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Vale sees iron ore prices stable in 2015

Reuters reported that Brazilian miner Vale SA expects 2015 to be a tough year for iron ore, but the price of the steel ingredient is not likely to fall below current levels.

Mr Peter Poppinga head of iron ore of Vale said that the iron ore market .IO62-CNI=SI is likely to find a balance between supply and demand in the next year or two.

Source - Reuters
18 december 2014 , 14:27 uur

Grote order voor Arcelor!

Bremer staalfabriek levert staal voor pijpleiding
De Bremen staalfabrieken zijn betrokken bij de bouw van een van 's werelds grootste olie- en gaspijpleidingen . Dit werd aangekondigd door het bedrijf Arcelor Mittal . De Europese Unie , het project had gereden , na Rusland onlangs uit de aanleg van een pijpleiding had gekregen .

De staalfabriek Arcelor Mittal [ Bron : Radio Bremen ]
De Bremen staalfabriek van Arcelor Mittal .

De 2000 km lange pijpleiding zal uitstrekken van Azerbeidzjan in heel Turkije naar de EU-grens . Want dit is de Bremen plant van Arcelor Mittal leveren meer dan 300.000 ton staal . Dit is iets meer dan een derde van de voor de gehele pijplijn project bedragen .

Volgens Arcelor is de grootste order die de Bremen plant ooit in de olie- en gasindustrie heeft ontvangen . De bouw van de pijpleiding zal naar verwachting duren tot 2018 , ongeveer zeven miljard dollar zal de kosten van het project . Het moet helpen om de energievoorziening veilig te stellen in Europa. Al in 2015 , het staal van de Bremen fabriek te leveren .

dit bericht heb ik vertaald.
mvliex 1
Wereldwijde staalproductie licht omhoog

Gepubliceerd op 19 dec 2014 om 15:04
BRUSSEL (AFN) - De wereldwijde staalproductie is in november met 0,1 procent toegenomen tot 131 miljoen ton in vergelijking met een jaar eerder. Dat bleek vrijdag uit cijfers van de World Steel Association.

China produceerde vorige maand 63,3 miljoen ton staal, een daling met 0,2 procent. De Japanse productie daalde met 1,1 procent tot 9,2 miljoen ton. De Zuid-Koreaanse productie steeg met 5,5 procent tot 5,9 miljoen ton.

In Duitsland daalde de productie met 1,9 procent naar 3,6 miljoen ton. De Franse productie steeg juist met 5,8 procent tot 1,4 miljoen ton.

In de Verenigde Staten ging de staalproductie met 1,5 procent omhoog naar 7,2 miljoen ton. De bezettingsgraad bedroeg 73,5 procent, een daling met 2,5 procentpunt op jaarbasis.
NMDC plan to meet 100 million tonnes iron ore output target by 2020-21

Economic Times reported that with the India’s mines ministry directing it to advance its production target by 4 years to produce 100 million tonne of iron ore by 2020-21, NMDC is racing against time to prepare a detailed action plan to achieve it.

The company which produced 30 million tonne of iron ore in 2013-14, is faced with the daunting task of expanding output more than 3 fold in less than 5 years with few new mines in hand and some of its existing ones located in areas prone to Maoist attacks.

Mr Narendra Kothari chairman of NMDC said that "We are currently preparing a detailed action plan till 2025 to achieve a higher production level. The plan will include details of achieving the target of 100 million tonne of production."

NMDC said that it will expand production by 14 million tonnes by August 2015 from two new mines that are slated to come into production. This includes the 11B mine at Bailadila deposit in Chhattisgarh and the Kumaraswamy mine in Karnataka both of which have a capacity of 7 million tonne. It is gearing up to jack up output to 48 million tonne next year, with the next step likely to raise output to 65 million tonne. However, the company would require new mining leases to expand its capacity since it has no mining leases for development at present.

Mr Narendra Singh Tomar, union steel & mines minister, said that NMDC to aim for 75 million tonne of iron ore by 2018-19 and 100 million tonne by 2020-21, to increase iron ore availability in the country. The target will be incorporated in the Moll between NMDC and the government. While NMDC plans to raise production to 65 million tonne by 2018-19 and to 100 million tonne by 2025, it will now have to advance its production targets to meet the ministry's directive.

Source – Economic Times
ASEAN apparent steel demand dips by 5.3% YoY in the H1 of 2014

The South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute in a recent release said that total steel demand in the six ASEAN member countries of SEAISI dropped by 5.3% YoY to 32.2 million tonnes in the H1 of 2014.

This was due to the declines of steel demand in Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia. Amidst the slowdown in steel demand in many countries in the region, Indonesia and Philippines still managed to enjoy positive growth rates in steel consumption in the same period of 2014.

Singapore registered the highest rate of drop in steel demand in the region at 24.9% YoY to 1.6 million tonnes in the H1 of 2014, followed by Thailand which saw its steel demand dropping 15.1% YoY to 8.2 million tonnes in the same period. Malaysia’s steel consumption dropped moderately from 4.9 million tonnes to 4.7 million tonnes in the same period. Vietnam’s steel demand dropped by 2% YoY to 6.4 million tonnes. In absolute term, Thailand registered the highest drop in steel demand, almost 1.5 million tonnes.

Singapore’s steel demand for both flat steel and long steel registered declines of 29% YoY and 16% YoY, respectively. However, NatSteel Holdings, the solely steel producer in the country, boosted its production after the temporary shutdown in previous year for upgrading work, registering a significant increase of 41% YoY. Total steel import dropped significantly by 19% YoY.

Thailand’s steel demand, which shrank by 1.5 million tonnes in the first half of 2014 comapred to the same period of 2013, has significant impact on the decline of steel demand in the region. Both flat steel and long steel demand registered declines of 17% YoY and 11% Yoy, respectively. Total steel import in the country declined by 16% YoY in the same period of 2014.

The decline in Malaysia’s steel demand of 4% YoY was largely due to the drop of 22% YoY in flat steel demand. Demand for long steel rose 10% YoY. However, domestic producers for long steel did not benefit from the growth in domestic demand and saw little change in production volume. Import of long steel, on the other hand, rose substantially, by 24% YoY in the same period.

Vietnam’s flat steel demand showed that a significant decline of 13% YoY to 3 million tonnes in the H1 of 2014. Meanwhile, demand for long steel rose by 11% YoY to 3.4 million tonnes in the same period. Production for long steel picked up moderately by 5% YoY and import surged robustly by 29% YoY. Vietnam’s long steel export also registered an increase of 8% YoY.

Philippines' steel demand continued to surge, with demand in the first half of 2014 increasing at a rate of 7.3% YoY. Long product demand increased moderately by 4% YoY while demand for flat products surged robustly by 17% YoY in the H1 of 2014.

Indonesia’s steel demand registered a positive growth rate of 3.7% YoY. This was mainly the result of a significant increase in long product consumption, at 11% YoY while demand for flat products slowed down by 2% YoY. Domestic steel production in Indonesia in the H1 of 2014 surged robustly. Flat production increased 60% YoY to 2.3 million tonnes while long production picked up by 12% YoY to 2.2 million tonnes.

Source - SEAISI
Italian energy giant ENI says will stop supplying toILVA

ANSA reported that Italian energy giant ENI will stop supplying fuel to the troubled ILVA steel plant in Taranto at the end of the year.

ENI said that having ILVA not concluded any commercial agreement with ENI, nor with any other gas supplier, ILVA entered a default supply regime on October 1st 2014.

That regime has a maximum duration of 90 days and, as such, will expire at the end of the year.

Mr Piero Gnudi outing special commissioner for ILVA said that it would be a catastrophe for the steel maker if ENI cut off supplies, stressing it had paid all its bills up to now.

He said that "Nobody ever bought an impounded company, and today 75% of ILVA is seized. Private companies interested in ILVA showed concern about its problems, including orders issued by European courts to deal with the environmental problems at ILVA. But all have said they could agree to maintain employment levels.”

Earlier this month, Premier Mr Matteo Renzi said that his government was considering whether to take over the plant, saying in media interviews that if it did, it would not be a long-term deal. Instead, if the government did take on ILVA, it would hold Europe's largest steel producer for only two or three years, defend employment, protect the environment and then relaunch it on the market.

Source - ANSA
Vale loses bid to toss Rio Tinto suit over Guinea mining

Bloomberg reported that Vale SA lost a bid to dismiss Rio Tinto Plc’s suit alleging it conspired with Israeli billionaire Mr Beny Steinmetz and his BSG Resources Limited to steal rights to the world’s biggest untapped iron ore deposit by bribing officials in Guinea.

US District Judge Mr Richard Berman in Manhattan rejected Vale’s argument that the suit should have been brought in the UK because the two companies had agreed to take any dispute to an English court.

The judge cited legitimate reasons for keeping the case in the US, including Rio de Janeiro based Vale’s alleged conduct in furtherance of the racketeering conspiracy, such as meetings between the company and London based Rio Tinto that occurred in New York.

Mr Berman pointed to an existing federal investigation by Manhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara relating to whether there was a scheme to siphon off Guinea’s mineral wealth.

Mr Frederic Cilins, a Frenchman who admitted to obstructing a grand jury investigation into corruption in the awarding of Guinean mining rights, was sentenced to two years in prison for interfering with the US probe. Cilins had a very close personal relationship with Steinmetz.

Rio Tinto accused Vale of passing confidential information it obtained during discussions the two companies had about Vale buying a stake in the Guinea property to Steinmetz and BSGR. Steinmetz, BSGR and Vale used that information to advance their own bid for the mining rights.

Source – Bloomberg
Daily crude steel production of China's key steel mills hit 1.7494 million tonne in early Dec

According to statistics from the China Iron and Steel Association, daily crude steel production of CISA’s member mills was 1.7494 million tonnes in early December, up 2.11% from late November; that of pig iron was 1.7156 million tonnes, up 3.77 percent from late November.

Inventory of CISA’s member mills reached 14.709 million tonnes by December 10, up 395,000 tonnes or 2.76% from the preceding ten days.

Source -
China steel information centre and industry database
AK Steel provides Q4 2014 guidance

AK Steel announced provided guidance for its Q4 2014 financial results. Despite incurring approximately USD 31 million in costs associated with a planned Ashland Works blast furnace outage, it expects to report higher EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) compared to the third quarter of 2014 and net income of USD 0.05 to USD 0.10 per diluted share of common stock, excluding the effects of acquisition related expenses pertaining to its recent purchase of Severstal Dearborn.

For the Q4 of 2014, the company expects shipments of approximately 2,000,000 tonnes, an increase of about 37% from the 1,462,900 tonnes shipped in the Q3 of 2014. The anticipated higher level of shipments in the Q4 is mostly due to the acquisition of Dearborn Works and continued strong demand from the automotive market.

The company expects its average selling price for the Q4 of 2014 to be approximately USD 980 per tonne, about 10% less than the Q3 of 2014 average selling price of USD 1,089 per tonne. The anticipated decrease in the company's overall average selling price is primarily due to a higher percentage of product shipments to the carbon spot market in the Q4 compared to the Q3 principally due to the higher mix of hot rolled coil shipments from Dearborn Works, as well as a general reduction in spot market pricing.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
Steel Dynamics announces earnings guidance and cash dividends for Q4 2014

Steel Dynamics, Inc announced Q4 2014 earnings guidance in the range of USD 0.33 to USD 0.37 per diluted share, which includes estimated charges of USD 12 million (before taxes) related to post acquisition purchase accounting adjustments and USD 6 million (before taxes) related to estimated lower of cost or market adjustments caused by ferrous raw material pricing declines in the company's metals recycling and ferrous resources segment.

Excluding these charges, the company's estimated Q4 2014 earnings guidance would have been in the range of USD 0.38 to USD 0.42 per diluted share. Unadjusted estimated earnings are anticipated to be somewhat lower than the company's sequential Q3 2014 results of USD 0.38 per diluted share and higher than prior year Q4 results of USD 0.24 per diluted share.

The company is currently in the process of assessing the asset carrying values associated with its Minnesota operations. As the analysis is still underway, no potential impairment impact has been included in the provided Q4 2014 guidance range.

Profitability from the company's steel operations for the Q4 2014 is expected to be similar to the sequential Q3 results. Excluding the impact of the company's recently acquired Columbus flat roll steel mill (completed September 16th 2014), both metal spread and shipments are expected to contract in the Q4 2014.

An expected decrease in average quarterly product pricing is anticipated to outpace lower scrap costs in the quarter, compressing profit margins. Volume decline is generally related to typical Q4 seasonality and the continuation of elevated import levels. End market demand dynamics remain intact heading into 2015. The demand trend for key steel consuming end markets is expected to remain favorable, as strength in automotive and manufacturing persists, and the construction market continues to improve.

Despite the recent volatility in the energy markets, the company believes that associated steel consumption in 2015 will remain strong and that the opportunity to displace related imports still exists.

Q4 2014 profitability from the company's fabrication operations is expected to continue to be strong based on higher product pricing, despite expected lower shipments related to typical construction market seasonality. The company continues to see evidence supporting the recovery in the residential and nonresidential construction sectors.

Based on rapidly decreasing ferrous and nonferrous metal product pricing during the quarter, the company's metals recycling operations are expected to record a minimal loss for the Q4 2014, compared to operating income of USD 13 million in the sequential Q3. Both shipments and ferrous metal margin are anticipated to decrease by close to ten percent in comparison to the third quarter 2014 results.

The company's board of directors has declared a quarterly cash dividend of USD 0.1150 per common share. The dividend is payable to shareholders of record at the close of business on December 31th 2014 and is payable on or about January 12th 2015.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
BIR applauds OECD proposals on steel

The Bureau of International Recycling, a Brussels based recycling association, has welcomed the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s proposals of multilateral action to counter the impact of export restrictions on steelmaking.

The advice was given at an OECD workshop recently held in Cape Town, South Africa, which highlighted the negative impact that export restrictions have on the industries countries are looking to protect and the efficiency gains possible from the simultaneous removal both upstream and downstream of steelmakers.

The BIR noted that export restrictions introduced to protect a country’s primary and secondary raw materials supply could jeopardize the viability of both the mining and the scrap supply sector. Access to cheap domestic scrap created by export restrictions could lead to uncompetitive plants remaining in operation and serve as a deterrent to investment for the future. Furthermore, the BIR notes, such restrictions placed governments in the position of arbitrating between industry sectors across the same value chain.

In comments, the BIR noted that making the use of export restrictions more transparent was the first step proposed toward their removal because only then could alternative policies to achieve the same objective be determined. The best way forward was the simultaneous multilateral removal of export restrictions. The time was ripe for such action, it was said, in order to seize the opportunity created by the oversupply of steelmaking raw materials in the next few years.

In comparison to other industries, the BIR said that the steel industry is most affected by trade-restrictive measures, and the risk of trade friction in the global steel industry has increased of late. The industry is particularly susceptible to protectionist measures owing to its history of subsidies and excess capacity.

During the Cape Town meeting, a BIR representative explained that the most common reasons given for introducing export restrictions were to strengthen the competitive position of national processing industries and to enhance government revenues. As regards the latter, better alternative policies existed that did not deter investment.

Regarding trade defense instruments, steel accounts for more than 40% of Countervailing Duty Initiations for nearly a quarter of anti dumping cases and for more than 15% of safeguard actions. The OECD saw the need was now to avoid further escalation of trade actions.

Ms Ross Bartley, BIR’s environmental and technical director said that “While the trend towards more export restrictions is currently the case, this OECD workshop has now made the case for multilateral action to reduce such restrictions in order to benefit the steel industry worldwide. The slower alternative is for countries to remove export restrictions though bilateral trade agreements. The difficulty is that almost all steelmakers and their governments would need to be convinced of the benefits to take multilateral action and to take that multilateral action in order to get those increased benefits to more steelmakers more quickly.”

Source – Strategic Research Institute
MEPs urge EU to step up efforts to help steel industry out of the crisis

MEPs said that the EU should step up its efforts to help the steel industry out of the crisis.

They ask the European Commission to ensure that trade deals improve steel export conditions and check that EU competition and state aid rules do not lead to unfairness between EU countries. MEPs also call for investments in workers' education and training as well as in steel research.

MEPs ask the Commission to provide precise information on the European and global steel demand and supply balance and major social, economic and environmental challenges in order to develop medium and long term initiatives to support the steel industry in Europe.

Health check on current EU rules;
Parliament asks the Commission to check whether the application of EU competition rules or state aid rules has caused unfair distortion in the European steel market and, if so, to present corrective measures. It also calls for measures to prevent global steelmakers from playing EU member states off against each other over announcements of restructuring plans.

Tailor trade deals to boost export opportunities;
MEPs want future trade agreements to include provisions which significantly improve export opportunities and market access for European steel and steel-based products. They stress that fair trade in steel products can work only if basic employment rights and environmental standards are respected and call for a modernisation of the EU's trade defence instruments.

Trade with carbon emitting rights;
MEPs ask the Commission to examine the feasibility of a border carbon adjustment (Emissions Trading Scheme charges on EU steel imports) to create a level playing field in terms of CO2 emissions andpropose that income that firms earn from selling their free ETS allowances should be entirely reinvested in the low carbon economy (equipment, technologies, R&D and workforce training).

Invest in steel projects, training and research;
Parliament urges the Commission to consider dedicating part of its Investment Package to long-term infrastructure projects and innovation for large scale industrial projects. MEPs also suggest that the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development as well as several EU programmes could be used to invest in steel projects, training and research.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
TATA Steel UK workers set for pay rise

The Northern Echo reported that steel workers at a North East firm facing a takeover bid will receive a pay rise, union bosses have revealed.

The Community union said it has agreed a deal with TATA Steel to give staff 2% increase, with a further 1.5% drawn down from bonuses.

They said that the rise will cover workers at TATA’s loss making long products division, which includes the Teesside Beam Mill, at Lackenby, near Redcar and the Skinningrove special profiles plant, in east Cleveland.

Employing about 750 North-East staff, the business also includes a rail consultancy in York and distribution sites in Teesside and Newcastle.

The pay changes come as US billionaire Mr Gary Klesch firms up his bid for the steel mills.

Mr Steve McCool, Community national officer, said that the pay increase will be backdated to April 2014, though it will not come into effect until the New Year. These negotiations have been the most difficult and drawn out I’ve experienced in all my years as a full-time trade union officer. In May, the company said it was a million miles from achieving its annual plan, due to a series of production disasters, adding any pay award would be difficult.”

He said that “We took the difficult decision to suspend negotiations at the time to allow the company to re-group and return to the table with an improved offer. They resumed in September, but the situation hadn’t changed significantly, and in October we got the hammer blow over the Long Products sale. However, we stood firm under very challenging circumstances and now have what I believe is a good deal in the current situation.”

A TATA Steel spokesman said that “A proposed pay settlement has been reached with our unions on behalf of the majority of our UK employees. The trades unions are now consulting with their members on the terms of that deal prior to a formal agreement.”

Source – The Northern Echo
PD Senator says Mr Renzi to discuss ILVA

ANSA cited Mr Matteo Renzi PM of Italy as saying that his cabinet will discuss a decree related to the troubled ILVA steel plant at a meeting on December 24th, but does not want to see it sold into private hands, according to a member of his Democratic Party.

Senator Francesco Russo tweeted that Mr Renzi said this in a speech to party assembly on Tuesday. Mr Renzi spoke about protecting ILVA workers and jobs in the southern Italian steel plant. Mr Renzi has previously suggested all possible private and public solutions must be considered for ILVA.

Source - ANSA
Handan Steel successfully develops four kinds of high strength auto steel

It is reported that Hebei-based Handan Steel accelerated its pace in reform & innovation as well as product structure optimizing. Now, it has successfully developed four kinds of high silicon auto plates, ie. HCT780X, HR600/780HE, HR330/580DP and CR380/590TR.

After examination, each performance of these products meets the inner quality standard. The successful development of the product will be conducive to the supply capacity of auto plate of Handan Steel.

It is said that these four grades belong to high strength auto plate, which will greatly thin the auto body as well as reduce the auto weight and fuel consumption.

Source -
China steel information centre and industry database
WISCO's high strength auto plate meets international advanced level

Recently, the high performance carbon structure steel for auto, SYE-N/65Mn-DF, developed by WISCO, successfully passed the scientific and technological achievements identification.

Assessment experts reached consensus that the aforementioned product reached international advanced level.

Source -
China steel information centre and industry database
ArcelorMittal Zenica unveiled new investment project at Zenica steel plant

ArcelorMittal Zenica, the steel producer located in Bosnia and Herzegovina, announced the start of a major project to install advanced new dust filters in its basic oxygen furnace (BOF) Steel Plant.

Using Best Available Techniques, the BOF secondary de dusting system is the latest in a series of technical investments aimed at reducing the ecological impact of the plant, which was restarted in 2008 following almost two decades of disuse after the conflict of the 1990s. Work on the new filters is expected to be completed by early 2016.

The BOF Steel Plant project follows the successful completion in November 2013 of a USD 8 million investment in filters at the site’s blast furnace, and brings the company’s total investments in ecological projects at Zenica to more than USD 6 million since 2005.

Mr Biju Nair, CEO at ArcelorMittal Zenica said that “Today marks another important step towards our goal of building a long term, sustainable future for steelmaking in this historical industrial city. Reducing our environmental footprint is an essential part of this journey. We are once again demonstrating our commitment to continued investment in the latest and best technology that will make a real difference to our city.”

Source – Strategic Research Institute
Nine iron ore producers seeking dollars from mining fund

Nine iron ore producers will be able to tap into USD 12.6 million of the Mining Reinvestment Fund at today’s Iron Range Resources & Rehabilitation Board meeting.

The mining companies must provide matching dollars. Funds can be used for workforce development and associated public facility improvements; acquiring plant and sanitary mining equipment and facilities; or research and development on new mining or taconite iron or steel production.

Here are the mining requests:
1. Arcelor Minorca Mine: Eligible for USD 818,240 for a minimum total project cost of USD 1,636,480; USD 780,00 for the cobber magnetic separator improvements and USD 1.1 million for the process gas scrubber stack replacement.

2. Hibbing Taconite: Eligible for USD 2,274,624 for a minimum total project cost of USD 4,549,248; USD 500,000 for guarding of potential hazards, USD 2.4 million for filtercake reclaim upgrade, USD 500,000 for plant infrastructure and USD 1.6 million for Albany pumps and pipeline replacement.

3. Northshore Mining Company: Eligible for USD 1,600,862 for a minimum total cost of USD 3,201,724; USD 2,237,535 for direct reduced iron pellets project and USD 2.469 million for fine crusher assemblies.

4. United Taconite: Eligible for USD 1,595,023 for a minimum total project cost of USD 3,190,046; USD 3.8 million for furnace line cooler.

5. KeeTac: Eligible for USD 1,512,049 for a minimum total project cost of USD 3,024,098; USD 2.4 million for fine screening upgrade, USD 550,000 for tails basin and reclamation dust control, USD 400,000 for Carlz Water Pit water supply, USD 400,000 for tailings pipe replacement and USD 150,000 for portable water storage tank.

6. Minntac: Eligible for USD 3,969,214 for a minimum total project cost of USD 7,938,428; USD 800,000 for sulfate compliance, USD 5 million for concentrator finisher upgrades, USD 1.9 million for agglomerator concentrate reclaim upgrade and USD 1.8 million for fine screening upgrade of Line 16.

7. Mesabi Nugget: Eligible for USD 54,000 for a total minimum project cost of USD 108,120; USD 139,000 for line and soda ash make up system.

8. Mining Resources: Eligible for USD 88,460 for a total minimum project cost of USD 176,920; USD 13,000 for development of the Sherman fine tailings basins.

9. Magnetation: Eligible for USD 709,404 for a total minimum project cost of USD 1,418,808; USD 4,011,500 for a Plant 4 gear driven ball mill.

Source – Grandrapidsmn
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