Wave 3 van EW is nu ingang gezet. Sept 250 lijkt onmogelijk misschien krankzinnig voor de meeste, maar daar gaan we toch naar toe komende 1,5 maand. Misschien nog een allerlaatste bounce komende dagen en dan gaan we hard naar beneden.
Bas we zullen eerder 243 gaan bereiken dan jou 343 en al helemaal niet 380!! Volgens mij geloof je dat zelf niet eens....
Al het (zeer kleine)economisch herstel is te danken aan de stimuleringsmaatregelen, die nu niet meer te betalen zijn. Beurs wordt nog even in stand gehouden om de laatste beleggers te lokken, waarna ze de boel gewoon laten klappen, want er is geen houden meer aan.....het leed is al geschied!
Succes alle in deze manipulatieve wereld. Maar wordt snel wakker als je nog iets van waarde wilt behouden.
Ter info:
Snapshot: Friday erased the entire week’s gain and then some. That’s about what you’d expect from a wave 3, within a wave 3, within a wave 3. The downside potential is huge – towards and below 900 for the S&P – and that’s were the focus over the next few weeks is likely to be. Over the past two months, there have been four 30+ point declines for the S&P, last Friday’s was one of them. The other three occurred on May 20, June 4 and June 29. All but last Friday’s decline resulted in higher prices eventually, so the wave 3 scenario is not a slam-dunk just yet. If wave 3 has started, we should see prices stay below Friday’s high at 1,094. This week’s pivot is at 1,076. This week’s r1 is at 1,088. If a bounce develops, it might carry towards or slightly above pivot at 1,076. But prices should remain below r1 at 1,088, which coincides with the 50-day SMA at 1,090 and is close the Friday’s high at 1,094. In regards to the downside, if wave 3 is in force, we might very well slice through weekly s2 at 1,040 and move towards the previous low at 1,011. The Market Meter above reflects the bearish interpretation of Friday's decline, but keep in mind that we still need confirmation for a wave 3. A drop below weekly s1 at 1,052 might be enough to do just that.
Summary: Odds are wave 3 started last Friday. I rise above 1,088 would like postpone this scenario. If wave 3 is in force, the S&P should drop towards and through s2 at 1,040 this week.
Weekly pivots: Pivot: 1,076 – s1: 1,052 – s2: 1,040 – r1: 1,088 – r2: 1,112
Daily pivots: Pivot: 1,076 – s1: 1,054 – s2: 1,040 – r1: 1,090 – r2: 1,112