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"Despite the problems in handling Steele, the inspector general found that the FBI Investigation was properly initiated, with enough predication to probe suspicious ties between people associated with the Trump campaign and suspected Russian agents. The Mueller investigation also found evidence that people inside and associated with the Trump campaign welcomed and encouraged Russian activity that they thought could help their candidate win."


"Steele's report played no role in the opening of the FBI investigation, according to Horowitz, and he found that the most salacious allegations were not proven."


bron : edition.cnn.com/2020/04/16/politics/c... .

Al Kipone
Zou het niet veel eenvoudiger geweest zijn voor Obama om Comey de mond te snoeren voor de man begon te mekkeren over een FBI onderzoek naar emails, vlak voor de verkiezingen?
Of om vlak voor de verkiezingen te lekken dat trump's campagne door de FBI werd onderzocht (wat FBI directeur Comey angstvallig voor zich hield).

Maar nee, een langdurige ingewikkelde samenzwering is op poten gezet.


Al Kipone
en tot slot van een enerverende dag vol leugens en bedrog:

WHILE IT WAS THE RUSSIANS, wreaking havoc on the election, who won the White House for Donald John Trump, the man who made Trump palatable to voters—who burnished the popular image of the longtime mob money launderer, serial rapist, and piece of shit human—was the TV producer Mark Burnett.

On his “reality” show The Apprentice, Burnett sold America a successful, hard-working, comfortably wealthy version of Trump that was completely divorced from reality. On the show, Trump had his shit together. On the show, Trump was an alpha male. On the show, Trump was not afraid to say “You’re fired” to someone’s face. The Trump on the show was a fictional character.

The comic Noel Casler worked on Celebrity Apprentice for six seasons. For the last three, he worked closely with Ivanka Trump. Unlike his colleagues, Casler has bravely thwarted his nondisclosure agreement, taking to the stand-up stage, and to Twitter, to tell us the unvarnished truth. And like Trump’s hair-do, it ain’t pretty


Michael Flynn, former Trump's National Security Adviser, bevestigt bij de rechter dat hij akkoord gaat, om de rechtszaak tegen hem in te trekken.

No word yet from Judge Sullivan on DOJ's motion to dismiss the Flynn prosecution.

But the former Trump national security adviser has no issue with the move, agreeing in a consent notice just filed that he agrees dismissing the case meets the interests of justice.



Nou, mooi toch.
The Justice Department onder leiding van AG William Barr heeft de rechter geïnformeerd de zaak tegen Michael Flynn te willen stopzetten.
En Michael Flynn informeert nu de rechter dat hij het er mee eens is omdat er nu recht wordt gedaan.

Het is overigens nog de vraag hoe rechter Sullivan reageert op dit verzoek.
Er zijn genoeg redenen om het verzoek, de zaak tegen Flynn te laten vervallen, af te wijzen.


De Department of Justice heeft de rechter, Sullivan, voorgesteld de rechtszaak tegen Michael Flynn te laten vervallen.

Rechter Flynn heeft gereageerd :

Judge Sullivan responds with a lengthy order to DOJ's motion to dismiss the Flynn prosecution and quotes the judge on Roger Stone's case. Order states that "at the appropriate time" he will set a schedule for the submission of any amicus curiae briefs.



Wat betekent dit in lekentaal?

So, Judge Sullivan is going to allow “amicus curiae” briefs (also known as “friend of the court” briefs) to be filed by third parties who aren’t the litigants to opine on the circumstances surrounding the Government’s change of heart on the prosecution of Flynn.


Thank you Katie. I guess Judge Sullivan does not like people trying to game his court and undermine the rule of law.

Katie Phang :
You are right about that


Het verzoek van het Justice Department, namens AG William Barr, de minister van Justitie, om de rechtszaak tegen Flynn te laten vervallen, wordt door de rechter beantwoord, en het is nog geen gelopen zaak dat de rechtszaak echt vervallen wordt.


De Department of Justice heeft rechter Sullivan gevraagd de rechtszaak tegen Michael Flynn te laten vervallen.

The federal judge, Sullivan, overseeing the case of Ret. Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn says he'll set a schedule to receive 'amicus curiae briefs' which will allow interested 3rd parties -- outside of Flynn's attorneys and the Justice Department -- to file briefings with the court

1/ This means folks like the 2000 former DOJ employees, including appointees of both political parties, who demanded Barr's resignation over his unwarranted dismissal of the Flynn case can make arguments to the court. This is a fascinating judge for this situation because

2/ his (judge Sullivan's) history with DOJ includes public release of misconduct findings against prosecutors in the case of Alaska Senator Ted Stevens. Among other things, this prompted a nationwide reform of discovery practices in US Attys offices & Main Justice components.

3/ Given Judge Sullivan's history of taking institutional integrity seriously & believing the courts have a role to play in insuring proper conduct at DOJ, this is starting to look like game-on. (& before people ask, he has been appointed to judgeships by Reagan, Bush & Clinton)


Judge Sullivan stelt de politieke bemoeienis van Trump en AG William Barr, hoofd van het Department of Justice , ter sprake.
Hij vraagt de mening van "Amicus curiae briefs"

Dez rechter maakt het Trump en zijn lakei, de Minister van Justitie, William Barr, nu wel heel moeilijk.

Donald Trump Shoots 100,000 People on Fifth Avenue
And his people don't care.

No, Donald Trump didn’t literally shoot anybody, nor did he do it on Fifth Avenue. But soon more than 100,000 Americans will be dead from COVID-19, and making good on his boast that he could get away with murder in broad daylight, his supporters are working their way toward accepting and excusing this disastrous outcome.

Trump understood his supporters earlier than anyone else. It was January 2016 when he proclaimed, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters.”

He was right. There has proven to be nothing his core supporters won’t excuse to keep from having to admit that they were wrong.

At this point, that means stubbornly, and even insistently, welcoming mass death.

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No, Donald Trump didn’t literally shoot anybody, nor did he do it on Fifth Avenue. But soon more than 100,000 Americans will be dead from COVID-19, and making good on his boast that he could get away with murder in broad daylight, his supporters are working their way toward accepting and excusing this disastrous outcome.

Trump understood his supporters earlier than anyone else. It was January 2016 when he proclaimed, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters.”

He was right. There has proven to be nothing his core supporters won’t excuse to keep from having to admit that they were wrong.

At this point, that means stubbornly, and even insistently, welcoming mass death.

Podcast episode cover image
PODCAST · MAY 12 2020
James Carville on Why Trumpism Needs to Be Destroyed
On today's Bulwark Podcast, James Carville joins host Charlie Sykes to discuss the 2020 election, why he's confident Bid...
A recent video cobbled together from clips from Trump’s press conferences highlights how the president has gone from dismissing the tiny number of COVID-19 cases and claiming it would all go away in a few weeks, to acknowledging higher and higher death tolls, to boasting that it will be a big success if only 90,000 people die, and more recently just admitting that there will be at least 100,000 deaths—which at the current rate is a lower bound. That’s more than any other nation in the world, probably including China, even if you assume that their official numbers are dramatically undercounted.

The point of the video is not merely that Trump is in denial. We know by now that he says whatever he thinks will make him look good at and for that moment. He lives in an eternal present where what he says today does not have to be consistent with what he said yesterday and bears no relation to what he will say tomorrow.

But the deeper and more ominous point is that Trump has gradually acclimatized himself and his supporters to the fact that a lot of people are going to die and that they are not taking even the basic steps necessary to prevent it.

This has been the pattern all along, the method by which Trump gets his supporters to accept his proverbial Fifth Avenue shootings:

First insist it’s not real, that he didn’t do it, that it’s all a hoax.

Then admit it’s real but it’s being overblown and taken out of context by the media.
Then defiantly proclaim that sure, of course he did it. It’s normal, it’s perfect, it’s what everybody does, so why are you making such a big deal out of it?
All of this was previewed, in detail, by last year’s impeachment trial, from the assurance that there was no quid pro quo with Ukraine to the insistence that of course there was a quid pro quo, and that’s just fine.

Except this time it’s about a lot of people dying, and dying unnecessarily.

read more in this article :


enwatnu schreef op 12 mei 2020 19:02:

[...]Oh wat zal ie bang voor Biden zijn.

Even MSNBC Is Saying Biden is DONE, Trump Set To OBLITERATE Biden In Debates And Even Vegas Agrees

Trump set to OBLITERATE (uitwissen) Biden in debates.

Net zoals Trump toen hij door `Robert Mueller werd gevraagd om zijn kant van het verhaal te vertellen in het onderzoek naar Rusland's inmenging in de US president Election 2016.

Trump heeft ieder gesprek met Robert Mueller ontweken.

Zo gaat het ook met Joe Biden.
Trump zal ieder debat met Joe Biden uit de weg gaan.

De lafaard, met een grote mond.
Maar als puntje bij paaltje komt is hij in geen velden of wegen te bekennen.

Jared Kushner Admits There's 'Risk' in Reopening the Country Too Soon

he same day that the nation’s top infectious-disease expert warned that reopening the economy too quickly could bring serious consequences, White House senior adviser Jared Kushner acknowledged that there is inherent “risk” in President Trump pushing Americans to get back to work.

Speaking to TIME’s senior White House correspondent Brian Bennett as part of the TIME100 Talks series on Tuesday, Kushner said “there’s risk in anything, but the President carries the burden of the 30 million Americans who have lost their jobs due to this historic effort to save lives.”

Asked about Dr. Anthony Fauci’s warning to lawmakers Tuesday about reopening too soon, Kushner said Fauci is “incredibly knowledgeable,” but that his advice must be taken alongside other factors.

“You have a lot of policymakers like the President or the governors who were elected by the people in their states and in their country to take the input of the experts and professionals, and then make decisions weighing a lot of different factors,” Kushner said.

Kushner spoke to TIME in a wide-ranging interview, answering questions about the delay in ramping up U.S. testing capacity, whether he prioritized contracts from allies in ordering medical supplies for states, the CARES Act and Trump’s re-election prospects in the fall.

voor verdere tekst, zie artikel


Tucker Carlson calls Dr. Fauci the Chief Buffoon?

video 0:15 minuut

Mag je als expert viroloog sinds de jaren '80 ineens gaan werken voor Trump.
En dan wordt je zo in de grond geboord door Trump's staats televisie zender.

Goed gedaan Donald.

Leaked White House data shows infections spiking more than 1,000% in rural areas that backed Trump

“You know, the numbers are coming down very rapidly all throughout the country, by the way,” Trump declared at a Monday news conference. “There may be one exception, but all throughout the country, the numbers are coming down rapidly.”

This is, of course, not true. Though cases are decreasing in 14 states, they are rising in nine states, according to The New York Times. A lack of widespread testing in 27 other states, plus Washington and Puerto Rico, suggests that cases in those areas are being undercounted.

But a leaked coronavirus task force report obtained by NBC News shows that some parts of the country — rural counties in Tennessee and Kansas — have seen cases balloon by more than 1,000% in a matter of one week. Other counties in Missouri, Nebraska, Minnesota and Wisconsin saw increases of more than 400%
Dr. John Ross, a professor at Harvard Medical School, pointed out that all but one of the top 10 counties that saw the largest increases voted for President Donald Trump in 2016.

The top 10 cities in the report, which was produced on May 7, saw cases increases by more than 72% over seven days. Some areas, like St. Louis and Central City, Ky., saw cases skyrocket by 650% over that span. St. Cloud, Minn., saw cases increase by more than 400%. Other cities like Gainesville, Ga., Racine, Wisc., and Nashville saw increases of more than 100% over a single week.

A separate graph listing “locations to watch” include Kansas City, Mo., and Charlotte, which saw increases of more than 200% over the previous week.

voor verder lezen, zie artikel

luchtschip schreef op 13 mei 2020 01:43:

.....Donald Trump Shoots 100,000 People on Fifth Avenue
And his people don't care.

No, Donald Trump didn’t literally shoot anybody, nor did he do it on Fifth Avenue. But soon more than 100,000 Americans will be dead from COVID-19......
Tja, Trump-haters zouden het liefst zien dat Donald Trump de corona-slachtoffers hoogstpersoonlijk met het virus had ingespoten.
Voorlopig doet de USA het nog iets beter dan onze eigen Mark met 252 doden per miljoen inwoners tegen Nederland 322 doden per miljoen inwoners.

Beside that, verkeersopstoppingen en misdaad significant terug gelopen,

In Chicago, drug arrests have dropped by 42% in the weeks since the city shut down, the Associated Press reports, while in Los Angeles, the rate of key crimes plummeted 30% after March 15.
New York City is also experiencing a double-digit decrease in crime.
In a study by USA Today, 19 out of 20 police agencies recorded a lower number of criminal incidents since March 15, and the agencies studied also reported a significant decrease in traffic stops, down as much as 92% in some areas

Senaat hearing van Dr Fauci

Sen. Rand Paul: "Dr. Fauci, I don't think you're the end-all, I don't think you're the one person that gets to make a decision..."

Dr. Anthony Fauci: "I have never made myself out to be the end-all & only voice of this. I'm a scientist, a physician, & a public health official."
video 1:44 minuut


rationeel schreef op 12 mei 2020 22:19:

Waar wijzen de feiten op?

De verhoudingen liggen nu anders. Trump kondigde Obamagate aan. De media gaan hierover niet evenwichtig berichten. Ik zal dat hier voor u doen. De ’dirty tricks’ van Obama’s FBI zullen binnenkort worden onthuld. Riemen vast.


Heeft Leon de Winter dit stuk vertaald zonder verder commentaar
of heeft De Winter dit zelf geschreven ?
Ed Verbeek

NewKidInTown schreef op 13 mei 2020 11:32:

Voorlopig doet de USA het nog iets beter dan onze eigen Mark met 252 doden per miljoen inwoners tegen Nederland 322 doden per miljoen inwoners.
En voorlopig is de bevolkingsdichtheid in Nederland 13x groter dan de USA :-)

Verzoek van Department of Justice om de zaak tegen Flynn te laten vervallen.

Watergate prosecutors hebben Judge Sullivan aangespoord om meningen te horen van outside parties, die mogelijk een belang hebben bij de zaak


Zij hebben deze motie ingediend bij Judge Sullivan ;

Judge slows down effort to drop Flynn case
Judge Emmet Sullivan said he’ll receive written arguments that are likely to oppose Justice’s bid to abandon the high-profile prosecution.

The judge presiding over the tumultuous case of Michael Flynn pumped the brakes Tuesday on an effort by the Justice Department to drop the case against the former national security adviser and ally of President Donald Trump.

Minutes after lawyers for Flynn urged Judge Emmet Sullivan to "immediately" toss the matter, Sullivan indicated he wasn't ready to act just yet, instead signaling he'll set a schedule to accept briefs from outside parties who might have an interest in the case.


De rechter hoeft nu niet meteen te beslissen of hij wel of niet akkoord gaat met het verzoek van het DOJ om de zaak tegen Flynn te laten vervallen.

De verwachting is dat er veel partijen zijn, die hun mening geven, en het nog een tijd zal duren voordat er een beslissing komt.


Obama Gate

Op Fox News wordt er aandacht aan besteed.
Een van de geïnterviewden vraagt

OK Obama Gate

but what is the crime?

Obama heeft gewoon zijn werk gedaan, dus what is the crime?

De reporter kapt het interview snel af
video 1:22 minuut
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