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Real volatility
Among soft commodities, raw sugar futures plummeted to a six and a half year low, as a volatility in Brazilian real weighed heavily.
The Brazilian central bank promised to fight the country's swinging rate of inflation, but concerns about the effects of a hike in interest rates on the moribund Brazilian economy made for a bumpy ride.
The real was down 1.6% at one point, before reversing the slide later in the afternoon.
However the fall appears to have triggered a sell off of softs.
A weaker real lowers the value, in dollar terms, of assets in which Brazil is a major force.
These currency effects saw sugar down 3.1% to 11.64 cents a pound, plumbing its lowest point since 2009.
Currency considerations
Writing earlier in the day, Nick Penney of Sucden Financial said "currency considerations rather than fundamentals continue to move the sugar markets," and the effect was seen very strongly in the session.
Mr Penney noted that a tightening of monetary policy in the US was poised to send the dollar higher.
"With the Brazilian economy in difficulties this has a double effect on the real and would intensify producer pricing pressure on sugar".
Noting thick global supply, Mr Penney said "we continue, therefore, to expect July to test lows at 11.83 cents a pound in the short term and perhaps even 11.50 cents a pound."
With the first of those forecasts proved correct, time will have to tell for the second.
The weaker real also helped depress coffee futures, with New York July arabica coffee down 3.4% 131.8 cents a pound, a six day low, in decent volumes of more than 54,000 contracts, amid pressure from the accelerating Brazilian harvest too.
Brazilian coffee co-operative giant Cooxupe said that it expected its output to hit 4.6m bags – up from 4.2m bags last season, although the group said the increase reflected new members.