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Wuhan Steel to cut around 50,000 jobs - Chairman

ANI reported that China's Wuhan Iron and Steel has planned to shed up to 50,000 jobs, said its chairman Ma Guoqiang, as the country struggles to reduce over capacity with its sluggish economy. Mr Ma's comments are a stark illustration of the challenges the world's second largest economy faces as it seeks to retool it.

He told, a news portal run by the Communist Party's mouthpiece the People's Daily, that “Probably 40,000-50,000 people will have to find other ways forward. Its steel division currently has 80,000 employees but might retain only 30,000 of them.”

Chinese authorities have prioritized the reduction of borrowing, overcapacity and inventory as they seek to maintain growth and make it more sustainable. The government has announced a goal to cut steel capacity by up to 150 million tons within the next five years.

Source : ANI
Odisha may auction three more iron ore mines in next 6 months

Business Standard reported that Odisha government, after successfully auctioning one iron ore block, plans to put three more iron ore mines under the hammer in next six months. Mr Deepak Mohanty director of mines with Odissa government at an industry event said “I can assure that in next four to six months, two to three iron ore blocks will be put up for auction. However, he declined to disclose the locations where the mines have been identified.

Initially the state government had identified 12 mineral blocks four iron ore mines, six lime stone deposits, one manganese mine and a bauxite block for auction.

However, out of these, only four mines including Ghorhaburhani-Sagasahi iron ore mines that was auctioned last week, were explored upto G2 level. The lone iron block, with deposits of 99.54 million tonne, was reserved for end user steel plants. Essar Steel has emerged as the successful bidder for this block.

Source : Business Standard
IBM probing Odisha iron ore miners on pellet makers complaint

VC Circle reported that India's ministry of mines has directed its advisory body, Indian Bureau of Mines, to look into an alleged case of artificial low supply of iron ore and cartelisation by some Odisha-based miners to domestic pellet manufacturers. The Bureau is expected to submit its report within a fortnight to the government.

India's mines secretary Mr Balvinder Kumar told VCCircle “We have asked the Indian Bureau of Mines to examine the matter and issue necessary directions to the Odisha government and private miners in order to resolve the problem.”

The IBM has been asked to conduct an investigation on the basis of a 25 February complaint by the Pellet Manufacturers Association of India (PMAI), a lobby group.

The pellet industry has argued that merchant miners are producing iron ore below par which may have severe financial implications on the industry. Odisha's pellet industry has a production capacity of 30 million tonnes per year.
India's iron ore production for FY16 is estimated at 135 million tonne compared with 129 million tonne in FY15.

Source : VC Circle
Carpentaria Exploration inks iron ore offtake pact with Mitsubishi

Carpentaria Exploration Ltd has turned back the iron ore clock signing an agreement to supply Mitsubishi Corporation with one million tonnes of iron ore to be produced from the Hawsons Iron Project. This would be equal to 10% of planned production from product produced at Hawson, located near Broken Hill in New South Wales to be delivered to pelletisers in the Asia-Pacific region.

The letter of intent with Mitsubishi comes as a bankable feasibility study is underway based on producing a low cost, long term supply of a high grade, ultra-low impurity iron concentrate from Hawsons.

Assisting that cause, Hawsons project, which is located near Broken Hill has ready made access to existing rail, road, port and power infrastructure.

Hawsons magetite is soft ore allowing for simple liberation of a Supergrade magnetite product without expensive processing methods, in demand from a growing premium iron market.

DR pellet prices can typically sell for as much as US$40 a tonne more than the standard 62% iron grade benchmark price.

The pellets reduce energy consumption when added to most pellet blends, boosting its market appeal.

Mitsubishi RtM is a dominant player in high-grade iron concentrate market. Together the LoI envisages development of binding offtake agreements for an initial term of up to 10-years, with first supply targeted for 2020.

Source : Proactive Investors
African Rainbow Mineral may bid for Kumba Iron Ore as Anglo plans to exit

Bloomberg reported that African Rainbow Minerals Ltd., the diversified mining company controlled by South African billionaire Patrice Motsepe, said it may consider a bid for Kumba Iron Ore Ltd, the company that Anglo American Plc wants to exit.

Even if African Rainbow and its iron-ore venture partner Assore Ltd decide against a possible purchase of Kumba, the company will seek to save costs by combining overheads with the Anglo unit, because many of their operations are located near one another in South Africa’s Northern Cape province, Chief Executive Officer Mike Schmidt said on Friday.

The company will decide in the next few weeks whether it will inform Kumba of its intent to study the business, Schmidt said in an interview in Johannesburg. “We know their ore bodies, they know our ore bodies.”

African Rainbow’s interest in Kumba comes after Anglo American said last month it planed to dispose of its 69.7 percent stake as part of plans to focus on mining platinum, copper and diamonds. I

Source : Bloomberg

Alcoa op koers met opsplitsing, noemt upstreambedrijf Arconic

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Alcoa Inc. (AA), dat vorig jaar september aankondigde zichzelf op te splitsen in twee beursgenoteerde bedrijven, ligt hiermee op koers en verwacht nog altijd dat de splitsing in de tweede helft van dit jaar wordt afgerond.

Dit meldde de aluminiumproducent dinsdag, waarbij het de nieuwe naam bekendmaakte van het upstream bedrijf dat na de opsplitsing ontstaat en waarin de bauxiet-, aluminium-oxide-, aluminium-, giet- en energie-divisies worden ondergebracht. Deze nieuwe onderneming krijgt de naam Arconic en zal een notering krijgen aan de New York Stock Exchange onder het tickersymbool ARNC.

De overige activiteiten; zoals de zogenaamde 'rolled products' als aluminiumplaten en folie, maar ook technische producten en oplossingen, en de transport en bouwactiviteiten, blijven actief onder de naam Alcoa en het bestaande tickersymbool AA aan de NYSE.

Door Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 5715 200;

Theodoor Gilissen handhaaft ArcelorMittal op Niet Aanbevolen - Market Talk

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Theodoor Gilissen Bankiers heeft dinsdag het Niet Aanbevolen advies op ArcelorMittal (MT.AE) gehandhaafd met een nieuw koersdoel van EUR3,25, rekening houdend met de aanstaande claimemissie (ex-right). Analist Joost van Beek nam in aanloop naar de emissie het koersdoel onder herziening.

"De aandelenemissie die tot uitgifte van 1,26 miljard nieuwe aandelen en daarmee een toename van het aantal aandelen met 70% leidt, betekent een stevige verbetering van de financiële positie maar eveneens tot een aanzienlijke vermindering van het winstpotentieel per aandeel", aldus Van Beek.

Dit jaar is ArcelorMittal een van de best presterende fondsen op het Damrak, volgens Theodoor Gilissen onder meer dankzij de stijgende ijzerertsprijs en importheffingen in Europa op goedkoop Chinees staal.

De algemene verwachting is volgens Van Beek echter dat de prijzen van ijzererts en staal weer zullen dalen met als belangrijkste reden het voortdurende overaanbod vanuit China waar de binnenlandse vraag daalt. Op basis van de huidige staal- en ijzerertsprijzen verwacht de analist dat ArcelorMittal in zowel 2016 als in 2017 verlieslatend zal zijn. En door de forse toename van het aantal aandelen van 1,8 miljard naar circa 3,0 miljard zal bij een terugkeer naar een nettowinst het winstpotentieel per aandeel "voorlopig nog gering zijn".

Door de emissie in combinatie met desinvesteringen kan ArcelorMittal volgens Van Beek evenwel weer "ruim" aan de financiële verplichtingen voldoen.

Omstreeks 10.45 uur noteert het aandeel 2,4% lager op EUR3,66, terwijl de AEX met 0,7% daalt.

Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;

ArcelorMittal koersdoel omlaag bij Berenberg - Market Talk

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Berenberg heeft het koersdoel op ArcelorMittal (MT.AE) bijgesteld naar EUR3,40 van EUR3,60, om hiermee het nieuwe aantal van 3,07 miljard aandelen na de aankomende claimemissie te weerspiegelen. Het staalbedrijf geeft 1,26 miljard nieuwe aandelen uit voor EUR2,20 per stuk. De marktvorsers verhoogden hun inschattingen voor de operationele winst (EBITDA) dit jaar naar $5 miljard van $4,8 miljard, vanwege een hogere bijdrage van de ACIS-divisie, die kan profiteren van de recente opwaartse trend in Chinese staalprijzen. De analisten voorzien een positieve ontwikkeling voor de wereldwijde staalsector en merken op dat het management van Arcelor de winstgevendheid over de hele linie aan het verbeteren is. Het advies blijft echter hold. Omstreeks 10.40 uur noteert het aandeel 2,2% lager op EUR3,67, terwijl de AEX met 0,6% daalt.

Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;

Weak prices have limited impact on steel pipe makers in Indonesia – Fitch Ratings

Fitch Ratings says that the continued price weakness in the Indonesian steel pipe market is unlikely to have any material impact on the larger domestic manufacturers like PT Steel Pipe Industry of Indonesia Tbk (Spindo, A-(idn)/Stable). The credit profile of Spindo, which has the largest pipe production capacity in Indonesia, will continue to benefit from a relatively stable EBITDA margin and adequate volume growth.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Steel sector pushes up core machinery orders in Japan in January

According the latest government data, Japan's core private sector machinery orders jumped a seasonally adjusted 15 percent in January from the previous month for the second straight monthly gain, led by large orders from the steel industry. The orders, widely regarded as a leading indicator of future capital spending, totaled JPY 934.7 billion (USD 8.2 billion). The orders exclude those for ships and from utilities because of their volatility. The size of the increase, which followed a revised 1 percent rise in December, was the largest since comparable data became available in April 2005.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
German banks to help finance tin mill in Belarus

BelTA reported that German banks will help finance the construction of a steel mill in Miory District, Vitebsk Oblast, the press service of the State Science and Technology Committee of Belarus told BelTA. According to the source, the Committee's Chairman Alexander Shumilin, representatives of the Vitebsk Oblast administration, the Miory District administration, and the management of OOO MMPZ Group met to discuss the construction and commissioning of the factory that will make metal sheets and tinned sheets in the town of Miory.

According to the investor, the project's implementation is in full swing. BelTA has been told that representatives of Belarusbank, the German bank AKA Ausfuhrkredit GmbH, and the German company SMS Group GmbH will meet in Minsk on 16-17 March to sign an interbank credit agreement for the sake of the project's further implementation. The German banks have confirmed they are ready to offer loans for the sake of exporting the primary equipment worth €106 million that the steel mill will need.

Apart from that, the investor has convinced top Russian state banks, which specialize in supporting government programs and giving tied export loans, to directly finance the project.

OOO MMPZ Group representatives said that since the project was launched, as much as €5.7 million and Br1.7 billion (as of 29 February) has been invested in building the steel mill. In the period contracts were signed with OOO MetPromStroy on building the factory (€20.8 million) and on supplying auxiliary equipment and materials (€48.3 million and €33.6 million respectively).

In February 2016 the supplier of the main technological equipment SMS Group GmbH, which is the world's top manufacturer of metallurgical industry equipment, acquired a share in the project's capital via its mother company MMPZ GmbH (Austria).

BelTA reported earlier that the new metal factory will specialize in making tinned metal sheets. Those have many industrial applications including the production of packaging for the tinned food industry, aerosols, paints and varnishes. Belarus needs 30,000 tonnes of tin-plated metal sheets per annum while the future factory will be able to make 150,000 tonnes of the merchandise. One year after the launch the company intends to raise the output capacity up to 240,000 tonnes.

Source : BelTA
Karanataka CM to take a call on ArcelorMittal request on land use change

DECCAN CHRONICLE reported that Karnataka Chief Minister Mr Siddaramaiah will take a final call on global steel giant ArcelorMittal's proposal to change the use of land allotted to the company here to set up a solar power plant instead of the steel plant. Congress MLC Mr KC Kondaiah said “State government is likely to constitute an experts committee to decide on ArcelorMittal's proposal and then, the CM will take a final decision.”

He said that representatives of ArcelorMittal have conveyed to him that they are not able to set up a steel plant here unless they are provided captive mines as they were assured while entering a MoU with the state government at the global investors meet held in 2010.

When asked if it was not a violation of the MoU if they set up a solar plant instead of a steel plant, he said “It is up to the CM to decide.”

Further, he said, not only ArcelorMittal, even the proposed steel plants by the union steel ministry owned NMDC and Uttam Galva Ferrous Ltd will not come up in the Ballari region as the current domestic iron ore and steel market is not encouraging for new investments in the steel sector.

It may recalled that land losers of the ArcelorMittal project and the mining community are opposing the company's proposal to set up a solar plant in the prime land claiming that it would not generate more jobs or boost economic activity in the steel hub.
ArcelorMittal group Chief Executive Officer Sanjay Sharma and his team met Chief Minister Siddaramaiah in Bengaluru in the last week of January seeking permission to change the use of 2,800 acres of land to set up a 600 megawatt solar power plant citing the bad patch the steel sector is passing through.


tonth schreef op 15 maart 2016 17:03:

Vraag aan de experts
Wat was nu het verschil gisteren bij sluiting gebruik te maken van de 10 aandelen / met optie 7 claims te nemen of nu gewoon zoveel claims te kopen als ik wil.En ook nog het aandeel te kopen voor de prijs die ik wil ??

De koers heeft sowieso de opbrengst van de claim rechten naar beneden gecompenseerd
PT Krakatau Steel proceeding with expansion projects – President

The Jakarta Post reported that Indonesian state run steelmaker PT Krakatau Steel aims to kick off the construction of a hot strip mill this month and to finish a blast furnace by September even as the company is experiencing financial difficulties. President director Mr Sukandar said “We have to keep our business growing, although it’s difficult.”

KS, the country’s largest steel producer, was scheduled to start constructing its second hot strip mill by the end of this month.

The company also aimed to complete the construction of its blast furnace by the end of September this year. The blast furnace, built with an investment of more than USD 500 million, is designed to produce 1.25 million tons of hot metal, which will serve as intermediary materials to make a variety of finished steel products.

The second hot strip mill project in Cilegon, Banten, which needed an investment of about $400 million, would have an approximate capacity of 1.5 million tons once it started operation in 2018.

KS corporate secretary Iip Arief Budiman said previously the company aimed for its hot rolled coil production to amount to 3.9 million tons by the time the new factory starts operating. The figure is more than double the firm’s current hot rolled coil output of 1.5 million tons.

Source : The Jakarta Post
ArcelorMittal and labor union settle strike in Mexico

Steel maker ArcelorMittal and the Mexican Mining and Metal Workers Union reached an agreement to end a strike at the company's steel mills in the Pacific port of Lazaro Cardenas, the union and the Labor Ministry said Sunday.

In negotiations mediated by the ministry, ArcelorMittal agreed to relocate 125 workers following the recent closure of a coke plant and pay severance to 81 others, and to extend for another year an agreement over the use of third-party contract workers, the ministry said in a release.

The ministry said it welcomed the efforts of both sides to end the strike, which began March 4. It said the company employs 8,500 people in Mexico, including 7,600 in Lazaro Cardenas. ArcelorMittal also agreed to pay wages for the time that workers were on strike.

Operations are due to resume Monday, the ministry added.

The union said the agreements were unanimously approved late Saturday by workers in Lazaro Cardenas, and that the union and the company agreed to meet in two weeks to discuss other pending labor issues.

Source :
Government plans to collect MIP differential with actual prices – Mint Report

Mint reported that fearing that the high minimum import price imposed on steel items may lead to illegal hawala transactions, in turn fuelling an inflow of black money, the commerce ministry has written to the finance ministry to seize the price differential between MIP and the actual import price.

The report quoted a commerce ministry official as saying that since the actual import price remains the same even after the imposition of MIP, the ministry has written to the revenue department suggesting the levy of an additional duty equivalent to the price differential on steel importers. He said “This would basically prohibit anybody from importing steel.”

He however added that the government is closely watching the situation and will check any attempt by steel companies to form a cartel. He said “In Delhi, the maximum price hike per tonne of steel is INR 2,600 for any product after MIP was imposed. We are closely monitoring the price movement on a weekly basis and will not allow steel companies to form a cartel. We will not allow anybody to run away with the price because our whole downstream engineering industry is relying on steel as input.”

Source : Mint
EU plan faster decision making on steel import tariffs - Report

Bloomberg reported that the European Union plans to accelerate decisions on steel-import tariffs amid concern that Chinese and other global competitors pose a threat to European producers, according to two EU officials. The European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, intends to reduce the time taken to carry out inquiries into alleged below cost or dumped imports of steel, the officials said on Monday on the condition of anonymity. It will disclose the plan in a paper on the steel industry to be released on Wednesday in Brussels.

Normally, after opening a dumping investigation, the commission decides within nine months whether to introduce provisional anti-dumping duties and within 15 months whether to apply “definitive” five-year levies. On Feb. 29, industry ministers from the 28-nation EU urged the commission to shorten steel-dumping probes by at least two months “whenever feasible.”

The commission will be unable to shave more than a month off the time needed for decisions on provisional anti-dumping duties, one of the people said. That’s because of the consultations required with EU governments, the languages involved and the staff available, according to the person. Still, an eight-month time frame for provisional EU anti-dumping levies on steel would bring Europe closer to the U.S. period of about six months.

On Feb. 15, EU industries led by the steel sector mobilized thousands of people for a march in Brussels to warn about job losses from Chinese competition. The commission has sought to reassure European manufacturers that it won’t shy away from slapping tariffs on imports from China when they are found to be dumped.

In addition to pledging to accelerate steel-dumping investigations, the commission on Wednesday will seek to remove a cap it applies when imposing anti-dumping duties. A change to this “lesser-duty” rule would need the approval of EU national governments and the European Parliament -- a process than can take months or years.

Source : Bloomberg
Steel price rise not sustainable without growth in demand – Mr Sushim Banerjee

Mr Sushim Banerjee DG of Institute of Steel Growth and Development in his personal capacity wrote in Financial Express that the disconnect between physical volume and gross value added became more apparent with the release of IIP data. Industrial output in January is down by 1.5% compared to same month last year which pulls down the cumulative growth in industrial production during April to January period to only 2.7%. That manufacturing is still reeling under shrinking order position reflected in a negative 2.8% growth in the sector during the month.

The steel-intensive capital goods sector continues to display a fluctuating trend by showing a massive negative fall of more than 20% in the month. Among the other sub-segments under manufacturing, furniture and fabricated metals have performed reasonably better than electrical machinery and component that went down by more than 50%. The manufacturing of motor vehicles has grown by 3.7%, while other transport equipment were almost at the same level as last year.

The below normal industrial growth at the beginning of the current year must reflect on the performance of some of the prominent components of industrial production in the next month. Official data shows that steel consumption in the country in the first 11 months of the current fiscal has grown by 4.3% and the most part of this must be accounted for by poor growth in all the above segments. The big question therefore centres on the ability of the construction sector to pull up the steel industry despite a lackluster performance in manufacturing. This is yet to happen.

It is also to be appreciated that the emergence of high strength steel in construction and fabrication is leading to lower volume weight due to application of high strength steel (more than 350 MPa) which provides faster construction, high strength to weight ratio, lower dead weight and hence lower foundation cost. High strength steel leads to lower welding, fabrication and transportation costs. All these advantages of using better quality steel would convert into lower volume of output, be it in basic metal sector or in fabricated metals. And therefore innovative methods of construction leading to lower weight of the materials and also lower construction cost by considering all aspects of cost reduction would signify slower growth in output.

This is an issue that would be more glaring in the coming months when various higher strength value added steel including cold formed structural, tubular and hollow structural and high strength plates would be preferred more and more by the end users. The domestic steel producers completing their brownfield expansions would be left with little alternative but to produce these special grades and dimensions by installing state-of-the-art process technologies and innovations to cater to these requirements.

The performance of the industry is therefore better captured by the increase in turnover and Ebitda margin and not always by a higher volume. This would also require a paradigm shift in our approach to evaluate the performance of the industry. It is heartening to note that after the series of import restrictive measures, the industry is able to achieve a higher realisation for their products with control on flow of imports. More significantly the global prices that nosedived only a month back are rising at a fast rate. Chinese HR Coils that was available to the importers at a fob price of $260/t and CFR rate of $280-285/t (Mumbai) in mid-January has currently moved up to $332/t fob and rising.

It was impossible to match Chinese export price of HRC (fob) that was nearly $80/t lower than the marginal cost of the product and China faced antidumping and countervailing investigations from almost all importing countries. The current prices would enable Chinese producers to recover some losses and repay loans. The sympathetic rise in global steel prices in HRC, Rebar, Billets and Plates would benefit all exporting countries and bring down the vicious circle of trade protective measures. However, it is really not known if the price rise is synonymous with rise in demand.

The steep rise in iron ore prices (from $35/t CFR China for 62% Fe to $63/t in March) appears to be speculative and must come down in the coming days at least by $15-20/t as there is no appreciable increase in demand for the material and high inventories are lying at Chinese ports. Overall the situation is volatile and needs to be closely monitored.

Source : Financial Express
Global glut hurting steel makers in Nigeria - Association

The Guardian reported that as the glut in global steel production heightened, with many steel industrial firms shutting down, local steel manufacturers in Nigeria may have begun to feel the pangs of the glut as capacity utilisation drops below 50 per cent sequel to low demand. Coordinator, Steel Manufacturers Association of Nigeria, Prince Felix Oba Okogie, said the Nigerian steel industry is in comatose, pointing out that the industry is faced with a very bad market with no demand for locally-made steel products.

He said “We are producing but not selling. Even during production, we do not have enough power and the cost of things are getting higher particularly gas and electricity. We are producing but we are not selling because there is no demand.”

Worried that manufacturers may be cutting corners in their production in order to reduce their liabilities and improve sales in a saturated market, the Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) has unveiled plans to impose stricter sanctions on erring steel and iron producers which fail to meet the minimum requirement of the Nigerian Industrial Standards (NIS).

While Nigerian steel manufacturers increased their production capacity following government’s policy increasing tariff on imported steel products, many of the unneeded mills, smelters, and plants in China were built or expanded after the country’s policy makers unleashed cheap credit during the global financial crisis in 2009.

Okogie added: “If we are producing at full capacity, the steel industry will employ over 300,000 people, but we currently employ about 40,000 which is a far cry compared to what the industry can employ. If the industry does not improve I am afraid to say it would lead to an enormous job loss in the steel sector,” he said.

Source : The Guardian
AB, Voda.

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