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Siemens voorspelt: 'Nederland eerste land waar autobezit verdwijnt’

De deelauto slaat nog nauwelijks aan, maar toch zal Nederland één van de eerste landen in de wereld zijn waar het autobezit verdwijnt. Dat verwacht althans Siemens dat momenteel voor NS, RET en HTM een revolutionaire reis-app ontwikkelt.

David Bremmer 25-11-21, 20:00

Het is de heilige graal in de wereld van het openbaar vervoer. Een mobiliteits-app waarmee reizigers hun trip van deur tot deur kunnen inplannen. Een soort 9292, maar dan inclusief bijbehorende vervoermiddelen die op afroep beschikbaar zijn: van deelfietsen tot scooters, auto’s, de bus, trein, tram en metro. Mobility as a Service (Mobiliteit als service, red) of MaaS heet dat in jargon.

Lees ook
Deelauto's worden nauwelijks gebruikt: verwachte populariteit is uitgebleven

Het Duitse Siemens is één van de wereldwijde pioniers op dat terrein. In diverse landen werkt het concern aan zo'n totaaloplossing voor de reiziger, vertelt Olivier Gueydan, ceo van de Nederlandse tak Siemens Mobility. ,,Nederland is het eerste land waar we het platform nationaal uitrollen. In onder meer de VS, Oostenrijk en Spanje waar we ook actief zijn doen we dat enkel voor bepaalde stedelijke agglomeraties, zoals Los Angeles.”

App testen
In ons land ontwikkelt Siemens Mobility de app in opdracht van NS en grote stadsvervoerders HTM (Den Haag) en RET (Rotterdam). Een eerste versie zal komend voorjaar klaar zijn, verwacht Gueydan. ,,Dan gaan we de app testen, waarna hij voor iedereen beschikbaar is.”

© Hollandse Hoogte / ANP

Dat Nederland het eerste land is waar Siemens een alomvattende ov-app voor nationaal gebruik uitrolt, is niet zo vreemd. ,,Nederland is dichtbevolkt en kent een fijnmazig spoornetwerk”, legt Gueydan uit, die zelf uit Frankrijk komt waar het platteland veel omvangrijker is. ,,Nederlanders omarmen nieuwe technologieën sneller dan Duitsers of Fransen en behoren vaak tot de early adapters.”

Siemens, dat in 192 landen actief is, heeft dan ook hoge verwachtingen van het nieuwe online mobiliteitsplatform. ,,De wijze waarop mensen zich van A naar B verplaatsen zal radicaal veranderen”, stelt Gueydan. ,,De auto zal als persoonlijk vervoermiddel geleidelijk verdwijnen. Van deur tot deur je reis plannen, zonder dat je zelf nog een auto hoeft te bezitten, is de toekomst. Je ziet nu al dat veel jongeren geen interesse hebben in autobezit.”

Heilige koe
De vraag is uiteraard of Siemens niet aan wensdenken doet. Voorlopig lijken Nederlanders hardnekkig aan hun heilige koe vast te houden. Het autobezit is afgelopen decennium met bijna 14 procent gegroeid tot bijna negen miljoen personenwagens.

De deelauto wordt ondertussen slechts mondjesmaat gebruikt. Weliswaar zijn er op papier bijna een miljoen autodelers, slechts 200.000 mensen hebben afgelopen drie jaar minimaal één keer van zo'n deelauto gebruik gemaakt, becijferde het Kennisinstituut Mobiliteit (KiM) begin november. Van alle autoritten wordt slechts 0,02 procent met een deelauto gemaakt. Dat aandeel is volgens het KiM sinds 2014 niet gegroeid.

Gueydan begrijpt de scepsis. Voordat mensen hun auto de laan uit doen, moeten reis-apps zoals die van Siemens eerst hun waarde bewijzen. ,,Reizen moet zonder rompslomp gaan, met vervoermiddelen waar je niet of nauwelijks op hoeft te wachten.” Belangrijk hiervoor is dat treinen en bussen hoogfrequent rijden.

Een tweede voorwaarde is dat overheden autobezit verder ontmoedigen. Steeds meer steden weren auto's uit het centrum, ook is een parkeerplek bij nieuwbouwwoningen geen vanzelfsprekendheid meer.

Van belang is verder dat de kosten van autobezit meer inzichtelijk worden, stelt ceo Gueydan van Siemens Mobility. Nu kijken mensen bij de aanschaf van een auto vooral naar de aanschafkosten en de pompprijzen. ,,Maar je betaalt ook wegenbelasting, de verzekering, een parkeervergunning, de kosten van parkeergarages. De werkelijke infrastructuur- en milieukosten worden daarnaast nog nauwelijks naar de autogebruikers doorberekend. Als je dat allemaal meeneemt is een vergelijking tussen auto en trein al veel gemakkelijker te maken.”

Uiteindelijk zal de komst van zelfrijdende auto's en minibusjes, die op afroep voor kunnen rijden, meehelpen aan minder autobezit, voorspelt Siemens. ,,Dat gaat gebeuren en sneller dan je denkt. Wie had vijftien jaar geleden gedacht dat veel auto's zichzelf al kunnen parkeren, en al lang niet meer alleen in luxe modellen?”

Was Siemens lange tijd vooral bekend als fabrikant van onder meer televisies en consumentenelektronica, het Duitse concern is ook al lang groot op het spoor en in mobiliteit. De trams in Amsterdam en Den Haag zijn van het concern, net als de vorige generatie NS-sprinters. Ook onderhoudt Siemens de hogesnelheidslijn samen met bouwer Bam. De Eurostar treinen komen eveneens van het bedrijf. Verder werkt het bedrijf onder meer aan slimme software om meer treinen op het spoor te kunnen laten rijden.

Siemens Gamesa to Supply Wind Turbines to RES in Canada

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
26 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has signed an order with Renewable Energy Systems in Canada to supply the 100-MW Hilda wind project in Alberta. The deal strengthens the company’s global partnership with RES in North America while taking a step forward to help Alberta, and Canada as a whole, meet their 30% goal of renewable energy generation by 2030. Siemens Gamesa will supply 20 SG 5.0-145 turbines, providing clean affordable power for around 50,000 homes.

The 71-meter blade on the SG 4.X platform integrates aerodynamics and noise reduction features—including Siemens Gamesa DinoTails® Next Generation technology—to guarantee a high production of energy and reduced noise emission levels. This reduction in noise will improve the performance at the Hilda wind power project while remaining within the mandated noise emission levels. Siemens Gamesa currently has orders for more than 1.2 GW of power in western Canada with the SG 4.X platform for installation through 2023.
Siemens Gamesa to Supply Wind Turbines for Lestijärvi in Finland

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
02 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

Siemens Gamesa has struck a 455MW deal with Swedish developer OX2 to supply its leading Siemens Gamesa 5.X platform to the Lestijärvi site for what will be Finland’s largest ever wind farm helping the country to take a giant leap in its energy transition. The wind project will deploy 69 of the SG 6.6-170 turbines to be installed in 2024 at the site in Central Ostrobothnia. The wind turbines are equipped with a 170-meter rotor and 6.6 MW generators providing one of the lowest Levelized Cost of Energy in the industry.

Lestijärvi will also be the largest ever wind farm in the country by installed capacity and when completed its annual energy production will be about 1.3 terawatt hours, equivalent to around two percent of Finland's total electricity production.

The wind farm will also be covered by a 35-year full scope service agreement assuring the turbines operate at their maximum capacity over their lifetime. A total of 64 turbines will sit on 155-meter towers, and the other five will use 145-meter towers.
Siemens Gamesa’s Vesterhav Offshore Wind Project Approved

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Dec, 2021, 4:51 am

Siemens Gamesa is set to once again deliver in Denmark, having received the green light to proceed from Vattenfall for the 344 MW Vesterhav offshore wind projects. As planned, the 176 MW Vesterhav Nord project will utilize 21 SG 8.0-167 DD offshore wind turbines, with the 168 MW Vesterhav Syd project utilizing 20 SG 8.0-167 DD offshore wind turbines. Located up to 10 km off the west coast of Denmark, the two projects are intended to be completed in 2023. Together, they aim to deliver clean, renewable energy to around 350,000 average Danish households. A three-year Service agreement, with both projects being served from the Port of Hvide Sande, is furthermore included.

At 176 MW, Vesterhav Nord will be located a maximum of around 8.5 km offshore and cover an area of around 40 km2. The 21 Siemens Gamesa offshore wind turbines, each with a capacity of 8.4 MW and rotor diameter of 167 meters, will be commissioned from the Port of Thyborøn. Installation is planned to begin in 2023 and be completed the same year.

At 168 MW, Vesterhav Syd will be located around 10 km offshore and cover an area of around 37 km2. The 20 Siemens Gamesa offshore wind turbines, each with a capacity of 8.4 MW and rotor diameter of 167 meters, will be commissioned from the Port of Hvide Sande. Installation is planned to begin in 2023 and be completed the same year.
OMK Named as Best Supplier of Railway Wheels of Siemens Mobility

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
28 Dec, 2021, 4:52 am

Russian steel maker United Metallurgical Company, the largest Russian manufacturer of solid-rolled railway wheels for all types of rolling stock, for the second year in a row was ranked among the best suppliers of Siemens Mobility, a leader in transport solutions. OMK has been cooperating with Siemens Mobility since 2016, supplying high-tech wheels for the Lastochka high-speed passenger electric train designed for operation at speeds up to 160 km / h. In the outgoing year, the partners completed the procedure for serial production of wheels for Lastochka; previously, OMK could supply only pilot batches of limited volume. In 2021, the company shipped over 1,800 of these wheels to Siemens Mobility. In addition, specialists from Siemens Mobility began controlled operation of OMK wheels for the Sapsan high-speed electric train, which has a design speed of up to 250 km / h. Following the results of controlled operation, which will end in mid-2022, the parties will discuss industrial supplies of wheels for Sapsan.

All products are manufactured at the Vyksa plant of OMK in the Nizhny Novgorod Region, which is the only manufacturer of wheels for high-speed and high-speed traffic in Russia. OMK employees took part in the development of technical specifications for the supply of wheels for the Lastochka and Sapsana electric trains, taking into account the requirements of both Russian and foreign standards.

Unlike serial wheels, wheels for high-speed and high-speed movement are extremely demanding in terms of geometry and steel quality. This year, the OMK plant in the Nizhny Novgorod Region carried out warranty tests and put into pilot operation a line for applying a protective coating to the surface of railway wheels for high-speed rolling stock. Now OMK is preparing for the qualification of the process of painting wheels for "Swallow" and "Sapsan".
Siemens Gamesa & Dominion Energy Advance Coastal Virginia Project

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
30 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

Siemens Gamesa announced the next steps being taken with Dominion Energy subsidiary Dominion Energy Virginia for delivery of offshore wind turbines and 10-years of service at its 2.6-GW Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind commercial project. An agreement has been reached planning to use 176 units of the world’s largest offshore wind turbine in operation, the SG 14-222 DD, and for an expected 10-year Service agreement. The agreement is subject to customary conditions, including required governmental permitting.

All items are anticipated to be successfully closed by Q1 2023. Installation of the mammoth project in waters off the coast of the Commonwealth of Virginia is expected to begin in 2024.

The Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind commercial project will also provide a large springboard towards realizing the goal established by the Virginia Clean Economy Act, which requires Virginia to have 100% clean energy by 2045. The project will begin contributing to this upon completion, which is scheduled by 2026.
Siemens Gamesa to Install WindTurbine at Orsted’s Gode Wind 3

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
31 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

Siemens Gamesa announced the firm order for the supply of wind turbines for Orsted’s Gode Wind 3 offshore development. The 242 MW offshore wind power plant will feature the first installation in German waters of the company’s SG 11.0-200 DD turbines. 23 units of the powerful machine will be installed at the project, situated 40 km from shore due north of the island of Norderney on the German-Dutch border. A five-year Service agreement is included in the firm order. The nacelles will be produced in Cuxhaven, highlighting the value creation by offshore wind in Germany.

The confirmation of this firm order comes at a time when the new German coalition government has considerably increased their targets for offshore wind energy production up to 2045. The original milestone of 20 GW installed by 2030 has been increased to 30 GW by 2030, and targets for 2035 and 2045 have been raised to 40 GW and 70 GW respectively.

The SG 11.0-200 DD offshore wind turbine provides a high degree of reliability in demanding offshore wind projects from its strong performance, swift time-to-market, and low risk. The machine features a 200-meter diameter rotor utilizing the 97-meter long Siemens Gamesa B97 IntegralBlades.

Gode Wind 3 is expected to be fully commissioned in 2024 and to serve around 250,000 German households with clean, green energy. The preferred supplier agreement between Siemens Gamesa and Ørsted for Gode Wind 3 was announced on March 4, 2020.
Siemens Gamesa to Maintain Iberdrola Wind Farms in Spain Portugal

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
04 Jan, 2022, 5:30 am

Siemens Gamesa and Iberdrola have signed maintenance service contracts for a total of 1,928 MW across 69 of the energy group's wind farms in Spain and Portugal for a period of between three and five years. These include 1,963 wind turbines from the G4X (660 kW unit power), G5X (850 kW), G8/9X (2.0 MW), Siemens Gamesa 2.X (SG 2.1-114 and SG 2.6-114) and Siemens Gamesa 3.X (SG 3.4-132) platforms. With these new contracts, Siemens Gamesa consolidates its position as Iberdrola's main provider of operation and maintenance services in the region. These are new contracts and renewals.

The maintenance of the wind farms included in these contracts requires the work of around 160 employees. The wind farm technicians are usually located in the rural areas where the wind farms are located, so wind farm maintenance supports local activity and employment.

The maintenance work applied to these types of turbines, the oldest in Iberdrola's fleet, allows them to significantly maximise their level of efficiency, as well as extending their useful life in the medium and long term.
Italiaanse infrastructuurgigant koopt Siemens-bedrijf Yunex Traffic voor €950 mln
Van onze redacteur 16:45

Atlantia, het conglomeraat van de Italiaanse ondernemersfamilie Benetton, heeft het Siemens-bedrijf Yunex Traffic gekocht voor omgerekend €950 mln, inclusief schulden. Betrokken partijen hebben dat dinsdag bekendgemaakt. Yunex Traffic, dat ook in Nederland actief is, maakt onder meer verkeersstoplichten maar ontwerpt ook systemen en aanverwante softwarediensten voor bruggen, tunnels, keringen, sluizen en (water)wegen.

Het bestuur en de raad van commissarissen van het Duitse industriële- en softwareconglomeraat hebben de verkoop goedgekeurd. Yunex Traffic, met circa 3000 werknemers en een omzet van €600 mln, opereerde vanaf 2021 al vrij zelfstandig. Evenals bijvoorbeeld Philips en General Electric stootte Siemens de afgelopen diverse bedrijfsonderdelen af die niet meer tot de kernactiviteiten gerekend worden. Volgens plan moet de overname in september worden afgerond.

Atlantia, een gigant op het gebied van infrastructuur, was lange tijd eigenaar van tolwegenexploitant Autostrade, maar moest dat bedrijfsonderdeel vorig jaar voor omgerekend €9,3 mrd verkopen aan de Italiaanse staatsbank CDP en de investeerders Blackstone en Macquarie.

De instorting van de Morandi-brug in Genua in 2018 werd Atlantia door de Italiaanse politiek zwaar aangerekend. Bij de ramp kwamen 43 mensen om het leven. De slechte bouwkundige toestand van de brug, eigendom van Autostrade, kwam tolwegenexploitant en moederbedrijf Atlantia op veel kritiek te staan.

Yunex heeft in Nederland kantoren in Zoetermeer en zo’n 230 werknemers. In Nederland was het Siemens-bedrijf onder meer betrokken bij projecten als de renovatie van de Piet Heintunnel in Amsterdam, onderhoud van de Oosterscheldekering en de renovatie van het metronetwerk in de hoofdstad.

Lees het volledige artikel: fd.nl/bedrijfsleven/1427359/italiaans...
Siemens Gamesa en Siemens Energy krijgen op hun donder

Siemens Energy SIEMENS ENERGY AG NA O.N. -10,90% heeft zijn omzet- en winstprognose voor 2022 verlaagd nadat windturbinedochter Siemens Gamesa waarschuwde dat de stijgende grondstoffenprijzen de marges zullen drukken. Siemens Energy ziet de omzet nu tot 2 procent dalen in plaats van maximum 1 procent. Het bedrijf verlaagde ook zijn verwachting voor de operationele winstmarge van 3 à 5 procent tot 2 à 4 procent.

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, dat voor 67 procent in handen is van Siemens Energy, rapporteerde voor het eerste kwartaal van zijn gebroken boekjaar een verlies van 309 miljoen euro en waarschuwde voor margedruk. Makers van windturbines worden geconfronteerd met hoge prijzen voor energie, staal en koper en met verstoringen in de aanvoerketens.

Siemens Energy krijgt in Frankfurt een klap van 10,4 procent, Siemens Gamesa keldert 14,2 procent op de beurs van Madrid.

MMK Selects Siemens to Create Competence Centre in Russia

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
26 Jan, 2022, 5:01 am

Russian steel maker Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works and Siemens LLC have entered into an agreement to develop an integration platform and create a competence centre based on MMK. MMK chose WinCC Open Architecture integration platform from Siemens as the principal product for the real-time database of the MMK Group's digital platform. The WinCC Open Architecture integration platform is designed to establish a flexible and scalable system for gathering, storing, visualising, preparing, and transmitting data, hence contributing to more efficient use of resources of large companies such as MMK. The platform will enable the implementation of plans to connect all of the Group's production facilities into a unified information environment, ensuring the transparency of technological processes and raising the level of production management.

Siemens and MMK design teams have already started working together. In particular, they have developed a roadmap for the implementation of the platform at the MMK site. In the first stage, it is planned to audit the enterprise's digital landscape, and then use it as a foundation for developing architecture for a single information space based on WinCC Open Architecture, developing the concept of interaction with other components of the MMK digital platform, and reviewing information security issues.

The second and following stages will focus on deploying the platform on MMK’s information resources and implementing specific practical cases on its basis.

The formation of the WinCC OA Competence Centre based on MMK-Informservice will be a critical milestone in the platform's implementation. As part of this task, the resource base of the centre will be identified and created, and MMK specialists will be trained.
Siemens Gamesa to Suply 5.X Platform to Iberdrola in Spain

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
27 Jan, 2022, 5:30 am

Siemens Gamesa has made another first with long-standing partner Iberdrola to supply its industry leading 5.X platform turbines to the 94 MW Iglesias wind farm in Burgos in the north of Spain. This is the first in the country to deploy this turbine, the most powerful in Onshore currently on the market, featuring leading technology. This will also be the most powerful turbine Iberdrola has installed in any wind farm in Spain. Just one of these turbines will be able to provide clean energy to around 5,000 households.

In total, Siemens Gamesa will supply 14 SG 6.6-170 (Siemens Gamesa 5.X platform) and two SG 5.0-145 turbines (Siemens Gamesa 4.X platform). The first 14 turbines will operate at a nominal capacity of 6.0 MW, backed by a 170-meter rotor. The wind farm is scheduled to be commissioned in early 2023 and the contract includes a service agreement for a period of five years.

The nacelles for these turbines will be manufactured at the company’s plant in Ágreda and the new project will also boost the activity of Siemens Gamesa's Spanish suppliers, which will be involved in the production of various components, such as the wind turbine towers.

The 94 MW of clean energy that the wind farm will produce will provide electricity to more than 75,000 households, more than half of the entire population of the province of Burgos. In addition, it will help to avoid the emission of 250,000 tonnes of CO2 a year, equivalent to the emissions of around 150,000 vehicles. To achieve this CO2 saving, four million trees would need to be planted.
Siemens Healthineers verhoogt outlook
Na goede jaarstart.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Siemens Healthineers is het jaar sterk begonnen en heeft de outlook verhoogd. Dit maakte de Duitse concurrent van Philips donderdag voorbeurs bekend.

Siemens Healthineers sprak van een "erg goede groei", met een vergelijkbare omzetgroei van 9,5 procent in de drie maanden tot eind december, het eerste kwartaal van het gebroken boekjaar. Vooral de tak Diagnostics deed het erg goed met een stijging van 19,7 procent. De aangepaste EBIT-marge lag op 17,6 procent.

"Dankzij de toegenomen vraag naar snelle COVID-19-antigeentesten in Europa en de goedkeuring van onze snelle antigeentesten in de VS, verhogen we onze vooruitzichten voor het boekjaar 2022", meldde Siemens Healthineers donderdag.

Voor heel dit boekjaar rekent het bedrijf op een vergelijkbare omzetgroei van 3 tot 5 procent, waar eerder werd uitgegaan van 0 tot 2 procent. De aangepaste winst per aandeel zal tussen de 2,18 en 2,30 euro liggen in plaats van tussen de 2,08 en 2,20 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
Siemens EV Chargers for Ford F-150 Lightning Customers

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
16 Feb, 2022, 5:30 am

Siemens Smart Infrastructure announced it has worked with Ford on the Ford Charge Station Pro, a custom electric vehicle charger for the Ford F-150 Lightning. This innovative charger is the first bidirectional-ready EV solution set for release at retail customer scale to receive certification under the newly expanded Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 9741, an important industry-wide benchmark that ensures products meet safety standards. The new charge station also features a peak power of 19.2kW, achieving the maximum power rating currently available for a Level 2 charge station.

The Ford Charge Station Pro is needed to enable Ford Intelligent Backup Power, a system that allows the Ford-150 Lightning to become an interactive part of the home and be used as a power generation source during outages, the first electric truck to do so. In the future, additional features will be made available with firmware updates to the charger that will help customers interact even further with the grid.
Siemens Gamesa Turbines for Baltyk II & III Projects in Poland

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
01 Mar, 2022, 5:30 am

Equinor and partner Polenergia have selected Siemens Gamesa as the preferred supplier of wind turbine generators for the MFW Baltyk II and MFW Baltyk III projects, two of the largest and most advanced offshore wind farms being developed in Poland, with a total installed capacity of 1440 MW. The signing of the preferred supplier agreement is a key milestone for the MFW Baltyk II and MFW Baltyk III projects. It is an important step towards delivering on the projects’ goal of providing offshore wind energy as a significant part of the Polish energy transformation. Under the announced deal Siemens Gamesa will deliver its flagship model SG 14-236 DD offshore wind turbine to cover the maximum combined capacity of both projects. The turbine has 14 MW nominal power and can reach up to 15 MW capacity with Power Boost.

MFW Baltyk II and MFW Baltyk III are a 50:50 joint venture between Equinor and Polenergia with a potential capacity of up to 1440 MW. Equinor is the operator of the projects through the development, construction, and operations phases.

MFW Baltyk II and MFW Baltyk III cover a combined area of approximately 240 square kilometers located between 22 km and 37 km from the coast. The water depths range from around 25 to 40 meters.

In additional to MFW Baltyk II and MFW Baltyk III, Equinor and Polenergia are jointly developing the MFW Baltyk I area, with the potential to generate up to 1560 MW. MFW Baltyk I is following a different timeline and is being matured accordingly.

This is Siemens Gamesa’s largest direct drive offshore wind turbine and it will have been running commercially for a couple of years when installed on Equinor and Polenergia’s projects. The exact number of machines remains to be determined at a later phase of the development upon completing the final turbine supply agreement and service and warranty agreements.
Siemens & Nexii to-Deploy Sustainable EV Charging Concept

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
01 Mar, 2022, 5:30 am

Siemens Smart Infrastructure in the US has unveiled a new sustainable, EV charging concept structure designed for electrifying fleets and high demand charging applications at scale. The new VersiCharge XL concept UL standard was created to electrify new or existing parking lots and building structures quickly and efficiently by using a modular, scalable design made in partnership with Nexii Building Solutions using their proprietary, sustainable building material with low carbon footprint in the US. The solution, which resembles a modern-day fueling station, was developed in late 2021, and then installed in only three days at Siemens’ research and development hub for Electrical Products and eMobility solutions in Peachtree Corners, Georgia in USA.

This innovative product was rapidly developed and co-patented with Nexii, a green construction technology company, and is the industry’s first electric vehicle charging system to house all necessary electrical infrastructure components that power EV chargers in an above-ground, enclosed, and low carbon structure. The above ground design requires minimal disruption to existing parking lots by eliminating costly, time-consuming, and substantial civics works and reduces on-site construction waste and environmental impact.

The VersiCharge XL concept UL standard leverages proven power distribution technologies used indoors at locations like data centers and industrial facilities and elevates them above-ground in a weather-resistant, outdoor enclosure. With its scaling and versatile capabilities, this concept is designed to be installed to charge large numbers of electric vehicles using either level 2 or level 3 EV chargers in outdoor environments ranging from small office building parking lots to last mile logistic hubs, and up to a stadium parking lot.

The prototype was created using Nexii’s building material Nexiite, which has comparable properties to concrete with significantly less embodied carbon, as the vertical structure to support Siemens Sentron Busway systems that connect to power the EV chargers.
Siemens & Protium Start Digital Twin for Hydrogen Aircraft

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
08 Mar, 2022, 5:30 am

Siemens and Protium have initiated the Digital Twin project, which aims to digitalise the development of green hydrogen infrastructure for aircraft. The companies will develop rapid refuelling technology via a digital twin approach to accelerate design and testing. This deploys a digital model of the refuelling system to explore the decision space to optimise system design, then simulate and optimise real-world performance, reducing the need for expensive prototyping.

Hydrogen technologies are essential to support the 2050 net zero target for domestic flights. Green hydrogen produced using renewable electricity can replace conventional fossil fuels; however current technology is not able to deliver the rapid refuelling essential to make hydrogen commercially viable for the aviation sector.

Protium is at the forefront of the aircraft industry’s green transition and is dedicated to providing a holistic energy service for achieving zero emissions. It designs, develops, finances and operates green hydrogen solutions across aviation, consumer-facing industrial applications and transport.

Siemens Process Automation is a leading supplier of advanced process modelling technology for digital design, and helps innovators accelerate new process technology to market while managing technology risk. The Digital Twin project is grant-funded by the Connected Places Catapult and the UK Department for Transport, to help advance innovative technology that will accelerate the transition to Zero Emission Flight.
Siemens Energy to Produce hydrogen Electrolyzers in Berlin

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
07 Apr, 2022, 6:30 am

Siemens Energy will locate the industrial production of electrolysis modules in Berlin and is thus taking the centerpiece of its hydrogen technology to the capital. Start of production at the location Huttenstrasse in Berlin’s Moabit locality is scheduled for 2023. At this site the complete infrastructure of an existing production hall can be used. New production lines for the electrolyzers are being set up on 2,000 square meters at a cost of around 30 million euros. The site mainly manufactures gas turbines, which are among the most powerful and efficient in the world. These can already be operated with up to 50 percent hydrogen, and by 2030 complete hydrogen operation should be possible. Siemens Energy is now pooling its expertise in both these areas in Berlin to ensure a reliable and successful energy transition to a new energy mix. This also includes the business field of energy transmission: At the Siemens Energy Switchgear Plant Berlin innovative high voltage products are manufactured, ensuring that electricity reaches consumers reliably.

Thomas Baguswill head industrial production of the electrolyzers at Siemens Energy in Berlin. He and his team are currently planning the final details for setting up the production hall at the site in Berlin. Production is scheduled to start in 2023.

At the Berlin location, the individual electrolyzer cells will be manufactured and combined to form functional modules, or “stacks.” Depending on the required capacity, these will then be assembled into larger process-based units. In Germany, this last stage will take place at Mülheim, which is closely associated with the new Berlin plant and complements it perfectly. The critical element is that production is being switched over to mass production: Reasonably priced and affordable electrolyzers are the prerequisite for being able to cover growing demand and the future costs of hydrogen. For this purpose, Siemens Energy is relying on PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) electrolysis, in which water is separated into hydrogen and oxygen using a proton-permeable membrane and electricity from renewable sources. The key aspects of this process are its high level of efficiency, high product gas quality, and reliable operation with no chemicals or impurities. The latest and most powerful PEM electrolyzer product line from Siemens Energy is optimized for applications up to the high hundreds of megawatts, enabling systems of this size to generate several metric tons of green hydrogen every hour. The electricity used in electrolyzer manufacture will be sourced entirely from renewables.
Pleidooi om schepen te weren uit windmolenpark na val rotorblad
ANP Producties 17 uur geleden

KOPENHAGEN (ANP/BLOOMBERG) - Het Deense energiebedrijf Ørsted, 's werelds grootste ontwikkelaar van offshore windparken, vraagt autoriteiten om schepen te verbieden door een aantal windmolenparken op zee te varen. Dit nadat een rotorblad van een windmolen van een Deens windpark in zee was gewaaid.

De betreffende windmolen is van de hand van Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy. Het aandeel van de windmolenproducent verloor stevig aan waarde na het nieuws over de kapotte turbine. Het incident gebeurde bij het windpark Anholt Offshore Wind Farm in het Kattegat.

Ørsted vraagt de autoriteiten nu om het scheepvaartverkeer niet meer toe te staan in de buurt van al zijn windmolenparken op zee die gebruik maken van de betreffende turbine. Siemens Gamesa onderzoekt het incident.

Siemens Gamesa Starts Manufacturing in Le Havre in France

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
08 Apr, 2022, 6:30 am

Siemens Gamesa has started manufacturing of both its patented offshore Direct Drive wind turbine nacelles and patented IntegralBlades at its new manufacturing facility in Le Havre, France. The world’s first facility to encompass both offshore wind turbine nacelle and blade manufacturing under one roof, it is the largest industrial renewable energy project in France. A dedicated installation hub is also under finalization on the same plot, allowing direct load out of wind turbine components to French offshore wind power plants. The Le Havre facility further cements Siemens Gamesa as the leader of the offshore revolution, both in France and globally. Locally in Le Havre, the first 500 positions out of the 750 total direct and indirect jobs to be created have been filled. The remaining 250 positions are expected to be filled between the end of calendar year 2022 and early 2023.

Additionally, Siemens Gamesa and local partners UIMM Le Havre, AFPI, and AFPA have created a dedicated training center for new employees and the new offshore wind specific competencies that are needed. This investment in people is the first training center in France solely dedicated to the production of wind turbine nacelles and blades, thus confirming the place of the ocean city as the industrial capital of offshore wind energy in France.
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