Mapillary ( NTL )
Mapillary is one of Malmö's most embraced startup companies and has Niklas Zennströms Atomico in the ownership circle. The company is founded by Jan Erik Solem, who previously sold the face recognition company Polar Rose to Apple.
The product can be described as a Google Maps where images are collected from the public in order to build an open and alternative mapping service.
At the beginning of May, Di Digital was able to tell Mapillary to raise the world's car manufacturer with a data set of street images from around the world that could be used to teach autonomous cars.
"We share a data set of 25,000 selected, high resolution images, with 100 classes of annotated items like bikes, pedestrians, signs and road markings. The images are fed into neural networks and can then be used as training data for the AI ??systems used in self-propelled cars, "said Jan Erik Solem