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BaoSteel will slash 6 million tonnes of steel capacity

Recently, Mr He Wenbo president of BaoSteel said that BaoSteel’s plant in the city center has reached an agreement with Shanghai government that it will slash 6 million tonnes of steel capacity in the future without involving the production base of the headquarter of BaoSteel.

Mr He also pointed out that BaoSteel has no plans of expanding steel capacity. The company will focus on Zhanjiang Steel's Project to establish an overall pattern in Shanghai, Nanjing and Zhangjiang.

Source -
China steel information centre and industry database
Italy steel scrap market report for May 2014 Source - Recyclingportal

April 2014 will be remembered, not just here in Italy, for two negative events occurred in the steel field: the death of Mr Emilio Riva and the blast furnace shut down at Lucchini Piombino. After the recent deaths of Mr Luigi Lucchini and Mr Steno Marcegaglia, another great entrepreneur left us. This is the end of an industrial period, which characterized the growth of the steel industry in Italy.

Mr Emilio Riva opened his first electric oven in the fifties, followed in the later years with the first billet concast. During the mid-nineties the Riva group jumped at the highest level with the purchase of the Ilva companies. The story of the Mr Riva family had a dramatic epilogue in 2012, when the patriarch had been joined by an order of detection under the investigation of the Prosecutor of Taranto for pollution and environmental disaster.

He drove the family business as a true captain of industry. All the operators of the steel field recognize his moral strength and charisma. Going back to Mr Lucchini Piombino, unfortunately after very long and unsuccessful tentative to sell the steel mill by the Government Commissioner, the blast furnace n. 4 has been shut down on the 24th of April, to remain idle for at least 25 days more.

It seems the inevitable end of the hot steel production in Piombino, well known as the location where the Etruscan started the steel production in the remote past. It is a strong signal of the suffering of the European steel makers, who have to face the overcapacity matters in the shortest future, passing through a strong restructuring of the entire steel chain stakeholders.

The April Italian scrap market has been driven by the Turkish mills purchases with the result of higher prices during the first half of the month. The Italian buyers settled their orders with the usual European suppliers by price increase around EUR 10. On the domestic market the prices moved up during the first two weeks up to EUR 10 and than they remained stable. Due to the several weekday holidays many electric mills cut or reduced the production from the 20th April to the 4th May, influencing the scrap monthly consumption.

Following the April official average prices reported (€/pmt delivered):

New arising E8
Italy 285
France 290
Germany 290

Shredded E40
Italy 290
France 290
Germany 290

Demolition scrap E3
Italy 265
France 265
Germany 265

Source –
ArcelorMittal Europe reports EUR 58 million operating profit for Q1 2014

ArcelorMittal Europe announced results for the Q1 of 2014. The segment recorded an operating profit of EUR 58 million for the first three months of 2014. This compares with an operating loss of EUR 396 million in Q4 2013. Comparable operating performance for Q4 2013 was impacted by impairment and restructuring charges totalling EUR 302 million. There were no such impairment or restructuring charges this quarter.

EBIDTA for the quarter also rose, by 29% to EUR 390 million, compared with EUR 302 million in the Q4 of last year. This improvement has been mainly driven by higher shipments and a positive price cost effect.

ArcelorMittal Europe crude steel production increased by 4.3% to 10.9 million tonnes, compared with Q4 2013, following the restart of the blast furnace in Dabrowa Gornicza, Poland, as maintenance work concluded.

Steel shipments in Q1 2014 were 10.0 million tonnes an increase of 5.6% compared with the previous quarter. Flat product shipment volumes increased by 5.8% and long product shipment volumes increased by 6.0%, both benefitting from seasonality and improved underlying demand.

Sales in the ArcelorMittal Europe segment also increased by 1.6% to EUR 7.5 billion compared with EUR 7.4 billion in the Q4. This was primarily due to higher steel shipments.

GDP growth for the Eurozone has been stronger in Q1 than at the end of 2013. European steel demand remains relatively healthy, underpinned by improving macroeconomic indicators in the region. Manufacturing PMI in Europe has been above 50 for ten months and, together with even higher numbers for the Czech Republic, Poland and the UK, suggests continued European manufacturing growth this year.

In contrast the construction PMI continues to disappoint, dropping to its lowest level in ten months at 46.2 in March. While there are positive signals in Germany, Poland and the UK, investment in new construction projects in other European countries remains constrained in 2014. Nevertheless, positive growth in demand for flat products is expected. Car registrations in the Eurozone are rebounding and are up 8.6% in the first quarter compared with the same period of 2013.

Mr Aditya Mittal CEO ArcelorMittal Europe said that "ArcelorMittal Europe's Q1 results for 2014 show a combination of a gradually improving economy and the results of measures the company has taken to adapt to the new demand environment. As the pace of recovery in the EU has been slightly stronger than expected when we announced our full year results in February, we have upgraded our forecast for European steel demand in 2014 from around 2%, to 2-3%, and therefore remain cautiously optimistic about the outlook for the rest of the year."

Source – Strategic Research Institute
South Africa Competition Authority investigating ArcelorMittal SA reported that South Africa’s competition authority, the Competition Commission is currently investigating ArcelorMittal South Africa) for excessive pricing of tinplate and flat steel

The report quoted Dr Hans Rosenstock acting CEO of ArcelorMittal as saying that “Joined to this investigation is an investigation into alleged excessive pricing arising from the iron ore surcharge introduced by ArcelorMittal South Africa for the period May 2010 to July 2010.”

He added that the firm is currently cooperating completely with the competition authorities and continues to provide documentation whenever asked to do so.

Source –
Global iron ore prices likely to go below USD 100 CFR mark amid surplus

Iron ore prices continue to slide this week as Chinese steel market remained sluggish and the availability increased from iron ore miners across the world

The Steel Index Ltd ore with 62% content delivered to the Chinese port of Tianjin fell 1% to USD 102.70 per dry tonne the lowest level since September 2012.

The Australian PB Fines 61.5% from Dampier/Hedland ports with 8% moisture have dropped to USD 102 to USD 104 per tonne CFR China

The Brazilian SFOT iron ore fines 63.5% from Tubarao/PDM ports have also slid to USD 102 to USD 104 per tonne CFR China

The China Iron Ore Price Index CIOPI, compiled by the China Iron and Steel Association (CISA), the China Chamber of Commerce of Metals, Minerals and Chemicals Importers and Exporters (CCCMC) and the Metallurgical Mines' Association of China (MMAC) has dipped to 368.6 as on May 7th 2014 down by 18% from 448.7 as on January 9th 2014

Source – Strategic Research Institute
Iets voor de verstokte AM fan? :-)

Opvallende stijger: Aperam

De kwartaalresultaten van Aperam waren beter dan verwacht, door onder andere de hoge nikkelprijs en een goed lopend kostenbesparingsprogramma. De koers steeg deze week met 14,7%.

Na jaren van nettoverlies, kon Aperam in het eerste kwartaal weer een kleine winst bijschrijven, van 19 miljoen dollar. Het bedrijfsresultaat voor rente, belastingen, afschrijvingen en amortisatie (EBITDA) steeg naar 129 miljoen dollar, tegen 65 miljoen dollar een jaar eerder en 84 miljoen dollar in het vierde kwartaal. Ook de omzet verbeterde.

De nettoschuld daalde in de eerste drie maanden licht, van 690 miljoen dollar naar 689 miljoen dollar. Maar dit cijfer zal volgens de producent van roestvast staal in het tweede kwartaal iets verder afnemen.

Ondertussen ligt Aperam op koers met zijn kostenbesparings- en winstgevendheidsprogramma, de 'Leadership Journey', die het concern in 2010 aankondigde. Met de efficiëntie van dat programma heeft Aperam volgens analisten van JP Morgan een streepje voor op sectorgenoten.

Verder werden de kwartaalcijfers van Aperam ook gunstig beïnvloed door de hoge prijs van nikkel, een essentiële grondstof voor de productie van roestvast staal. Bij prijsdalingen stellen afnemers bestellingen uit in afwachting van eventuele verdere prijsdalingen. Sinds het begin van het jaar is de prijs juist behoorlijk gestegen, wat leidde tot een zogenaamd herbevoorradingseffect bij afnemers.

JP Morgan verhoogde naar aanleiding van de sterke kwartaalcijfers het advies van neutral naar overweight en het koersdoel van 20,50 euro naar 24,50 euro.

Volgens analisten van Deutsche Bank waren de kwartaalcijfers 'indrukwekkend' en doet Aperam het onderliggend beter dan sectorgenoten. Ook zij verhoogden het advies en koersdoel. Op basis van de aantrekkelijke waardering van Aperam en de verwachting dat de nikkelprijs dit jaar verder stijgt, ging het advies omhoog van hold naar buy en het koersdoel van 18 naar 25 euro.

Credit Suisse, dat in maart nog met een adviesverlaging kwam, verhoogde zijn advies van neutral naar outperform en het koersdoel van 21 naar 28 euro. Deze analist was vooral te spreken over de prognose. Aperam gaf dat de EBITDA in het tweede kwartaal naar verwachting hoger uitkomt dan in de afgelopen verslagperiode.

Analisten van Goldman Sachs, Rabobank en Kepler verhoogden eveneens hun koersdoel.

Ook beleggers toonden zich optimistisch, gezien de koersstijging van 14,7% op weekbasis. Vanaf het begin van het jaar is de koers inmiddels zo'n 50% gestegen en op jaarbasis is zelfs sprake van een koersstijging van meer dan 100%.

ArcelorMittal koersdoel omlaag naar EUR13,50 van EUR14,50 - JP Morgan
ArcelorMittal advies blijft overweight - JP Morgan
(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires
ArcelorMittal koersdoel omlaag naar EUR15 van EUR16 bij Rabo
ArcelorMittal advies blijft buy - Rabo
(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires
Indian steel consumption may touch 75 million tonnes in 2014-15 - TATA Steel

Business Standard reported that TATA Steel expects the metal's consumption in India to grow by about 5% to 75 million tonne in 2014-15 on hopes that the economy will kick start once the new government is in place after the general elections results are out next week.

Mr Peeyush Gupta VP, Marketing & Sales of TATA Steel said that "We expect the economy to kick start post the new Government. Fundamentals of the economy remain strong and the need for infrastructure creation is stronger."

He said that "Consequently, we expect robust improvement in investment led demand in FY15 and steel consumption should touch 75 million tonne, a growth of 4.5% to 5% over FY' 2014."

Mr Gupta said in the company's newsletter posted on the website that projections for long term growth continue to be bullish and the country will gear itself to touch 125 million tonne by 2020 and 175 million tonne by 2025.

He also projected rural consumption to grow as the economy improves. India's per capita steel consumption is 58 kilogram as against world average of 250 kilogram while rural India consumes only 14 kilogram per capita.

Mr Gupta further said that as the economy matures, rate of urbanisation improves, and this gets reflected in increased steel usage in construction and in consumables. Therefore, steel demand will get a major boost from increased RCC housing type construction and conversion of thatched and sand tile roofs to various types of steel roofing.

He said that the other significant action is from the government to drive inclusive growth, as enumerated in the 12th Five Year Plan, with the launch of schemes like MGNREGA, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Bharat Nirman. With the improvement in income levels and direct support to pukka housing, steel companies have a good prospect in rural India.

Source - Business Standard

Overcapacity reduction targets in China raised for 2014

China Daily reported that in a new push to fight pollution and accelerate industrial upgrading, Chinese authorities have upped the target eradication of outdated steel production capacity to 28.7 million tonnes.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced new obsolete capacity reduction targets on its website. Compared with numbers released in a March government report delivered by Premier Mr Li Keqiang, the new goal is 1.7 million tonnes higher.

Mr Zhang Tieshan a senior analyst from industrial information provider, said that Beijing faces such serious environmental problems that policies to eliminate obsolete steel mills had to be revised.

Hebei province is the biggest steel producer in China with an annual capacity of more than 200 million tonnes. It accounts for a quarter of the national capacity.

According to the State Council's plan, China will eliminate 80 million tonnes of outdated steel capacity by 2017. Of that, Hebei was required to cut 60 million tonnes.

Mr Zhang said that "A number of small steel mills were shut down recently under the administrative order. The local government has taken actions to reach the goal. Water is also an issue for Beijing's environmental protection and that steel mills are large water consumers.”

According to the local government, between 2011 and last October, Hebei pulled down 10 blast furnaces and 16 converters belonging to eight companies, which has reduced steel smelting capacity by 6.8 million tonnes and iron smelting capacity by 4.56 million tonnes.

Source - China Daily
China Steel Industry PMI jumps above 50pct threshold in April

According to data released by China Steel Logistics Professional Committee of CFLP, the purchasing manager's index of Chinese steel sector rose 8.4 percentage points from a month earlier to 52.6% in April, the first reading above 50% since September last year.

Both new orders and new export orders subindices reached above the 50% level and purchasing price index saw a big rebound from low level, showing signs of a recovery in China's steel market which remained in recession for a long period of time.

Data also showed that the steel industry production index expanded to 53.0% last month after remaining below 50% for six months in a row, up 13.3 percentage points from March and both purchasing volume and raw material inventory subindices saw a pick up in April.

An industry analyst said that many steel mills resumed operations on improved profitability driven by a rapid rebound in steel prices in early April, which led to further rises in steel production.

It's noteworthy that the purchasing price index jumped 17.3 percentage points to 46.1% in April from March but still stayed below the 50% level, a signal that the raw material market continued running at low level and thus there is lack of cost support for the steel market.

The analyst also said that the fundamentals of China steel market remains weak, but market demand is expected to increase on the back of the implementation of government measures to maintain stable economic growth and speed-up of construction of a series of infrastructure and livelihood projects.

Source -
China steel information centre and industry database
Japan steelmakers to step up overseas expansion despite Asia's oversupply

Reuters reported that Japanese steelmakers, fresh from a bumper year of profits amid an upswing in their home market after massive government stimulus are looking to step up expansion overseas despite the prolonged supply overhang that now grips Asia.

The fresh drive overseas means top Japanese steelmakers will be producing more than half of the total output of their mainstay automotive steel sheets in factories outside Japan by 2016 as their home market stagnates with a falling population.

Executives at steelmakers such as Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation and JFE Holdings are faced with little choice but to accelerate their push abroad as the effects of the stimulus led by Prime Minister Mr Shinzo Abe wane and spending on autos falls after a sales tax hike from April.

Mr Katsuhiko Ota executive VP of Nippon Steel & Sumitomo said that "As for automotive steel, Indonesia is a key area where we would consider to invest.

at an earnings briefing on Friday, adding that expansions of plants in India and China are other issues to tackle. We'll be also studying various investment options overseas including upstream (crude steel production). But we need to figure out which investments are the most beneficial when the supply demand gap is so huge."

Given the excess supply fuelled mostly by Chinese output of about 780 million tonnes of crude steel a year, Japanese mills are reluctant to invest in blast furnaces, but they are eager to enlarge their processing plants and clientele in Asia.

Nippon Steel, which on Friday reported for the year ended March 31 a return to net profit that was the highest since the start of the global financial crisis in 2008, plans to set aside about $1 billion a year in extra strategic spending, mainly for overseas expansion.

Mr Shinichi Okada executive VP of JFE said that "We need to be able to supply materials in Asia and the rest of the world as the globalisation of Japanese automakers won't stop even after the yen turned weaker from the super high levels. JFE plans to focus on expansion of overseas processing facilities for now, but it is also willing to look into any good opportunity in owning a blast furnace abroad.”

Source - Reuters

Nippon Steel announces financial results for Fiscal Year 2014

The overall global economy continued to expand gradually in the term under review supported by slower but steady economic growth in China and the ASEAN countries, a bottoming out followed by signs of a recovery in business conditions in Europe, and ongoing recovery of business conditions in the United States.

The Japanese economy also showed signs of sustaining steady recovery supported by strong public sector investment, improving corporate earnings following the adjustment to the overvalued yen, rising capital investment associated with a recovery in production activities, and improving consumer sentiment and spending.

Domestic steel demand increased in the civil engineering and construction fields on continuing firm reconstruction demand and economic policies showing their full effects. Demand from the manufacturing industry also grew on the recovery in capital investment and an upturn in business confidence. Steel exports continued showing signs of recovery supported by improving economic conditions overseas and the yen adjustment, but market conditions for steel materials overseas remained severe amid ongoing stagnant demand for steel materials, caused by persistently strong supply pressure from Chinese and South Korean steelmakers.

In this business environment, the NSSMC Group continued steadily advancing the measures set forth in the Mid-Term Management Plan adopted in March 2013, including pushing forward with technical advances, achieving the industry’s highest level of cost-competitiveness to successfully compete with global competition, halting steelmaking and rolling- related equipment operations to construct the optimal production system, continuing to advance our global strategies, and reinforcing the composition of the steelmaking and steel fabrication group companies.

Operating Results by Business Segment for Fiscal 2013;
The NSSMC Group strived earnestly as every company in each segment responded to its changing business environment. An overview of operating results by business segment is shown below.

1. Steelmaking and Steel Fabrication
NSSMC took comprehensive steps to fortify the domestic manufacturing foundation of the steelmaking and steel fabrication segment, including repairing of the Yawata Works No. 4 blast furnace and other investments in equipment upgrades. The Company also took steps to stimulate technological advancement, including collaborating with customers to develop high-functioning products and integrating the manufacturing, sales, technology, and research divisions to enhance its ability to develop solution proposal for customers.

Measures were also implemented to formulate the optimal manufacturing system by integrating the technologies of Nippon Steel Corporation and Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd to increase the competitiveness of production lines while systematically integrating into the more competitive lines. In addition, NSSMC effected the integration and reorganization of the operating structure of its steelworks on April 1, 2014, and continued to integrate and reorganize its core Group companies with the aim of fortifying the domestic business base.

2. Engineering and Construction
Nippon Steel & Sumikin Engineering Company Limited is developing operations in the areas of steel production plants, environment, energy, offshore projects, pipelines and construction where it can fully apply its distinct capabilities. Amid recovering domestic demand and brisk overseas demand in the energy field, the company’s performance was supported by steady progress advancing projects and efforts to reduce costs and improve earnings. Although sales increased due in part to the yen adjustment, owing to factors such as a difference in the structure of orders and sales, the engineering and construction segment recorded net sales of JPY 314.1 billion and ordinary profit of JPY 17.7 billion.

3. Chemicals
Nippon Steel & Sumikin Chemical Company Limited recorded declines in the sales volumes of needle coke, due to sluggish demand for electrodes in Japan and overseas, and in circuit board materials and epoxy resins for electronic devices owing to intensifying market competition. Nevertheless, market conditions for styrene monomer and other general- purpose chemicals improved, demand for superior quality display materials was strong, and applications for organic EL materials in smart devices increased. The chemicals segment recorded net sales of JPY 230.1 billion and ordinary profit of JPY 10.0 billion.

4. New Materials
Nippon Steel & Sumikin Materials Company Limited recorded solid demand for surface treated copper wire, a material alternative to gold bonding wire, and other products in the electronic materials field. Demand increased for social infrastructure maintenance and reinforcement materials in the basic industrial materials and components field and from developing countries for metal substrates in the environmental and energy field. The company also accelerated the shift to production overseas and continued to develop and expand sales of new products. Although sales declined mainly due to lower sales of gold bonding wire, the sales mix improved, leading the new materials segment to post net sales of JPY 37.2 billion and ordinary profit of JPY 1.3 billion.

5. System Solutions
NS Solutions Corporation provides comprehensive solutions in the planning, configuration, operation, and maintenance of IT systems for customers in a wide range of businesses and develops leading edge solutions services to enhance customer capabilities amid changing business conditions. During the term, the company continued to strengthen and expand its cloud computing and other service businesses while expanding its business operations in Asia, including acquiring all shares of the system developer PALSYS Software Company Limited of Thailand. The system solutions segment recorded net sales of JPY 179.8 billion and ordinary profit of JPY 12.7 billion.

6. Sales and Income
Consolidated results in fiscal 2013 were boosted by increased steel demand, particularly in the civil engineering and construction industries and the automotive and other manufacturing industries, and from cost improvements, which included integration effects. The Company recorded JPY 5,516.1 billion in net sales, JPY 298.3 billion in operating profit, JPY 361.0 billion in ordinary profit and JPY 242.7 billion in net income.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
The Salzgitter Group improves result in the Q1 of 2014

Dissemination of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG, transmitted by DGAP a company of EQS Group AG. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

With consolidated external sales of EUR 2.3 billion (first quarter of 2013: EUR 2.4 billion), the Salzgitter Group delivered a pretax result of EUR 8.7 million in the first quarter of the financial year 2014 (Q1 of 2013: EUR 16.1 million). The result was impacted among others by a positive effect from the Aurubis investment.

Guidance for the results of the Salzgitter Group remains unchanged: Compared with the financial year 2013, a significant increase in the pretax results approximating breakeven is anticipated in the financial year 2014.

Further details on the financial statements for the first quarter will be published on May 15, 2014 as scheduled. Information is released on the basis of the current Guidelines for Issuers of the German Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).

Source - Strategic Research Institute
12 mei '14 Kopen € 19,0 Société Générale Meer »
12 mei '14 Kopen € 16,0 » € 15,0 Lager Rabo Meer »
12 mei '14 Overweight € 14,5 » € 13,5 Lager J.P. Morgan Meer »
12 mei '14 Kopen € 17,0 Deutsche Bank Meer »
Why ArcelorMittal (MT) Stock Is Higher Today
BY Tedd Cohen| 05/12/14 - 09:51 AM EDT

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NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Shares of ArcelorMittal SA (MT_) are up 1.99% to $15.87 after it was reported that the steelmaker is in "deep, deep discussions" with BHP Billiton Ltd. (BHP_) to acquire the Australian mining company's stake in a major Guinean iron-ore deposit, sources say, the Wall Street Journal reports.

A deal, potentially worth as much as $500 million, would bring an end to BHP's months long attempt to find a buyer for its 41.3% stake in Mount Nimba, a rich deposit located close the Liberian border, the Journal said.

STOCKS TO BUY: TheStreet Quant Ratings has identified a handful of stocks that can potentially TRIPLE in the next 12 months. Learn more.
TheStreet Ratings team rates ARCELORMITTAL SA as a Hold with a ratings score of C. TheStreet Ratings Team has this to say about their recommendation:

"We rate ARCELORMITTAL SA (MT) a HOLD. The primary factors that have impacted our rating are mixed some indicating strength, some showing weaknesses, with little evidence to justify the expectation of either a positive or negative performance for this stock relative to most other stocks. The company's strengths can be seen in multiple areas, such as its solid stock price performance, impressive record of earnings per share growth and revenue growth. However, as a counter to these strengths, we also find weaknesses including poor profit margins, weak operating cash flow and generally higher debt management risk."

Highlights from the analysis by TheStreet Ratings Team goes as follows:

Powered by its strong earnings growth of 72.06% and other important driving factors, this stock has surged by 28.23% over the past year, outperforming the rise in the S&P 500 Index during the same period. Regarding the stock's future course, our hold rating indicates that we do not recommend additional investment in this stock despite its gains in the past year.
ARCELORMITTAL SA reported significant earnings per share improvement in the most recent quarter compared to the same quarter a year ago. The company has demonstrated a pattern of positive earnings per share growth over the past year. We feel that this trend should continue. This trend suggests that the performance of the business is improving. During the past fiscal year, ARCELORMITTAL SA continued to lose money by earning -$1.46 versus -$2.23 in the prior year. This year, the market expects an improvement in earnings ($0.84 versus -$1.46).
Despite currently having a low debt-to-equity ratio of 0.45, it is higher than that of the industry average, inferring that management of debt levels may need to be evaluated further. Even though the debt-to-equity ratio shows mixed results, the company's quick ratio of 0.45 is very low and demonstrates very weak liquidity.
The gross profit margin for ARCELORMITTAL SA is currently extremely low, coming in at 8.30%. Regardless of MT's low profit margin, it has managed to increase from the same period last year. Despite the mixed results of the gross profit margin, MT's net profit margin of -6.18% significantly underperformed when compared to the industry average.
ThyssenKrupp verhoogt outlook, overtreft prognoses

FRANKFURT (Dow Jones)--ThyssenKrupp AG (TKA.XE) heeft zijn winstverwachting voor dit boekjaar opwaarts bijgesteld, nadat kostenbesparingen, een sterke vraag naar zijn kapitaalgoederen en het afstoten van bezittingen ertoe leiden dat het concern zijn eerste nettowinst in zeven kwartalen rapporteert.

De nettowinst over het tweede kwartaal bedroeg EUR271 miljoen, wat aanzienlijk hoger ligt dan het nettoverlies van EUR131 miljoen dat geboekt werd in diezelfde periode een jaar eerder. Met dit resultaat overtrof ThyssenKrupp de verwachting van 11 analisten die gemiddeld een nettowinst van EUR84 miljoen voorzagen.

"We hebben voor het eerst in zeven kwartalen een positief nettoresultaat gerealiseerd. Dit toont aan dat ons efficiency programma zijn vruchten afwerpt", zegt Chief Executive Heinrich Hiesinger.

Het bedrijf voorziet nu een winst voor rente, belasting, en aangepast voor eenmalige items, die nagenoeg verdubbeld ten opzichte van het recordbedrag van EUR586 miljoen dat vorig jaar werd bereikt. De omzet zal naar verwachting toenemen met midden enkelcijferige percentages. De aangepaste EBIT wordt verwacht met EUR1 miljard toe te nemen. ThyssenKrupp's boekjaar eindigt op 30 september.

In de drie maanden die eindigden in maart viel ThyssenKrupp's nauwlettend in de gaten gehouden aangepaste winst voor rente en belastingen 60% hoger uit op EUR309 miljoen, op een omzetstijging van 8% naar EUR10,3 miljard. Analisten hadden een aangepaste EBIT van EUR297 miljoen voorzien bij een omzet van EUR9,94 miljard.

Het bedrijf schrijft zijn beter dan voorziene resultaat toe aan het kostenbesparingsprogramma, waarmee het Duitse conglomeraat tot boekjaar 2015 EUR2 miljard hoopt te bezuinigen op operationele kosten. Een sterke vraag naar zijn kapitaalgoederen activiteiten, waaronder zijn liften onderdeel, en de desinvestering van onrendabele activiteiten hebben de tweedekwartaalresultaten verder ondersteund.

ThyssenKrupp bevindt zich in e e n van de meest uitgebreide reorganisaties sinds de totstandkoming van het concern 200 jaar geleden. In een poging de enorme schuldenlast naar beneden te dringen, schrapt het bedrijf duizenden banen, verkoopt het bezittingen en vermindert het de investeringen. Aan het eind van het tweede kwartaal stond de nettoschuld op EUR4 miljard, versus EUR5 miljard eind september.

Door Jan Hromadko. Vertaald en bewerkt door Ellen Proper; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;

4 beleggingen om voorlopig te mijden

DINSDAG 13 MEI 2014, 11:40 uur | 3596 keer gelezen

Volgens de beleggingswijsheid ‘Sell in May and go away’, doen beleggers er goed aan om in de periode van mei tot oktober weg te blijven van aandelen. De komende maanden doen beleggers er echter goed aan om niet alleen aandelen links te laten liggen.

Dat stelt Sam Stovall, hoofd aandelenstrateeg bij S&P Capital IQ.

Stovall wijst er in gesprek met CNBC op dat de S&P 500 dramatisch presteert in de periode van mei tot oktober. En hoewel dat normaal gesproken geldt voor aandelen, doen beleggers er in de huidige markt goed aan ook andere beleggingen de komende maanden te ontwijken. CNBC zette 4 beleggingen op een rij die experts nu verkopen.

1. Nutsbedrijven
Volgens Jeremy Hill van Old Blackheath is het tijd om aandelen van nutsbedrijven van de hand te doen. Hij gebruikt de sterke performance die de sector heeft laten zien dan ook om uit te stappen.

2. 10-jaars staatsobligaties
Ook 10-jaars staatsleningen moeten beleggers verkopen. Dat stelt in ieder geval inkomensstrateeg Zane Brown van Lord Abbett Fixed Income. Brown wijst op de zorgen over de crisis in Oekraïne, maar ook op de vooruitzichten voor een sterkere economische groei in de Verenigde Staten. Brown denkt dat het conflict tussen Oekraïne en Rusland zal verdwijnen en dat de Amerikaanse economie meer tekenen van verbetering zal tonen. Hij zet daarom in op een waardedaling voor staatsschuld.

3. Russische roebel versus de dollar
De derde investering om voorlopig links te laten liggen, komt van Nick Bennenbroek van Wells Fargo Securities. Bennenbroek verwacht dat Rusland en Oekraïne de komende tijd nog wel een probleem zullen blijven. Hij denkt dat lagere economische verwachtingen voor Rusland en het kapitaal dat uit het land stroomt, negatieve gevolgen zullen hebben voor de Russische roebel.

4. IJzererts en koper
De laatste belegging om te mijden is afkomstig van Jeffrey Sica van Sica Wealth Management. Hij raadt aan om ijzererts en koper te verkopen. Sica gelooft dat de trage groeiverwachting voor de Chinese economie zal zorgen dat de voorraden worden vergroot, wat de prijs zal drukken.

Lees ook: Sell in May and go away? Onzin, volgens beursexperts, waaruit blijkt dat Nederlandse experts dit jaar weinig waarde hechten aan de beurswijsheid.

Door Barbara van Cooten
Indian steel consumption may touch 75 million tonnes in 2014-15 - TATA Steel

PTI reported that TATA Steel expects the metal's consumption in India to grow by about 5% to 75 million tonne in 2014 to 2015 on hopes that the economy will kick start once the new government is in place after the general elections results are out next week.

Mr Peeyush Gupta VP, Marketing & Sales of TATA Steel said that "We expect the economy to kick-start post the new Government. Fundamentals of the economy remain strong and the need for infrastructure creation is stronger."

He said that "Consequently, we expect robust improvement in investment -led demand in FY' 2015 and steel consumption should touch 75 million tonne, a growth of 4.5% to 5% over FY' 2014."

Mr Gupta said in the company's newsletter posted on the website that projections for long term growth continue to be bullish and the country will gear itself to touch 125 million tonne by 2020 and 175 million tonne by 2025. The coming 10 years will be a decade of steel.

He also projected rural consumption to grow as the economy improves. India's per capita steel consumption is 58 kilogram as against world average of 250 kilogram while rural India consumes only 14 kilogram per capita.

Mr Gupta further said that "As the economy matures, rate of urbanisation improves, and this gets reflected in increased steel usage in construction and in consumables. Therefore, steel demand will get a major boost from increased RCC housing type construction and conversion of thatched and sand tileroofs to various types of steel roofing."

He said that the other significant action is from the government to drive inclusive growth, as enumerated in the 12th Five Year Plan with the launch of schemes like MGNREGA, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Bharat Nirman.

Mr Gupta said that with the improvement in income levels and direct support to pukka housing, steel companies have a good prospect in rural India. Over the last few years, the initiatives taken by TATA Steel to reach out to nearly every district in the country through its dedicated distribution network makes it favourably placed to address the rural demand growth.

In the recent past, TATA Steel has launched an innovative solution focusing on increased steel usage in a rural setting which is steel intensive, yet affordable called NEST-IN. It has also ventured into pilot projects that promote use of steel in furniture and house doors.

Construction sector accounts for around 60% of the country's total steel demand while the automobile industry consumes 15%. Both the sectors have been hit by a slowdown in the economy which grew by 4.9% in 2013 to 2014, as against the growth rate of 4.5% in 2012 to 2013 the decade low levels.

Source - PTI
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