Nine iron ore producers seeking dollars from mining fund
Nine iron ore producers will be able to tap into USD 12.6 million of the Mining Reinvestment Fund at today’s Iron Range Resources & Rehabilitation Board meeting.
The mining companies must provide matching dollars. Funds can be used for workforce development and associated public facility improvements; acquiring plant and sanitary mining equipment and facilities; or research and development on new mining or taconite iron or steel production.
Here are the mining requests:
1. Arcelor Minorca Mine: Eligible for USD 818,240 for a minimum total project cost of USD 1,636,480; USD 780,00 for the cobber magnetic separator improvements and USD 1.1 million for the process gas scrubber stack replacement.
2. Hibbing Taconite: Eligible for USD 2,274,624 for a minimum total project cost of USD 4,549,248; USD 500,000 for guarding of potential hazards, USD 2.4 million for filtercake reclaim upgrade, USD 500,000 for plant infrastructure and USD 1.6 million for Albany pumps and pipeline replacement.
3. Northshore Mining Company: Eligible for USD 1,600,862 for a minimum total cost of USD 3,201,724; USD 2,237,535 for direct reduced iron pellets project and USD 2.469 million for fine crusher assemblies.
4. United Taconite: Eligible for USD 1,595,023 for a minimum total project cost of USD 3,190,046; USD 3.8 million for furnace line cooler.
5. KeeTac: Eligible for USD 1,512,049 for a minimum total project cost of USD 3,024,098; USD 2.4 million for fine screening upgrade, USD 550,000 for tails basin and reclamation dust control, USD 400,000 for Carlz Water Pit water supply, USD 400,000 for tailings pipe replacement and USD 150,000 for portable water storage tank.
6. Minntac: Eligible for USD 3,969,214 for a minimum total project cost of USD 7,938,428; USD 800,000 for sulfate compliance, USD 5 million for concentrator finisher upgrades, USD 1.9 million for agglomerator concentrate reclaim upgrade and USD 1.8 million for fine screening upgrade of Line 16.
7. Mesabi Nugget: Eligible for USD 54,000 for a total minimum project cost of USD 108,120; USD 139,000 for line and soda ash make up system.
8. Mining Resources: Eligible for USD 88,460 for a total minimum project cost of USD 176,920; USD 13,000 for development of the Sherman fine tailings basins.
9. Magnetation: Eligible for USD 709,404 for a total minimum project cost of USD 1,418,808; USD 4,011,500 for a Plant 4 gear driven ball mill.
Source – Grandrapidsmn