Galapagos « Terug naar discussie overzicht

Galapagos maart 2016

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voda schreef op 4 maart 2016 17:26:

Hey Carla, op vakantie geweest?
Yep net terug

JeKo schreef op 4 maart 2016 17:18:

Waarom redeneren er hier zoveel mensen alsof er al allerlei successen zijn, waardoor de koers veel hoger zou moeten staan? Een Gilead betaalt dan €58 per aandeel, maar dat zegt niet zoveel over de huidige waarde, maar is een investering met een risico en de hoop op commerciële successen. Voorlopig zijn er nog weinig garanties en daarmee kan de volatiliteit nog steeds groot zijn.
Investering met risico en de hoop op (inschatting) commerciële successen zegt heel veel over de huidige waarde (tenminste voor Gilead). Sterker nog, risico en inschatting commerciële successen daar draait het hele waarderen zowat om.

(Alhoewel de verwijzing naar de prijs die Gilead heeft betaald om een aantal redenen genuanceerd hoort te worden.)

JeKo schreef op 4 maart 2016 17:23:

[...]Ja, maar jij kan niet inschatten wat het masterplan is van Gilead...hoeveel risico ze bij bepaalde investeringen accepteren, enz, enz. Het is nou eenmaal moeilijker beleggen in onderzoeksbedrijven binnen de Biotech dan bijv in Ahold.
Ik kan niet inschatten wat het masterplan van gilead is dat is waar.
Dat kon ik ook niet toen er nog een filgotinib deal was met abbvie.
Maar toch zal gilead zonder twijfel zo'n plan hebben.
En gezien De deal met gilead toch mooier is dan die met abbvie destijds was.
Plus dat we nu weer een onderzoeksfase verder zijn.
Liggen mijn verwachtingen ook hoger.

Maar dat gaat over filgotinib.

Naarmate duidelijker wordt dat filgotinib de markt gaat bereiken, zal de waardering van de markt voor overige pijplijn content denk ik ook stijgen. Ik kan nu niet zien hoe snel dat zal gaan en in welke mate. Er zullen vast ook nog onderzoeken floppen.

de tuinman schreef op 4 maart 2016 16:16:

DEA goedkeuring kan wel eens zo'n trigger zijn.
Haha, die keuren geen drugs goed denk ik ;)
Texas Ranger
Galapagos - FY’15 in line; wealth of newsflow upcoming

By Kempen & Co Research -
GLPG NA - Close: €40.07 (0.55%) - BUY, PT: €80.00

Galapagos has reported FY'15 results that are roughly in-line with our estimates and consensus on revenues and operating result, with a non-cash adjustment related to the Gilead share price premium explaining the difference with estimates on net income. The company confirmed that its January 2016 cash position edged over the €1.0bn mark (€1.02bn), making it one of the cheapest stocks in our universe on a cash/market cap basis (2016 operational cash burn guidance is €100m-€120m). With a wealth of newsflow expected in 2016 Galapagos continues to feature on our Favourites List.

Galapagos reported FY'15 total group revenues of €60.6m (vs our est €66.4m, cons. €58.9m, FY'14 was €90.0m), reflecting lower milestone payments and revenue recognition from upfronts. R&D spending increased to €129.7m (vs our est €133.3m, FY'14 was €111.1m) due mainly to increased spending on the Filgotinib phase ll RA and Crohn's trials, and cystic fibrosis programs. G&A and S&M together increased to €20.3m (vs. our est €18.2m, FY'14 was €14.9m) primarily due to increased costs associated with management bonuses and warrant plans. As a result of lower revenues and higher expenses (operating expenses are €150.0m, up from €116.7m) the operating loss increased to €89.4m (vs our est €86.4m, cons. €88.5m, FY'14 was €36.6m).

Galapagos realized a €30.6m non-cash adjustment on financial assets, which resulted in the net loss coming in at €118.4m (vs our est €84.6m, cons. €87.0m, FY14 was a profit of €33.2m). The adjustment arises from that a short term financial asset worth €39 million, and recognized upon signing of the share subscription agreement with Gilead, had to be re-valued at year end and again upon entering into force of the subscription agreement with Gilead on 19 January 2016, when the financial asset expired. In total the subscription agreement leads to a profit in the income statement of € 66 million, of which € 39 million will be amortized over the coming years and € 27 million is recognized in 2015 (€ -30.6 million) and 2016 (€ +57.5 million).

Galapagos reported a FY'15 cash position of € 348.2m (YE’14 was €198.3m), with the increase reflecting the financing inflows of €271.4m from the NASDAQ IPO and warrant exercises, investment outflows of €4.3m and an operational cash burn of €121.6m. Following the receipt of $725m from Gilead on January 19, 2016, the company’s cash position reached €1.02bn. With operational cash burn guidance of €100m-€120m in 2016, Galapagos is well financed for the medium term (the company has recently indicated that it expects to spend approximately €200m in the next few years on CF development, and €200m on further development of Filgotinib).

Looking ahead, the coming year promises a wealth of newsflow for Galapagos:

(i) Feedback from the end of phase ll meeting on Filgotinib (meeting expected to take place in April)

(ii) 20-week results of the FITZROY phase ll trial of Filgotinib in Crohn's are expected in April (don’t look for statistical significance, rather answers to questions such as: are responses maintained or improved with longer treatment?, can the 200mg dose be lowered to 100mg without losing response?, can Filgotinib be withdrawn without losing response?, do placebo non-responders respond to 100mg QD treatment?)

(iii) Several CF phase l trial starts this year, as well as phase ll data for GLPG1837 by YE’16. Also the CF partnership with AbbVie may be expanded.

(iv) Announcement of the phase l trial start of MOR106, which should include the disclosure of the target (program is an mAb partnered with MorphoSys).

The company will host a conference call and a webcast at 14.00 CET (8.00 ET). Dial-in details US +1 646 254 3366, UK +44 20 3427 1918, NL +31 20 721 9158. Confirmation Code: 4962190.

Gisteren was er trouwens 1 melding van shortuitbreiding, dacht niet dat die al gemeld was.

2 mrt: Oxford Asset Mnt. vergroot shortpositie in Galapagos van 0.50% naar 0.61% … #Galapagos #short
et ING krijgt de 'Brusselse' beursbarometer voor het eerst een Nederlands

De jaarlijkse herziening van de Bel20 levert dit keer een grote herschikking op.
Zoals verwacht stoot de luierfabrikant Ontex de autospecialist D'Ieteren uit de
Belgische beursbarometer.

De andere nieuwkomers zijn minder evident. De Brusselse beurs beschouwt echter
bankreus ING en biotechnologiebedrijf Galapagos, die beide hun hoofdnotering in
Amsterdam hebben, voldoende 'Belgisch' om in de Bel20 te mogen. Dat gebeurt ten
koste van de eveneens Nederlandse verzekeraar Delta Lloyd en de vastgoedgroep

Later meer

NielsjeB schreef op 4 maart 2016 18:09:

Gisteren was er trouwens 1 melding van shortuitbreiding, dacht niet dat die al gemeld was.

2 mrt: Oxford Asset Mnt. vergroot shortpositie in Galapagos van 0.50% naar 0.61% … #Galapagos #short
betekent gelukkig ook weer dat deze stukken op termijn weer opgekocht moeten worden.
Hoe zie jij/jullie dit eigenlijk, Zoals ik het zie is de melding van uitbreiding van een short partij altijd positief, als de beurs daar al niet van te voren erg op heeft gereageerd door naar beneden te gaan. (dus aandelen verkocht, beurs blijft stabiel. betekent dat op termijn de aandelen ook weer opgekocht moeten worden, wat logischer wijs een al dan niet grote of kleine koersstijging teweeg zal brengen.

of is het meer het sentiment dat als er shorters in je aandeel zitten dit niet zo fijn is omdat de koers zo erg 'gemanipuleerd' wordt?

alvast bedankt voor je/jullie antwoord(en)
Inhoofdindex is denk wel positief nieuws. Indextrackers zijn dan toch verplicht om die aandelen in bezit te hebben?
Galapagos (GLPG NA)

Jefferies International Limited
Key Takeaway
2015 results are not material, in our view, but management targets markedly
lower 2016E cash burn than we anticipated at €100-120m vs. our current
€146m. Importantly, the pipeline is on-track with Phase III filgotinib RA and
Crohn's trials due to start this year. We see 2016E newsflow largely being driven
by the cystic fibrosis alliance with AbbVie. We expect this, and the upcoming
filgotinib Phase III regulatory discussions, to be the focus for the call.
Targeting lower 2016E cash burn than we anticipated: Management's outlook
for full year cash burn is €100-120m, well below our current €146m forecast. This may
suggest a slower ramp-up of Phase III filgotinib costs, which Galapagos funds 20%, than we
anticipated or lower spend on early-stage pipeline assets.
Pipeline on-track: (1) Final week-20 results from the Phase II FITZROY trial with filgotinib
in Crohn's disease expected in April. (2) Filgotinib Phase III programme in rheumatoid
arthritis (RA) and Crohn's anticipated to commence this year. (3) Headline results from
Phase II SAPHIRA programme with potentiator GLPG1837 in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients with
certain mutations by YE16E. (4) A number of clinical studies for the CF portfolio are expected
in 2016E, including initial Phase I data for corrector GLPG2222. Both correctors required for
a triple combination are still anticipated to be in the clinic by YE.
2015 financials not material: Revenues are just above consensus but shy of our
estimate, with R&D spend also slightly higher than we expected. The €348m YE Net Cash,
yet to include the upfront income from the recent Gilead (GILD, $88, Hold) partnership for
filgotinib, is broadly in-line and should be sufficient to fund development of the pipeline
beyond 2017E, in our view. The wider Net Loss reflects a non-cash financial charge relating
to Galapagos' share price appreciation between signing the Gilead deal and YE, since the
partner agreed to subscribe to $425m new equity at €58/share on deal close in January.
This non-cash charge will be more than reversed in 1Q16E.
n Revenues €60.6m vs. JEFe €64.9m & consensus €58.9m
n R&D spend €130m vs. JEFe €125m
n Net loss €118.4m vs. JEFe €74.9m & consensus €87.0m
n Net cash YE €348m vs. JEFe €360m & consensus €345m
Filgotinib regulatory meetings looming: Discussions in March with FDA and EMA
should finalise the RA Phase III trial design for filgotinib, with FDA allowing use of the highest
dose likely a focus after preclinical testicular toxicity findings. Given filgotinib's impressive
Phase IIb data vs. both other oral JAK inhibitors and marketed biologics, we remain confident
in blockbuster potential, forecasting $3.5bn WW peak sales for a €50/share NPV at 65%
probability of success. We assume the Phase III trials will begin in 2Q16E, with launch by
1H19E. AbbVie (ABBV, $56, Buy) remains the most significant competitive threat, in our view,
with its own once-daily JAK1 inhibitor ABT-494 now in Phase III.
Cystic fibrosis the story for 2016: On 16 February, Galapagos announced initiation of
its first study for the exploratory open label Phase IIa SAPHIRA 1 and two trials of potentiator
GLPG1837. The studies will explore safety, PK/PD and activity, including assessment of sweat
chloride and pulmonary function, in treating 12 and six CF patients with G551D and S1251N
class III mutations, respectively; results are expected in 4Q16E. The commercially important
triple combination of a potentiator and two correctors could enter Phase II by 1H17E. Our
sum-of-the-parts includes a conservative c.€4/share NPV for the CF collaboration assuming
a 20% likelihood of $1bn peak sales.
2016: year of pipeline execution; cash pile of € 1bn
€ 40.07
€ 70.00
Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream
Galapagos reported key financial 2015 figures in-line with expectations. The FY16 cash burn guidance is below the 2015 level. The FY16 pipeline outlook yields no surprises.
Our View:
2015 revenues 2015 of € 61m (expected) were down from € 90m in 2014. As expected, R&D investments increased to € 130m (from 2014 € 111m) given the clinical studies for filgotinib and the CF programs. G&A strongly increased from € 15m to € 20m, primarily due to non-cash items for provisions of management reward plans due to the increased share price. The operating loss arrived at -€ 89m (CSS -€ 89m, 2014 -€ 37m). The net loss of € 118m included a € 31m non-cash adjustment related for the Gilead share subscription agreement and Galapagos’ share price movement. In 1Q16, this non-cash IFRS correction item will have positive impact of € 57.5m.
The YE15 cash position stood at € 348m (KBCSe € 346m), an all-time high level. Including the cash inflows from the Gilead transaction, Galapagos had early January 2016 a cash position of € 1.02bn. For FY15, the cash burn was € 122m, in-line with the guidance. The FY16 cash burn is expected to be between € 100-120m.
The key development highlights for 2016 were repeated.
- Week 20 results from filgotinib in FITZROY Phase 2 study in Crohn's disease in April;
- Start of Phase 3 studies with filgotinib in rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn's disease;
- Phase 2 top-line results from SAPHIRA study with potentiator GLPG1837 in cystic fibrosis are expected before YE16. Phase 1 top-line results with other CF compounds are expected through-out 2016. All components of a future triple combination are anticipated to be in clinical evaluation by year end.
- Patient recruitment completion with GLPG1690 in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis expected before YE16 allowing for top-line results publication in 1H17
- Phase 1 top-line results with Servier’s osteoarthritis program GLPG1972.
The 2015 figures yielded no surprises (except for the non-cash adjustment item related to the Gilead share subscription). The FY16 cash burn is under control and lower versus FY15 given the changed investment needs for the clinical programs. Galapagos’ cash pile is massive and should allow the company to invest in new programs (both internal and external). Based on our visibility of the development pipeline, 2016 will be a year of initiating the phase 3 program with filogotinib and executing the CF clinical programs. For CF, we envisage a triple combination therapy to start in 2H17.
Buy rating maintained given the undemanding valuation: the current trading level reflects only an EV of € 650m.

Galapagos NV, ING Groep NV and Ontex Group NV to be included in the BEL 20

well that is excellent news.

Portfolio re-adjustments on Monday will be needed.

Mr Greenspan
Weinig handel in Galapagos op de nasdaq vandaag en dat nog wel na de publicatie van cijfers. Normaliter heb je dan juist wat meer handel. Maar ja bij Galapagos zijn die cijfers nog niet echt belangrijk, maar toch he.

Mr Greenspan schreef op 4 maart 2016 19:38:

Weinig handel in Galapagos op de nasdaq vandaag en dat nog wel na de publicatie van cijfers. Normaliter heb je dan juist wat meer handel. Maar ja bij Galapagos zijn die cijfers nog niet echt belangrijk, maar toch he.
Ja als die cijfers verrassingen zouden bevatten
Dan geeft dat veel handel
Maar mij dunkt dat daar in dit geval geen sprake van is.

SJURVM schreef op 4 maart 2016 18:55:

Galapagos NV, ING Groep NV and Ontex Group NV to be included in the BEL 20

well that is excellent news.

Portfolio re-adjustments on Monday will be needed.

Not bad at all :-)

Oneoff schreef op 4 maart 2016 19:58:

De nas gaat lekker
Heel licht omhoog
Overdrijven is ook een kunst
(Die jij goed beheerst blijkbaar)
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