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Sorry vriend, fijn dat je er weer bent. Zie het nu pas. En wel zeker heel veel bedankjes voor al je werk en het doorgeven van alle relevante informatie. Hoop dat je er nu weer zin in hebt en nog heel lang blijft. Groetjes Tonijntje.
Indian steel mills must focus on value added steel - Deloitte

Mr Nicholas Sowar, Global Steel Leader, Deloitte LLP, said that Indian steel companies should focus on adding capacity to the value added steel for specific end-users market as crude steel will continue to face oversupply pressures.

Mr Sowar said that “In terms of adding capacity, Indian steel makers need to find the selective niche for value added products. I believe India can replicate the Korean and Japanese model where steelmakers worked closely with automobile manufacturers to add capacity and have a ready market.”

Mr Sowar said that if Indian steel makers are able to successfully add capacity for value added products, the country has the potential for being a successful regional player in the global market.

He said that “The only concern I have is with respect to energy security and the pace of clearances. The delays to the POSCO and ArcelorMittal projects have sent a negative signal to global investors. Therefore, Indian manufacturers will have to take the lead.”

Meanwhile, on the issue of acquisition opportunities in the troubled European market, Mr Sowar said that at the right price there are good assets available.

He added that “Yes, Europe is growing at a slow pace but they won’t stop producing cars and white goods. Therefore, in the flat steel (hot rolled coil) segment, there are good opportunities with plants which have great technology.”

Source – Business Line
Operation at 20-30pct iron ore mines in China close to bankruptcy - Minmetals

Mr Li Fuli, VP with China Minmetals Corporation said that operation at 20% to 30% small iron ore mines in China has been suspended and those mines are now on the verge of bankruptcy due to high cost and streams of lower-priced seaborne cargoes.

Mr Li said that "Reflecting new capacities in next years and market acceptance of prices for high Fe content iron ore products, there are a lot of space for further price drops. Global mining sector is going through a deep restructuring and some less competitive will be forced out of the market."

Source -
China steel information centre and industry database
Chinese private steelmakers facing capital risks - Report

Report has it that Shanxi Haixin Steel underwent debt restructuring recently. Besides, some other private steelmakers also faced with capital shortage dilemma.

According to statistics from Metallurgical Chamber of Commerce, by the end of late August, the debt to assets ratio of 80 major steelmakers hit 63.5%, representing a YoY decreasing of 0.7%. Among them, the debt to assets ratio of 63 steelmakers stayed below 70%; that of 19 steelmakers stayed above 70%; that of 17 steelmakers was above 80%; that of the remaining 6 steelmakers was above 90%.

In the H1 of this year, the crude steel production of private steelmakers in Hebei province decreased 2.21%; the pig iron production dropped 1.67%; while the sales revenue decrease 11.64% with a profit of CNY 5.198 billion all compared to the same period last year. What’s worse, many small private steelmakers and more than one third small miners in Tangshan been closed down.

Meanwhile, the increase rate of private steelmakers in Shandong was less than that of state owned steelmakers. No steelmakers been included into accounted suffered losses, however, miners in Shandong all faced with difficuties. According to insider resources, there are only 3 out of 70 small and middle-sized steelmakers were in normal production.

In Henan province, the production of crude steel, pig iron and steel products increased 22.19%, 11.35% and 14.89% YoY, separately. In specifical, Jiyuan Steel, Fengbao Steel, Hanye Special Steel achieved little profit, while other private steelmakers suffered losses. 9 steelmakers under investigation said that they were faced with capital shortage.

In Shanxi Province, the pig iron and crude steel production, sales revenue and profit slumped substantially year on year. Zhongyang Steel, Liheng Steel and XInjinshan Steel were in a bette off status. Haixin suffered debt restructuring while Changpin Steel, Changxin Steel, Antai Steel and Datong Steel encountered with capital shortage.

In Jiangsu province, Shente Steel, Xicheng Steel and Huaxi Steel suffered capital constraint. Other private steelmakers in Jiangsu province were better than other provinces. The average price of per tonne of steel of major private steelmakers was 91 yuan per tonne. Besides, Fangda Special Steel was in a relatively good status.

Source -
China steel information centre and industry database
Jiangsu to eliminate 4 million tonnes of steel capacity by 2015 end

Jiangsu province, located in eastern China, has recently rolled out the implementation plan for energy conservation and low carbon development during 2014 to 2015.

The plan specified the targets for energy saving and emission reduction, aiming to eliminate backward steel capacity by 4 million tonnes by the end of next year.

Source -
China steel information centre and industry database
Latin American steel exports to US up by 31pct

According to figures from the US Census Bureau, steel exports from Latin America to the US increased 30.9% in September. Exports totaled 776,019 tonnes in the month up from 592,687 tonne in September 2013.

The biggest increase was in exports from Mexico, which reached 332,696 tonnes up from 239,749 tonnes in September 2013, followed by Brazil, at 409,035 tonnes compared to 334,336 tonnes. Argentina exported 13,007 tonnes down from 15,613 tonnes, Colombia 959 tonnes up from 749 tonnes and Chile 21 tonnes, up from zero.

By value, exports from the region were up 48% to USD 591 million from USD 399 million in the same year ago month, with Mexico accounting for USD 321 million up from USD 195 million and Brazil USD 234 million up from USD 172 million.

Brazil was the world's third biggest exporter by volume behind Canada and Russia, with Mexico fifth behind South Korea. By value, Mexico was second behind Canada, with Brazil sixth behind South Korea, China and Russia.

Source – Business News Americas
Magnetation plant up and running ahead of schedule

WLFI reported that after 17 months of construction and USD 350 million, the Magnetation plant in Reynolds is up and running. Construction on the plant finished up almost four months ahead of schedule.

Mr Larry Lehtinen CEO of Magnetation said that “Starting from zero we’re up to a little over half capacity in terms of the run rate and expecting some step changes of improvement from here forward over the next few weeks.”

Mr Lehtinen said that “The company produces iron ore pellets and ships them off to be turned into steel. The Reynolds plant opened last month. Crews are working on perfecting the pellets. There’s different kinds of pellets we make, depending on the ingredients we’re putting in. And so far we’ve been making a pellet, basically a plain-Jane pellet, with the minimum of ingredients. We’re in the process of adding more ingredients.”

He said that next year the 125 employees will produce more than 2.85 million tons of pellets. That’s our budget, and we’d like to make that and hopefully even exceed that. And then the following year, we’ll actually meet the full design capacity of 3 million tonnes.”

He added that “We’re just really happy with our home here in Indiana. We’re really happy with the community’s support, and I’m really pleased with the enthusiasm and dedication of the team here at Reynolds.”

Source – WLFI
Japan's iron ore imports decreases in Sep

According to statistics released by Japan’s Ministry of Finance, Japan imported 11.9 million tonnes of iron ore in September, declining by 2.1% compared to the same month of last year.

The average price of iron ore imports was at JPY 12,482 per tonne down by 5.9% compared to the corresponding period of last year.

The country’s imports of iron ore registered an incline of 1% to 68.3 million tonnes during April to September compared to the same time of last year.

Source -
Japan's Tokyo Steel crude steel output raises in Apr-Sep

Japan’s Tokyo Steel said that the company’s crude steel output during April to September totaled 1.14 million tonnes up by 147,000 tonnes from the same period a year ago.

Among them, 1.11 million tonnes were steel finished products, up by 169,000 tonnes or 17.9% YoY. The company’s sales during April to September amounted to 1.14 million tonnes up by 221,000 tonnes or 24% compared to the same time of last year.

The company’s steel prices were averaged at JPY 72,900 per tonne up by JPY 6,400 per tonne YoY.

Source -
Respect voda waar haal je alles vandaan.
Jij moet de hele dag informatie ergens aan het opslurpen zijn.

Hopelijk wordt je er op een of andere manier ook voor beloond.

Voor mij als beginner zijn sommige berichten nog abacadabara maar hopelijk wordt dit in de toekomst beter.

[Modbreak IEX: Gelieve elkaar niet persoonlijk aan te vallen, bericht is bij dezen verwijderd.]

De Schaker 75 schreef op 26 oktober 2014 20:22:

[Modbreak IEX: Gelieve elkaar niet persoonlijk aan te vallen, bericht is bij dezen verwijderd.]
Je hebt wel vaker wat over andere personen op te merken.

Als je de nieuwsberichten van Voda niet wilt lezen dan sla je deze maar over.

Deze opmerking van jou is zeer onterecht en daar wil ik het bij laten.



De Schaker 75 schreef op 26 oktober 2014 20:22:

[Modbreak IEX: Gelieve elkaar niet persoonlijk aan te vallen, bericht is bij dezen verwijderd.]
Ha "de Schaker"

Misschien is het handig om te focussen op het beleggen.
Of je elke dag wel of niet naar de beurs kijkt maakt ook niets uit, doen de meesten ook hier.

Waarom op de man spelen?

Ik ben wel erg blij met de bijdragen van Voda, consequent, zorgvuldig en vooral al langere tijd. Nooit een fout woord of actie zover ik weet. Daar kunnen velen een voorbeeld aan nemen.

Succes in ieder geval met beleggen, daar gaat het om, beter niet persoonlijk worden.

Beste schaker,

Als je je irriteert aan dit onderdeel van het forum waarom lees je het dan.
Ik begrijp nog niet alles van deze site af en toe lijkt het wel om elkaar de grond in te boren.
Ik begrijp dat iedereen zijn eigen visie en mening heeft maar het gaat hier soms wel heel rechtstreeks naar de persoon toe.
Best jammer maar goed.
Ik kan natuurlijk niet zien of voda perfect is want zie zijn keuzes niet in aandelen en wat zijn rendement is.
Maar als iemand de tijd neemt om informatie te plaatsen dan heb ik daar respect voor.
Heb zelf een eigen bedrijf en zie teveel mensen in onze samenleving die niks willen doen en wel er het meest beloond voor willen worden.

Ik ben een beginner en iedere informatie bron is voor mij een beetje hulp in de goede richting.

Probeer het is positief te zien ipv negatief want dat is altijd zo makkelijk.
En neem zelf verantwoordelijkheid voor informatie te delen als jij ziet dat het anders is zoals voda plaats.

Gr. Een optimist
Iedereen bedankt voor de support en ab's natuurlijk.
Zo'n poster als De Schaker, tja, daar reageer ik verder niet meer op.
Alles is al beantwoord, wat ik eventueeel geschreven zou hebben.

voda schreef op 27 oktober 2014 16:49:

Iedereen bedankt voor de support en ab's natuurlijk.
Zo'n poster als De Schaker, tja, daar reageer ik verder niet meer op.
Alles is al beantwoord, wat ik eventueeel geschreven zou hebben.
och wat zijn we toch lief voor elkaar dit sentimenteel gedoe past niet op de beurs. Voor voda telt een ding als zijn ego maar gestreeld wordt.
Chinese steel export increase ferments steel war between China and others

Chinese leaders hope that China, the second economy entity in the world, can get rid of its dependence on exports. However, this year is surely a bumper year of export for Chinese steelmakers. Statistics from Customs shows that Chinese steel exported increased 73% YoY to 8.52 million tonnes, recording a new high in history.

In addition to sluggish market demand, the strict environmental regulations and heavy debt burden forced Chinese steelmakers trying to expand export to get rid of dilemma.

However, this trend may cause US and Europe to take measures against it. Recently, US approves antidumping measures against steel pipe from South Korea and other countries. Europe also proposed with a trade lawsuit about steel trade on mid May.

Although most of Chinese steel products has been exported to Asia market instead of Europe, these trade frictions also will exert chain reaction to steel price and global steel trade.

Mr Kevin Dempsey, senior president of American Iron and Steel Institute said that “US steel sector is facing with import increase from all over the world, which boosted US economy to some extent. China was trying to sell excess steel products to other countries at low price, which as a result will cause chaos in global market. Now, Chinese steel export hit the record in history, but global steel demand stayed far away from the highest level. US economy is relatively strong till now.”

Mr Michael Shillaker, GM of Credit Suisse said “If the price continued falling, US will blame it on China. Since this year, US HRC price dropped 5% YoY; that in Europe declined 13%; that in China decreased 17% YoY.”

Source -
China steel information centre and industry database
Crunch time for USD 5 billion in Gladstone steel project

Crunch time is coming for a proposed steel plant in Gladstone steel project, with a key group of Malaysian investors to visit next month in the hope they will commit USD 5 billion to the project.

Director Mr Ross Johnson and CEO Mr David Simpson told the audience at the Gladstone Engineering Alliance Major Industry Conference they wanted to be ready for construction in January 2016. We're envisaging local companies will take the lead and they may bring in others with skills they don't have themselves.

With 1800 operational jobs up for grabs, Mr Johnson said he wasn't sure Gladstone could provide all the numbers, so they envisaged there may be a camp situation to begin with until any employees from out of town could be settled.

He said that "Our work situation is such that we'd like to think we can provide jobs for two partners of a family, and one thing we're conscious of is childcare, so we will also be incorporating childcare facilities on or off site."

Mr Simpson said that “The Malaysian investment team will visit in November for 10 days to review the project. It's crunch time for us. You may never see us again after Christmas or you'll see us all the time. Boulder is the name that many people will be familiar it's just going to float off into the distance and do something else not involved in the project."

He said that the new major shareholder of Boulder Steel was essentially the former Boulder Steel Rescue Group, now known as Gladstone Steel Pty Ltd, and there were arrangements between the three groups that would take Boulder out of the project.

Source – Gladstone Observer
BHPB and Rio face disappointment - Fortescue

Mr Nev Power CEO of Fortescue Metals Group said that BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto will be sadly disappointed if their aggressive expansion plans are aimed at knocking out the nation’s third biggest iron ore producer.

Shares in Fortescue have plunged as quickly as the iron ore price, dropping 45% since February to AUD 3.57 on Friday and wiping off AUD 2.6 billion from the value of Andrew Twiggy Forrest’s 33% stake.

Concerns have emerged about how long Fortescue can sustain the price rout, especially after larger rivals BHP and Rio upped the ante by planning to add an extra 75 million tonnes to the market by 2017, or nearly half what Fortescue is now producing. Iron ore prices are hovering at about USD 80 per tonne, a five year low.

In a bitter war of words between the leading executives, Mr Andrew Harding CEO of Rio Tinto iron ore suggested Mr Power was panicking, after the Fortescue chief described the expansions as a corched earth strategy.

It may have a street on its mine named quality street but its ore remains a lower grade than that of its bigger rivals BHP and Rio and as a result it has to offer discounts to its Chinese steel customers.

Fortescue is now pocketing about USD 10 per tonne to USD 15 per tonne of ore exported from its Pilbara operations.

Source - Australian Financial Review
Iron ore cost curve in China flatten - CICC

China International Capital Corporation Limited, a well known investment bank in China, revises down iron ore price forecast to USD 87 for Q4 and USD 82 for 2015 in its latest report.

CICC said that IO62-CNI=SI has risen to USD 81.5 from USD 77.5, the new low in five years came at the end of third quarter, but marginal cost is high at USD 110.

According to National Bureau of Statistics, commenting on the 9% increase in Chinese domestic iron ore output in the first eight months, CICC finds many miners have already cut down production since Q2, and yet coming in of low cost capacities have flatten iron ore cost curve in China and mitigate the impact from closure of high-cost capacities.

For Q4, the investment bank is ‘relatively optimistic’ about auto, home appliance etc but still negative about steel prices, citing the downward in property market, which accounts for 40 percent of steel demand.

Source -
China steel information centre and industry database
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