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ArcelorMittal advies omlaag naar strong sell van sell - Market Talk

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--S&P heeft zijn waardering voor ArcelorMittal (MT.AE) verlaagd naar strong sell van sell. Tevens gaat het koersdoel omlaag naar EUR2,57 van EUR3,20 in navolging van bekendmaking van de claimemissie ter waarde van $3 miljard. De analisten wijzen ook op de tegenvallende outlook voor de staalmarkten en vinden daarom de recente stijging van de koers niet gerechtvaardigd. Vanwege de verwatering die de claimemissie zal veroorzaken verlagen ze hun taxaties voor de winst per aandeel voor 2016 en 2017 naar $0,13 en $0,48. Eerder rekenden ze nog op respectievelijk $0,17 en $0,60. De analisten blijven voorzichtig over de vooruitzichten voor het staalconcern, vanwege de aanhoudende overcapaciteit in China, waardoor prijzen laag kunnen blijven en de vraag naar Arcelors producten achterblijft. Omstreeks 10.55 uur noteert het aandeel 0,1% lager op EUR4,72, terwijl de AEX met 0,6% stijgt.

Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;

Details claimemissie ArcelorMittal conform verwachting - Market Talk

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--De details over de claimemissie van $3 miljard die ArcelorMittal vorige week bekend maakte zijn conform de verwachting van UBS, zij het aan de onderkant. Het staalconcern gaat 1,26 miljard nieuwe aandelen uitgeven voor EUR2,20 per aandeel. De analisten van UBS hadden gerekend op 1,2 tot 1,8 miljard nieuwe aandelen. De uitgifteprijs betekent een korting van ruim 35% ten opzichte van de theoretische ex-claim slotkoers van 10 maart. De analisten hadden echter recent van beleggers in Noord-Amerika gehoord dat deze liever een hogere korting van meer dan 50% hadden gewild, om een succesvolle plaatsing te garanderen. Maar aangezien de emissie wordt onderschreven is er volgens UBS maar een beperkt risico op een mislukking. Na de uitgifte zal de nettoschuld van ArcelorMittal waarschijnlijk afnemen tot $11,5 miljard, waarmee het staalconcern een van de sterkste balansen in de sector krijgt. De marktvorsers stellen dat er daarna meer anti-dumping maatregelen in Europa en herstructureringen in Noord-Amerika nodig zijn, om de koers omhoog te krijgen. Het advies blijft buy met een koersdoel van EUR7. Omstreeks 10.15 uur noteert het aandeel 3,5% hoger op EUR4,89, terwijl de AEX met 0,8% stijgt.

Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;

ArcelorMittal en vakbond Mexico bereiken overeenstemming beeindiging staking

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Staalgigant ArcelorMittal en de mijnbouw- en metaalvakbond Mexican Mining and Metal Workers Union hebben een akkoord bereikt om een staking bij metaalfabrieken van het bedrijf in de haven van Lazaro Cardenas te beeindigen, meldden de vakbond en het ministerie van arbeid zondag.

In de onderhandelingen, waarin het ministerie bemiddelde, is ArcelorMittal overeengekomen 125 werknemers te herplaatsen, na de recente sluiting van een cokesfabriek. Daarnaast zal de staalgigant 81 anderen een ontslagvergoeding betalen en een overeenkomst met contractwerkers met een jaar verlengen, zei het ministerie in een persbericht.

Het ministerie meldde de inspanningen van beide partijen om de staking, die op 4 maart begon, te beeindigen te verwelkomen. Het bedrijf gaf aan in Mexico aan 8.500 mensen in Mexico werk te bieden, inclusief 7.600 werknemers in Lazaro Cardenas. ArcelorMittal heeft tevens afgesproken de lonen te betalen van de werknemers gedurende de staken.

De activiteiten worden maandag hervat, voegde het ministerie toe.

De vakbond zei dat de overeenkomsten zaterdag laat unaniem werden goedgekeurd door de werknemers in Lazaro Cardenas en dat de vakbond en het bedrijf over twee weken opnieuw bijeen zullen komen om andere lopende arbeidskwesties te bespreken.

- Door Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 571 52 00;

Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal and Ternium in discord over Usiminas

Nikkei reported that Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal plans to assist troubled steelmaker Usiminas' restructuring by boosting its investment. But its disputes with co-shareholder Ternium of Argentina could complicate Brazilian company's path to recovery. The Brazilian company, also known as Usinas Siderurgicas de Minas Gerais, approved the Japanese company's additional investment of up to 30 billion yen ($263 million) at a management council meeting Friday. Ternium, which has been at odds with Nippon Steel, proposed a separate rescue plan.

Given that Nippon Steel and Ternium have an agreement to coordinate business plans involving Usiminas beforehand, a decision by a split vote Friday was unusual.

In late February, Nippon Steel President Kosei Shindo visited Paolo Rocca, the de-facto owner of Ternium living in Italy, to propose a capital increase. But Rocca rejected the idea, insisting there are other steps to be taken.

Usiminas suffered a 3.68 billion reais ($1.02 billion) net loss last year. It could face a cash crunch if it repays loans to financial institutions. As a condition for extending repayment deadlines, lenders demanded that Usiminas' key shareholders increase capital. Ternium proposed Usiminas sell assets to raise funds instead. Usiminas was going to run out of money if it repaid debts due in mid-March, a company official said. Now funding is secured for the time being. But the fact that the two shareholders could not reach an advance agreement will likely have future implications. At a management council meeting this coming Friday, Ternium's proposal will also be on the agenda, raising the specter of protracted management confusion.

The two companies have been fighting over Usiminas since September 2014, when Nippon Steel backed a motion to fire the Brazilian steelmaker's president, who hailed from Ternium, for compliance reasons.

Source : Nikkei
Beekay Group launches new rebar plant at Parawada in Vizag

The Business Line reported that Beekay Steel Industries Limited announced the launch of its product, the Beekay turbo TMT steel bar, manufactured at its Parawada plant in Visakhapatnam district.

At a function here on Sunday, Mukesh Bansal, the Managing Director, and Vikas Bansal, the Executive Director, said the group had set up seven structural steel plants in and around Visakhapatnam district, sourcing the raw material (steel billets and blooms) from the Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited - Visakhapatnam steel plant.

They said the mill at Bonangi village in Parawada mandal, with a manufacturing capacity of 2.5 lakh tonnes turbo TMT steel bars per annum, was in fact commissioned a year ago but it was being formally announced on Sunday and the product was being released into the market. The capacity of the other six plants in the district amounted to roughly 5 lakh tonnes per annum.

The group had also set up steel mills in Kolkata, Chennai, and Jamshedpur and the turnover amounted to Rs 800 crores per annum.

In response to a question, they said the group had spent roughly Rs 80 crores on setting up the Parawada plant.

Source : The Business Line
Yongnam Holdings swings back to profit in 2015

Steel contractor Yongnam Holdings' net profit hit S$6.43 million for the year ended Dec 31, 2015 - a reversal from FY14's net loss of S$8.49 million. Revenue jumped 32.3 per cent to S$280.62 million, due to higher revenue contribution from structural steelwork projects.

Earnings per share stood at 2.03 Singapore cents, versus a loss per share of 2.68 Singapore cents in FY14. No dividend was recommended.

Yongnam said on Friday that it is actively pursuing infrastructural developments and commercial projects in Singapore and the region.

Source :
Global glut hurting steel makers in Nigeria - Association

The Guardian reported that as the glut in global steel production heightened, with many steel industrial firms shutting down, local steel manufacturers in Nigeria may have begun to feel the pangs of the glut as capacity utilisation drops below 50 per cent sequel to low demand. Coordinator, Steel Manufacturers Association of Nigeria, Prince Felix Oba Okogie, said the Nigerian steel industry is in comatose, pointing out that the industry is faced with a very bad market with no demand for locally-made steel products.

He said “We are producing but not selling. Even during production, we do not have enough power and the cost of things are getting higher particularly gas and electricity. We are producing but we are not selling because there is no demand.”

Worried that manufacturers may be cutting corners in their production in order to reduce their liabilities and improve sales in a saturated market, the Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) has unveiled plans to impose stricter sanctions on erring steel and iron producers which fail to meet the minimum requirement of the Nigerian Industrial Standards (NIS).

While Nigerian steel manufacturers increased their production capacity following government’s policy increasing tariff on imported steel products, many of the unneeded mills, smelters, and plants in China were built or expanded after the country’s policy makers unleashed cheap credit during the global financial crisis in 2009.

Okogie added: “If we are producing at full capacity, the steel industry will employ over 300,000 people, but we currently employ about 40,000 which is a far cry compared to what the industry can employ. If the industry does not improve I am afraid to say it would lead to an enormous job loss in the steel sector,” he said.

Source : The Guardian
Pakistan FBR proposes 10% duty on imported steel products

The Dawn reported that Pakistan’s Federal Board of Revenue has proposed 10 per cent regulatory duty on import of iron and steel products estimating revenue generation of Rs1.7 billion during the remaining few months of the current fiscal year. Talking to Dawn, ane official said that the FBR had submitted a summary to the Economic Coordination Committee of the Cabinet for consideration. The ECC considered the summary in its last meeting but directed the FBR to take up the proposal with relevant stakeholders and submit it in the next meeting.

The official said the FBR believes that falling prices of these commodities in the international market will effect revenue collection negatively. These products have also created tough competition for local manufacturers as well.

Ahead of this attempt to impose regulatory duty through the ECC, the Pakistan Steel Mills had also formally approached the National Tariff Commission (NTC) seeking imposition of an anti-dumping duty on import of steel products, particularly hot rolled coils (HRCs) from China. However, the NTC rejected Steel Mills request on the ground that the commission couldn’t establish a causal link of dumping.

Recently, the FBR imposed regulatory duties on several hundred products in a bid to meet the International Monetary Fund benchmark of revenue collection target for the current fiscal year.

Source : The Dawn
Indian steel production capacity reaches 116.74 million tonnes – Minister

India's Steel production capacity has been growing at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 6.5% from 2012-13 to 2014-15 and the trend is likely to continue in 2015-16 and increase thereafter, Steel Minister said in Rajayasabha on last Wednesday.

India’s crude steel production capacity was 109.85 million tonnes in 2014-15 and at 116.74 million tonnes in April-December, 2015-16 (provisional), said Narendra Singh Tomar, Steel Minister, quoting the data from JPC.

Source : Commodity Online
Sonatrach awards major tubes supply deal to 4 firms

Reuters reported that Algeria's state energy firm Sonatrach has awarded an USD 880 million contract to supply oil and gas drilling tubes to four foreign firms. The companies are Germany's CCC Machinery, Dutch firm Van Leeuwen, Japan's Marubeni-Itochu and Vallourec Tubes France.

A senior Sonatrach official also told Reuters that a list of approved foreign suppliers of oil and gas services, drilling equipment, and hydrocarbon transportation would be expanded.

OPEC member Algeria, which has been hurt by a 70-percent fall in oil prices since mid-2014, says it is determined to increase oil and gas production to sustain exports and meet growing local demand. However, it has struggled to attract foreign oil companies in recent energy bidding rounds. Last week Sonatrach said it would invest $3.2 billion over four years to increase pipeline capacity as natural gas output rises from new and existing fields.

Source : Reuters
Lay Offs - ArcelorMittal - 644 Point Lisas steel workers fired

Jamaica Observer reported that a day after laid-off workers at ArcelorMittal won a wage dispute case in the Industrial Court in Port of Spain, the multi national steel company has fired every single employee. The company's Point Lisas plant has been closed and its 644 workers sent home.

Only on Thursday, workers celebrated having won at the Industrial Court, in a case against the company for laying them off twice between December 2015 and February this year. Their short-lived jubilation turned to immediate sorrow, after they were informed that the company had incurred a $1.3 billion debt and could no longer continue to operate. Over 700 workers had suddenly lost their jobs.

The employees have little to go home with as the company yesterday announced it will be liquidating its assets and employees will lose their pensions and gratuities but would be paid one month’s salary and their vacation.

The company gave several reasons why it was no longer economical, in the short or long term, to carry on doing business in Trinidad. It cited the increase in cheap steel from China and the international decrease in steel prices as well as the plans locally to increase gas and electricity prices, port rental, property tax and business levies as reasons why the company could not sustain its business.

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley Saturday said that his administration views as “punitive and disrespectful in the extreme” the decision by ArcelorMittal Point Lisas, a subsidiary of the world’s leading steel and mining company, to end its operations here and send home more than 600 employees. He said “It is with a sense of sadness and deep disappointment that the Government and people of Trinidad and Tobago have received the news of the actions of ArcelorMittal’s decision to close the steel producing business in our country.It was particularly hurtful as it was done on the heels of a decision where the workers had their rights defended in a Superior Court of Record in the state of Trinidad and Tobago. This far reaching action, taken without reference or discussion with the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, affecting thousands of our citizens, we view as punitive and disrespectful in the extreme.”

According to SWUTT’s vice-president, Ramkumar Narinesingh, the company’s managing director, Robert Bellisle, indicated in a meeting on Friday that last December, the company had sent a proposal to the Government offering the plant for sale for $1. He said This means that if Government purchases the company, it will automatically inherit the $1.3 billion debt. When the liquidators take over, the company will no longer be obligated to settle outstanding payments to people who would have won in court. Additionally, matters before the courts will be deemed null and void.”

Source : Jamaica Observer
Deutsche Bank to shrink its exposure to metals, mining and steel sectors

Bloomberg reported that Deutsche Bank, Germany’s biggest bank, said it plans to shrink its EUR 10 billion of exposure to metals, mining and steel as it seeks to cut risky holdings in those industries. It said “Just 35 per cent of the portfolio is classified as investment grade. Gross loans account for €5 billion of the total, while irrevocable lending commitments make up EUR 3 billion.”

It said “This portfolio is of lower quality compared to our overall corporate credit portfolio. Our strategy is to reduce this credit portfolio due to elevated risks of this industry.”

Deutsche Bank’s mounting provisions for faulty loans risk eroding earnings already hurt by legal charges and restructuring costs tied to job losses.

Deutsche Bank has about EUR 16 billion of exposure to the oil and gas industry, of which about 60 per cent is investment grade and less than 20 per cent consists of “sectors that we consider higher risk and more impacted by the low oil price,” it said.

The company also has about EUR 7 billion of shipping loans, of which “a high proportion” is sub investment-grade rated, reflecting the” prolonged challenging market conditions over recent years,” it said.

Source : Bloomberg
JSW Steel crude steel production in February up by 7% YoY

JSW Steel’s production of crude steel in February has gone up 7% to 10.13 lakh tonnes as against 9.47 lakh tonnes in the same period a year ago. In the flat rolled products segment, the company reported production of 7.28 lakh tonnes, which is 3% lesser than 7.51 lakh tonnes reported in February 2015. The company’s long rolled products’ production increased 58% to 2.33 lakh tonnes from 1.48 lakh tonnes in February 2015.

Meanwhile, the company has re-commenced the blast furnace at Dolvi, Maharashtra on March 10, 2015 after refurbishing and capacity enhancement.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Bhushan Steel gets environment clearance for iron ore pellet plant in Odisha

Press Trust of India reported that Bhushan Steel Ltd has received the environment clearance for its INR 3,000 crore project to set up a pellet unit with a production capacity of 7 million tonnes per annum in Odisha.

The report quoted an official as saying that “The Environment Ministry has considered the application based on the recommendations of the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry-I) and decided to grant the Environmental Clearance to the project. The environment clearance has been given subject to strict compliance of specific and general conditions.”

Among conditions specified, the company has been asked to develop green belt in at least 33 per cent of the project area and earmark 2.5 per cent of the total cost of the project towards enterprise social commitment.

BSL has been asked to prepare a detailed CSR plan for every year for the next five years for the existing-cum- expansion project.

It has also been asked to provide LED lights in the offices and residential areas to be constructed within the project area.

BSL operates a 5.6 MTPA integrated steel plant in Dhenkanal, Odisha. There is a scarcity of lump iron ore in the market and only iron ore fines are available, which need suitable beneficiation and pelletisation before they can be used as feed stock. Therefore, the company has proposed to set up a pellet unit in Dhenkanal.

The total cost of the project is estimated to be INR 3,000 crore. It covers the cost of pelletising facility, wet grinding station, material handling systems and pellet distribution systems.

The proposed project will utilise the rich iron ore fines, dust and slimes available in the Joda-Barbil iron ore mining region of Odisha. The proposed pellet plant will help BSL strengthen its availability of feed to blast furnace and Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) plants.

Source : Press Trust of India
Nord Stream 2 selects suppliers for major pipe tender

Nord Stream 2 AG has finalised its international tender for the supply of high-quality steel pipes for two pipelines. The suppliers chosen to deliver approximately 2,500 km of large-diameter pipes with a total weight of roughly 2.2 million tons are Europipe GmbH, Mülheim/Germany (40 %), United Metallurgical Company JSC (OMK), Moscow/Russia (33 %) and Chelyabinsk Pipe-Rolling Plant JSC (Chelpipe), Chelyabinsk/Russia (27 %).

The decision made by Nord Stream 2 was based on key criteria for production capacities, quality, and commercial conditions in accordance with the company’s stringent procurement guidelines. Contracts with suppliers are subject to final negotiations and will be signed in the coming weeks.

Deciding the tender now is a prerequisite for keeping the pipeline construction timeline with construction of both pipelines starting in 2018. Pipe deliveries are planned to start in September 2016.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Usiminas board approves capital increase – Report

Reuters reported that the board of Brazilian steelmaker Usinas Siderurgicas de Minas Gerais SA on Friday approved a 1 billion reais ($279 million) capital increase proposed by shareholder Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp, a source with direct knowledge of the matter said. Three board members representing the other controlling shareholder, Italian-Argentinian Techint Group, voted against the move, said the same source, who asked for anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly on the matter.

Techint, which is at odds with Nippon over the management of Usiminas, had agreed to raising capital up to 500 million reais. Techint wanted Usiminas to strengthen its cash position with funds from its mining arm.

Usiminas said in a statement on Friday that it was still discussing a potential loan standstill agreement with banks.

Nippon Steel is hoping approval of the capital increase will convince Usiminas' main creditors to refinance the company's debt and grant a short-term grace period, helping the company to avoid filing for bankruptcy protection.

A previous board meeting in February ended with no agreement on the capital increase.

Source : Reuters
Indian steel exports dip by 31.9% YoY in 11 months of FY15-16

IANS reported that India's steel exports fell by 31.9 percent in the first 11 months of current fiscal 2015-16 compared to same period last year and exports in February 2016 declined by 25.6 percent compared to corresponding month last year

A report by the steel ministry's Joint Plant Committee said “Export of total finished steel was down by 31.9 percent in April-February 2015-16 compared to same period of last year. Exports in February 2016 increased by 21.5 percent compared to January 2016 and decreased by 25.6 percent compared to February 2015.”

Institute of Steel Development & Growth director general Mr Sushim Banerjee said that exports fell due to a muted world market. He told “World prices have been very low and internal demand in many of the countries has shrunk. When the exports figures were taken into account, global prices were going through a bearish trend. Some of the global producers are even compelled to sell at a price which is lower than their cost of production. In order to sustain their capacities, global producers are exporting even at a loss. India's steel sector is competitive in terms of cost of production. But some of factors like high freight cost along with taxes are playing a critical role in terms of exports. Country's steel makers are now eyeing domestic market.”

Source : IANS
Tata Steel to fully commission Kalinganagar plant by September 2016

Press Trust of India reported that Tata Steel is getting ready to commence integrated, commercial production of the first phase of the 3 million tonne steel plant in Odisha by September and is keen to keep the project cost below the projected INR 25,000 crore. Tata Steel VP Operations (Odisha) Mr Rajiv Kumar said “Integrated commissioning of all units for the first phase will take another six months. Project cost remains within the revised budget and even it could be lower.”

He told “The company is gradually synchronising integrated steel plant components like blast furnace, coke oven, sinter plant, captive power units and hot rolling, among others in stages.”

With the Kalinganagar first phase, capacity of the steel major is expected to go up to 13 million tonne in India.

Source : Press Trust of India
POSCO aims to cut KWR 1 trillion in costs in 2016

Korea Times reported that POSCO will save about KWR 1 trillion (USD 836 million) this year through drastic cost-saving measures. The move comes at a critical time as the company undergoes a full-scale restructuring to save money and boost productivity. The company plans to shut 35 non-core business units this year.

POSCO Chairman Mr Kwon Oh-joon said during the annual shareholder meeting at its headquarters in southern Seoul that "We will cut down costs of some 500 billion won from POSCO and the other 500 billion won in affiliates. For this year, we are going to accelerate our restructuring drive and reshape our corporate structures to make them highly efficient at the lowest cost possible."

He told “The steel industry outlook remains gloomy. It will take some time for the industry to rebound, as demands are expected to remain weak this year. We need to shift our focus into improving profitability."

Mr Kwon said the steelmaker will seek synergy among affiliates by continuing to expand its smart infrastructures in energy management and power plants.

He also said the company will not sell core businesses such as Daewoo International and POSCO Engineering & Construction did. He said “We do not have to sell such massive affiliates. Instead, we will continue to focus on business that can generate synergies."

Source : Korea Times
All steel imports into India post MIP to come unders scanner - Report

The Hindu, citing official sources, reported that India’s revenue, intelligence and enforcement directorate officials will scrutinise all transactions to find out if there are any violations relating to imports under the Minimum Import Price on steel following allegations of false invoicing and illegal transfer of funds to overseas accounts. They said “Authorities belonging to the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, the Enforcement Directorate and the CBI will be involved in the probe and the government will most likely discontinue the restriction in August when the notification on the MIP on steel expires.”

Elaborating on illegal money transfers, the sources said with international steel prices being considerably lower than the MIP, the authorities would probe whether there were instances of over-invoicing to “show” that the price of the imported item is equal to, or above, the MIP.

In transactions involving over-invoicing, where the actual sale price would be much lower, the authorities will probe if an amount equal to or greater than the MIP was paid (on paper) by the importer in India to the overseas supplier. The foreign supplier then would remit the difference amount (the difference between the actual sale price and the MIP) into an account held abroad by the Indian importer. The sources said transactions, including those related to the banking channels, will be investigated to find out if money is illegally parked abroad by Indian importers.

On February 5, the government had imposed the MIP ranging from $341 to $752 per tonne on 173 steel products aimed at providing relief to the domestic steelmakers from “unfairly low priced” imports of the items. The Directorate General of Foreign Trade notification said MIP conditions were valid for six months from the date of the notification or until further orders, whichever is earlier. The DGFT said the landed unit cost of these items must not be below the specified MIP.

Source : The Hindu
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