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Rare earth metals

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Honda made an announcement this week of a recycling breakthrough where they will start recycling rare earth metals from the nickel metal hydride batteries for its used hybrid cars on a mass production basis Honda informs.

Honda said that this new process is more is the world first to extract rare earth metals form various used parts in Honda products will start at the end of this month and allows for the recovery of more than 80% of the rare earth metals used in the nickel metal hybrid batteries.

The process involves extractions coming from used batteries from Honda hybrids at Honda dealers inside and outside Japan. The technology is a result of the company’s collaboration with Japan Metals & Chemicals, a company based in Tokyo. The announcement carries a simple diagram of the recycling flow between dealers and factory but with a few details about how the process actually works.

Economists saw no mystery in what the Honda move means in the marketplace. According to reactors from SmallCap Network, the high market prices of rare metals suggest the company could have got it right in terms of economics.

China produces about 95 percent of the world’s rare earth supplies. With its monopoly on production, China notes its concerns about the environment and resources and issued export controls that sent the prices rising. For Honda, the goal was to specifically look to recycling to meet its rare earth metal needs and say that the initiative wont stop at batteries either. They intend to grow out a list of components from which the metals can be recycled.

Honda refers to 17 rare earth metals that are mostly shunted off to a tacked-on lined of the periodic table that yet are crucial to modern lifestyles and used in numerous applications for industrial, high tech and commercial products.

Source - Smartplanet.com

Wat zijn geschikte fondsen om te beleggen in zeldzame aardmetalen?
Ik zat zelf te kijken naar Molycorp en Avalon. Of misschien het RBS zeldzame aardmetalen certificaat.
Molycorp rare earth reserves increase 36pct

Molycorp Inc announced that its Mountain Pass mine contains 36% more probable or proven rare earth reserves than previously estimated.

Molycorp's total rare earth reserves are now measured at 2.94 billion pounds of contained rare earth oxide equivalent or about 11 times the current global demand for rare earth.

The company, which plans to be producing at an annual rate of 19,050 tonnes by the end of this year is expected to become the first major source for rare earth elements outside of China in decades.

Source - metals.about.com
Zijn er ook Europese beursgenoteerde bedrijven die zich bezighouden met de winning en verwerking van zeldazame aardmetalen?
Avalon sees delays at Nechalacho rare earth project

Reuters reported that Avalon Rare Metals Inc expects delays in a feasibility study on its flagship Nechalacho rare earth project in Canada's Northwest Territories as it needs more time to complete metallurgical studies.

Toronto based Avalon said the feasibility study on the asset will not be completed until the second quarter of calendar 2013. It had originally expected the study to be complete before the end of 2012.

The company said that the delay will also push back initial production from the site to late 2016. It had earlier forecast initial production would begin in late 2015. A detailed production schedule will not be available until the feasibility study is complete. It currently has USD 48 million in cash which is sufficient to complete the feasibility study and cover overhead expenses.

Source - Reuters
China adds quotas for rare earth exports

Xinhua reported that the Ministry of Commerce announced additional export quotas for rare earth minerals totaling 10,680 tons. Of the added quotas, 9,490 tons were light rare earths and 1,190 tons were medium and heavy rare earths.

The statement said the added quotas would be provided to a total of 12 companies which had recently passed examinations by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. The companies included Baogang Group, the country largest light rare earth producer and the Aluminum Corporation of China.

The statement said the quotas would be addition to the nation's first batch of rare earth export quotas.

On December 27 last year, the ministry announced the country's first batch of rare earth export quotas totalling 10,546 tons for 11 qualified companies in 2012.

The ministry also noted that companies that had yet to pass the environmental examination would not get the export rights if they failed to meet the second round of environmental examinations before the end of July.

Source - Xinhua
EU wil actie WTO tegen China om metalen

Gepubliceerd op 27 jun 2012 om 14:56 | Views: 364

BRUSSEL (AFN) - Brussel wil dat de Wereldhandelsorganisatie (WTO) optreedt in een slepend conflict met China over de export van zeldzame aardmetalen. Dat heeft Europees commissaris Karel de Gucht (Handel) woensdag gezegd.

Zeldzame aardmetalen zijn onmisbare grondstoffen voor veel high-techproducten, zoals elektromotoren, chips en zonnecellen. Het grootste deel van het wereldwijde aanbod van dergelijke materialen komt uit China, dat beperkingen stelt aan de uitvoer en zo de prijzen hoog houdt.

Onder meer de EU, de Verenigde Staten en Japan beklagen zich daar al langer over en stapten eerder dit jaar naar de WTO. Die tikte China op de vingers, maar dat heeft volgens De Gucht geen resultaten opgeleverd. ,,Wij betreuren het dat wij geen andere keuze meer hebben om dit probleem op te lossen'', zei hij.
China to launch rare earth trading platform in Aug

Reuters reported that China will launch its first spot trading platform for rare earths on August 8th 2012 in the country's latest effort to improve price discovery and regulate the market better.

As per report, the platform led by China's largest producer Baotou Steel Rare Earth Hi Tech will only allow physical trading. China accounts for more than 95 percent of the global output of rare earths, a group of 17 minerals used in the electronics, defence and renewable energy industries.

But Beijing has cracked down on illegal mining, imposed strict production caps and set export quotas, saying that excessive production over the last decade has severely depleted its reserves, damaged its environment and dragged prices down to artificially low levels.

Despite a 30,184 tonne export quota in 2011, China said that it shipped only 18,600 tonnes last year. The squeeze on supply has led, in part to a fourfold increase in export prices over the past 2 years.

The government has said that the quota will remain steady in 2012. As a result of the curbs, the European Union has said foreign firms pay up to twice as much as Chinese firms for rare earth metals.

China recently set up a rare earth industry association and is also launching a national strategic rare earth reserve to give it more say over the way the materials are priced. In March, the European Union, United States and Japan complained to the World Trade Organization that Beijing illegally choked exports while holding down prices for domestic manufacturers.

China has denied the charges, saying product quality variations account for the price gap between the metals it produces for export and domestic use. In a similar case on raw materials in January the WTO ruled against China saying that environmental protection was only a valid reason to curtail exports if China was giving the domestic and international markets equal treatment.

Source - Reuters
China rare earth exports in H1 down by 43pct YoY

China Knowledge reported that the export volume of rare earth ore, metals and mixtures in China, the world biggest rare earth supplier plunged 42.7 YoY to 4,908 tonnes in the first six months of this year.

In June, the export volume of rare earths in China was 884 tonnes.

The Ministry of Commerce in May announced more export quota of rare earth minerals totaling 10,680 tonnes. The figure comprised 9,490 tonnes for light rare earths and 1,190 tonnes for medium and heavy rare earths.

In the first 11 months of 2011, China exported 14,750 tonnes of rare earth minerals, which accounted for only 49% of the country's export quota for the year.

Source - China Knowledge
Rare earth tensions set to rise as WTO forms panel

China said that it regretted a request by the EU, US and Japan to set up a dispute settlement panel by the World Trade Organization to investigate into China's export policies on rare earths, tungsten and molybdenum and said its policies are aimed at protecting natural resources.

Mr Tu Xinquan, associate director of the China Institute of WTO Studies at University of International Business and Economics, told the Global Times “The formation of the panel means the dispute between the four parties has flared up and the case has entered into the judicial procedure.”

Mr Bai Ming, a researcher with the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation under the Ministry of Commerce, told the Global Times that “China's intent to protect the environment through management of rare earth exports can not be questioned. Rare earth export management is not just for the benefit of China but also for the whole world, as unrestricted mining and trading could lead to depletion of the rare resources.”

Mr Chen Zhanheng, vice secretary-general of the Association of China Rare Earth Industry, told the Global Times “Export management is just one of the many measures that China is taking to protect the environment and preserve resources, and the country has also taken other measures such as industry consolidation and mining restriction.”

In March, Japan, the US and EU filed a joint case with the WTO, accusing China of unfairly limiting its rare earth exports. China has already rejected a request from the EU, US and Japan for the panel to rule on their complaint on the alleged rare earth export restrictions on June 10. Under the WTO's dispute settlement regime, China would not be able to reject the request for the second time after the complainants made the second request.

The focal point of the dispute is whether China imposes rare earth export quotas to protect its environment and exhaustible natural sources or the quotas are aimed at shielding domestic industries, which amounts to trade distortion.

China will cut the number of rare earth mining licenses to 65 within three years and release a higher market access standard for miners soon.

Source - Global Times
China rare earth exports down 37pct in Jan to Jul

China Knowledge quoted according to the figures from China Customs Statistics Information Centre, the export volume of rare earth ore, metals and mixtures in China, the world's biggest rare earth supplier plunged 36.7% YoY to 21,729 tons in the first seven months of this year.

In July, the export volume of rare earths in China was 3,746 tons down by 23.6%YoY.

Earlier this month, China announced a further tightening of rules about the production of rare earth metals, under which mixed rare earth mining companies will have to be able to produce a minimum of 20,000 tons of rare-earth oxides and a rare-earth smelting company has to have a minimum annual production capacity of 5,000 tons.

The country also said that will shut down about one-fifth of its rare earth production capacity.

Source - China Knowledge
China ups rare earth exports by 3pct

China's Ministry of Commerce last week allowed 2.7% more volume of rare earth element some 30,996 tonnes to leave the country this year than it did in 2011.

The increase follows a number of tighter limits imposed since 2005 that led to major price surges beginning about two years ago, making some of the elements more valuable than gold.

Rare earth elements are used for everything from smartphones to guided missiles. While some rare earths are relatively common they are dispersed in a way that makes it difficult to find deposits with high enough ore grades to economically exploit.

China's control of the rare earth market has come under increased scrutiny in recent years with as the nation slashed export quotas of rare earth minerals to cope with their growing domestic demand. US industry officials suggest it is an unfair trade practice against rules established by the World Trade Organization.

Currently China produces about 95% of global rare earth supplies. In a response to complaints from the US, the European Union and Japan the WTO last month set up panel to probe China's rare earth export policies. In what is seen as the first step in loosening China's grip on the rare earth market, China's government raised its rare-earth export quota for the first time in seven years.

China's Ministry of Commerce last week reported that it will increase quotas by 2.7% to 30,996 tonnes. While the increase is a positive sign actual imports of rare earths have fallen sharply. During the first 7 months of the year exports have fallen 36.7% according to recent customs data.

Industry observers said that the move comes as China's rare earth export limits become less important. Chinese miners haven't come close to exporting as much as permitted during the past two years as manufacturers look to reduce their use of Chinese produced minerals, leading to sharp price drops.

Companies in the US, Australia and elsewhere are also ramping up production of the minerals, which aren't rare despite their name but can be complicated to process. Mining operations also take a long time to set up. China's rare earth exports this year are well below the quotas. Exports in the H1 reached slightly less than 5,000 tonnes.

Source - Proactive Investors.com
Basismetalen weer goedkoper, lood uitzondering die de regel bevestigt

Een week eerder lieten de basismetalen nog het voorlopige Chinese PMI cijfer van zich afglijden maar vorige week was er volgens Royal Bank of Scotland geen ontkomen meer aan. Op lood na werden alle basismetalen goedkoper.

Zink liet de grootste achteruitgang optekenen met een prijsdaling van 3,5 procent.

Tin liet 3,4 procent liggen. Het Indonesische PT Timah heeft na drie weken onderbreking opnieuw tin verkocht op de spot markt (voor onmiddellijke levering).

Aan een prijs lager dan 20.000 dollar/ton is de productie voor veel tinproducenten niet rendabel. Toch blijkt het in de praktijk moeilijk om een gezamenlijke uitvoerbeperking af te spreken.

Vorig jaar mislukte een eerdere poging om via vrijwillige productiebeperkingen hogere prijzen af te dwingen. De prijs van een ton nikkel daalde met 3,3 procent.

De nikkelvoorraad op de London Metal Exchange (LME) bereikte het hoogste niveau sinds april vorig jaar. Eind vorige week hadden de magazijnen gecontroleerd door de LME gezamenlijk 118.662 ton nikkel in voorraad.

Dat is 32 procent meer dan begin dit jaar. Nikkel wordt in hoofdzaak gebruikt voor de staalproductie en de vraag naar staal is de voorbije maanden sterk teruggevallen.

JPM: steel prices may decline soon; cuts AKS, CLF, MUSA, RS, X to neutral vs overweight
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