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ING Ma 18 juni In het leven is niets zeker

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Heb je nog een verwachting voor de ontwikkeling van de koers deze week?
Zelf denk ik dat hij misschien wel weer terug kan vallen naar 4,50 ongeveer, als de sfeer negatief aan blijft houden.

sjaaksjaak schreef:

Op 4,80 ingestapt hopen dat we omhoog gaan!
zo te zien wel. hij gaat lekkel in usa
Ik denk dat men gokt op maatregelen van de ECB of de FED. Met die rentestanden van nu waren we toch anders wel weer richting de 260/70 gegaan?

Dullesjeng schreef:

Ik denk dat men gokt op maatregelen van de ECB of de FED. Met die rentestanden van nu waren we toch anders wel weer richting de 260/70 gegaan?
en G20 - die meeting hebben
18 juni 2012 19:31
'G20 belooft economische groei te stimuleren'

LOS CABOS (AFN) - De leiders van de G20 zijn niet van plan hun top in het Mexicaanse Los Cabos zonder mooie beloftes af te sluiten. Dat bleek maandag uit een ontwerp voor de slottekst van de top.

In die tekst geven de leiders van de belangrijkste economieën aan al het mogelijke te zullen doen om de economische groei te stimuleren. Europa belooft daarbij ,,alle nodige maatregelen'' te nemen om de schuldencrisis te bestrijden, zo blijkt uit het document dat in handen is van persbureau Reuters.

De G20-landen roepen Europa op de nauwe band tussen de overheidsfinanciën en de gezondheid van de banken te verbreken. Vooral in Spanje zetten de problemen van de banken al lange tijd grote druk op de financiële positie van de overheid.

Morgen maar weer aan de kant blijven staan, omdat er nog erg veel onzekerheden zijn. Eerst het Spanje debacle maar eens afwerken en daarbij komt er nog gewoon een behoorlijke lagere koers te staan.
€ 4,25 is misschien wel erg laag maar sluit het tegen het einde van deze week niet uit, helaas maar het is een gevoel wat ik niet kwijt raak.
Daarna maar eens in gaan stappen .

Succes maar weer.
Koersbeinvloeden heet dit spel elke dag met bezighouden van spanje en griek.
Dit is toch geen beleggen meer, meer vandalisme om geld op te halen van paar partijen.
Bij rode futs morgenochtend, starten met een ritje long.
Bij groene futs morgenochtend, starten met een ritje short.
€d_Modus Vivendi
LOS CABOS, Mexico--Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti heads into the G-20 convinced his country has done its homework and that European Union authorities should proceed with theirs, according to a television interview and sources in his entourage.
As Italian bank shares fall again in the wake of the Greek election, Mr. Monti emphasized that the key events for the euro area crisis will be the June 22 evening meeting in Rome between the heads of government of Germany, France, Spain and Italy and the European Council meeting later in the week.
The euro area needs a "road map with concrete interventions to make the euro more stably credible," Mr. Monti told Italy's SKY television in an interview here. The EU also needs a pro-growth plan, he said, adding "the two things are strictly complementary."
Mr. Monti also said the current global economic problems have their roots in imbalances that largely originated outside of Europe, most notably in the United States.
But he did acknowledge that Europe's monetary union suffers from flaws that leaders did not remedy since the single currency was launched in 1999.
That should be done now, by the EU on its own, a person in his entourage said.
Mr. Monti noted that Italy had been at the center of attention of the last G-20 meeting--in Cannes last November, where EU leaders pressured former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to seek a loan from the International Monetary Fund--but that it had been among the most active in implementing pledges and requirements agreed then.
Mr. Monti met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in a closed-door bilateral meeting and is due to hold similar encounters with the president of Brazil and of the European Commission before the G-20 summit formally begins.
Achterkamertjes politiek
€d_Modus Vivendi

zjeeraar schreef op 18 juni 2012 19:59:

Morgen maar weer aan de kant blijven staan, omdat er nog erg veel onzekerheden zijn. Eerst het Spanje debacle maar eens afwerken en daarbij komt er nog gewoon een behoorlijke lagere koers te staan.
€ 4,25 is misschien wel erg laag maar sluit het tegen het einde van deze week niet uit, helaas maar het is een gevoel wat ik niet kwijt raak.
Daarna maar eens in gaan stappen .

Succes maar weer.
je zal toch zjee raar kijken als het de groene kant op jetzt
€d_Modus Vivendi

LOS CABOS, Mexico--Some parts of Europe's response to the financial crisis can be put in place quickly after setting out priorities at a European Union summit later this month, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said Monday.
"Today the debate is how far, and how quickly we are going to complete the monetary union with fiscal union, and in some cases a true political union," he told reporters. For a banking union, "we the commission are ready to put forward proposals needed by autumn, and we can do it without revision of treaty."
Still, EU Council President Herman van Rompuy stressed that making a hasty decision for the sake of it would be wrong.
"The pace of decision is less important than the decision we make," he said.
€d_Modus Vivendi

Key world leaders trying to push the euro zone toward more aggressive action will commit to doing everything necessary to calm roiled global markets, according to a senior government official who has seen a draft communique.
"We are committed to adopting all necessary policy measures to strengthen demand, support global growth and restore confidence," the official, from one of the Group of 20 largest industrialized and developing economies, read from an early G-20 draft document.
He also said the draft communique says, "We look forward to the euro area working in partnership with the next Greek government to ensure they remain on the path of reform and sustainability in the euro area."
"Strong, sustainable and balanced growth remains the top priority of the G20 as it leads to higher job creation and increases the welfare of people across the world," it says.
€d_Modus Vivendi
ma 18 jun 2012, 19:34
Obama: uitslag Griekenland positief teken
WASHINGTON (AFN) - De verkiezingsuitslag in Griekenland is een positief teken. Dat heeft de Amerikaanse president Barack Obama maandag gezegd. Hij hoopt dat hiermee het land doorgaat met de voorgenomen hervormingen.

Volgens hem biedt de uitslag een positief vooruitzicht voor het vormen van een regering, maar ook voor een constructieve samenwerking met internationale partners.

Zondag wonnen de conservatieve partij Nieuwe Democratie (ND) en de socialistische partij Pasok een meerderheid. Beiden zijn pro-Europees en voor bezuinigingen die nodig zijn om te voldoen aan voorwaarden voor het krijgen van noodfondsen uit Europa.
€d_Modus Vivendi
By William Boston
LOS CABOS, Mexico--German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday dashed hopes that, following Greek conservatives' victory in Sunday's election, Berlin would agree to give Athens more time to meet its commitments under an international aid agreement which has kept the Greek state afloat.
Ms. Merkel welcomed the victory by Greece's pro-European conservative New Democracy party in the election, calling it "important news for all of Europe" and expressing hope that Athens could quickly form a stable government after failing to do so after elections on May 6, which forced a new election just six weeks later.
In the hours after the Greek election results came in on Sunday, speculation arose that Germany would now support an extension of the time frame of the second Greek bailout, which sets clear targets on deficit and debt reduction and spending cuts to 2020. Greek political parties are hoping for an extension of the program in order to help revive their economy and lessen the blow from spending cuts on the broader population, which could involve a new batch of aid for Athens.
"I clearly will not speak about a new aid package," Ms. Merkel told reporters at a seaside residence where she is staying during a summit of leaders from the Group of 20 largest advanced and developing countries. "It is more important that the new (Greek) government stick to the commitments that Greece has made to the international community and its partners in the European Union."
Global leaders attending the two-day summit in Los Cabos are expected to press Europe to do more to keep the euro zone debt crisis from spreading to the global economy. The U.S. has urged European leaders to take stronger action to boost the 27-nation bloc's weakest economies. Concern is growing in Europe and around the world that efforts to quickly reduce the debt of struggling euro-zone nations such as Greece are driving these countries into recession. Germany is willing to back growth efforts but not with new spending programs or at the expense of efforts to reduce the deficits of over-indebted euro zone members.
"Naturally, we will speak to Greece about whether additional growth-boosting measures are possible within the context of the growth program that we are creating for the entire European Union," Ms. Merkel told reporters. "But that doesn't change anything in the conditions of the Memorandum of Understanding (the Greek bailout program)."
The so-called troika commission of experts from the European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund that monitors the Greek bailout program is planning to go back to Greece to assess the situation as soon as the country has formed a government. Ms. Merkel said no new assessment of Greece's needs can be made before the next troika report is published.
For now, at least, Germany opposes any discussion of loosening the terms of the Greek program or renegotiating Greece's fundamental commitments.
"It will be a good signal to carry out the reforms," Ms. Merkel said. "But no exception to these reform steps can be made."

Kiek die fruts eens gaan nu, zo we moren lager kunnen openen. Elke dag maar weer H.h. van rood en groen, kunnen we nu niet eens meer gewoon alleen groene dagen hebben.
€d_Modus Vivendi
ma 18 jun 2012, 21:02
'Griekse regering wordt dinsdag gevormd'
ATHENE (AFN) - De Griekse partijen die in grote lijnen achter het bezuinigingsplan in Griekenland staan komen er dinsdag uit. Dat zei maandag een belangrijke bron binnen Nieuwe Democratie, die zondag als grootste partij uit de stembus kwam.

,,We gaan morgen een deal sluiten, we vormen een regering'', zei de hoge functionaris, die anoniem wilde blijven. Hij zei dat de socialistische partij Pasok, die 13 procent van de stemmen behaalde, in de regering deelneemt. Daarnaast hoopt hij dat Democratisch Links, een kleinere gematigde linkse partij, meedoet
€d_Modus Vivendi

--Samaras meets leaders of four other parties
--Conservatives say coalition deal should be reached within three days
--Analysts see parties reaching deal because of high stakes
--New government must pave way for return of troika of creditors
(Updates to rewrite first paragraph, add information on Democratic Left Party in eighth paragraph and add detail in final paragraph.)
By Stelios Bouras and Costas Paris
ATHENS--Greece's two leading pro-bailout parties appeared late Monday to be headed into an alliance that would give them the majority needed to keep promised reform policies on course, but they were scrambling to find support from others in Parliament for a broad cross-party coalition government.
After formally receiving an exploratory mandate from Greek President Karolos Papoulias earlier in the day, conservative New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras quickly met with the heads of four other parties late Monday. Following those meetings, Mr. Samaras signaled a deal between him and his Socialist party counterpart, Evangelos Venizelos, would be reached within three days.
"Mr. Venizelos and I are in agreement that, no matter what, a government of national salvation must be formed within the deadline for the mandate given to me by the president," Mr. Samaras said after the third of the four scheduled meetings.
Although New Democracy won the most votes in Sunday's elections, it doesn't control enough seats to govern on its own and must seek a coalition partner to form a majority in Greece's 300-member parliament. Its former coalition partner, the Socialist Pasok Party--which also supports the country's European-led bailout--came in third in the vote. Combined, the two parties would control 162 seats, giving them a comfortable margin of support.
The new government will face high hurdles, with a central administration threatened by a cash crunch within weeks, an economy in free fall and an angry public exhausted by two years of austerity measures.
Its first task will be to come up with 11.5 billion euros ($14.6 billion) or more of new austerity measures demanded by the country's creditors, which could further inflame the public.
Facing strident opposition in Parliament from Greece's anti-austerity Syriza Party--which came in a strong second in Sunday's vote--Mssrs. Samaras and Venizelos have been trying to rope in other party leaders to gain as broad as possible backing for the tough decisions that lie ahead.
One possible candidate could be the small, Democratic Left Party, which accepts the loan deal but wants Greece to ease the terms of the austerity measures.
But even without that support, the two are ready to reach a deal and have held advanced talks on forming a government, officials from both parties say. In separate remarks to journalists, Mr. Venizelos said issues relating to who would be the next prime minister and the allocation of cabinet portfolios was "an easy issue."
Already, two names have been floated as possible finance ministers in the new government: former European Commissioner Stavros Dimas and former Development Minister Kostis Hadjidakis--both New Democracy Party members.
But as of late Monday, there appeared to be little enthusiasm from at least three of the other parties in Parliament. Samaras first met with Alexis Tsipras, the leader of the leftist Syriza Party, which has become the new force in Greek politics after campaigning on a fierce anti-austerity ticket.
After the meeting, Mr. Tsipras urged Mr. Samaras to form a government that would seek to renegotiate the terms of a EUR130 billion loan agreement "as soon as possible," even though he made clear his party wouldn't be part of it.
"Greece's significant and reinforced ability to renegotiate the terms of its loan deal must not be wasted," Mr. Tsipras said. "We won't stand in the way, but we won't cede this right that was earned with our efforts."
Hopes that a coalition government is close at hand pushed Greek stocks more than 6% higher in early trading, led by gains in banking shares, before ending up 3.6% at the close.
Sunday's elections come some six weeks after an inconclusive May 6 vote that left Greece with a hung parliament. Despite 10 days of coalition talks then, Greece's political parties failed to reach a cross-party deal, forcing this month's second round. But this time around, analysts see New Democracy teaming up with Pasok, possibly even with the participation of the Democratic Left Party, because doubts over the country's future in the euro zone have grown sharply since the last elections.
"There is no comparison with today and a month ago; the stakes are much higher," said Anthony Livanios, a political analyst. "The Pasok and New Democracy agendas have a common denominator. Greeks know that they must go ahead with reforms or leave the euro zone."
Mr. Samaras has been an unequivocal backer of Greece's euro-zone membership, even though he reiterated Monday that he wants to tweak the austerity program Greece has promised its European and international creditors.
"We will abide by the agreement, but at the same time we're seeking an agreement on policies that will give the Greek people room to breathe," he said in remarks earlier Monday.
In the weeks leading up to Sunday's vote, Mr. Samaras sought to turn the elections into a de facto referendum on the euro, saying a vote for Syriza would be tantamount to voting for a return to the drachma, Greece's former currency.
Mr. Venizelos, who like Mr. Samaras also called for a national unity government, urged Papoulias to speed up party talks to ensure a new government is formed quickly. Both Mssrs. Venizelos and Samaras have asked the president to preside over a meeting of party chiefs--possibly Tuesday--to help find common ground.
--Nektaria Stamouli in Athens contributed to this article.
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