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Alcatel-Lucent schrapt 80 banen in Nederland

Gepubliceerd op 15 okt 2013 om 16:50 | Views: 0

Alcatel-Lucent 16:37

EUR 2,75-0,01(-0,47%)

DEN HAAG (AFN) - De Franse fabrikant van netwerk- en communicatieapparatuur Alcatel-Lucent gaat in Nederland 80 van de 550 banen schrappen om de kosten te drukken. Dat heeft Yusuf Said, bestuurder bij FNV Bondgenoten, dinsdag gezegd.

,,We zitten in een crisis. Heel de ICT-branche heeft het moeilijk'', aldus Said. Het Franse concern kondigde vorige week een reorganisatie aan waarbij wereldwijd 10.000 banen zullen verdwijnen de komende 2 jaar. Dat komt neer op 14 procent van het personeelsbestand. In de regio Europa, Midden-Oosten en Afrika (EMEA) schrapt de onderneming 4100 banen, waarvan 900 in Frankrijk. Wat de reorganisatie voor de Nederlandse tak betekende was tot nu toe nog onbekend.

Alcatel-Lucent zegt in de kosten te moeten snijden om weer winstgevend te worden.
Ralph van den Hoek
Na de Franse weerstand tegen de ontslagen beginnen de Italianen ook..

Alcatel-Lucent unions warn of fight against Italian job cuts
Friday 18 October 2013 | 14:03 CET | News
Italian unions Fiom-Ggil, Fim-Cisl and Uilm-Uil have called for a series of protests and demonstrations, as well as government help, against Alcatel-Lucent’s expected lay-off of a third of the group’s Italian workforce, some 586 jobs across the Lombardy, Lazio and Campania plants. The Italian cuts are part of a plan to shed 10,000 jobs worldwide by 2015.
In a hearing with government ministers and Alcatel-Lucent representatives, the unions said that the company’s position was unacceptable, that no clarity had been given regarding the scale of the lay-offs, and that a comprehensive institutional discussion on the state of the Italian telecoms industry was an urgent need. The unions have requested a new meeting between all sides to pursue sustainable solutions to the matter on 30 October.


Telenet kiest core router van Alcatel-Lucent
maandag 21 oktober 2013 | 11:16 CET | Nieuws
Om de groeiende vraag naar video en data te ondersteunen, heeft Telenet gekozen voor de IP core router 7950 XRS van Alcatel-Lucent. Het Belgische bedrijf is daarmee de eerste kabelexploitant in Europa die gebruik maakt van de router. De XRS is een belangrijk onderdeel van het Shift Plan, de strategie van Alcatel-Lucent om een gespecialiseerd verkoper te worden van IP Networking and Ultra-Broadband Access.
Alcatel-Lucent schrapt wereldwijd 10.000 jobs

22/10/2013 13:03:06

De reorganisatie is deel van een eerder aangekondigde wereldwijde herstructurering waarbij 10.000 arbeidsplaatsen verdwijnen.

ENGINEERINGNET -- De Franse fabrikant van netwerk- en communicatieapparatuur gaat 80 van de 550 Nederlandse jobs schrappen. Dit is net iets meer dan de 14% reductie op het personeelsbestand dat wereldwijd wordt doorgevoerd.

In België zouden er 30 à 40 jobs verdwijnen. In het Midden-Oosten en Afrika verdwijnen in totaal 4100 jobs. En in het Franse thuisland staan 900 jobs op het spel

De reorganisatie wordt in twee jaar tijd uitgevoerd. Het bedrijf ziet zich hiertoe genoodzaakt om de kosten te drukken en weer winstgevend te worden.

Deze ontslagronde maakt onderdeel uit van de herstructureringsplannen die het bedrijf eerder dit jaar ontvouwde. Alcatel-Lucent wil hiermee eind 2015 een besparing realiseren van 1 miljard euro.

Ook onderzoekt het bedrijf of het bezittingen kan verkopen die een waarde van 1 miljard euro vertegenwoordigen. Alcatel-Lucent boekte in het tweede kwartaal voortgang met de herfinanciering van schulden.
SSE Telecoms selects Alcatel-Lucent to double IP network coverage for communications services and mission-critical operations in the UK.

IP network to expand coverage footprint and enable SSE Telecoms to provide secure networks and resilient new services for essential communication applications and data centre operations.

Paris/London – October 23, 2013 – SSE Telecoms, a communications specialist and owner of one of the United Kingdom’s largest telecommunications and data centre networks, has selected IP networking technology from Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU) to extend network coverage across the country as part of its ‘Project Edge’ program.

Alcatel-Lucent will provide enhanced Ethernet and bandwidth capabilities to meet the scaling, resilience and security demands of SSE Telecoms’ customers, whilst enabling faster service delivery and reduced costs. This will almost double network coverage across the UK during the first phase of Project Edge, an SSE Telecoms initiative designed to achieve greater network coverage and service differentiation while lowering costs through network redesign and rationalisation.

The network will support the deployment of new mission-critical, high-bandwidth IP/MPLS (Internet Protocol/Multiprotocol Layer Switching) services that enable enhanced security features, which allows the support of legacy Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) services across the enhanced network.

Alcatel-Lucent’s IP Service Routers will also pave the way for high-speed, lower cost data centre connectivity for the delivery of dynamic cloud services to meet the specific needs of SSE Telecoms’ customers. The project is expected to be complete by December 2013.

Key Facts

With the deployment of 54 new nodes during the first phase of Project Edge, SSE Telecoms will almost double its UK network coverage, while lowering costs and speeding delivery of innovative new services to meet increased data demand from customers.
A robust network backbone using Alcatel-Lucent’s 7750 Service Router (SR) portfolio will enable the delivery of Ethernet and high bandwidth services with enhanced security and cloud data centre connectivity.
Alcatel-Lucent’s 5620 Service Aware Manager (SAM) will allow SSE Telecoms to provide a better experience for customers in terms of service delivery.
The Alcatel-Lucent solution includes an option for 10Gb optical cards for the management of wavelength and dark fibre connectivity.
As part of the project, Alcatel-Lucent will provide its leading professional services capabilities, managing delivery, storage, installation and first level commissioning. Alcatel-Lucent will also provide annual maintenance and software support for all existing and new nodes in the network.


Chris Jagusz, Managing Director, SSE Telecoms said: “We were first to market in the UK with national Ethernet services more than 10 years ago, and since then we have continued to innovate our customer offering. We wanted to expand our network presence with a solution that gave us the flexibility to meet all of our customers’ diverse needs, while also delivering the bandwidth, speed and quality that they expect – and with Alcatel-Lucent’s portfolio we can do just that”.

Henri Tallon, Head of sales for Alcatel-Lucent Strategic Industries in Europe, Middle East and Africa region said: “Alcatel-Lucent’s relationship with SSE Telecoms has afforded us a real understanding of the challenges that the company faces. Alcatel-Lucent is a specialist in IP networking. Our IP/MPLS solution is being used to meet the mission critical needs of over 65 power utilities. Our service router portfolio has also been deployed with 500 service providers including 37 of the top 40 carriers across the globe. As such we are able to deploy a robust solution designed to meet the diverse and growing needs of SSE Telecoms’ customers.”

Ralph van den Hoek
Ralph van den Hoek

Bandito1983 schreef op 24 oktober 2013 15:50:

U.S. Army Awards LGS Innovations $4.1 Billion Communications and Transmissions Systems (CTS) Contract

Voorbode op slechte cijfers morgen? -8% atm.
ALCATEL-LUCENT : and G-Mobile launch new era of mobile communications in Mongolia with deployment of lightRadio™ small cells

10/28/2013 ,
Initial deployment for indoor and outdoor locations will boost 3G mobile broadband capacity and coverage for almost half of the Mongolian population

Paris, October 28, 2013 - Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU) and G-Mobile, one of Mongolia's leading service providers, are to deploy small cell base stations to improve 3G mobile broadband coverage in densely populated areas such as shopping malls and stadiums in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar.

The city, which is home to approximately 45% of the country's population, will be the location of an initial deployment to be followed by an expansion in 2014 covering the greater Ulaanbaatar area and other major Mongolian cities in 2014.

Small and compact, Alcatel-Lucent's small cells can be placed inconspicuously in internal and external environments, offering a lower cost-per-bit solution for adding 3G mobile broadband coverage and capacity compared to traditional macro cells, repeaters, or distributed antenna systems (DAS).

Key facts:

•G-Mobile's initial small cell deployment will provide better coverage and boost capacity for its wireless 3G network in densely populated locations such as malls and stadiums where quality coverage is often limited.
•Alcatel-Lucent will provide its lightRadio™ small cells portfolio including the 9362 Enterprise Small Cells and 9764 Metro Cells Outdoor solutions, together with integration and technical support for high quality and rapid deployment.
•Small cells improve the quality of mobile coverage - both for voice and high speed data access - by making more effective use of available wireless spectrum.
•Small cells are a key element in The Shift Plan, Alcatel-Lucent's industrial strategy to reposition the company as a specialist vendor of IP Networking and Ultra-Broadband Access.


BasBish.D, CEO of G-Mobile, said: "G-Mobile is determined to be a national leader in mobile broadband communications and to offer our subscribers better coverage in areas where they want it while also reducing our operating costs for that increased coverage, we choose Alcatel-Lucent's small cells. Small cells will enable us to sell many more smart devices and increase our market share among both households and enterprises."

Daniel Rosie, Country Senior Officer of Mongolia for Alcatel-Lucent, said: "This small cell solution is the very first of its kind in the Mongolian telecom sector. By adding capacity and coverage exactly where it is needed Alcatel-Lucent's lightRadio small cell technology has opened up the possibilities for expanding our business relationship with G-Mobile."

Outdoor small cell backhaul equipment spend to reach $6 billion during 2013-2017: Infonetics
October 28, 2013

The global outdoor small cell backhaul equipment spend between 2013 and 2017 will be $6 billion, said Infonetics Research.
In 2012, the global outdoor small cell mobile backhaul equipment revenue was $39 million.
The market research agency also said outdoor small cell backhaul connections will grow from fewer than 7,000 in 2012 to more than 850,000 in 2017.

Ericsson will leverage operators to engage with an enterprise customer and pull through Ericsson’s solution for implementation. The smoke detector-sized Dot is capable of coordinating with other access elements in the network to attain optimal coverage and capacity.

The other vendors in small cell segment are Alcatel-Lucent and Cisco.


wat een groei markt,komop Nokia go for Alcatel..

bertje007 schreef op 29 oktober 2013 09:49:

Iemand een reden voor de grote sprongen van het eerste half uur?:
2.22 - 2.41
berthhhh..ja Ernie ze zijn over de hele wereld bezig dat Alcatel,


moet wel een snoepje zijn voor Nokia!!!(niet alleen Nok.......)

Alcatel-Lucent dringt verlies terug

PARIJS (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Franse producent van netwerkapparatuur Alcatel-Lucent is er in het derde kwartaal in geslaagd zijn nettoverlies terug te dringen met kostenbesparingen. Het bedrijf maakte donderdag ook bekend dat de besparingen dit jaar hoger uit zullen vallen dan voorzien.

Het nettoverlies kwam uit op 200 miljoen euro, waar een jaar eerder nog een verlies van 316 miljoen euro werd geleden. Analisten rekenden in doorsnee op een verlies van 274 miljoen euro. De omzet steeg met 1,9 procent tot 3,7 miljard euro.

Alcatel-Lucent realiseerde in het jaar tot nu toe een kostenbesparing van 259 miljoen euro. Het bedrijf mikte op een totaal van 250 à 300 miljoen euro voor heel 2013, maar dat zal nu overtroffen worden. In 2015 moeten de kosten 1 miljard euro lager liggen. Ook wil het bedrijf de komende 2 jaar voor ten minste 1 miljard euro aan onderdelen verkopen.
Oct. 30, 2013.
Alcatel-Lucent awarded TDD-LTE contract by Sprint to support its 2.5GHz 4G LTE expansion in the United States
Sprint is using newly-acquired 2.5GHz spectrum to unleash ultra-broadband access to new services and applications such as gaming and high-definition video streaming

PARIS, Oct. 30, 2013 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Alcatel-Lucent (euronext paris and nyse:ALU) has been selected by Sprint for its new ultra-broadband TDD-LTE mobile access network, making use of newly-acquired 2.5GHz spectrum in the U.S.

Sprint's choice of TDD LTE for this network expansion will be the first use of the technology in a national deployment in North America. TDD LTE's capabilities will allow Sprint to deliver immense capacity to its customers in the United States in support of next-generation services and applications, such as gaming and high-definition video streaming.

Sprint's selection of Alcatel-Lucent follows the announcement last month of China Mobile choosing Alcatel-Lucent's TDD LTE solution, demonstrating the technology's growing momentum and Alcatel-Lucent's increasing footprint in LTE overall.

Key facts:

-- Sprint is deploying Alcatel-Lucent's LTE solution, which includes its:

-- lightRadio Radio Access Network (RAN)

-- antennas and cabling

-- a complete set of professional services such as radio frequency (RF) design, system integration and optimization, site acquisition and construction.

-- 4G LTE is a key element of The Shift Plan, Alcatel-Lucent's industrial strategy to become a specialist vendor of IP Networking and Ultra-Broadband Access.


Bob Azzi, Senior Vice President, Network for Sprint, said: "This is a significant step for Sprint as we continue to grow our network and pursue our goal to offer customers the fastest, most powerful mobile broadband network available anywhere. Having worked hand-in-hand with Alcatel-Lucent throughout the Network Vision and initial 4G LTE rollout, we have confidence in its technology and its people to help introduce this new era of high-speed broadband access."

Charles Marsh, President, North America Sales for Alcatel-Lucent, said: "Sprint is placing its confidence in our strategy for 4G LTE. Based on our efforts to support Network Vision, we have the capabilities and technology to bring about this next step in mobile network evolution. We look forward to supporting Sprint's vision to greatly expand mobile broadband coverage with TDD LTE technologies that will provide customers with a consistent, high-quality experience no matter where they may be, such as heavily populated urban areas and inside commercial and residential buildings."

drulletje drie
Ook Alcatel heeft het weer steeds beter voor elkaar!
Nu nog die reorganisatie en dan zijn ze klaar voor een (gedeeltelijke)overname!
Woensdag 2.35, vandaag 2.94, nog zo'n stijging en ik sta op winst. Door de verkoop gisteren aan 2.79 gem. nu 3.51.

Nokia mag nu komen met haar bod. ;-)
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