Bitcoin Could Change The Derivatives Market, Says UBS Banker
by Justin OConnell
Bitcoin could change derivatives, in particular settlement, trading and securities issuance according to some individuals, among whom are bankers and technologists. Alex Batlin, who has been a vocal supporter of banks adopting Bitcoin related technologies, told attendees of the IDX Derivatives Expo in London that blockchain technologies will change banking.
“Blockchain technologies can make banks more efficient – for example through instantaneous settlement rather than the days it takes at present, lower costs and lower operational risk,” according to Alex Batlin, chief technology officer for innovation at UBS.
The simple lesson for banks is that if we don’t do it someone else will. The key attraction is that there is no middle or back office, and no registry, so clearly a major impact on costs.
“Utilising the blockchain is a natural digital evolution for managing physical securities,” claims Nasdaq CEO Bob Greifeld. “Once you cut the apron strings of need for the physical, the opportunities we can envision blockchain providing stand to benefit not only our clients, but the broader global capital markets.”
“All kinds of revenue opportunities can emerge, but it’s still more expensive, so there is a way to go,” said Batlin. Batlin in April tweeted in cryptography, "search for a challenge at UBS on the blockchain."