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POET Technologies Inc.

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ODIS Inc. Progresses Toward a POET Technology Roadmap

08:30 EST Wednesday, Mar 28, 2012

SHELTON, CONNECTICUT and TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 28, 2012)

OPEL Technologies Inc. (TSX VENTURE:OPL) and ODIS Inc. (collectively "OPEL" or "the Company"), a semiconductor device and process developer and, a leading global supplier of solar tracker systems and other solar related products, are pleased to announce significant progress made this quarter by ODIS Inc., a U.S. Company, regarding POET as it pertains to its advancements in Optical Interconnection of High Speed Circuits. ODIS' recent Milestone achievements when successfully added to the POET platform under development, will make it possible for the first time to implement an optical interface as a single chip to connect existing CMOS processors.

The advancements are significant and ongoing steps in the POET technology development that have made it possible to produce a well defined military and commercial roadmap for POET.

ODIS's optical interface chip will integrate a Laser, Optical Modulator, Modulator Driver, Detector, Receiver Amplifiers, SerDes, CDR and PLL circuits monolithically on a single chip. This breakthrough advancement utilizing III-V Gallium Arsenide technology is the first step in achieving a single device capable of interconnecting multiple processors by waveguide and/or fiber to transport ultra-high speed signals. This advancement substantially simplifies chip packaging while the optical interface chip bandwidth supports the very large data rates (>100Gb/s) for CMOS processor interconnect without the additional power otherwise required with conventional electrical i/o (input/output). The new roadmap will outline the process for speed-to-market devices, capital requirements and monetization opportunities in the commercial and defense technology markets.

The optical advancements that OPEL announces directly impact the generic optical interconnect application thus serving several of the markets that were researched in the Pellegrino & Associates valuation report dated March 2, 2011. More specifically, the valuation report provided an appraisal of POET intellectual property in the general computer market, the defense contractor market and the smartphone market. The Company will post a more in-depth summary of these recent POET accomplishments, market analysis and direction, on the OPEL Technologies and the ODIS Inc. websites.

About OPEL Technologies Inc., OPEL Solar, Inc. and ODIS Inc.

With operations in Shelton, CT and head office in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, the Company, through OPEL Solar, Inc., designs, manufactures and markets dual- and single-axis trackers and other solar related products for CPV and PV systems for energy applications worldwide. The Company, through ODIS Inc., a U.S. company, designs III-V semiconductor devices for military, industrial and commercial applications, including infrared sensor arrays and ultra-low-power random access memory. The Company has 36 patents issued and 14 patents pending in PV systems technologies and for its semiconductor POET process. The POET process enables the monolithic fabrication of integrated circuits containing both electronic and optical elements, with potential high-speed and power-efficient applications in devices such as servers, tablet computers and smartphones. OPEL's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "OPL". For more information about OPEL, please visit our websites at; and; and for ODIS at

Dated: March 28, 2012


Michel Lafrance, Secretary

This news release contains "forward-looking information" (within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws) and "forward-looking statements" (within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995). Such statements or information are identified with words such as "anticipate", "believe", "expect", "plan", "intend", "potential", "estimate", "propose", "project", "outlook", "foresee" or similar words suggesting future outcomes or statements regarding an outlook. Such statements include, among others, those concerning OPEL's anticipated success in its future commercial development.

Such forward-looking information or statements are based on a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions which may cause actual results or other expectations to differ materially from those anticipated and which may prove to be incorrect.

Although OPEL believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking information or statements are reasonable, prospective investors in OPEL's securities should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements because OPEL can provide no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Forward-looking information and statements contained in this news release are as of the date of this news release and OPEL assumes no obligation to update or revise this forward-looking information and statements except as required by law.


Vice President, Public Relations

Patricia Venneri Agudow

+1 (203) 612-2366 x2612
$OPL 60 min, Daily & Weekly charts can be found here:

+ a very extensive DD Collection!! Spread the word!!
het gaat de goede kant uit, mooi pb nu nog de cijfers, verdere stijging zal ons te wachten staan. SEVEN O je wordt beloond voor al je huiswerk, doe zo verder ik gun het je van harte.
Bedankt Lock, soms wordt hard werken beloond ;)
Binnen 3 weken hebben we de finacials en die gaan naar alle waarschijnlijkheid opnieuw een verdere stijging noteren van de inkomsten en een daling van de kosten... GLTY
OPL has an OS of 93 mil, 80 mil Float & FD at 119 mil, no toxic funding, sufficiently financially backed, and are working with an Investment bank to monetize their POET Tech...

Today OPL announced long awaited confirmation of 3 very important milestones and after a period of uncertainty the market surely appreciates it!

OPL works with BAE System, the second largest military contrator, but also with NASA, DoD US Air Force, Navy, University of Connecticut, they have 36 Patents and 15 pending for their POET Technology... big contracts are coming in 2012!!

The POET tech is so diverse that it will be deployed in Integrated Circuits, PC's, Handheld devices, Servers, Satellites, Lasers, Infra-red, Network communication, Military (drones, rifle scopes etc)!

OPL also has a solar division with highly efficient HCPV solar panels and single & dual axis trackers who are gaining market awareness!

This is a very extensive DD Collection about OPL which has a real revolutionary product called the POET Technology, check it out fellas!!
Dank u Doniss, het was even wachten op goed nieuws maar ik was vol vertrouwen dat het goed zou komen. Dit is nog maar het begin voor OPL en ik ben blij met de market respons tot dusver, maar er zit echt meer aan te komen. Voor de korte termijn verwacht ik de publicatie van de 'road map for POET', da's een meer gedetailleerde weergave van wat we kunnen verwachten en wat de mogelijkheden zijn voor deze nieuwe, en grondbrekende technologie. Het zou me zelfs niet verbazen als we morgen al iets vernemen daarvan (niets is zeker), maar aangezien ze het eind van dit kwartaal voor ogen hadden voor de bekendmaking van de zopas uitgegeven 'milestone achievements', lijkt het me aannemelijk dat ze morgen nieuws vrijgeven... maar pin me er niet op vast... Half april ongeveer kunnen we de Q4 resultaten inzien en die zullen naar alle waarschijnlijkheid hogere inkomsten noteren en lagere kosten, wat op zich een nieuwe boost zal geven voor OPL.
NASA SBIR Award Phase 2:
A while back there was no "Award Amount" and now it says $749 913 ...
So I think it won't be long before we'll see the "Start/End Date" being filed...

Proposal #: O1.01-9727
Title: Optoelectronic Infrastructure for RF/Optical Phased Arrays
Contract #: NNX12CA19C
Program/Year/Phase/Center: SBIR 2010 -2 (N/A)
Start/End Date: N/A
Award Amount: $749,913.00
Subtopic: O1.01 -Antenna Technology

When you hit the link below it will prompt you for a user name and password just hit cancel and it will automatically open SBIR details
Have a look at this how powerful POET really is.
Its quite a technical read but they even outperform IBM (DARPA Terabus project)

Read this as well!!
The following SBIR is a phase 2 with the Navy for $750k . It started mid April 2010 and the end date is June 16, 2012.
The Abstract of this SBIR “Optoelectronic directional couplers for optical switching fabrics”

Optical switching fabrics describe arrays of interconnected optical switches that enable input signals to be directed to output ports with optimal flexibility. Such arrays avoid the use of OE conversions and circuit-switched connections by allowing the optical data stream to pass through the fabric in its original form. As such, the fabric requires very dense, low loss switches with high speed reconfigurability. Such arrays can be realized with an MEMS mirror arrays, electro-optic (EO) (8x8 LiNbO3 demonstrated) , interferometric, digital optical, liquid crystal, bubble, acoustooptic and semiconductor amplifier switches. However currently all routing is done with circuit switching. The issues are insertion loss, crosstalk, extinction ratio, polarization dependence and scalability. For high speed operation the EO switch must be used and for integration only the semiconductor approach is viable. ODIS proposes a semiconductor directional coupler that can be scaled to lengths <500um and that may be integrated with other optical and electronic circuits fabricated in POET a new platform technology for OE integrated circuits. In this SBIR, ODIS will develop the directional coupler as the key switching device within the fabric and demonstrate the potential for sub-ns switching, low insertion loss, high density and connectivity to a router processor.
High speed all-optical switching fabrics are critical for next generation optical routers and would be purchased by major telecommunication networking companies such as Ciena, Juniper, Cisco, Netgear etc. The optoelectronic chip developed here will outperform other optical fabrics by an order of magnitude at a substantially reduced cost. Therefore market penetration is assured. This technology platform will also solves other problems related to optical routers such as wavelength conversion, optical DRAM and high speed logic interconnections. This approach to switching fabrics will establish a new direction in the industry.
Phase II Interim
All-Optical-Switching for nearly 30 years has been identified as a necessary capability for the routing of high speed optical data. Yet little progress has been made towards a commercial implementation and even now recent comparisons of optical and electronic packet switching in terms of scalability and energy consumption conclude that optical packet switches do not appear to offer significant improvements or energy savings compared to electronic ones. This position states that the key impediment to scaling optical switch fabrics is the energy consumed in the electronic circuits that drive the individual optical devices in the fabric and the energy consumed by the network of control lines that feed these drivers. The optical device technologies previously considered are the AWG based switches, SOA arrays, electro-optic phased-array switches and micro-resonator switches.

In this effort, we develop POET as an alternative optical switch approach that solves these problems. POET also uses micro-resonator based switches but electronic drivers are not required because the switch is a thyristor with unique properties. First the switch has a built-in calibration mechanism so that a driver circuit is not required to adjust and maintain the resonant frequency. Second, the thyristor has the latching (memory) property so that drive signals are not required to maintain each individual element. Third when the fabric is designed as a memory array the packets may be passed in a power down mode in which the array power is minimal. Finally, the POET approach allows a merging of the optical and electronic planes of the router and thus eliminates many of the EO and OE converters required for packet header recognition and replacement. When these converters are required, they are simple single stage circuits consuming minimal power.

ODIS has made significant progress in designing the appropriate resonator geometry for operation in the 1µm region, which includes the appropriate waveguide interconnect structure, the electrode structure for control of the memory and the internal cell resistor. Dynamic simulations have shown the fabric to be capable of passing 40Gb/s digital data as well as 40GHz RF. ODIS has also determined how to use the optical bit pattern in the header of the packet to perform the writing operation which simplifies the instructions required from the electronic plane. The basic cell consists of 2 optically coupled thyristor resonators coupling to input and output waveguides using minimum sized devices of 5µm on a side. Thyristor switching places the devices into the through or cross state which realizes the basic 2 x 2 functionality. WDM operation is easily accommodated by providing parallel paths at each element designed for another wavelength. Experimentally, ODIS has designed the photomasks to demonstrate the basic cell operation as well as the compatibility with the basic transistor operations inherent to the POET epitaxy. Much of the process development for this part of the work (to optimize the process producing both thyristors and transistors) has been performed to enable technology transition to BAE systems. The transition is on track with 1st reported nFET bandwidths of 38.6GHz.
Anticipated Benefits
The commercial market opportunity for optical switching fabrics could be significant if the POET optical switch becomes a serious contender for the electronic switching approach. This is expected to happen around 40GB/s data stream rates since the POET cHFET VLSI capability will dramatically outperform CMOS when the feature size gets to 0.1µm. However optical fabrics are only one aspect of one vertical market. There are numerous other vertical markets which POET will dominate and these include the wireless and handheld markets, semiconductor memory market, the server market and the general microprocessor markets to name a few. POET, with OE capability will then become a mainstream technology for all markets for data rates above 40GB/s
Some comments from Dr Taylor on this and the ultra low power memory is contained in the following article from Semiconductor Today
General Key Valuation Assumptions from the Pellegrino Report:
The following are key assumptions that are common to all of our valuation models:
• It will take between 6 and 18 months for POET to pass through technical readiness level
(“TRL”), making POET then desirable for licensing transactions.
• All revenue models rely on technology licensing fees; thus, there is no cost of goods sold
• The holding period used for the discount rate determination would reflect an investment
of 22 years (i.e., ODIS is a strategic acquisition, not a financial acquisition).
• The nominal remaining economic life for the technology is 22 years.
• ODIS will incur a 40% nominal income tax rate.
• ODIS will incur a 5% royalty payment to UCONN for the technology licensing.
• ODIS will enjoy an average of 20 remaining years for statutory protection for POET patent portfolio.
• A per-unit royalty would constitute 8.17% of the total value basis for the product.
• Once deployed, it will take 48 months for penetration of the market to the nominal ending
market share.
Defense Market Key Valuation Assumptions
The following are key assumptions that we integrated into the valuation model for the defense
• ODIS will continue to receive annual revenues from Small Business Innovation Research
(SBIR) grants and other awards, in accordance with a projected schedule provided by
ODIS representatives
• ODIS will likely license POET to one or all of the top ten defense contractors.
• A time gap that ranges between 2 and 18 months exists that captures when each defense
contractor considers executing a license.
• The defense contractors would pay an initial, nonexclusive license fee that may range
between $20 million and $50 million
• Defense contractors would make monthly royalty payments thereafter of $250,000 to
account for any product-specific royalties.
Commercial Market Key Valuation Assumptions
The following are key assumptions that we integrated into the valuation model for the
commercial market:
• The first market application for POET in the commercial market would be for generalpurpose
microprocessors for server computers.
• The second market application for POET in the commercial market would be for generalpurpose
microprocessors for desktop computers.
• The third market application for POET in the commercial market would be for generalpurpose
microprocessors for laptop computers.
• ODIS will likely license POET to one or all of the top general computer microprocessor
manufacturers on an exclusive basis.
• In each target market, POET platform would nominally allow a manufacturer to capture
its current nominal market share deploying it.
• The server processor market would start at 6,939,877 annual units, growing at 0% per
• Server processors would enter the market 48 months from the effective date of the
• Server processors average $828.89 per unit, which would serve as a basis for a negotiated
royalty payment.
• Each server would require two processors.
• The desktop processor market would start at 128,200,000 annual units, growing at 1.13%
per year.
• Desktop processors would enter the market 48 months from the effective date of the
• Desktop processors average $93.22 per unit, which would serve as a basis for a
negotiated royalty payment.
• Each desktop would require one processor.
• The laptop processor market would start at 231,900,000 annual units, growing at 12.43%
per year.
• Laptop processors would enter the market 48 months from the effective date of the
• Laptop processors average $93.22 per unit, which would serve as a basis for a negotiated
royalty payment.
• Each laptop would require one processor.
The official SBIR website finally acknowledges the NASA SBIR binging the total up to 7 PI's abd 2 PII's.
Of course, this is still not really up to date since the PII NASA contract is still unofficial but being negotiated.
So that will be a total of 3 active PII SBIRs - lots of work considering that they have to produce a device rather than a simple proof of concept as in a PI.

Looking closely at the PII SBIRs you can draw lines to the devices we have heard about:

AF 08-207 - Monolithic InfraRed pixel structures enabled by Thyristor-HFET EO logic
---- Device: uncooled IR detector; Developer: BAE

AF 08-209 - Optoelectronic directional couplers for optical switching fabrics
---- Device: Optical Interface; Developer: ? (BAE?, ODIS?)

O1.01-9727 - Optoelectronic Infrastructure for RF/Optical Phased Arrays
----- Device: TBA; Developer: ? (BAE?, ODIS? NASA GRC?)
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