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Rare earth metals

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Jacht op zeldzame aardmetalen
Gepubliceerd op 4 mrt 2011 om 11:28 | Views: 344

JOHANNESBURG (AFN) - Het beperken van de export van zeldzame aardmetalen door China kan volgens deskundigen leiden tot heropening van mijnen in Australië, Canada, Zuid-Afrika en de Verenigde Staten.

De zeldzame aardmetalen worden toegepast in moderne apparaten als mobiele telefoons, platte beeldschermen en magnetrons, maar zijn ook van belang voor elektronica die wordt gebruikt in moderne wapens. China werd vrijwel de enige producent van zeventien zeldzame aardmetalen door andere landen uit de markt te prijzen. Het westen wil zich nu voor de hightechindustrie losmaken van de wurggreep van China.

Volgens een deskundige van investeringsmaatschappij Umbono Capital, die gespecialiseerd is in mijnbouw, heeft Afrika de beste papieren als het gaat om de voorraden. Maar volgens professor Judith Kinnard van de Witwatersrand Universiteit in Johannesburg is er niet veel verschil tussen Afrikaanse landen en Australië of Canada als het gaat om de winning.

Investeerders proberen nu uit te dokteren waar de beste mogelijkheden zijn. Genoemd worden de Mountain Pass-mijn in Californië, Staankampskraal in Zuid-Afrika, Nechalacho in Canada en twee locaties in Australië.
In de huidige hightecheconomie speelt een groep zeldzame aardmetalen en platinametalen een essentiële rol. Het pleidooi van D66 in de Tweede Kamer om een speciale grondstoffenhoogleraar aan te stellen is dan ook een waardevol signaal.

Helaas liggen de voorraden zeldzame aardmetalen niet in westerse bodem maar in China en de platinametalen in Rusland. Die landen hebben laten zien dat ze die voorraden met geopolitieke doeleinden inzetten, waardoor beschikbaarheid niet gegarandeerd is en de prijzen razendsnel stijgen.

Stoffen als neodymium, yttrium of indium zijn in onze samenleving cruciaal: het zeldzame metaal indium maakt deel uit van de stof indiumtinoxide, een materiaal dat doorzichtig en geleidend is. Het maakt deel uit van alle moderne touchscreenbeeldschermen en het zit ook in zonnepanelen.

Bij onze toekomstige duurzame energievoorziening spelen deze zeldzame stoffen een grote rol. Een grote windmolen op zee bevat ongeveer 300 kg van het zeldzame aardmetaal neodymium, verwerkt in de grote magneten waarmee de stroom wordt opgewekt. Ook in elke hybride auto zit een kilogram van dit materiaal. Maar de belangrijkste winst die zeldzame metalen ons kunnen opleveren, zit in energiecentrales waar hitte wordt omgezet in stroom.

Door de onderdelen van een centrale uit te voeren in zogenoemde nikkelsuperlegeringen kunnen de centrales een hogere druk en temperatuur aan. Het verschil tussen stoom van 620 graden en 700 graden lijkt klein, maar levert wel 5% efficiëntiewinst op. Die winst alleen al zou veel meer zijn dan wat vandaag de dag wordt geproduceerd aan wind- en zonne-energie bij elkaar. De Europese Unie heeft het belang van zeldzame metalen en platinametalen al onderkend. Zij liet daarom inventariseren welke ruwe grondstoffen essentieel zijn voor de economie, maar waarvan het aanbod onvoldoende gegarandeerd is.

D66 onderkent het belang van dit probleem. Uiteraard kunnen we er wel iets aan doen, zoals langer met onze spullen doen, hergebruik van goederen, nieuwe producten ontwikkelen waarin deze materialen niet nodig zijn - bijvoorbeeld de overstap van filmrolletjes naar digitale fotografie betekende een flinke verschuiving in materiaalgebruik. Maar minstens zo belangrijk is het ontwikkelen van alternatieven voor zeldzame materialen.

Nederland heeft veel expertise in de materiaalkunde. Zoeken naar nieuwe materialen die minder van de kritische grondstoffen afhankelijk zijn, is een enorme economische kans. Die grondstoffenhoogleraar is geen overbodige luxe, maar bittere noodzaak.

Dr. ir. Erik Offerman en prof. dr. Barend Thijsse, TU Delft


Interessant artikel met commentaar over Lithium, MCP, REE, etc.



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Amor Arrows schreef op 30 april 2011 20:21:

He vriend!

Leuk dat je er weer eens bent.

Kutessay II is the only past-producing Heavy Rare Earth Elements (HREEs) mine in the world outside of China. Stans Energy owns a 20-year mining licence for the property located in Kyrgyzstan in the former Soviet Union. The company has completed a JORC compliant mineral resource estimate as well as a supplementary REE distribution report which identifies the primary commercial components of the open pit mine. Stans has also released an internal metallurgical study which illustrates ways of improving the quality of Rare Earth Oxide (REO) concentrates produced at Kutessay II. These reports will be incorporated into an upcoming feasibility study for restarting rare earth production operations at Kutessay II, in cooperation with the same Russian institutes that originally designed and built the Kutessay II mine, mill and processing plants.


Rare Earth Market Discussion

The sole source of the world’s HREE production comes from the ‘Ionic Clays’ in the south of China. Representatives of the Chinese Society of Rare Earths have repeatedly stated that it is likely that the country will become a net importer of HREEs in the near future. Kutessay II is one of the only sources of HREEs located outside of China prior to 1991, when the mine shut down.

HREE prices have increased substantially in recent history, due to increasing demand, and supply constraints from China. The international prices for all 15 REEs have been very volatile, and no long term price can be accurately determined based on conventional methods of valuation. Below is a table illustrating the current international price per kilogram of each REO on April 8, 2011 in USD, based on FOB surveys.

Note: REOs have standard purities but increased purities demand higher prices.
RE metals also demand higher prices than those shown above.

The United States Geological Survey has predicted that most critical REOs in terms of future supply versus expected demand are Yttrium (Y), Dysprosium (Dy), Terbium (Tb), Neodymium (Nd), and Europium (Eu). Based on the breakdown of REOs contained within the Kutessay II deposit and their respective oxide prices, these critical elements, with the exception of Europium, are likely to represent the majority of Kutessay II’s value.
posted by: Stans Energy | comments : 0 Comment
TSX-V: RUU – April 28, 2011

Stans Energy Corp (TSX-V: RUU, OTCQX: HREEF) (“Stans” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has closed its previously reported private placement (see press releases dated March 30, 2011, and April 14, 2011) pursuant to which the Company has issued 15,135,136 units (the “Units”) at a price of $1.85 per Unit to raise aggregate gross proceeds of $28,000,001.60 CAD (the “Offering”). Each Unit consists of one common share in the capital of the Company and one-half of one common share purchase warrant. Each whole warrant entitles the holder thereof to acquire one common share at a price of $2.25 CAD until April 28, 2013. Stifel Nicolaus Canada acted as Lead Agent for the Offering, with Clarus Securities Inc acting as Co-Manager (collectively, the “Agents”). The Agents received a cash commission equal to 6% of the gross proceeds of the Offering, and broker warrants entitling the Agents to purchase 908,108 shares at $1.85 CAD per share at any time up to and including April 28, 2013.

The proceeds of the Private Placement will be used for a feasibility study on Kutessay II and Kalesay, purchase of the KCMP Rare Earth (RE) Processing Complex, refurbishment and upgrades to the KCMP RE Processing Complex, Aktyuz exploration and for working capital.

All of the common shares, warrants and broker warrants issued pursuant to the Offering are subject to a four-month hold period ending on August 29, 2011. The Company has received the conditional approval from the TSX Venture Exchange for the common shares and warrants issued on closing of the Offering.

Robert Mackay, President and CEO of Stans Energy Corp. stated, “The money raised from this financing will enable Stans to aggressively pursue our plans to become a significant Heavy Rare Earth producer in the near term, beginning with closing of Stans’ acquisition of the Heavy Rare Earth Processing Facility previously announced. Once the transaction is complete, a program to upgrade and refurbish the Complex will begin immediately.”
Stans Energy Corp.
Stans Energy Corp. is focused on developing properties containing Rare Earth Elements (REEs). The company continuously examines and evaluates new opportunities to acquire and develop proven resource properties in areas of the former Soviet Union. The headquarters of the company is located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Stans Energy KG, is located in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Stans Energy Corp’s Chairman, Rodney Irwin, was the former ambassador to the Russian Federation for Canada, and currently serves as the Honorary Consul of the Kyrgyz Republic for Canada.

Kutessay II facts:

Former producing Rare Earth Element ( REE) open-pit mine
Percentage of HREEs approximately 46%
Contains all 15 REEs and formerly produced every REE at purities up to 99.99%
Kutessay II concentrate was refined into 120 different REE compounds
30 years of proven metallurgy, with approximately 65% recovery
Previously produced 80% of the former Soviet Union’s REEs from 1960-1991
Good infrastructure, rail line 43 km away, electrical power on site, and the mine is located 140 km by paved road from Kyrgyzstan’s capital city of Bishkek
Abundance of qualified labour living in the area
Stans Energy owns 100% of the Processing Complex previously used to create final oxides metals and alloys from Kutessay II concentrate.
The significance of what Stans Energy has accomplished through their purchase of the Heavy Rare Earth processing facilities, equipment and rail terminalhas been lost on many pundits in the market. Not only did Stans buy the HREE facilities and equipment for a fraction of the purchase price that other companies have budgeted to build their processing facilities for,but in this purchase Stans has acquired an extensive and extremelydetailed records room of files that describes in meticulous detail the separation processes that are proven to work – for all 15 REEs. Stanswill not only be able to rely on this blue print, but they also have the distinct advantage of having many of the people who operated and worked in their open pit mine and the processing facility still living in thecommunities nearby.
These detailed processing records were the result of the Sovietpractice of having two assistants for each scientist who worked at the facilities. Stans has also secured a very solid relationship with the Leading Russian Chemical and Metallurgical Institute in Moscow (VNIIHT)who will assist the company in developing their enhanced metallurgical processes. This institute and the former workers in the plant know whatthey are doing and unlike many other companies in this space, they willnot be starting from scratch. Stans Energy has “known and proven ”hydro metallurgical processes for all 15 REEs whereas some other companies in this space could very well be looking through the YellowPages directories to try to figure it out.
Stans has stated that theywill be focusing their attention on the processing of the more valuableand scarcer Heavy Rare Earths.
Thursday, May 5th, 2011

Dear Energy and Capital Reader,

A couple weeks ago in a covert facility in Brussels, high-ranking members of the European Union's political, financial, and military complexes met to hear just one person speak.

This person — a representative from a tiny Canadian mining company — delivered a brief but long-awaited message to the assembly.

It had to do with things people of this caliber aren't trained to understand — and certainly aren't used to hearing about...

Drill test results. Mineral Concentrations.

But in this case, every member of the group knew exactly what was at stake.

They sat in silence as the Western world's fate was laid out for them by this unassuming company representative.

Find out the stunning truth that was in this man's report.

To Your Wealth,


voda schreef op 5 mei 2011 19:45:

Thursday, May 5th, 2011Dear Energy and Capital Reader,A couple weeks ago in a covert facility in Brussels, high-ranking members of the European Union's political, financial, and military complexes met to hear just one person speak.This person — a representative from a tiny Canadian mining company — delivered a brief but long-awaited message to the assembly.It had to do with things people of this caliber aren't trained to understand — and certainly aren't used to hearing about...Drill test results. Mineral Concentrations.
But in this case, every member of the group knew exactly what was at stake.They sat in silence as the Western world's fate was laid out for them by this unassuming company representative.
Find out the stunning truth that was in this man's report.To Your Wealth,http://www.angelnexus.com/o/web/26484
Wat een onzinnig verhaal, voor zover ik weet is Greenland een Australisch bedrijf en hun REE's gemengd met uranium op Groenland zullen zeer waarschijnlijk nooit uit de grond gehaald worden.
China verscherpt eisen zeldzame aardmetalen
20 mei 2011, 1:00 uur | Het Financieele Dagblad


China gaat de eisen voor exporteurs van zogeheten zeldzame aardmetalen verhogen. Dat heeft het State Council, het Chinese kabinet in Peking, donderdag gemeld. Goed voor 97% van de wereldwijde productie van zeldzame metalen, zal China ook geen nieuwe uitbreiding van projecten meer toestaan. Dit om de overcapaciteit en de illegale winning en verkoop aan te pakken, zegt China. ...


[Modbreak IEX: Gelieve hier geen volledige artikelen van FD.nl te kopieren in verband met copyright, bericht is aangepast.]
Baotou Steel to consolidate Fujian Jiangxi firms on rare earth

China Daily reported that Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare Earth Hi Tech Co Limited will set up the Baotou Rare-Earth Products Exchange to further regulate the market. It will be the country's first rare earth product exchange and will trade only spot products, excluding futures.

It will take six months to complete the process of establishing the company, which will be registered on August 8th 2011.

Ms Wang Caifeng, a former official at the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology who is setting up the country's Rare Earth Association, said that the exchange will help increase the transparency and regularization of the rare earth trading market.

She also said the Rare Earth Association, which will act like the China Iron and Steel Association, assisting companies in exports and international cooperation and leading price talks with foreign buyers, is still in the process of becoming established under the MIIT guidelines.

The Inner Mongolia autonomous region's Bayan Obo Mine in Baotou city, the source of 97 percent of the country's reserves, has unified the exploration of rare earth minerals.

Baotou Steel Rare Earth has said it wants to further consolidate companies from Fujian and Jiangxi provinces, which are rich in heavy rare earth metals.

Extensive reserves of light rare earth metal have been discovered in Inner Mongolia, and their production is dominated by Baotou Steel Rare Earth. The more expensive heavy rare earths are scattered across a number of provinces and mined by larger producers as well as local small miners.

The State Council said on May 19th 2011 that it plans to consolidate the rare earth sector by letting the biggest domestic players dominate the industry within two years, the first time that the Chinese government has publicly said it will let the biggest companies lead the industry.

The State Council in a document said that the top three domestic conglomerates in the ion absorbed type rare earth sector in the south of the country are set to hold more than 80% of the market share.

(Sourced from China Daily)

postzak schreef op 4 juni 2011 09:50:

Understanding Rare-Earth Stocks www.resourceinvestor.com/News/2011/6/...
Dit is inderdaad een heel goed artikel over dit onderwerp.

Iemand die een belang wil in zware Ree's kan het beste Stans Energy kopen, dat nog steeds spotgoedkoop is en een bestaande fabriek kan gebruiken. Bovendien kan Stans beschikken over een enorme kennis inzake de verwerking van REE's.

exact schreef op 4 juni 2011 16:01:


Dit is inderdaad een heel goed artikel over dit onderwerp.

Iemand die een belang wil in zware Ree's kan het beste Stans Energy kopen, dat nog steeds spotgoedkoop is en een bestaande fabriek kan gebruiken. Bovendien kan Stans beschikken over een enorme kennis inzake de verwerking van REE's.
Je kunt ook de ETF kopen, NYSE: REMX

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