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NewKidInTown schreef op 9 mei 2020 14:21:

"Vervolgens trok Tara Reade het verhaal terug" geenzins, dat is een LEUGEN.

Biden heeft dit ontkend, surprise, die heeft andere belangen.

Ik kijk en luister liever even naar het slachtoffer zelf, GISTEREN.

O.a. "Biden pushed me to the wall, with his hands under my shirt an skirt, entered my private parts, my vagina" "and said, low voice: "i want to fuck you"" het hele verhaal:


Voorzover ik het gevolgd heb, heeft ze haar verklaring dat ze in 1993 al een aanklacht had ingediend bij de Senaat ingetrokken, nadat bleek dat deze aanklacht onvindbaar was zowel bij de Senaat als in haar eigen archieven. Als ze zo veranderlijk is in haar verklaringen zegt dat wel wat over haar geloofwaardigheid. Ze is ook veranderlijk in haar politieke sympathieën. Ze was tot lang na dat "oncomfortabele" voorval een fervent supporter van Biden. Pas enkele jaren geleden is ze geswitched naar Bernie Sanders. Ze heeft Biden opgeroepen zich terug te trekken in de hoop dat dan Sanders de Democratische presidentskandidaat wordt.

NewKidInTown schreef op 9 mei 2020 14:21:

"Vervolgens trok Tara Reade het verhaal terug" geenzins, dat is een LEUGEN.

Biden heeft dit ontkend, surprise, die heeft andere belangen.

Ik kijk en luister liever even naar het slachtoffer zelf, GISTEREN.

O.a. "Biden pushed me to the wall, with his hands under my shirt an skirt, entered my private parts, my vagina" "and said, low voice: "i want to fuck you"" het hele verhaal:


ik voelde mij uncomfortable bij een opmerking van Biden.
Deze verandering in haar beschuldiging deed ze nadat Joe Biden gevraagd had de aanklacht in het archief van de Senaat op te zoeken
zie volgende postings

luchtschip schreef op 1 mei 2020 16:17:

Biden, in a statement, says he is requesting the Secretary of the Senate “ask the Archives to identify any record of the complaint [Reade] alleges she filed & make available to the press any such document.”


luchtschip schreef op 2 mei 2020 22:59:


Tara Reade tells AP that her written complaint against Joe Biden did not mention sexual assault.


Reade told the AP: “The main word I used — and I know I didn’t use sexual harassment — I used ‘uncomfortable.’ And I remember ‘retaliation.’”

AP: Tara Reade says the written complaint against Biden did not mention sexual assault

Tara Reade, a former Senate staffer who has accused former Vice President Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her in 1993, told AP in an exclusive interview that she filed a "limited" report on Biden with a congressional personnel office that did not explicitly accuse him of sexual harassment or assault.

Driving the news: Biden sent a letter to the Secretary of the Senate on Friday asking for a search of his records to try to locate a complaint that Reade allegedly made in 1993 about Biden.

Biden addressed the allegations for the first time on Friday, saying in an MSNBC interview and in a statement: "They aren’t true. This never happened."
Reade has previously said she filed a written complaint with a "Senate personnel office" in 1993.
What she's saying: “I remember talking about him wanting me to serve drinks because he liked my legs and thought I was pretty and it made me uncomfortable,” Reade told the AP on Friday. “I know that I was too scared to write about the sexual assault.”

Reade told the AP: “The main word I used — and I know I didn’t use sexual harassment — I used ‘uncomfortable.’ And I remember ‘retaliation.’”
Flashback: The Washington Post's editorial board this week called on Biden to release the old Senate records stored at the University of Delaware.


het zwaard
NewKidInTown schreef op 9 mei 2020 14:21:

Biden heeft dit ontkend, surprise, die heeft andere belangen.

Ik kijk en luister liever even naar het slachtoffer zelf, GISTEREN.

O.a. "Biden pushed me to the wall, with his hands under my shirt an skirt, entered my private parts, my vagina" "and said, low voice: "i want to fuck you"" het hele verhaal.
"De ijsberg die voor ons ligt

De coronacrisis is een ongekend moment in de internationale politiek. Is de post-coronawereld er een zonder leider of blijven de Verenigde Staten dominant tegen wil en dank? Twee scenario’s."

en....pijnlijke conclusies:

Zeker voor wie toch al niet veel gaf voor Amerika’s aanzien in de wereld sinds een grofgebekte tv-persoonlijkheid met een dubieus zakelijk verleden president werd, lijkt de coronacrisis misschien het einde te versnellen voor een wegkwijnend imperium. Trump trekt zich terug uit internationale organisaties, vermindert militaire aanwezigheid in de wereld en wordt, samen met zijn familieleden, geminacht in landen die zich formeel nog steeds een bondgenoot van de VS noemen. ‘Make America Great Again’ klinkt hol als het land over de eigen voeten struikelt tijdens zijn poging een pandemie in te dammen. De Amerikaanse wil tot leiderschap is in ieder geval op dit moment naar de achtergrond verdwenen. Met een president die oude vrienden tot nieuwe vijanden maakt, en omgekeerd, worden ook de voordelen die Amerikaans wereldleiderschap biedt steeds kleiner, in ieder geval voor Europa.


5% van de wereldbevolking en 25% van de corona-doden.
De Amerikaanse president Trump vermindert militaire aanwezigheid in de wereld en wil niet de 'leider' zijn van landen waar hij niet is verkozen.

Mooi zo. Good Job.

asti schreef op 9 mei 2020 19:53:

De Amerikaanse president Trump vermindert militaire aanwezigheid in de wereld en wil niet de 'leider' zijn van landen waar hij niet is verkozen.

Mooi zo. Good Job.
Je bedoelt in opdracht van zijn baas Poetin!
Het zou goed zijn als US niet meer in meer dan 70 landen wereldwijd militair en via See Aai Eee die landen hun wil willen opleggen.


NewKidInTown schreef op 9 mei 2020 20:01:

Het zou goed zijn als US niet meer in meer dan 70 landen wereldwijd militair en via See Aai Eee die landen hun wil willen opleggen.

En zou het goed zijn voor Nederland om bij die 70 landen te horen.
Of zou het beter zijn dat China of Rusland ons de wil oplegt.
'De Amerikaanse president Trump vermindert militaire aanwezigheid in de wereld en wil niet de 'leider' zijn van landen waar hij niet is verkozen.

Mooi zo. Good Job.'.....???

als trump zich nou eens wat minder hinderlijk ging bemoeien met de staten waar hij
niet gekozen werd en zich focust op de rode staten dan scheelt dat alweer de helft
in de schade die zijn beleid aan alles en iedereen berokkent.

a limited very bad job.

Het socialisme in volle glorie

Trump announces $3 billion for ‘food lines’ as America’s economic crisis deepens

President Donald Trump announced an emergency purchase of $3 billion work to agricultural products to be given out to struggling Americans facing the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

“Starting early next week, at my order, the USA will be purchasing, from our Farmers, Ranchers & Specialty Crop Growers, 3 Billion Dollars worth of Dairy, Meat & Produce for Food Lines & Kitchens,” Trump announced on Twitter.



White House senior adviser Kevin Hassett tells CBS he expects the unemployment rate to hit "north of 20" percent by this summer

video 0:56

De optimist.

een economie waarbij de unemployment rate is gestegen tot boven de 20% heeft een hele lange tijd nodig om te herstellen.
Rond de november verkiezing is de economie t bij lange na niet op het oude niveau

Joe Biden :

met een nieuwe ad

Hoe Trump een organisatie om een health threat het hoofd te bieden heeft geëlimineerd
video 0:41 minuut
Obama Sends Private Letter to National Archives Claiming ‘Confidentiality’ To Not Release Biden-Ukraine Docs
What exactly is Obama concerned with in regard to the “confidentiality interests t

Former President Barack Obama has inserted himself into the Russia, Ukraine fiasco; arguably this was not the first time. While Democrats have been denying and protecting their guilt in creating and advancing the Russia Hoax, there is evidence that suggests President Obama likely was aware of the probe. Fox News has obtained a letter from the office of former President Barack Obama to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), which manages presidential records.

Why would Obama, four years after leaving office, suddenly get involved? The letter to the National Archives was privately sent in March. Arguably they did not want Fox News to obtain a copy. Nonetheless, the letter bashes Senate Republicans and their investigation of Hunter Biden’s dealings with Ukraine. Hunter, the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, joined the Ukraine company during the Obama administration. Very intriguing.

Obama’s letter to the NARA is a response to Republican Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson having requested the Obama administration records on Ukraine-related meetings, placed on November 21, 2019. Obama’s letter claims the senators’ inquiry is an effort “to shift the blame for Russian interference in the 2016 election to Ukraine.”

Why so defensive, Obama? According to Fox News, the letter states that the office of former President Obama has “produced 12,2880 pages of presidential records in response to special access requests from the White House and Congress.” So, what’s a few more? For some reason, the Obama administration wants the inquiry to end now. “This use of the special access process serves no legitimate purpose and does not outweigh or justify infringing confidentiality interests that all presidents have sought to protect” states the letter.

Sean Hannity opened his show last night addressing Obama’s letter, calling it “truly disgusting and dishonest.” “The office of the former president, Barack Obama, blasted a congressional investigation into Biden’s dealing with Ukraine. Wonder why. Now, the office actually accused the investigation of giving credence to a ‘Russian disinformation campaign,’ and this ridiculous letter insinuated lawmakers were just spreading Russian propaganda” said Hannity.

Hannity continued, telling Obama the real collusion was “under your watch. Your guy, Jim Comey, and company.” Remember, “members of your administration, they used that unreliable Clinton-bought-and paid for, Russian misinformation from the get-go filled with Russian lies” he added.
“In reality, it was Obama. It was his administration. It was Biden. They are the ones that spent months and months propagating the Russian disinformation campaign. Uh, Barack? Did you ever hear of the dirty Russian dossier that Hillary Clinton paid for? Of course, you have” said Hannity.

So then, what exactly is Obama concerned with in regard to the “confidentiality interests that all presidents have sought to protect?” We would love to know.


Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell today announced several organizational changes to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI).

Under staff and leadership review for over a year, these reforms will save government resources, enhance support to ODNI's Department of Defense partners and customers, strengthen the Intelligence Community's (IC) cyber posture, and improve mission management and outreach.


Richard Grenell is de US Ambassadeur in Duitsland. Behoudt deze functie nog en is tegelijkertijd aangesteld, kortgeleden, als Director of National Intelligence.

Haalt direct de schop door de organisatie, die het werk van CIA,FBI en andere veiligheidsdiensten, coördineert.

Maakt er een niet functioneerbaar instituut van.
Gelijk Trump met andere instituten van zijn regering heeft gedaan. (EPA, environment protection organisation, Department of Agriculture en andere instituten).

Onmiddellijk stapt er dan ook weer een career official op, die weigert mee te doen aan deze ontmanteling van dit instituut.

The Acting DNI - Ambassador Grenell - announced a list of organizational changes at DNI.

And the COO of the DNI - a career official - is leaving her post after serving “in this challenging role for nearly three years."


Trump is nu zijn macht ook aan het consolideren binnen de inlichtingen organisaties van zijn land.

Steele reveals he believes Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice knew about his anti-Trump research
Rice denies former British spy's account, which comes in a novel litigation by three Russian businessman suing over Britain's data laws .

The documents underlying his now infamous Russian dossier are long since destroyed, but Christopher Steele’s recollections of his political opposition research on President Trump nearly four years later are poised to create new heartburn for Democrats.
Steele recently testified in a British court that he believed both then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and then-Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice were aware of his dossier research as it was going on in summer 2016.
The testimony makes his most direct link yet between his Russia collusion research and the top of the Clinton campaign and Obama White House.

Steele told a British court he believed he had been hired by the Fusion GPS firm owned by Glenn Simpson through the Democratic National Committee-linked law firm Perkins Coie to assist the Clinton campaign during the election, according to a transcript of the testimony.

I presumed it was the Clinton campaign, and Glenn Simpson had indicated that. But I was not aware of the technicality of it being the DNC that was actually the client of Perkins Coie,” Steele testified in March under questioning from lawyers for Russian bankers suing over his research.
“You knew it was the leadership of the Clinton presidential campaign didn't you?” a lawyer for the businessmen asked.
“I believed it was the campaign. Yes,” he answered.
“The leadership of the Clinton campaign?” he was asked.
“Fine, the leadership of the campaign,” Steele conceded.
The lawyer persisted.
“You also understood that Hillary Clinton herself was aware of what you were doing?” the lawyer asked.
“I think Glenn had mentioned it, but I wasn't clear,” Steele answered.
Then Steele was confronted with what lawyers said were notes he took at a meeting with the FBI in 2016 in which he purported to tell agents that Clinton was aware of his research. The lawyers read from those notes during the court proceedings.
The notes, according to the transcript, read: “We explained that Glenn Simpson/GPS Fusion was our commissioner but the ultimate client were the leadership of the Clinton presidential campaign and that we understood the candidate herself was aware of the reporting at least, if not us.”
The lawyers prodded: “It’s your note, so we assume it’s accurate?”
“Yes,” Steele answered during the March 17 testimony. You can read that testimony here.
 Messages seeking comment that were left Tuesday at Hillary Clinton’s office and the Clinton family library were not returned.
A day later in additional testimony, Steele was asked how he came to present some of his dossier findings to the U.S. State Department during an October 2016 meeting with then-Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec.

The former British MI6 agent turned private intelligence investigator said his meeting was set up by State officials Jonathan Winer and Victoria Nuland after longtime Clinton adviser and friend Strobe Talbott had reached out to him.
“The meeting was set up by a State Department official called John Winer,” Steele explained.
“At your request?” the lawyers asked.
“No, at his request, his suggestion. He invited us into meet, as I understood it, at her request, Assistant Secretary of State Nuland,” Steele answered.
The lawyers asked whether Talbott opened the door in October.
“I think Strobe Talbott had gotten in touch with us much earlier than that,” Steele answered. “I remember taking a phone call from him, your lordship, earlier in the summer in which he said that he was aware that I had — he spoke in fairly cryptic terms — but he was aware that we had material of relevance to the U.S. election.
“A little bit of background, if I may, your lordship on that,” Steele added. “Both National Security Advisor at the time Susan Rice and Åssistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who were the key policymakers on Russia, had been colleagues of Mr. Talbott. And I had, although he didn't state it explicitly, one or either or both of them had briefed him on the work we had been doing.”
You can read that part of the testimony here.

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