Latin America finished steel imports from China reached 6.7 million tonnes in Jan-Oct 2014
Between January and October 2014, China shipped 6.7 million tonnes of finished steel to Latin America, 54% more than the 4.4 million tonnes registered in the same period of 2013.
Meanwhile, total exports of finished steel from China to the world continued to grow rapidly but at a slower pace. These exports reached 66.5 million tonnes, 47% more than in the same months of 2013.
The volume of Chinese steel received by Latin America accounted for 11.5% of the regional consumption (estimated in 58.5 million tonnes).
Latin America is stablishing as the second destination for Chinese steel, expanding its participation from 9.7% to 10.1% from January to October 2013 to January to October 2014. South Korea, with a share of 15.7% and an imported volume of 10.4 million tons, ranks first among Chinese destinations.
In October 2014, Latin America received 671,943 tonnes of finished steel from China, 10% more than in September (610,787 tonnes) and 51% more than in October 2013 (445,919 tonnes).
Chinese finished steel imports by destination;
The main Latin American destinations for the finished steel from China, between January and October 2014, were Brazil (received 1.6 million tonnes, 24% of the regional inflow), Chile (1 million tonnes, 15% share) and Central America (930,357 tonnes, 14% share).
In these ten months, the most significant YoY increases for imports from China (in percentage points) were registered in Argentina (+139%), Paraguay (+132%), Mexico (+ 128%) and Colombia (+125%). Argentina and Paraguay, however, continue to display very low volumes.
Mexico continues to show a steady increase of its finished steel imports from China. During the analyzed period, Mexico received 573,040 tonnes (9% of China ´s shipments to the region) and currently ranks as the sixth regional destination.
Imports from China by products;
Flat products represented 67% of the finished steel that arrived from China during January to October 2014 and reached 4.5 million tonnes.
1. Sheet and coils of other alloy steel (1.7 million tonnes, 38% of the flat steel from China)
2. Hot Galvanized (903,192 tonnes, 20%)
3. Cold Rolled Coils (896,314 tonnes, 20%).
China exported to Latin America 1.8 million tonnes of long products, mainly concentrated in:
1. Rod wire (869,938 tonnes, 54% of long products imports)
2. Bars (572,129 tonnes, 36%).
Source - Strategic Research Institute