bleek maandag uit een update van het Duitse energiebedrijf.

Siemens Energy boekte een nettoverlies van 189 miljoen euro, tegen 256 miljoen euro verlies een jaar eerder. Uitdagingen in de aanvoerketen, het opstarten van de offshore-activiteiten en lastige projecten bij Siemens Gamesa veroorzaakten het verlies.

De omzet steeg met 24 procent, van 6,58 miljard tot 8,03 miljard euro.

De nieuwe orders namen sterk toe van 7,91 miljard tot 12,26 miljard euro. Deze groei is volgens het bedrijf te danken aan de sterke positie in technologieën voor de energietransitie, zoals stroomopwekking en transmissie.


Voor heel 2023 verwacht Siemens nu een vergelijkbare omzetgroei van 10 tot 12 procent. De eerdere verwachting was 3 tot 7 procent groei.

De winstmarge voor bijzondere posten zou rond 1 procent uitkomen, aan de onderkant van de eerder genoemde bandbreedte van 1 tot 3 procent, door de zwakke resultaten in de eerste helft van het jaar.

Siemens Energy rekent op een nettoverlies dit jaar dat groter is dan het verlies van 712 miljoen euro vorig jaar. Het verschil zal enkele honderden miljoenen euro zijn, verwacht het bedrijf.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
Hans , bedankt voor de up-dates.

Je merkt ook aan dit persbericht dat de energie transitie, zo ondersteund door Brussel/ Europa, zich wel degelijk doorzet. Het zijn de risicovollere posities in mijn portefeuille, maar ik had er vertrouwen in en blijf dat houden, zeker na zulke persberichten,

Graag gedaan Peter.


Siemens Energy ging aan kop in Frankfurt, met een winst van 2,5 procent. Het bedrijf heeft in het tweede kwartaal minder verlies geboekt en verhoogde de groeiverwachting na een sterke instroom van nieuwe orders.

Door: ABM Financial News. (ingekort)
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