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FanTaZie Q4-2011 + Q1-2012

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Anleger fliehen im September in Scharen aus Rohstoffen
Rohstoffe mussten im zu Ende gehenden Monat teilweise die heftigsten Preiseinbrüche seit der Finanzkrise 2008 hinnehmen. Rezessionsängste und Euro-Schuldenkrise drücken auf die Stimmung der Anleger.

30. September 2011 2011-09-30 17:51:23

Gleich ob Öl, Kupfer oder Gold - die Preise für Rohstoffe sind im September deutlich in die Tiefe gerauscht. Kupfer und Gold verzeichneten die heftigsten Preiseinbrüche seit den Turbulenzen um die Lehman-Pleite im Herbst 2008.

Für Wirbel sorgte vor allem die Angst vor einer weltweiten Rezession und einer Eskalation der europäischen Schuldenkrise. „Die Stimmung ist einfach schlecht, auch wenn bislang wie beim Öl noch immer genügend Nachfrage aus den Schwellenländern vorhanden ist“, sagte Ker Chung Yang, Rohstoff-Analyst bei Phillip Futures.

Das Nordsee-Öl Brent steuert mit einem Minus von mehr als sieben Prozent auf dem größten Quartalseinbruch seit 15 Monaten zu. Der Preis für die Ölsorte WTI ging seit Juli um 14 Prozent zurück, der heftigste Einbruch seit dem vierten Quartal 2008. Auch am Freitag rutschte der Ölpreis nach einer kurzen Erholungsphase wieder ins Minus. Brent notierte bei 103,23 Dollar je Fass, WTI bei 81,75 Dollar.

Wirtschaftsdaten aus Amerika hatten Händlern zufolge nur kurzzeitig Optimismus versprühen können. Die Zahl der amerikanischen Erstanträge auf Arbeitslosenhilfe war am Donnerstag überraschend unter die 400.000-Marke gefallen und die amerikanische Wirtschaft wuchs im zweiten Quartal etwas schneller als ursprünglich errechnet.

Asiatische Anleger stützen Goldpreis............

Auch beim Goldpreis haben Anleger stürmische Wochen hinter sich: Das Edelmetall verbilligte sich im September um rund elf Prozent - heftiger war der Einbruch nur im Oktober 2008 mit einem Minus von 17 Prozent. Die Anleger hatten ihr Bargeld zuletzt lieber gehortet oder in die Weltleitwährung Dollar investiert.

Am Freitag notierte der Goldpreis allerdings wieder 0,4 Prozent fester bei 1620 Dollar je Feinunze. Unterstützung erhielt das Edelmetall laut Händlern von einer starken Nachfrage aus China und Indien. Gerade im weltgrößten Gold-Markt Indien steigt die Nachfrage mit Beginn der Hochzeitssaison deutlich. Goldschmuck für Brautpaare ist hier ein traditionelles Geschenk.

Letztlich blieben aber nicht nur die Aussichten für die weltweite Konjunktur, sondern auch der Ausgang der europäischen Schuldenkrise unsicher, erklärten Analysten. Griechenland wartet derzeit auf die nächste Tranche über acht Milliarden Euro aus dem Rettungspaket von EU und IWF. Ohne das Geld kann die Regierung keine Gehälter und Renten mehr auszahlen und würde auf eine Staatspleite zusteuern.

Gegen eine nachhaltige Preissteigerung beim Öl spricht nach Einschätzung der Commerzbank schon allein, dass die OPEC ihre Ölproduktion im September auf 30,25 Millionen Barrel pro Tag gesteigert hat - den höchsten Stand seit knapp drei Jahren. Der Produktionsanstieg sei unter anderem auf eine leichte Ausweitung des Ölangebots aus Libyen zurückzuführen, hieß es. Die amerikanische Energiebehörde EIA habe zudem für Juli eine geringere Ölnachfrage als erwartet bekanntgegeben.

Auch beim Kupfer stand die anfängliche Erholung vom Freitag auf wackligen Füßen. Der Preis rutschte am Mittag wieder um 1,2 Prozent auf 7142 Dollar je Tonne ab. Insgesamt hat das Industriemetall in diesem Monat fast ein Viertel seines Wertes verloren, der größte Einbruch seit der Finanzkrise 2008. „Die entscheidende Frage ist, ob Chinas Wirtschaft auch weiterhin ihre Zugkraft beibehält“, sagte RBS-Analyst Daniel Major. Die chinesische Industrie bekommt derzeit die Abkühlung der Wirtschaft weltweit zu spüren. Im September lag der Einkaufsmanagerindex den dritten Monat in Folge unter der Wachstumsschwelle von 50 Zählern.

Text: Reuters
maar kernmerk van grondstoffen:
blijven in de grond beschikbaar.......?
kunnen niet failliet gaan......?
hebben geen hinder van bezuiniginsgoperaties.............?
er kan wat onkruid over groeien ..............?
worden niet zo snel gejat...............?
kunnen makkelijker verkocht worden.............?

en houden toch 'n zekere waarde ........?

GOLD: The Venezuelan government expects to receive by the end of October its first shipment of gold from overseas as it repatriates most of the country's holdings of the metal, government officials said.

The movement, announced by President Hugo Chavez in August, will be made by air.

The South American country would leave an unspecified part of the 211 tonnes it had stored in US, Canadian and European vaults for transactions, the official said. The rest would eventually be moved to Venezuela's central bank in Caracas, where 154 tonnes of bullion was already stored.

Many economists and analysts were dumbfounded by the plan, marvelling at the scale of the task and estimating it would cost hundreds of millions of dollars to insure the shipments. It is not clear how many shipments will be required. Critics said the government was guarding against attempts
500 Milliarden Dollar Rohstoffkonzerne verdrängen die Angst vor einer Abkühlung

Mehr als 500 Milliarden Dollar fließen derzeit in neue Rohstoffprojekte in Australien. Auch die Banken wollen von dem Bergbauboom profitieren.

Michael Lucht hat Feuer gefangen. Der Hamburger Projektentwickler für Fondshäuser ist eine gute Woche quer durch Australien gereist, hat Minen besucht und mit Bankern verhandelt. Am Ende der Reise sitzt er entspannt in Sydney in einer Hotelbar und ist sich ganz sicher: "Australien ist Opfer seiner Entfernung von den westlichen Industrieländern. Dabei kann man auch solch eine Distanz heute doch wunderbar überbrücken." Lucht will dies tun und wird sich deshalb bald auf die Suche nach Anlegergeldern machen: "Wir wollen einen oder mehrere geschlossene Fonds auflegen, welche die Projektfinanzierung im Bergwerksbereich zum Ziel haben."
ja, er kan weleens wat tussenkomen..............

Agnico-Eagle (C$47.60, -C$10.37, -18%) will take a third-quarter charge of $170 million or $1 a share to write down its investment in the Goldex mine in Quebec after suspending operations at the mine Wednesday due to structural issues. Scotia Capital says Goldex accounts for about 15% of Agnico's annual gold production.

Jaguar Mining (C$4.57, -C$0.90, -16%) lowered its 2011 production outlook to 155,000-163,000 ounces of gold at an average cash cost ranging from $835-$845 an ounce. It said it believes its production targets of more than 200,000 ounces annually are achievable in the near future.
tis maar 'n grondstof,wat kost bauxiet eigenlijk ? maar nog wel in de oude kolonie van Nederland...........wss toch nog genoeg relaties met us Suriname ?.............Suralco is onderdeel van Alcoa

PAPENDRECHT (AFN) - Boskalis gaat bauxiet delven in een mijn in de buurt van de Surinaamse hoofdstad Paramaribo. Het bedrijf maakte vrijdag bekend hiertoe een contract te hebben verworven ter waarde van 125 miljoen euro.

Boskalis zal het bauxiet in de mijn afgraven en afleveren bij de raffinaderij van opdrachtgever Suralco in het Surinaamse Paranam. Het project gaat binnenkort van start en duurt tot begin 2015.
Argentina Orders Oil, Gas, Mining Firms To Repatriate Export Sales

By Ken Parks

Published October 26, 2011

| Dow Jones Newswires

Read more: www.foxbusiness.com/markets/2011/10/2...
South American Silver Files Third Quarter 2011 Financial Statements and MD&A and Project Update

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire -11/10/11)- South American Silver Corp. (TSX: SAC.TO - News)(PINK SHEETS: SOHAF) reports the release of its unaudited interim consolidated financial statements for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2011 and the related management's discussion and analysis of financial position and results of operations ("MD&A").

russels, 23 February 2011

State aid: Greek mining company Ellinikos Xrysos needs to repay around EUR15 million in illegal subsidies.

After an in-depth investigation, the European Commission has concluded that the sale of the Cassandra Mines, in 2003, to Ellinikos Xrysos was carried out below its real market value and, therefore, involved subsidies in breach of EU state aid rules. The subsidy was calculated at EUR14 million. As the company also did not pay transaction taxes, the total amount to be recovered from the beneficiary to the State's coffers is EUR15.3 million, plus interest.

Pakistan rejects Barrick-led group’s bid for gold mine.

Local authorities in the Pakistani province of Baluchistan refused to meet a Canadian-Chilean mining consortium for talks before rejecting a bid for one of the world’s richest deposits of gold and copper, the company says.

The consortium, Tethyan Copper Co. Pakistan Ltd., (TCC) expressed its disappointment on Friday after the provincial government shot down an application for a mining licence at a remote site in the dry hills near the Afghan-Pakistan border, known as Reko Diq. Trouble with the application erupted earlier this year, when Chinese competitors pushed an alternate plan for what could become the biggest mine in Pakistan.

The latest statement from the consortium, which represents Toronto-based Barrick Gold Corp. and its Chilean partner Antofagasta, suggests that the problems ran deeper than previously understood. Communication apparently broke down between the mining group and the provincial authorities – not a good sign, because Pakistan’s Supreme Court made clear this year that “this matter falls exclusively within the domain of the government of Baluchistan.”

No matter how much influence the mining companies may exert in the capital, in other words, responsibility for the licence falls into the domain of a border province that is notorious for its poverty and lawlessness.

Coal mining contractor Mastermyne is looking to Poland to source hundreds of experienced underground miners for Queensland coal jobs.

The company said the experienced Polish miners would act to complement 150 mostly central Queensland workers it had trained from scratch.

Mastermyne Group managing director Tony Caruso told The Morning Bulletin experienced foreign workers were necessary to work alongside newer recruits.

“We want as many Australians as possible to get in and take advantage of the mining boom and to do that we need to [recruit experienced staff],” he said.

Caruso said the move to use experienced Polish workers “was not being done in lieu of using local lads”.

The first 26 Polish workers are set to arrive within two or three weeks, and many of the recruits will be moved to jobs in the southern Bowen Basin.

Caruso said the recruits would be paid the same as Australian workers and be required to meet high English speaking and reading levels.

Mining is one of Poland’s top industrial sectors, and their workers are usually well-qualified and use much of the same equipment as Australia’s industry.
Canada is No Haven from US Dollar Collapse

We spend a lot of time here at The Dollar Vigilante chastising Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve and preparing our subscribers for a collapse of the US dollar – something which has been paying off very handsomely, with gold and silver at record highs this year – but don't take that to mean that we prefer any other fiat currency. No fiat currency in the western world is any better than the US Dollar. In fact, in every case, they are worse.
The Federal Reserve is still, despite its secrecy, one of the most transparent central banks in the world. It also has, over the last century, despite inflating the dollar downward by 97%, been one of the least inflationary banks.

We often hear of people denounce the US dollar and correctly divine that it is headed to worthlessness, but, in the same breath, they say they own other fiat currencies like the Canadian dollar.

This is a case of ignorance of the workings of banks like the Bank of Canada – or virtually any other major central bank in the world, for that matter.

There are numerous reasons why the Canadian dollar will not survive a US dollar collapse:

The Canadian economy is very tied to the US economy.
The Canadian Government is intent on devaluing the Canadian dollar alongside the US.
The Bank of Canada has virtually no gold backing the Canadian dollar.
All that does back the Canadian dollar is the US dollar and other fiat currencies.
The Canadian dollar is not used globally.
The Canadian Economy is Very Tied to the US Economy

We need only show one graphic to make this point:

Chinezen hebben zo hun eigen rating buro's

Dagong downgrades Portugal's rating
Updated: 2011-11-24 17:08

BEIJING - Dagong Global Credit, China's domestic rating agency, said on Thursday that it has downgraded the sovereign rating of Portugal, as the country's economic and fiscal situation has worsened.
The rating for Portugal's local and foreign currency was cut from BBB+ to BB+ with a negative outlook, the agency said in a statement.
Dagong said Portugal's economic and fiscal situation has undergone further deterioration since it downgraded the country's rating from A- to BBB+ in March this year.
Dagong predicted a 1.7-percent decline in Portugal's economic growth for this year and a 3.5-percent fall in 2012.
"Portugal's economy cannot restore positive growth in the medium-term unless fundamental reforms in the country's economic system and structure are undertaken," Dagong said.
Dagong also predicted that the deficit ratio of the Portuguese government at all levels will reach 5.6 percent in 2012, and will remain above 3 percent in the medium-term
De eerste USA downgrade door een Chinees ratingbureau werd weggelachen, een jaar of wat geleden.
Denk niet dat iemand nog lacht....

en de 1e Polen gaan al nr Aussis om de kolen te delven..........

Inner Mongolia to invest $1.57b in Bulgaria
Updated: 2011-11-25 13:46

SOFIA - China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region is planning to invest 10 billion yuan ($1.57 billion) in the construction of an urban complex in Bulgaria, a Chinese official said on Thursday.

Zhang Shude, Chief Engineer of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Economic and Information Commission, made the statement at the opening ceremony of a Bulgaria-China Business Forum, which gathered 12 companies and two research organizations from Inner Mongolia and over 50 Bulgarian potential partners.

Hier staan de Bulgaren NE krantjes te verkopen bij de ingang van de supermarkten:)
Ja, het geld gaat nu de hele wereld over klotsen op zoek naar zinnige besteding... heb de eerste chocolade euro's alweer achter de kiezen... hoe lang nog voor het echt sinterklaasgeld is ;-)


MINERS worldwide will be watching Peruvian President Ollanta Humala in coming days to see how he handles a very hot mining potato.

Big miners are warning Lima that Peru risks losing something like $US50 billion ($49bn) in proposed mining and oil investment if the government doesn't back Newmont Mining after demonstrations against its $US4.8bn Conga gold and copper project forced work there to stop.

As with coal-seam gas in our eastern states, Conga is all about underground water along with rivers. The locals believe this water will be polluted by the mine waste.

The country's image may also suffer from Glencore's announcement that it is pulling out of its planned $US475 million acquisition of a copper project in Peru after failed negotiations. The mine is expected to produce a vital 100,000 tonnes a year of copper.

Peru is the world's second-largest producer of copper and silver and also exports large quantities of gold, zinc, tin, iron ore and molybdenum.
2, 3 jaren geleide was de naam karl Kottmeijer en familie hier eens onderwerp van gesprek....

is ook president van RRC.V............en met huidige slotkrs van 0.34 neemt ander bedrijf aandelen RRC.V over á 0.64 cent.......

Highland Park Acquires units of Rockridge Capital Corp.
November 29, 2011 - Highland Park SA ("Highland Park") announces that it has acquired an aggregate of 7,062,000 units (the "Units") of Rockridge Capital Corp. ("Rockridge") at a price of $0.64 per Unit pursuant to a private placement (the "Private Placement"). Each Unit is comprised of one common share of Rockridge (a "Share") and one transferable Share purchase warrant (a "Warrant"). Each Warrant entitles the holder to purchase one Share of Rockridge at a price of $0.80 per Share until January 13, 2013.


Mr. Karl Eric Kottmeier is President, Chief Executive Officer, Director of Rockridge Capital Corp. He is also the President and Chief Executive Officer of Rockgate Capital Corp., Northrock Resources Inc. and Falkirk Resources Corp.
zie boven,

Rockridge Drilling Intersects 213 g/t Gold Over 4m at Fatou Gold Project, Mali, West Africa

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