EPA raises biofuels targets higher than proposal
Nov 30 2015, 15:28 ET | By: Carl Surran, SA News Editor Contact this editor with comments or a news tip
-Biofuel names react favorably and refiners negatively to just-released EPA biofuel targets that come in above those proposed by the agency in May.
-Fuel suppliers will be required to mix 16.93B gallons of corn-based ethanol and other renewable fuels into gasoline this year and 18.11B gallons next year, according to the newest EPA targets.
-The final 2016 standard for advanced biofuel is nearly 1B gallons, or 35% higher than actual 2014 volumes.
-Biofuel names include: PEIX +17.7%, REGI +8.1%, AMRS +7%, GEVO +4.9%, SZYM +2.5%, GPRE +6.2%, REX +3.2%, ADM flat.
-Refiners are pulling back: VLO -0.9%, TSO -1.5%, HFC -2.6%, MPC -0.3%, PSX -0.9%, WNR -0.7%, CLMT -2.6%.