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Police pull down a protestor's mask as her hands are in the air to forcefully spray pepper spray in her face.

JimFKenney, you are the mayor of Philadelphia.
Will you tolerate this?

video 0:09 minuut
Al Kipone
Trump explains his favorite Bible stories
By Alexandra Petri Columnist (WaPo) June 4, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. EDT

If there was one thought in America’s mind when it watched our gallant president stride to St. John’s Episcopal Church and heft a Bible in one hand, it was: That man has definitely seen or held a Bible — or, indeed, any book — before, and he knows it cover to cover, from Genesis to Two Corinthians and even beyond! But what could be his favorite stories from that much-loved book of his, or someone’s? Here is my best guess.

Genesis: Two fools want more, better information rather than to feel blissfully ignorant all the time. They meet Tim Apple.

Exodus: Egypt, a land of very good administration, responds correctly to a series of plagues by changing nothing about its daily lives or routines.

Golden Calf: People are inexplicably punished for worshiping something shiny and fake.

Daniel: Ferocious beasts defy their duty to attack a man who has committed an offense against his ruler.

Lazarus: Very good illustration of how easy it is to recover if you put your mind to it and why nobody needs health coverage.

Job: Someone is treated almost but not quite as badly as Donald Trump gets treated every day.

Ruth: Ruth accompanies her relative Naomi to a new country in a disgraceful instance of chain migration.

Two Corinthians: There are Corinthians, and there are two of them, for sure!

Joshua and the Battle of Jericho: Very sad story about a man blowing blasts on a trumpet and damaging a wall.

Solomon: A man suggests a very good way of dealing with a disputed baby, but a nasty woman interferes.

Lot: A man’s wife does something different with herself physically, and he sort of notices after the fact.

David and Goliath: Someone makes the mistake of flinging a projectile at a heavily-armored man; they will need to come down on him hard.

Noah: This is a good, inspiring story about a wise man in a floating bunker avoiding a catastrophe, but on the other hand it is bad because he is also surrounded by animals, birds, reptiles — disgusting.

Jonah and the Whale: Bunker again, but worse.

Esther: Failed king listens to a woman about not inflicting violence on people?

Revelation: Beautiful first draft of Trump inauguration speech.

Abraham: Man confusingly remains married to the same woman for decades.

Temptation of Jesus: Man offered infinite worldly power; says no, like an idiot.

Crucifixion: Agitator gets what is coming to him.

Ed Verbeek

luchtschip schreef op 4 juni 2020 18:44:

Police pull down a protestor's mask as her hands are in the air to forcefully spray pepper spray in her face.

JimFKenney, you are the mayor of Philadelphia.
Will you tolerate this?

video 0:09 minuut
Verbazingwekkend dat de meeste demonstranten zich nog steeds netjes gedragen.

Al en luchtschip, hebben jullie het idee dat dit alles voor veel Ametikanen de ogen opent voor wat voor monsters cops zijn geworden?
Dit gaat toch niet meer over racisme , maar over illegale geweld van politie in het algemeen?

VICTIM FUND Jeffrey Epstein estate prepares to payout over $100M as they settle with 61 of the pedophile’s victims

THE Jeffrey Epstein estate and 61 of the pedophile's victims have entered settlement talks.

The women have all agreed to participate in a Victim Compensation Fund that will assess each claim before issuing a payout within 90 days, meaning that the could have their settlements just before the anniversary of the pedophile's death on August 10.

The Sun has obtained legal filings which state that 44 victims have joined the 12 women represented by Jordan K. Merson of Merson Law and five women working with Lisa Bloom of The Bloom Firm in agreeing to the parameters of the Fund.

Among the women to have joined that initial group of 17 are Annie Farmer, Maria Farmer, Teresa Helm, Juliette Bryant, Jane Sarah Ransome and Virginia Roberts.

The total cost of these settlements will likely exceed $100 million based on Epstein's past settlements with victims in his Palm Beach cases, which ranged from just under a million dollars to more than $3million.

The women will now have to sign a four-page contract that states they can never again file legal action against the Epstein estate and co-executors Darren Indyke and Richard Kahn.

They will also be unable to file suit against "any entities or individuals who are or have ever been engaged by (whether as independent contractors or otherwise), employed by, worked in any capacity for, or provided any services to Mr Epstein, the Epstein Entities or the Epstein Estate."

This agreement does not, however, prohibit the women from suing individuals they may have been trafficked to while being abused by Epstein.

That means at least one woman, Roberts, could potentially file a lawsuit against Prince Andrew.

Roberts claims she was trafficked to Prince Andrew and has provided a photo of her and the royal at the home of Ghislaine Maxwell, but the Prince has strenuously denied her claim and suggested the image of them is photoshopped.

The Fund also allows the women to remain anonymous should they wish, but they are also not barred from speaking about their compensation or allegations against Epstein.

After receiving their compensation, the women will also have three days to "dismiss with prejudice any legal actions whether lawsuits, probate claims or otherwise that Releasor has filed against any of Releasees, with each party to bear her, his or its own costs and attorneys fees."

Merson confirmed the validity if the documents, telling The Sun: "Yes, my clients want to proceed with the voluntary fund so that they have an opportunity to be fully compensated for their significant injuries."

Lisa Bloom also confirmed to The Sun that her five clients have agreed to participate in the Fund.

These settlements are occurring far faster than many anticipated, with some estimating it would take decades before these women saw any money.

Al Kipone
Ed, mijn visie:
dit begon als een lokaal racisme/politiegeweld probleem. Maar omdat in de laatste maanden/weken er veel geweld te zien was (Louisville, Atlanta) was dit de druppel die duidelijk maakte hoe diep de tweedeling nog altijd is. Daarnaast groeit het besef dat de politie in de laatste jaren steed meer een paramilitaire organsiatie is geworden, zonder al te veel controle.
Covid-19 maakt tegelijkertijd duidelijk dat de gekleurde kant van de samenleving veel kwetsbaarder is dan de rijkere kant. En de discussie is al gaande dat de tweedeling tussen de 0.1% (of 1%) en de rest groter en groter wordt.

De jeugd ziet de problemen, ervaart de problemen (studieschuld, minder kansen, minder salaris, geen benefits etc). En toont zich daardoor wellicht wat meer solidair.

De laatste drie jaar zijn een aaneenschakeling geweest van openlijke haat tegen minderheden, het tegen elkaar opzetten van bevolkingsgroepen en openlijke corruptie en zelfverrijkking ten koste van alles. Drie jaar lang een constante dripdripdrip van vuiligheid komt nu tot uitbarsten. De vonk was politiegeweld gebaseerd op diepgeworteld racisme. Het eindresultaat is hopelijk een meer gelijke samenleving.

Tot zover, ik geef mijn soapbox graag over aan wie maar wil preken ;-)

Al Kipone
ter illustratie:
Beeld van Robert E. Lee in Richmond wordt verwijdert. Boegbeeld van het zuiden, vocht voor het behoud van slavernij. En verloor. Staat al jaren te pronk in de stad, met enige andere. Jarenlang gevechten om ze te verwijderen. Nu is het zover. Mede door demonstraties van de (jeugdige en blanke) bevolking (Beeld staat naast de Universiteit).

In de link een video van een Republikeinse Senator (State) die het maar niets vindt. Het uitwissen van de blanke historie, zegt ze....


Al Kipone
There will not be a curfew Thursday night in D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser announced.

The decision came after a sixth day of protests over George Floyd’s police-custody death were peaceful throughout the District.

D.C. police Chief Peter Newsham estimated there were around 5,000 demonstrators. He said there were zero arrests, no damage to police property and no officers were injured either.

“Moving forward over the next couple of days, we expect more of the same,” he said.

“We have a lot of public, open-source information to suggest that the event on this upcoming Saturday may be one of the largest that we’ve had in the city. We expect that Saturday’s demonstration will, like I said, be more of the same peaceful demonstrators coming to exercise their First Amendment right in Washington, D.C.,” Newsham said.

Al Kipone
During the briefing Thursday, Bowser also said she wants non-D.C. troops out of the city.

“The very first thing is we want troops from out of state out of Washington, D.C.,” she said.

Bowser took a hard line against what she sees as the militarization of the District, thanking Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who she said was going to raise those concerns.

“I want to thank the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, for reaching out to the District and also for the communications that she will make on not just our behalf, but on behalf of the American people about military assets in Washington, D.C.,” Bowser said.

Both Newsham and Bowser have pushed back against the expansion of federal officers onto District property, beyond Lafayette Square.

“Peter Newsham controls the Metropolitan Police Department. He works with federal partners and there are particular ones that he has requested to help us with traffic posts,” Bowser said. “And then there are other federal military assets that we did not request that we understand are under the direction of the Attorney General (William) Barr.”

She commented on members of Maryland’s National Guard being in D.C., ostensibly to guard monuments.

“I have not talked to Gov. Hogan,” Bowser said.

“He says you approved his mission,” a reporter said.

“I can’t approve his mission,” Bowser shot back. “Let me explain to you how this how this works. If I wanted troops from Maryland to come into the District, we are a member of a compact, which allows me to make that request specifically to any state National Guard to do that. I have not done that for any state.”
Ed Verbeek

Al Kipone schreef op 4 juni 2020 20:26:

1.....omdat in de laatste maanden/weken er veel geweld te zien was (Louisville, Atlanta) was dit de druppel die duidelijk maakte hoe diep de tweedeling nog altijd is. [racisme]
2. Daarnaast groeit het besef dat de politie in de laatste jaren steed meer een paramilitaire organsiatie is geworden, zonder al te veel controle.
3. Covid-19 maakt tegelijkertijd duidelijk dat de gekleurde kant van de samenleving veel kwetsbaarder is dan de rijkere kant. En de discussie is al gaande dat de tweedeling tussen de 0.1% (of 1%) en de rest groter en groter wordt.

4. De jeugd ziet de problemen, ervaart de problemen (studieschuld, minder kansen, minder salaris, geen benefits etc). En toont zich daardoor wellicht wat meer solidair.
ik heb er even nummertjes bijgezet. Dit is inderdaad heel wat, zo bij elkaar. Dank voor het overzicht.
Ed Verbeek

Al Kipone schreef op 4 juni 2020 20:26:

Ed, mijn visie:
dit begon als een lokaal racisme/politiegeweld probleem. Maar omdat in de laatste maanden/weken er veel geweld te zien was (Louisville, Atlanta) was dit de druppel die duidelijk maakte hoe diep de tweedeling nog altijd is. Daarnaast groeit het besef dat de politie in de laatste jaren steed meer een paramilitaire organsiatie is geworden, zonder al te veel controle.
Covid-19 maakt tegelijkertijd duidelijk dat de gekleurde kant van de samenleving veel kwetsbaarder is dan de rijkere kant. En de discussie is al gaande dat de tweedeling tussen de 0.1% (of 1%) en de rest groter en groter wordt.

De jeugd ziet de problemen, ervaart de problemen (studieschuld, minder kansen, minder salaris, geen benefits etc). En toont zich daardoor wellicht wat meer solidair. ....
Sluit wel aan bij wat ik net tegen kwam:

Some important institutions have betrayed the public trust, and Americans facing quarantine and staggering unemployment have arrived at the boiling point....
A new wave of Americans is grappling with what it means for Congress to spend trillions it doesn’t have.Or for Federal Reserve bankers to print trillions of electronic notes and hand them over to their friends on Wall Street....

The approval rating for federal politicians is pathetic. The general consensus is that our leaders are completely unaccountable and many are self-dealing.
Federal bureaucracies have also been failing in some very high-profile ways.

There aren’t many people left who think justice is blind and laws are applied equally.
The Department of Justice’s handling of Jeffrey Epstein is a great illustration. Few believe the official story about his “suicide.” There simmering rage over the fact that high-profile and well-connected pedophiles are somehow immune from prosecution.

...the total incompetence of the Centers for Disease Control.
How many Americans still expect fairness, integrity, and good leadership from anyone in power in Washington?

Trust is also fading in key private-sector institutions. Many of us are now aware that the Deep State power behind our unaccountable federal government is also behind the vast corporations which control most print, radio, television, and internet news. And it is no secret that markets are manipulated by Deep State bankers.[FED]

Americans are realizing we have fake news and fake markets.

This context is useful, we think, as the George Floyd riots wreak havoc and the authorities violate the public trust. It isn’t just minorities living in tough neighborhoods who are fed up.


Al Kipone

gokker schreef op 4 juni 2020 21:26:

Trump zakt in de peilingen.
RealClearPolitics poll average 152 days pre-election:

Now: Biden +7.2
2016: Clinton +3.8
2012: Obama +2.2
2008: Obama +2.2
2004: Kerry +1.6
Al Kipone
Het lijkt er een beetje op dat trump met zijn debiele aktie met de bijbel en de kerk iets in beweging heeft gezet.

(zoals zijn verkiezing in 2016 een beweging in gang zette waardoor veel vrouwen zich verkiesbaar stelden, met al sresutlaat een blauwe golf in 2018. Zie ook de vrouwen mars. Net als na de schoolschietpartij in Parkland en de reaktie van rechts het einde van de NRA betekenen.)

WASHINGTON (ABC7) — In a Wednesday morning press conference in which D.C. Police Department Chief Peter Newsham announced that there were zero arrests in Wednesday's non-violent protests in the city, he also said he expects demonstrations to continue in the coming days.

In fact, Newsham said, Saturday could bring thousands upon thousands to the city.

We have a lot of public, open source information, Newsham said, to suggest that the event on this upcoming Saturday may be one of the largest that we've had in the city.

Trump tweet :



Voor ons leken in Nederland lijkt dit een gezonde opstelling van Trump.

Niets is minder waar.

Er is een groot juridisch contrast tussen




Niets voor niets is er een stroming, binnen de Republikeinse partij, die zich

Republicans for the Rule Of Law noemt.

1 Please start paying attention to these slogans, because they have a meaning and purpose. Notice that Trump NEVER tweets, “RULE OF LAW!” Only “LAW & ORDER!” Why and what’s the difference?

2. “Rule of law” means that the law is the bar, and it is above EVERYONE. That includes looters, the police, the rich, the poor, politicians, the President. *Anyone* who crosses it is accountable.

3. “Law & Order,” by contrast, is about hierarchy. There are people who are disorderly, and it is the job of those in power to put them “back in their place.” In an L&O framework, people with power/authority can’t, by definition, be “disorderly,” because they are restoring order

4. So if LAW & ORDER is about hierarchy...which hierarchy is that? Hey, remember MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN? Let’s see...when was it “great,” according to Trump & Co.? Yeah it’s that hierarchy

5. The L&O framework and accompanying hierarchy also allows for selective exceptions to be made when they clash — e.g., pardons. In other words, with, say, Roger Stone, the authorities overreached: In his case, the FBI were jackbooted thugs who got out of control

6. That is consistent when you view L&O as reinforcing hierarchy: Stone has power and is close to authority, so obviously “order” being imposed on him is a mistake. Get it?

7. A Rule of Law framework implies *equal* justice, and it’s why Trump and his ilk don’t like it — you can’t make exceptions for your friends or reinforce a vision of an ideal, hierarchical social structure

8. So basically when Trump tweets LAW & ORDER, he’s engaging in Pavlovian conditioning to allow him to tag the people (blacks, Democrats, etc) who need to be “locked up” and also where his pals and others get a Get Out of Jail free card.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
Asha Rangappa.
Fmr FBI Special Agent, lawyer, faculty JacksonYale
CNN analyst.
Editor just_security

Republikeinse Senator houdt benoemingen van Trump-genomineerden tegen. Hij wil eerst de Wettige redenen hebben waarom Trump een aantal Inspecteurs-Generaal heeft ontslagen.

bron : www.cnbc.com/2020/06/04/gop-senator-b... .
Al Kipone
This moment cries out for us to confront race in America

By Condoleezza Rice

Words cannot dull the pain of George Floyd’s family. Like many black families before them, they find themselves in the spotlight for reasons that every parent, sibling and spouse dreads. While his death has catalyzed a symbolic call to action, he was not a symbol to his loved ones — he was a father, brother and son. I can only pray that they find the “peace that passes understanding.”

In the wake of Floyd’s death, Americans and people around the world are experiencing shock, grief, outrage — a set of emotions that too often are repeated. If the past is a guide, these feelings will fade and we will return to our lives.
But something tells me — not this time. Floyd’s horrific death should be enough to finally move us to positive action.

Perhaps this is like the moment in 1955 when Rosa Parks refused to move to the back of the bus. Or perhaps this is like that fateful Sunday in September 1963, quite personal to me, when a bomb in a Birmingham church killed four girls from my neighborhood and shook our nation to its core. Some six decades later, perhaps all of us — regardless of skin color — are, to quote Mississippi sharecropper and civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer, "sick and tired of being sick and tired.”

Our country has often moved forward and been made better through peaceful protests. But our cities must stop burning. Innocent people, including many minority and immigrant business owners, are watching their livelihoods go up in smoke. There is no excuse for looting and criminality, and offenders must be stopped. But a call for calm is not enough, either. This time, we

must remain vigilant and maintain our determination to make a difference.

Condoleezza Rice was secretary of state from 2005 to 2009. She is a professor at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business and a senior fellow on public policy at the Hoover Institution, where she will become director on Sept. 1.


Relschoppers tijdens de demonstraties zijn door de FBI opgepakt en worden vervolgd.

1 voorbeeld :

JUNE 3, 2020—CAMDEN, N.J. – Atlantic County, NJ, man arrested on charges that he participated in a riot in Atlantic City on May 31, 2020, following a day of otherwise peaceful protests

Right before he was arrested, he posted on Fb & made comments:
“LET’S START A RIOT.”Gezicht met rollende ogen

May 31, 2020
MATCHETT posted a Fb video that showed him encouraging & assisting others to loot goods from smashed store fronts & yelling at police at the protest the night before

June 3, 2020
Carlos A. Matchett, 30
Atlantic City, NJ
arrested by special agents of the FBI CHARGE:
use of a facility of interstate and foreign commerce (cell & Fb) with intent to participate in and carry on a riot.
Max 5y / $250,000



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