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Al Kipone schreef op 13 mei 2020 20:41:

Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell on Wednesday sent top Republican senators a list of former senior Obama administration officials who might have been involved in efforts to “unmask” former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Grenell sent the list, reviewed by POLITICO, a day after Sens. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) wrote to Grenell and Attorney General William Barr calling on them to release information about efforts by Obama administration officials to “unmask” U.S. citizens who were subject to government surveillance. The senators referenced Grenell’s decision to declassify a list of Obama administration officials who were involved in the “unmasking” of Flynn.


en de lijst:

Volkomen legitiem.
deze mensen werkten in de Obama administratie op het hoogste niveau.
Moeten de staatsveiligheid van de US bewaken.
Natuurlijk moeten deze mensen geïnformeerd worden

Wanneer Michael Flynn, van het Trump campagne team en Trump transition team, namens zijn team contacten gaat leggen met de ambassadeur van Rusland, Kislyak, dan is het noodzakelijk dat deze mensen hierover geïnformeerd worden.
Zij kunnen niet toestaan dat de US wordt overgeleverd aan Buitenlandse beleid personen.

Is gebeurd volgens de standaard NSA regels.


Een mooi opgeklopt verhaal van Ric Grenell over een normale gang van zaken.


luchtschip schreef op 13 mei 2020 20:15:

Operation Warp Speed

President Donald Trump
has launched Operation Warp Speed: an historic push to bring Coronavirus vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics to the American people in record time.

video 0:56 minuut

Ambitieuze Donald Trump gooit er weer een paar toverwoorden tegen aan, om het volk gerust te stellen dat de oplossing nabij is.
Trump is echt een bruggenbouwer en muren bouwer,

Al Kipone
een blijkbaar niet onbelangrijke bron van denkers voor de rechterkant van de VS is The Federalist.

"Launched in September 2013 as a “web magazine on politics, policy, and culture,” The Federalist is helmed by publisher Ben Domenech, a co-founder of the right-wing blog RedState.com and senior fellow at the Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank known for its opposition to climate science and funding from industry sources like the Koch brothers. Co-founder Sean Davis came to conservative journalism after a career in GOP politics, having worked for Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) and Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK). Senior editors David Harsanyi and Mollie Hemingway and senior writer Robert Tracinski round out The Federalist's leadership."

Mollie Hemingway wordt nogal eens geretweet door trump cs.

Dit is een recent artikel:

In the age of COVID-19, science is getting a great deal of glowing press. We look to it to find the resolutions we desperately need: a vaccine and treatment for the infected.

But science is also being worshiped by a religious fundamentalism that, contrary to evidence, believes it will guide us into all truth. This is objectively irrational, a statement of faith, an unproven and unprovable belief. But pity the fools who don’t buy this fundamentalism. They are branded science-deniers.

Just last week, the Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin warned of the “unscientific (or anti-scientific), impulsive style of political theater now in vogue with many Republicans.” Last month, The New York Times opined, “This denial of science and critical thinking among religious ultraconservatives now haunts the American response to the coronavirus crisis.” A Harvard University professor of the history of science told The Guardian, “It is deeply problematic if the leadership of the US government is rejecting science, because it sends a signal to the American people and to business leaders that it is fine to reject science…”

het lezen meer dan waard (...)

CNBC : President Trump vindt de antwoorden van dr. Fauci (in de hoorzitting van het Congres) niet acceptabel.
bron : www.cnbc.com/2020/05/13/coronavirus-t... .
Dacht advocaat-generaal Bill Barr echt dat hij de DOJ kon dwingen om te verzoeken dat de zaak tegen Michael Flynn zou worden ingetrokken, nadat Flynn al schuldig had gepleit en hij ermee weg zou komen? Misschien als de zaak voor een andere rechter lag. Maar Barr onderschatte Judge Emmet Sullivan duidelijk, die nu op agressieve wijze naar Barr's stunt komt swingen.

Michael Flynn gaf onder ede toe dat hij schuldig was. Nu Flynn plotseling zijn onschuld claimt, eist rechter Sullivan dat Flynn uitlegt waarom hij hem nu niet mag opsluiten wegens minachting van de rechtbank wegens meineed, aldus CNN. Rechter Sullivan benoemt ook een gepensioneerde rechter om de zaak te beargumenteren waarom de DOJ de zaak niet mag laten vallen. Dit komt bovenop de amicus-briefings die Sullivan nu zoekt van belanghebbenden die juridische meningen hebben over de schuld van Flynn. Het wordt erger.

Nu meldt de New York Times dat een FBI-functionaris formeel heeft gepleit tegen het laten vallen van de zaak Michael Flynn, maar de DOJ van Bill Barr heeft dat deel handig buiten de rechtbank gelaten. Dit wordt allemaal in realtime in Barr's gezicht opgeblazen. Het is een herinnering dat Barr misschien wel het dichtst in de buurt komt van een effectieve handlanger, maar dat Barr niet bijzonder effectief is. Kijk hoe hij boven zijn hoofd zit in de zaak Flynn.

Rechtszaak Michael Flynn

Judge SULLIVAN has appointed retired judge to argue against the government's motion to dismiss the charge against Flynn.



Judge John Gleeson is appointed, as amicus curiae, to present arguments in opposition to the government's motion to dismiss the case against Michael Flynn.

Bovendien moet ook Gleeson onderzoeken of er sprake is van meineed door Michael Flynn.

John Gleeson is de federale rechter die in 1992 mafia baas John Gotti van de Gambino familie tot levenslang veroordeelde

Michael Flynn had in de transitie periode na de verkiezingen, 8 november tot de inauguratie van Trump 21 1 2017, onderhandeld namens Trump en Pence met de Russische ambassadeur in de US, Kislyak.
Kislyak wilde dat de sancties tegen Russische ingezetenen en bedrijven opgeheven werden.

Tijdens ondervragingen door de FBI ontkende Flynn zijn contact met kislyak.
De FBI kwam echter met data en Flynn realiseerde zich dat ze dan ook de gesprekken wel eens afgeluisterd konden hebben.
Hij en zijn zoon waren er dan gloeiend bij wegens landverraad.
om zijn zoon te beschermen sloot Flynn een deal met de FBi
Hij wordt aangeklaagd alleen wegens liegen tegen de FBI, maar moet dan wel in ruil de waarheid vertellen wat er gebeurd is en toelichting geven over de rol van zijn bazen Trump en Pence en de overige medewerkers van Trump team.

Flynn bekend schuldig te zijn wat betreft het liegen tegen de fBI.

Dus wat dat betreft is de rechtszaak een gelopen zaak en is het wachten op een definitieve veroordeling.

Nu wil AG Barr opeens de rechtszaak laten vervallen.
dit is schier onmogelijk want Flynn had al schuld bekend, waarmede de rechtszaak beëindigd is.

Rechter Sullivan is duidelijk 'not amused' met dit spelletje van AG Barr.

Hij had eerder al rechtsgeleerden gevraagd hun opinie te laten geven middels een amicus curiae brief.
De Watergate prosecutors hebben al aangegeven 21 mei hun mening in te dienen. En er zullen nog vele anderen volgen.

en gisteren du de aanstelling van judge Gleeson.

AG Barr en Trump zitten nu in een lastig parket.

Dit verhaal en deze zaak, met de aanpak van judge Emmet Sullivan, gaat geschiedenis schrijven.

Weest er getuige van en volg deze zaak met belangstelling


Fox News' Jeanine Pirro gaat vol in de aanval op Rechter Sullivan in de zaak tegen Michael Flynn

Jeanine calls on Judge Sullivan to recuse himself and says he should be embarrassed to put on a robe. She goes on to accuse him of trying to poison the 2020 election by trying to make Bill Barr look like a villain

video 0:44 minuut
uitspraak van Soros over Trump.
“I have put my faith in Trump to destroy himself, and he has exceeded my wildest expectations,” he said.

Rechtszaak tegen Michael Flynn.

Andrew Laufer, advocaat :
1ste tweet
And yet another beautiful thing with Judge Sullivan designating Judge Gleeson to oppose DOJ’s motion dismissing Flynn’s action. Barr has no authority or control over Gleeson.

2de tweet
vraag van een leek :
Why? What do you mean? Do you mean b/c Judge Sullivan could've chosen to assign a practicing district attny or state prosecutor (don't know legal language;)?
That's why Barr has no control?

3de tweet
Andrew Laufer :
Barr has no control because Judge Gleeson isn’t a current employee of DOJ. He’s a former federal prosecutor and judge. He’s coming out of retirement to do this and only answers to the Court - Judge Sullivan.

6de tweet

Andres Guevara,Criminal defense attorney in the Denver. law, crime and criminal justice and social issues.

In essence the judge created his own special prosecutor



Opentop schreef op 14 mei 2020 11:18:

uitspraak van Soros over Trump.
“I have put my faith in Trump to destroy himself, and he has exceeded my wildest expectations,” he said.
Waarom niet meteen de volledige quote?

SOROS: Well, that is a weakness that I hope will not last very long. Donald Trump would like to be a dictator. But he cannot be one because there is a constitution in the United States that people still respect. And it will prevent him from doing certain things. That does not mean that he will not try, because he is literally fighting for his life. I will also say that I have put my faith in Trump to destroy himself, and he has exceeded my wildest expectations.

Hier het hele interview met nog veel meer opmerkelijke uitspraken:


Dit is een recent artikel:

In the age of COVID-19, science is getting a great deal of glowing press. We look to it to find the resolutions we desperately need: a vaccine and treatment for the infected.

But science is also being worshiped by a religious fundamentalism that, contrary to evidence, believes it will guide us into all truth. This is objectively irrational, a statement of faith, an unproven and unprovable belief. But pity the fools who don’t buy this fundamentalism. They are branded science-deniers.

Just last week, the Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin warned of the “unscientific (or anti-scientific), impulsive style of political theater now in vogue with many Republicans.” Last month, The New York Times opined, “This denial of science and critical thinking among religious ultraconservatives now haunts the American response to the coronavirus crisis.” A Harvard University professor of the history of science told The Guardian, “It is deeply problematic if the leadership of the US government is rejecting science, because it sends a signal to the American people and to business leaders that it is fine to reject science…”

het lezen meer dan waard (...)



Het stuk gelezen . Los van de stellingen die als feiten worden gepresenteerd is er niet zoveel mis.
Als de idee is dat we wetenschap niet heilig moeten verklaren. Dan ben ik het er wel mee eens.
Er zijn verschrikkelijke gevolgen, door de wetenschap uitgevonden, sinds de uitvinding van het buskruit. Relativeren is een eigenschap die niet veel mensen lijken te bezitten. Dat je de adviezen aan je laars lapt en samen in de kerk gaat zitten is een voorbeeld, andersom dat de wetenschap alleen maar goede zaken voort heeft gebracht is net zo'n rare mening. Ik denk dat het begin het minst klopt. Alsof de wetenschap begonnen is met het christendom. Ik denk dat we dan de arabieren-chinezen-grieken en romeinen tekort doen.

Rechtszaak Michael Flynn

Judge Emmet Sullivan is also asking the retired judge he's appointed (Hon. John Gleeson) to address whether the court should explore the possibility that Flynn could be held in criminal contempt for perjury (meineed) before the court.

Frank Figliuzzi,
Former FBI Assistant Director; NBC News National Security Contributor :

Good call by judge Sullivan.
Flynn either lied to the FBI when he denied talking to Kislyak about sanctions,
he lied to the judge when he admitted he did.


Liegen onder ede is meineed


Kyle Griffin
Senior Producer. MSNBC's TheLastWord

Federal agents seized a cellphone belonging to Republican Sen. Richard Burr as part of the Justice Department's investigation into controversial stock trades he made as the coronavirus struck the US, a law enforcement official said.

LA Times: A second law enforcement official said FBI agents served a warrant in recent days on Apple to obtain information from Senator Burr's iCloud account and said agents used data obtained from Apple as part of the evidence used to obtain the warrant for Burr's phone.


Handelen op de beurs met voorkennis door senator Burr, republikein.

DOJ officials failed to tell Flynn judge about ex-FBI official who advised them not to dismiss the case

On Wednesday, The New York Times reported that Justice Department officials asked a former FBI official to buttress their claims of misconduct in the case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, as part of their basis for moving to dismiss — and after he refused to do so, they did not include their interview with him in their report to the federal judge overseeing the Flynn case.

“Department officials reviewing the Flynn case interviewed Bill Priestap, the former head of F.B.I. counterintelligence, two days before making their extraordinary request to drop the case to Judge Emmet G. Sullivan,” reported Adam Goldman and Katie Benner. “They did not tell Judge Sullivan about Mr. Priestap’s interview. A Justice Department official said that they were in the process of writing up a report on the interview and that it would soon be filed with the court.”


Trump derails pandemic meeting into tirade about ‘sleazebags’ who prosecuted Michael Flynn


President Donald Trump told the press pool Wednesday that the FBI confirmed that Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn did not lie.

It was a claim that left a lot of people scratching their heads, because Flynn confessed to lying to the FBI. In fact, he did it twice.

Trump is getting the information from Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), who issued a report saying former FBI Director James Comey claimed the agents who interviewed Flynn “discerned no physical indications of deception” and saw “nothing that indicated to them that he knew he was lying to them.”

Comey actually described that description as a “garble” when he spoke to lawmakers.

“What I recall telling the House Intelligence Committee is that the agents observed none of the common indicia of lying — physical manifestations, changes in tone, changes in pace — that would indicate the person I’m interviewing knows they’re telling me stuff that ain’t true,” Comey said. “They didn’t see that here. It was a natural conversation, answered fully their questions, didn’t avoid. That notwithstanding, they concluded he was lying.”

Trump went on to blast the FBI as “sleazebags” for prosecuting Flynn. Again, Flynn pleaded guilty.


Trump: ‘I totally disagree’ with Dr. Fauci on reopening schools

Dr. Anthony Fauci testified before Congress Tuesday, saying that opening the country back up now would ultimately contribute to much more suffering and death among the American people.

Appearing on Fox Wednesday, Trump said he doesn’t agree with Fauci and wants to see children back in schools and everyone back to work.

“Anthony is a good person, a very good person. I’ve disagreed with him,” Trump told host Maria Bartiromo. “I think that we have to open our schools … I totally disagree with him on schools.”

It’s unclear what Trump is referring to, as Fauci said nothing on Tuesday about keeping schools closed. His statement was that a vaccine and treatments wouldn’t be ready by the fall.

Fauci also said previously that he thought the ban came too late and that the United States should have focused more on mitigation. Once it was in place, Fauci was in support of it.

According to pool reports, Trump said he doesn’t consider a state open unless it opens schools.

“I think you should absolutely open the schools,” Trump said.


Senator Rand Paul

Declassified documents reveal V.P. Biden ordered the unmasking of General Flynn’s private conversation.
Anyone think that Biden might have abused his power to go after a political opponent...


Er staat nergens dat VP biden ordered the unmasking.

Wel is er een toelichting van de NSA
Dat de unmasking door hun bepaald wordt

Hier de brief van de NSA, waarin zij gehoor geeft de lijst van personen te geven

Verklaring unmasking
Er zijn FBI rapporten waarin een buitenlander gevolgd wordt (onder meer contacten en conversaties) die contacten heeft met een Amerikaans burger.
In de regel wordt de naam van de Amerikaanse burger geheim gehouden in de rapporten
Tenzij het in het belang is van een US overheidsdienaar,,voor wie het essentieel is te weten wie die Amerikaan is.
Dan krijgt deze overheidsdienaar de naam van deze Amerikaan.
dit noemt men unmasking
Dit wordt zorgvuldig afgewogen door de NSA, blijkt uit hun verklaring.

Rand Paul heeft geen document laten zien om zijn bewering te staven.
Lijkt dus meer op ongefundeeerd zwart maken van Joe Biden.
Al Kipone

Government rules intended to minimize invasions of Americans’ privacy in intelligence work generally require “masking,” or obscuring, Americans’ identities and information about them in reports based on foreign intelligence surveillance.

But the rules also permit recipients of such reports to request an unmasking if the identity is necessary to understand the information, and that step is routine: The National Security Agency handled about 10,000 unmasking requests in 2019 and nearly 17,000 in 2018.
Al Kipone

luchtschip schreef op 14 mei 2020 12:08:

Kyle Griffin
Senior Producer. MSNBC's TheLastWord

Federal agents seized a cellphone belonging to Republican Sen. Richard Burr as part of the Justice Department's investigation into controversial stock trades he made as the coronavirus struck the US, a law enforcement official said.

LA Times: A second law enforcement official said FBI agents served a warrant in recent days on Apple to obtain information from Senator Burr's iCloud account and said agents used data obtained from Apple as part of the evidence used to obtain the warrant for Burr's phone.


Handelen op de beurs met voorkennis door senator Burr, republikein.
Burr leidt het Senate committee dat concludeerde dat er Russische inmening was in de 2016 verkieizingen:

"The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

Tuesday's bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, undercuts Trump's years of efforts to portray allegations of Kremlin assistance to his campaign as a "hoax," driven by Democrats and a “deep state” embedded within the government bureaucracy."

Als Burr aftreedt, dan wordt hij vervangen door een door de Governor aan te wijzen opvolger.

Als Burr aftreedt, komt er een andere repubublikein als leider van de Intelligence Committee.



Het wachtenis op de behandeling die Sen Loeffler gaat krijgen voor een soortgelijk vergrijp. (en Sen Feinstein, Sen Inhofe)


Al Kipone

Views of President Trump's handling of the outbreak continue to drop from March and are now the lowest he has received. Today, 43% say he's doing a good job, 5 points lower than three weeks ago and 10 points lower than in March.

This decline has most recently been driven by political independents, among whom a four-in-10 plurality now say Trump is doing a "very" bad job, as compared to a "somewhat" bad job, and that description has increased from a few weeks ago.

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