The lack of dynamism continues to characterize steel market in Latin America
The lack of dynamism continues to characterize the steel market in Latin America during the first 8 months of 2014; regional crude steel production increased 2% and finished steel output displayed a 1% drop vs same period of 2013. Meanwhile, consumption grew only 1%.
However, imports of finished steel continue to gain market share and now represent 32% of the Latin Ame rican consumption. The regional trade balance continues to deteriorate; between Jan/Aug 2014 the unbalance deepened 14% in terms of volume, YoY.
Finished steel consumption;
In Jan/Aug 2014, the consumption of finished steel in the region reached 46.2 million tonnes, only 1% more than in the same period of 2013. The largest increases in consumption (in volume and in percentage terms) occurred in Mexico (1.8 million additional tons, an increase of 14%), Colombia (459,000 tonnes, + 20%) and Argentina (171,000 tonnes, up 5%). On the other hand, Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador and Chile described sharp declines.
It is worth mentioning the strong decrease in consumption recorded in Brazil, that contracted 5%, equivalent to a reduction of 844,000 tonnes YoY. This decrease became further marked during the last quarter (June/August), when the volume consumed was 12.8% lower than in the same months of 2013.
Trade balance;
In the first 8 months of 2014, 14.9 million tonnes of imported finished steel arrived at Latin America, 4.2% above the level recorded in 2013 (14.3 million). If current import volumes is compared to the ones observed at the beginning of the decade (Jan/ Aug 2010) when imports amounted to 12.2 million tonnes, the increase reaches 21%.
At present, imports of finished teel represent 32% of the regional consumption, resulting in the loss of market share for local producers and additional pressure on the market.
Exports reached 5 million tonnes, decreasing 10% vs.the first 8 months of 2013. Between Jan/Aug 2014 the region accumulated a trade deficit of -9.8 million. This imbalance is 14% deeper than the one observed for the same period of 2013 (-8.6 million tonnes).
In Jan/Aug 2014, all countries of Latin America and the Caribbean presented trade deficits in the finished steel market. The more pronounced could be observed in Mexico (3.2 million tonnes), followed by Colombia (1.6 million tonnes), Chile (-1 million tonnes) and Peru (-1 million tonnes).
In the first 8 months of 2014, Latin America and the Caribbean produced 43.7 million tonnes of crude steel, 2% above the level of 2013. Brazil accounted for 52% of the regional output (22.6 million tonnes), although it showed a slight decline of 1% YoY. The strongest crude steel production increases (YoY, in percentage terms) were registered in Argentina (+9%), Ecuador (+ 9%), Mexico (+ 7%) and Peru (+ 2%). Venezuela and Chile, on the other hand, displayed declines of -45% and -19%, respectively.
In the same period, Latin America produced 37.6 million tonnes of finished steel, 1% less than in the same months of 2013. Brazil was the largest producer (16.6 million tonnes), 45% of the Latin American output. Mexico ranked second (11.7 million tonnes and 31% of the regional production). Growing at rates of 14% and 10% respectively, Colombia and Mexico showed the greater increases in finished steel production YoY. Meanwhile, Venezuela's and Chile's outputs fell 43% and -22 %, respectively.
Source – Strategic Research Institute