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EDF Opens Office in Warsaw for 4 to 6 EPR Reactors in Poland

EDF recently announced the opening of its office in Warsaw fully dedicated to supporting the preparation of a comprehensive nuclear proposal tailored to the Polish market. The decision to anchor EDF's nuclear activity in Warsaw confirms EDF's long-term commitment to support the Polish nuclear ambition.

To head the new office, EDF appointed Mr Thierry Deschaux as Managing Director. In 14 years of career in Poland within various EDF subsidiaries, including Dalkia Polska of which he was the Chief Executive Officer until today, Mr Deschaux has gained a deep knowledge of the Polish energy sector throughout all the stages of its transformation: from coal supply, to development of Combined Heat and Power plants, to district heating management and Energy Services development. Mr Deschaux worked also for 15 years at the nuclear branch of EDF in France in engineering, operations and maintenance, as well as in procurement strategy and negotiation of major nuclear fuel contracts.

The activity of the office will focus on extending the engagement EDF has built over the last 10 years with all key stakeholders involved in the Polish nuclear program. One of its key tasks will be to embark the Polish industry into EDF's European supply chain by establishing long-term partnerships and accelerating qualification of Polish suppliers. The office will be the Polish extension of EDF's New Nuclear Development Division and will therefore fully benefit from the support of the Group's engineering and commercial teams.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Atommash Manufactures Steam Generator for Akkuyu NPP in Turkey

ROSATOM’s machine-building division Atomenergomash AEM-technology Atommash Volgodonsk branch of JSC has produced of the first steam generator for the second power unit of Akkuyu NPP under construction in Turkey. The manufacturing cycle of a steam generator includes assembly-welding of vessels from separate shells and nozzles, manufacturing of heads, drilling of the primary circuit headers, manufacturing of coils and installation of internals, as well as a set of control measures.

The final operation is hydraulic and vacuum tests of the heat exchanger. All holes of the steam generator were previously closed with special plugs. Then the primary and secondary circuits were filled with distilled water. The circuits of the steam generator are examined in turn. Specialists supply pressure of 24.5 MPa (243 atmospheres) to the primary circuit zone, while the water temperature is 350 degrees Celsius. The secondary circuit receives pressure of 11.45 MPa (115 atmospheres), while the water is heated to 300 degrees. Both indicators are 1.4 times higher than the operating pressure.

During the tests, the first steam generator for Akkuyu NPP has confirmed the strength and density of the base metal and welds of the elements of steam generator with supports.

Steam generator is a heat-exchange apparatus that is a part of the reactor facility and belongs to the items of the first safety class. The diameter of the apparatus is more than 4 meters, its length is about 15 meters, and its weight is 340 tons. The equipment for one power unit of NPP includes four steam generators.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
ROSATOM Starts Work for Research Reactor Complex in Bolivia

Luis Alberto Arce Catacora, the President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, and Kirill Komarov, First Deputy Director General for Corporate Development and International Business of ROSATOM, took part in the ‘First Concrete’ ceremony of the Research Reactor Complex therefore setting off the construction works for the key element of the Center for Nuclear Technology Research and Development. Despite the pandemic and the related restrictions, The State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM moved on with project implementation, keeping the high pace of the CNTRD construction. The center´s project is unique for the whole nuclear industry: it is located 4000 meters above sea level, and currently represents the highest nuclear facility in the world. Its construction will greatly contribute to the development of science, medicine, agriculture and education in Bolivia, along with providing more than 500 highly qualified jobs for El Alto and La Paz residents.

The CNTRD will be used to produce radiopharmaceuticals, and will allow to carry out more than 5000 oncology diagnostics and treatment procedures per year. The center will also perform radiation treatment of agricultural products to improve their quality, extend their shelf life and significantly increase exports. This kind of food treatment does not affect the taste of food products, and is absolutely safe for the consumer which makes it a much-in-demand technology worldwide. The research reactor and laboratories will allow for advanced research and training of highly qualified personnel for the nuclear industry.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Belarus NPP 2 Proceedes to Reactor Plant Hot Functional Test

On July 27, power unit No.2 of Belarus NPP (its General Designer and General Contractor being ROSATOM Engineering Division) has proceeded to the reactor plant hot functional test, which is the most large-scaled stage of commissioning works before the physical start-up. The permit to carry out this technological process was issued by the Gosatomnadzor of the Republic of Belarus. During the hot functional test, specialists check the operability of the power unit main equipment for meeting the design documentation requirements, including compliance with operation safety standards. All main and auxiliary equipment and the reactor plant systems are tested at the following operating parameters: the primary circuit temperature reaches 280 degree C, while the pressure reaches 160 atmospheres (more than 165.3 kgf /cm2).

Besides testing the primary circuit equipment (such as reactor, steam generators, main circulation pumps, main circulation pipeline, etc.), the specialists will also test safety systems, auxiliary power systems, reactor control and protection systems.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Reactor Vessel & 4 Steam Generators for Rooppur NPP2 Delivered

Reactor vessel and four steam generators for Unit 2 of Rooppur NPP that is under construction (general contractor - JSC ASE, ROSATOM Engineering Division), have been delivered to Bangladesh. Heavy equipment of the reactor compartment of Unit 2 (the weight of the reactor vessel is 333.6 tons, the weight of steam generator is 340 tons) was manufactured at Atommash plant in Volgodonsk branch of AEM-Technology. The transportation of the cargo lasted for over two months. From Atommash, the equipment was transported to special berth of Tsimlyansk water reservoir in Volgodonsk, loaded on barges and shipped to Novorossiysk. The length of the sea route of the equipment that was shipped on the Anna vessel from Novorossiysk to the Bangladesh port of Mongka - via the Black Sea and the Suez Canal - was about 14 000 km.

The manufacture of the VVER-1200 reactor vessel lasted for over two years. All the operations were performed with the participation of representatives of the customer’s authorized organization, BAEC and BAERA supervisory authority.

Last October, the reactor vessel and the steam generators for Rooppur NPP Unit 1 were delivered to Bangladesh. It is planned that the reactor vessel of power unit No. 1 will be installed into the design position in September 2021.

The Rooppur NPP site is located on the eastern bank of the Ganges River in Pabna district at a distance of about 160 km northwest of the city of Dhaka, the capital of the Republic of Bangladesh. The facility is designed and constructed by ROSATOM State Corporation Engineering Division . The nuclear power plant will consist of two VVER-1200 reactor power units, their the life cycle is expected to be 60 years with a possible extension of the service life for another 20 years. The Russian design with VVER-1200 reactors that had been successfully implemented at Novovoronezh NPP- 2 was selected for the first NPP in Bangladesh. This is an evolutionary GenIII+ design which fully complies with all international safety requirements.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Rosatom Gets License for Nuclear Installations Construction

The Russian nuclear regulator, the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor), has granted a license to Rusatom Overseas JSC allowing the company to build nuclear installations at nuclear power plants. The license was obtained within the framework of the land-based small modular reactor plant construction project with a RITM-200N reactor to be implemented in Yakutia, Russia.

The SMR project in Yakutia is based on ROSATOM referenced technology with RITM-200 reactors whose design has incorporated many years of experience of operating small reactors at the Russian nuclear icebreaker fleet. For now, six RITM-200 reactors are installed at state-of-the-art icebreakers Arktika, Sibir, and Ural. Two reactors of Arktika icebreaker successfully passed dockside and sea trials. On 21 October 2020, Arktika icebreaker went into service. Another four RITM-200 reactors will be installed at the icebreakers that are currently under construction.

On December 23, 2020, ROSATOM and the Government of Sakha Republic (Yakutia) signed an agreement on FOAK SMR NPP construction in North-East of Russia. Under the agreement the Republic of Yakutia confirms the off-take of up to 50 MW of SMR electricity and also confirms its readiness to assist in SMR NPP siting.

For now, most of the engineering surveying on site has been completed with Environmental Impact Assessment and site license justification materials developed. On June 22, 2021, public hearings were held in Yakutia. The SMR NPP construction is due to begin in 2024.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Vattenfall to Decommission Radioactive Components at Ringhals 1&2

Vattenfall has signed an agreement with Westinghouse Electric Sweden AB for dismantling of reactor tanks and their internal parts as well as fuel racks in Ringhals 1 and 2 in southern Sweden. It is thus clear how these large radioactive components are to be dismantled and disposed of, which also sets the framework for other dismantling work at Ringhals 1 and 2. The physical work of dismantling the large radioactive components at Ringhals 1 and Ringhals 2 will start on 1 April 2023 at the earliest. The exact value of the agreement is not stated for business reasons, but it is a matter of several hundred million kronor.

At first the internal parts of the reactor tank at Ringhals 1 are segmented, thereafter the internal parts at Ringhals 2. The internal parts are the most radioactive material and are taken care of first in order to remove radioactivity from the facilities. The work is performed with remote controlled underwater tools in order to protect from radiation. Thereafter the reactor tanks are segmented, starting at Ringhals 1, then the water is emptied, and the tank is covered by a lid to protect from radiation. In short, the tank is cut into rings from top to bottom with remote controlled tools which are operated from a station inside the facility. The fuel racks are decontaminated and then cut down to manageable sizes.

In total the current components weigh around 1 500 tonnes of which an absolute majority is radioactive. Highly active material such as nuclear fuel has been removed from the facilities when this work starts, and the remaining material is moderate or low radioactive. The material is segmented and packed in approved containers and is to be stored at the Ringhals site until the final repositories are extended. All material is disposed of with safety as top priority and in accordance with laws and regulations. Vattenfall estimates that the dismantling of Ringhals 1 and 2 causes 340 000 tonnes of waste, of which 5 to 10 percent is radioactive. Material which has proved to be free from radioactivity is used as spare parts, recycled at the facilities as e.g. landfill, or recycled in a conventional manner.

The radiological dismantling of Ringhals 1 and 2 is planned to start by the end of 2022 and last for almost a decade. The decommissioning of nuclear power in Sweden has a secure financing: since the 1970s the nuclear companies has allocated funds for decommissioning and final repositories. The money is administrated by the Nuclear Waste Fund.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Sizewell B Starts Generating Again

Sizewell B has been reconnected to the grid to once again to deliver low carbon power to 2.5 million homes. The power station was brought offline for planned refuelling and maintenance work which began on 16 April 2021. During that time a third of the fuel was replenished and thousands of maintenance tasks have been completed.

The station delayed the start of this particular outage and reduced the scope of work and number of contractors required because of the pandemic. However, significant work completed included replacing 15 thermal sleeves under the reactor pressure vessel head, maintenance of the steam turbines and generators, and routine servicing of valves, pumps, and motors, together with a full suite of testing for another operating cycle.

In line with normal practice, when the maintenance and refuelling work is complete at Sizewell B, we submitted a safety case to our independent Regulator, the ONR, seeking permission to restart which was only granted when the regulator was satisfied that it is safe to do so.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Small Nuclear Generation in Yakutia to Use Concession Mechanism
By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 08, 2021 10:00 am

On September 3, 2021, on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum, the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East, the Republic of Sakha Yakutia and ROSATOM have signed an agreement to implement a carbon-free nuclear generation project. Under the agreement, the parties will consider employing the so-called concession model (supported by JSC VEB Infrastructure, a subsidiary of VEB.RF, one of Russia’s largest investment companies) to build a small modular reactor nuclear power plant (SMR NPP) with the RITM-200N reactor in Yakutia. The construction of an SMR NPP allows to overcome the main infrastructural constraints of promising commercial projects in the North-Yakutian Arctic area by ensuring uninterrupted power supply and fixed prices for electrical energy. The SMR NPP minimum power output is set at 55 MWe, while the lifetime of non-replaceable equipment can reach 60 years.

According to the document, the parties also agree to work out a joint plan of a comprehensive social and economic development of Arctic territories in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): modernize the energy infrastructure, supply energy to the greatest possible number of consumers, and improve the transport and social infrastructure of the Ust-Yansky Region.

The construction project will employ the Far Eastern Concession mechanism.
Atomflot to Supply Eectricity to Kaz Minerals Copper Project
By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 10, 2021 10:00 am

ROSATOM-subsidiary FSUE Atomflot and Kaz Minerals-controlled GDK Baimskaya LLC signed a preliminary agreement on the supply of electricity for the operation of the Baimsky mining and processing plant, the largest copper and gold project, in terms of estimated reserves, in the post-Soviet space. The agreement was signed in Vladivostok in the framework of the Eastern Economic Forum, as part of a comprehensive investment plan for the development of the Baimskaya ore zone.

FSUE Atomflot will supply 4 optimised floating power units (hereinafter referred to as OFPUs) each with an installed capacity of at least 106 MW. The first two power units will be commissioned in the water area of Cape Nagleynyn by the start of 2027, the third by the start of 2028, and the fourth by the start of 2031. Total investment in the energy supply project will amount to over 150 billion rubles. One of the most important conditions of the preliminary agreement will be the legislative (if necessary) and/or legal and regulatory resolution of the “take and pay” principle when supplying electricity to the Russian Federation.

As part of the agreement, the parties established the price of electricity as 6 roubles per kWh in 2020 prices and consumption volumes; the prices take inflation into account.
Second Tier Of Internal Containment Shell Installed On Akkuyu NPP
By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 13, 2021 10:00 am

The second tier of the internal containment shell, which refers to the main components of the nuclear power plant's safety system, was installed in the reactor building of the second power unit of Akkuyu NPP. ICS ensures protection of the reactor compartment and acts as support for pipeline penetrations and the polar crane, which is used to carry out nuclear reactor maintenance operations at the NPP operation stage.

ICS consists of steel liner, which ensures leak-tightness of the reactor compartment, and special concrete. Second tier of the ICS is a welded metal structure consisting of 24 sections, with two tiers each containing 12 sections. 6-metre-high and 5-to-7-ton sections are welded to each other and assembled into a single cylindrical structure equipped with rebars and embedded parts. The total weight of this 12-metre-hight structure is 321.9 tons, while its circumferential length is 138 metres.

Installation of an ICS tier is a complex and time-consuming operation. Installation of the second tier in the design position using Liebherr LR 13000 heavy crawler crane took 12 hours.

Upon installation of the second tier, the height of the Unit 2 reactor building rose 12 metres and reached 16.95-metre elevation. Afterwards the builders will weld the first tier and the second tier to each other and carry out additional reinforcement and concrete pouring of the shell. The thickness of concrete-enveloped walls of ICS cylindrical part will be 1.2 metres. Once installation of all components and concrete pouring of the containment are completed, it will be subjected to leak-tightness tests.
Nuclear Reactor Pressure Vessel for Unit 1 of Kursk II Delivered

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
28 Sep, 2021, 6:30 am

Having travelled for 1,800 kilometers, the “atomic heart”, the reactor pressure vessel VVER-TOI has arrived at Kursk II construction site in Kurchatov. This is the most essential equipment of Unit 1. At the stage of NPP operation, nuclear fuel is located inside the reactor pressure vessel and controlled nuclear reaction runs releasing large amount of heat there. The reactor pressure vessel VVER-TOI weights 340 tons. It is 12-meter long. It is made of nickel-less steel which does not change its properties under radiation and at high temperatures. The vessel is capable to withstand pressure of 250 atmospheres that 1.4 times greater than operating one. This is comparable to ocean pressure at a depth of 2.5 km.

The reactor pressure vessel VVER-TOI has its features. For example, unlike the reactor pressure vessel VVER-1200, the number of welds there has been reduced from six to four: welds in the core region are eliminated. This reduces radiation impact on welds and improves performance characteristics of the item which allows to extend its service life for another 40 years after 60-year operation

The transportation of the super-heavy off-standard load was logistically complicated. From the place of manufacture – Atommash in Volgodonsk – the equipment was delivered to the special pier at the Tsimlyanskoye Water Body, loaded on a barge and delivered by water to the city of Semiluki in Voronezh Region. The river route was 1,500 kilometers. In some places the river bottom had to be deepened for the barge to pass. Then, the item travelled another 300 kilometers on a special truck to Kurchatov.

its 1 and 2 of Kursk NPP 2 pertain to Generation III+ and are pilot units which are constructed to VVER-TOI design (standard optimized informatized water-water power reactor). They meet all safety requirements of the IAEA. The Engineering Division of ROSATOM – ASE – designs and constructs the facility. This is a new project created by Russian architects on the basis of technical solutions of the NPP project with VEER-1200 reactors. They have higher power capacity, performance indicators and higher robustness to extreme external impacts and natural disasters.
ROSATOM Starts ATF Operation in a Commercial Reactor

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
30 Sep, 2021, 6:30 am

The first Russian-made fuel bundles with experimental ATF fuel rods, Advanced Technology Fuel, have been loaded into VVER-1000 reactor core at the power unit 2 of the Rostov NPP in South-West Russia, which has resumed operations after the scheduled maintenance and refueling. Each of the three combined VVER-1000 fuel assemblies of the TVS-2M model contains twelve experimental fuel rods: six of them have their cladding made of chromium-nickel alloy, and the other six have a standard zirconium alloy cladding with chromium coating. These technological solutions enable to either completely eliminate or significantly slow down the zirconium-steam reaction in the reactor core in case of an accident in the reactor core.

Prior the start of the pilot ATF irradiation, the join team of specialists from the Fuel, Machine-building and Power divisions coordinated by Rosatom State Corporation, carried out a large-scale work for validation of loading of the innovative fuel bundles into a commercial reactor, in order to comply with the appropriate license from the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor).

For irradiation in a high-capacity reactor, the project team chose the conservative versions of the developed ATF fuel rods with a standard fuel matrix of uranium dioxide. It corresponds with the global practice, as the existing ATF development programs worldwide also suggest that introduction of the new fissile and structural materials should be carried out gradually.

Since 2018, Rosatom has been testing Russian-designed ATF for VVER and PWR reactors. The experimental assemblies, which have passed two full irradiation cycles in the MIR research reactor, contain fuel rods with four different combinations of cladding and fuel matrix materials: in addition to uranium dioxide, uranium-molybdenum alloy with high thermal conductivity has been also used for fuel pellets fabrication. Based on the research results, it is planned to choose the optimal combination of structural and fuel materials, taking into account technical and economic performance. After two irradiation cycles, all fuel rod remain hermetically sealed.

Research, design and testing of the accident tolerant fuel in TVEL Fuel Company is provided and coordinated by the Bochvar Institute of Inorganic Materials.
ROSATOM & Eletronuclear sign MoU for Nuclear Power in Brazil

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
01 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

The Russian State Nuclear Energy Corporation ROSATOM and the Brazilian nuclear power plant operator Eletronuclear have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the sidelines of the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The memorandum provides for development of cooperation in areas such as the construction and maintenance of large and small nuclear power plants in Brazil, extension of the lifespan of nuclear plants in operation in the country, processing of nuclear materials, closed nuclear fuel cycle and radioactive waste management, implementation of joint projects in the areas of education and training, increase of public acceptance of nuclear energy, among others.

Within the scope of the cooperation, the parties plan to analyze opportunities to implement specific joint projects, exchange information, including holding informational meetings, workshops and seminars.
Frankrijk denkt aan bouw van mini-kerncentrales
Emmanuel Vanbrussel 2 uur geleden

© Aangeboden door Business AM

Frans president Emmanuel Macron is volgens de Franse pers gewonnen voor de bouw van nieuwe kleine kerncentrales, die bekendstaan als SMR’s of small modular reactors. Ook in het Verenigd Koninkrijk maakt het concept opgang, onder impuls van energie- en defensiereus Rolls-Royce.

Almaar meer landen – en ook grote bedrijven – zijn geïnteresseerd in de bouw van kleine kernreactoren die in een fabriek gemaakt worden en veel minder bouwwerken vergen dan een klassieke grote kerncentrale. China kondigde afgelopen zomer aan als allereerste land zo’n SMR (small modular reactor) te bouwen en ook in Europa maakt het idee opgang.

President Macron gaat over een tiental dagen de Franse plannen uit de doeken doen, weet radiozender Europe 1. Het zou gaan om “babyreactoren” van 170 megawatt, tegenover meer dan 1.000 megawatt voor de grootste kernreactoren van Doel en Tihange. Die veel beperktere schaal zou de kernreactoren meer aanvaardbaar maken voor het grote publiek, zo denkt het Elysée.

De bouw van de compacte en koolstofarme kerncentrales zou passen in een breder relanceplan, dat Macron wil lanceren om zijn herverkiezingscampagne vaart te geven. De Franse presidentsverkiezingen vinden komende lente plaats. Vandaag komt 70 procent van de Franse stroom uit kernenergie.

Ook in het Verenigd Koninkrijk wint het concept aanhangers, nu de huidige energiecrisis beleidsmakers ertoe aanzet om na te denken over een energieplan op lange termijn. De Britse regering zou dicht staan bij de goedkeuring van een plan om tot 16 kleinere centrales te bouwen, melden Britse media.

De gangmaker van dat project is een consortium rond de beursgenoteerde engineering-groep Rolls-Royce. Het vroegere moederbedrijf van het gelijknamige automerk hoopt over een jaar of tien de eerste SMR af te hebben, waarna er tegen 2035 nog verscheidene kunnen volgen. Dat hoge tempo is mogelijk door serieproductie en modularisatietechnieken. Die standaardisering drukt bovendien de kosten.

Eens het consortium groen licht gekregen heeft voor productie, hopen Rolls-Royce en co de mini-kerncentrales ook te exporteren naar landen als Estland, Turkije en Tsjechië. Nog volgens de Britse pers zijn ook grote Amerikaanse techbedrijven, zoals Amazon, geïnteresseerd in een mini-kerncentrale van Rolls-Royce om hun eigen energieslurpende activiteiten, zoals datacenters, van stabiele stroom te voorzien.

Lees ook:

Macron ziet kernenergie als een kans en wil niet dat windmolens en zonnepanelen de Franse landschappen beschadigen
Nederland onderzoekt hoe kernenergie kan worden ingepast in zijn energiemix
Bericht uit 01-2020, maar ontbreekt op dit kernenergie forum…

EDF onthult de lijst van 14 kernreactoren die tegen 2035 moeten sluiten in Frankrijk, op vraag van de regering Macron…..

Na de twee reactoren in de fabriek van Fessenheim die dit jaar moeten sluiten, stelt EDF de regering voor om de sluiting van reactorparen in Blayais, Bugey, Chinon, Cruas, Dampierre, Gravelines en Tricastin te bestuderen. De sluiting van de reactoren, die in 2035 moet plaatsvinden, zal niet leiden tot de sluiting van de centrales zelf.
De elektriciteitscentrale van Blayais is een van de centrales waarvoor EDF de regering heeft voorgesteld om de reactoren in paren te sluiten. (UGO AMEZ / SIPA)

Jean-Michel Gradt & Hortense Goulard
Geplaatst op 21 jan. 2020 om 11:46 uur
Cc: lesechos.fr

We kennen nu de namen van de kerncentrales die Fessenheim op de lijst zullen volgen. Om "de observaties van het publiek te verzamelen", opende de regering maandag voor raadpleging haar meerjarig energieprogrammeringsproject (PPE) voor de periode 2019-2028, dat van plan is het aandeel kernenergie met meer dan 70% te laten dalen nu op 50 % in 2035. Hiervoor moeten vóór die datum 14 reactoren worden stil gelegd , waaronder die van de fabriek in Fessenheim (Haut-Rhin), die dit jaar wordt stilgelegd.

EDF moest daarom de locaties aangeven die getroffen zouden kunnen worden na de Elzasser elektriciteitscentrale. Het is klaar. “EDF heeft voorgesteld dat de regering de sluiting van twee reactoren op de sites van Blayais, Bugey, Chinon, Cruas, Dampierre, Gravelines en Tricastin bestudeert. " Met de twee reactoren in Fessenheim heeft deze lijst er zestien, wat EDF enige speelruimte laat om te beslissen welke met voorrang moeten worden gesloten.

Het gaat om sites uitgerust met 900 MW-reactoren, de oudste in de vloot. Al deze sites hebben vier of meer reactoren, dus het stilleggen van twee reactoren leidt niet tot een fabrieksstop, in overeenstemming met de wensen van de bestuurder en de elektricien.

Geen vergoeding voor EDF
De sluitingstijd van 12 reactoren (buiten Fessenheim), zal "de looptijden van 5 e jaarinspectie van de betrokken reactoren respecteren, met uitzondering van twee reactoren die in de tweede periode van de EVP in 2027 en 2028 zullen sluiten", aldus de verklaring. , mits wordt voldaan aan het criterium van de leveringszekerheid ” . De vijfde tienjaarlijkse keuring vindt plaats als de planten vijftig jaar oud zijn. Voor zover EDF deze reactoren over een periode van vijftig jaar afschrijft, "meent de regering dat deze stilleggingen geen aanleiding zullen geven tot compensatie" .

Dit schema zal “bijna alle Franse reactoren verlengen tot vijftig jaar, of zelfs meer. Sommige apparatuur, zoals tanks, is echter ontworpen om ongeveer veertig jaar mee te gaan. Verder gaan staat gelijk aan het inkorten van de veiligheidsmarges”, reageerde de NGO Sortir du Nucleair op Twitter .

Dit meerjarige energieprogramma voor 2028, dat eind 2018 werd geschetst door de president van de republiek Emmanuel Macron, leidde vorig jaar tot een eerste project dat vorig jaar werd gepresenteerd. Een nieuwe versie, evenals de "National Low-Carbon Strategy" (SNBC), die de routekaart van Frankrijk beschrijft om de uitstoot van broeikasgassen tegen 2050 te verminderen, staat open voor openbare raadpleging tot 19 februari.

Het donkere decennium van kernenergie
De eerste versie van deze PBM, die ook rekent op een toename van hernieuwbare energiebronnen , werd door de verdedigers van deze energieën bekritiseerd vanwege het gebrek aan ambitie voor de ontwikkeling van biogas en offshore wind.

(Hortense Goulard en Jean-Michel Gradt)
ROSATOM Starts Production of Zirconium Sponge for Nuclear Fuel

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
11 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

Chepetsky Mechanical Plant, an enterprise of Rosatom’s TVEL Fuel Company in Glazov, Russia’s Udmurt Republic, has mastered the technology of zirconium sponge production. Until now, ChMP, the sole Russian enterprise manufacturing zirconium goods, has only used fluoride technology for production of electrolytic zirconium powder. In the common global practice, structural materials of nuclear fuel are made of zirconium sponge. Compared to the fluoride technology, the new sponge production contains half the number of technological operations, has lower consumption of raw materials and energy, the volume of waste is also significantly reduced, while ensuring the high purity of zirconium (in terms of hafnium content).

The launch of the new facility at the site of Chepetsky Mechanical Plant is the result of the long-term large-scale work and the wide cooperation of ROSATOM enterprises. Development of the own zirconium sponge production required solving a number of issues which the Russian researches, constructors and machine-builders had never faced before. The complete technological cycle and all the equipment for zirconium sponge production were designed and manufactured in Russia. In process, more than 100 new technical solutions were developed, 17 inventions and patents were registered.

The most important part of the project was development of the last one – the twelfth technological conversion (stage), which was the rectification separation of zirconium and hafnium chlorides. A unique for the Russian industry facility was built and launched at the ChMP site – the installation for separating zirconium and hafnium chlorides. The height of the facility is over 80 m, it includes 147 units of equipment, more than 2000 sensors of the control and automation system, more than 2000 meters of heated pipelines. The introduced technology of zirconium and hafnium chlorides separation enabled obtaining zirconium tetrachloride of extremely high purity (with a hafnium content of less than 100 ppm), which is important for efficient nuclear fuel operation.

Design and development of the new installation included mastering the technology of manufacturing equipment from nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy, for the first time in Russia, as well as development of pumps for pumping melts, heat and mass exchangers.
Frankrijk kiest voor kleine atoomreactoren

De Franse president Emmanuel Macron komt met een nieuw groeiplan voor Frankrijk, ‘France 2030’. Het land gaat op 5 jaar tijd 30 miljard euro investeren in zijn herindustrialisering, om minder afhankelijk te worden van andere landen, nieuwe spitstechnologieën te ontwikkelen en zijn economie te decarboniseren.

Driekwart van de Franse elektriciteitsproductie is afkomstig van kernenergie en hoewel hernieuwbare energie aan belang wint, zal kernenergie een sleutelrol blijven spelen. Macron wil inzetten op de ontwikkeling van kleine modulaire kernreactoren, SMR (small modular reactor) gedoopt, die 25 tot 500 megawatt produceren. Dat is een pak minder dan de EPR-reactor die EDF samen met Duitsland heeft ontwikkeld en die een vermogen van 1.600 MW heeft.

De Franse overheid gaat EDF, dat voor 83,77 procent in staatshanden is, helpen om de SMR te ontwikkelen. Ze rekent er ook op dat de technologie kan worden uitgevoerd naar andere regio’s om het te helpen in de transitie naar schonere brandstoffen. Het aandeel EDF
reageert positief.

Nederland ontbreekt in lobby voor kernenergie: ergernis onder Kamerleden
Alexander Bakker en Mike Muller 14 uur geleden

Nederland heeft zich niet aangesloten bij de Franse lobby om te pleiten voor kernenergie in Brussel. Tot grote ergernis van Kamerleden negeert het demissionaire kabinet daarmee een duidelijke wens van een politieke meerderheid.

De kerncentrale in Borssele.© Hollandse Hoogte / Branko de Lang De kerncentrale in Borssele.

Frankrijk heeft deze week samen met negen andere EU-lidstaten een brandbrief geschreven aan de Europese Commissie met de oproep om kernenergie op te nemen in de zogeheten taxonomie. Nucleaire stroom krijgt hiermee een klimaatlabel om in aanmerking te komen voor groene financiering.

Brussel heeft een besluit hierover als een hete aardappel doorgeschoven naar dit najaar. Landen als Oostenrijk, Luxemburg en Duitsland liggen dwars. De voorstanders zetten nu alles op alles om aan te tonen dat kernenergie noodzaak is voor het halen van de klimaatdoelen.

De ministers uit tien lidstaten wijzen in hun brief op de huidige energiecrisis, de toekomstige behoefte aan meer elektriciteit voor productie van waterstof en de noodzaak voor een schoon alternatief als wind en zon ons in de steek laten.


„Kernenergie beschermt Europese consumenten tegen prijsschommelingen”, zo valt te lezen in de brief. „Het is bovendien een koolstofarme energie die beschikbaar is en een grote hoeveelheid concurrerende elektriciteit kan produceren zonder onze afhankelijkheid van leveringen uit derde landen te vergroten.”

Opvallende afwezige onder de brief: demissionair staatssecretaris Dilan Yesilgöz (Klimaat). Nederland heeft weliswaar de deur op een kier gezet, maar de boodschap van een meerderheid van de Tweede Kamer is duidelijk: Nederland moet samen met Frankrijk en andere lidstaten optrekken om kernenergie onderdeel van de taxonomie te laten zijn. Ook demissionair premier Rutte trapte deze week al op de rem. Hij zei dat er in het huidige kabinet ’verschillend over wordt gedacht’.


„Ik ben teleurgesteld dat Nederland hier niet bij staat”, reageert VVD-Kamerlid Silvio Erkens. „Volgens mij is de Kamer duidelijk geweest.” CDA-Kamerlid Henri Bontenbal wil uitleg: „Het verbaast me. Ik ben benieuwd waarom de regering deze brief niet ondertekend heeft.”

Het niet toevoegen van kernenergie aan de taxonomie heeft gevolgen voor een politiek breed gedeelde wens om in de toekomst meer nucleaire stroom op te wekken, waarschuwt JA21-Kamerlid en voormalig Europarlementariër Derk Jan Eppink. „Het is anders zeer onaantrekkelijk voor investeerders om de schouders onder kernenergie te zetten. Kennelijk wil het kabinet Nederland tot de laatste vierkante meter vol zetten met windturbines en zonneweides.”

Het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat heeft als excuus dat het vanwege de demissionaire status van het kabinet „nu niet het moment is om op deze wijze een politiek statement te maken over één technologie”, zegt staatssecretaris Yesilgöz (Klimaat).

Dat terwijl de Tweede Kamer het kabinet juist op pad stuurde om voorop te lopen. Yesilgöz zegt ’in de kern’ de oproep wel te steunen. „Het kabinet is voorstander van een techniekneutrale aanpak waarbij we kernenergie of andere technieken niet op voorhand uitsluiten binnen de taxonomie. Er lopen diverse contacten met Frankrijk en andere lidstaten om hier samen in op te trekken.”
Nederland legde in 2015 (samen met Duitsland) een klacht neer bij het Europees hof van justitie, over de verlenging van de levensduur van sommige kerncentrales in België, in Doel en Tihange.

(België legde tenslotte ook een klacht neer over de centrale van Borsele)

Ze kregen hiervoor allemaal gelijk van het Europees Hof…. (dat dus boven elke nationale wet staat, weet iedereen behalve Polen....)

De drie landen moeten nu altijd o.a. eerst overleggen en akkoord geraken met elkaar, voor er nog een verlenging van welke kerncentrale dan ook mag gebeuren, in deze drie landen….

Vlaanderen + regio Luik, Randstad en het Ruhrgebied werden als 1 dichtbevolkt grootstedelijk gebied bestempeld, door de EU-hof, waar in principe geen kerncentrale meer past ... tenzij met volledig akkoord van de andere 2 landen....

Politici weten dat ze eerst dit kluwen moeten ontwarren, voordat ze van nieuwe kerncentrales kunnen dromen.

Alleen begrijpen hun kiezers hier niets meer van…hoe geraken ze dan nog verkozen…
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