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luchtschip schreef op 6 mei 2022 17:55:


Javelins en andere MANPADS ( Manpads zijn mobiele, zelfstandige vuurposten, die doorgaans uit weinig meer bestaan dan een lanceerbuis die op de schouder van de schutter rust, uitgerust met een luchtdoelraket ) schieten een zwaar bepantserde tank aan gort

Die zouden niet de dunne huid van alluvium van een vliegtuig kunnen beschadigen, waardoor het vliegtuig neerstort ?
Er is de explosie plus de massa van de raket , die zich door de huid van het vliegtuig boort

Het zijn geen Oekraïners, maar Russen van de Russische KGB ( nu FSB ), de Russische inlichtingendienst
Die weten heus wel wegen om ongemerkt een MANPAD de grens van Oekraïne met Rusland over te krijgen

Ben jij wereldvreemd en onbekend met wat er niet allemaal over de grenzen gesmokkeld wordt, en soms in het nieuws komt omdat de poging verijdeld is ?

het is een artikel van EuroMaidan press, een gerenommeerde Oekrainse krant

EuroMaidan Press ;

SBU ( Oekrainse Inlichtingen dienst ) :
The russians wanted to shoot down a passenger plane on their territory to accuse #Ukraine of this,

The SBU detained saboteurs who were trying to obtain Ukrainian MANPADS through volunteers.
They specifically leaked information about the whereabouts of the Kadyrovites.

foto arrestatie

Bij elk tegengeluid of een iets andere mening is iemand gelijk wereldvreemd?
Zoals je mij ook betichtte gisteren. Niet iedereen die het even niet eens is is dan gelijk een dommerik of een Poetin-lover!
Het is een vergezocht verhaal en wie heeft dan die info gelekt over hun whereabouts?

Enige overeenkomsten met MH17 lijken wel duidelijk maar zelfs daar zijn de meningen over de werkelijke dader(s) en afkomst nog steeds niet 100% duidelijk.
Een manpad is 'man-portable air-defense system' (b.v. de Stinger) en een Javelin is een anti tank guided missile.
The Kyiv Independent :

Russian troops fire at evacuation vehicle near Azovstal, kill Ukrainian soldier.

Russian troops also wounded six soldiers who were on their way to pick up civilians from the besieged Azovstal plant. The attack was committed during a pre-agreed ceasefire


plusmin schreef op 6 mei 2022 18:05:


Bij elk tegengeluid of een iets andere mening is iemand gelijk wereldvreemd?
Zoals je mij ook betichtte gisteren. Niet iedereen die het even niet eens is is dan gelijk een dommerik of een Poetin-lover!
Het is een vergezocht verhaal en wie heeft dan die info gelekt over hun whereabouts?

Enige overeenkomsten met MH17 lijken wel duidelijk maar zelfs daar zijn de meningen over de werkelijke dader(s) en afkomst nog steeds niet 100% duidelijk.
Nou, de werkelijke dader van het neerschieten van de MH17 zit in het Kremlin hoor. Dat kleine monster dat nu nog steeds in de Oekraïne bezig is.
Degene die daar anders over denken zijn wereldvreemd.

Jan met de pet schreef op 6 mei 2022 15:53:

Mogelijk weer een marineschip geraakt door een raket. Staat in brand en het personeel wordt van boord gehaald.

'Brand op Russisch oorlogsschip na raketaanval Oekraïne'

Volgens verschillende berichten zou het Russische oorlogsschip Admiral Makarov in brand staan nadat het zou zijn geraakt door Oekraïense raketten. Oleksiy Honcharenko, lid van het Oekraïense parlement, meldt op Telegram dat het schip is geraakt door Neptun antischeepsraketten. "Het schip is zwaar beschadigd, maar blijft voorlopig drijven," schrijft hij op Telegram. De Russen spreken tegen dat het schip zou zijn geraakt. De aanval zou een hard gelag zijn voor de Russen, die op 14 april al de Moskva, een ander schip, kwijtraakten door een aanval van de Oekraïners.

Russische schepen helpen drenkelingen Admiral Makarov

Het Russische schip de Admiral Makarov, dat volgens Oekraïne in brand is gevlogen nadat het geraakt is met raketten, zou 180 mensen aan boord hebben. Het schip vaarde waarschijnlijk in de buurt van het Slangeneiland in de Zwarte Zee toen het geraakt werd.
Russische schepen die gestationeerd liggen op De Krim zijn de drenkelingen gaan helpen, stelt de Oekraïense presidentiële adviseur Anton Gerashchenko. Het Russische ministerie van Defensie heeft nog niet gereageerd op de berichten.

Was er in februari toen Putin de Olympische winterspelen bezocht in Sjanhai een afspraak gemaakt tussen Putin en Xi JinPing voor de nieuwe wereldorde ?

Putin valt Oekraine binnen en XiJinping legt de wereldeconomie plat door een superlockdown in Shanghai ?

Is de lockdowm er wel echt om het corona virus te bestrijden of is het hoofddoel China's export stil te leggen, waardoor de wereld zodra producten zit

John Blaxland, Prof of International Security & Intel Studies :

The not-so-obvious fallout of the Putin-Xi deal:"Is the Shanghai lockdown really about COVID?Russia & China laid out the parameters for a new world order in Feb & their subsequent actions have brought the economies of the western powers to a grinding halt"


Is the Shanghai lockdown really about COVID?

With a nominal GDP of US $1,39 trillion ,
If Shanghai were a country, its economy would be bigger than that of Mexico ($1,32t), Indonesia ($1,289t), Saudi Arabia ($1,040t), Netherlands ($1,013t)

Shanghai is also currently in lockdown . Since late March, China has imposed travel restrictions and stay-home orders in economic hubs with the stated intention of curbing the spread of Covid-19, and Shanghai has been .

On fourth of February 2022 an important meeting took place in Beijing., China between the leader of China Xi Jin Ping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. Putin was in China at Xi’s invitation to attend the opening of the Winter Olympics. The reason for his visit however, went far beyond celebrating the opening of a major sporting occasion. The two men signed a series of economic and political agreements that strengthened the already close ties between the two Asian neighbours.

One of the most important agreements signed that day was for a 30-year deal with which Russia agreed to supply China with gas, to be delivered via a new pipeline built for the occasion. In one of the most important signals in the signing of the deal, the two men agreed that China would pay for the gas in Euros. It signalled another break from the United States dollar whose importance in international trade has been steadily declining.

Following the meeting, the Chinese and Russian governments issued a joint statement that ran to more than 5000 words in length. The statement declared a “new era” under which the two men proposed a new international political model, one that was designed to leave behind the United States dominated unipolar world.

“The world is going through momentous changes and humanity is entering a new era of rapid development and profound transformation” the joint statement declared. In this “new era” China and Russia and their allies in the global South were determined to build a different system from that which the United States and its Western allies had dominated for so long.

Russia and China made it abundantly clear that they foresaw a new world order. The alternative they were proposing “condemned the practice of interference in the internal affairs of other states for geopolitical purposes.” Instead, the two countries sought to establish “a just multipolar system of international relations.” They called on NATO to “abandon its ideologized cold war approaches, and to respect the sovereignty, security and interest of other countries.”

Two weeks later, Russia moved on Ukraine. NATO responded with sanctions.

The impact of those sanctions on the economies of NATO countries has been devastating. Inflation is rampant throughout these countries and GDP growth projections show drops of up to 4 percentage points .

A further two weeks after Russia’s forces moved into Ukraine, China locked down Shanghai.

Let me hit you with some bullet points:

More than 800 multinational corporations have regional headquarters in Shanghai . Among them, 121 are Fortune Global 500 companies, including Apple, Qualcomm, General Motors, Pepsico.
More than 70 000 foreign companies have offices in Shanghai. More than 24 000 of these are Japanese.
The shutdown of Tesla’s operation in Shanghai because of the lockdown has set the company back with lost production of 40 000 units of electric vehicles. That’s just one car company. Volkswagen and General Motors both have factories in Shanghai.
Ford has a global design center in Shanghai.
Let’s talk about Apple: iPhone supplier Pegatron has its major factory in Shanghai and another in nearby Kunshan. Both have been shut by the lockdown.
TSMC , the world’s most valuable manufacturer of semiconductors, has a major production facility in Shanghai. (TSMC makes 7-nanometre and 5-nanometre chips used by the Apple A14 and M1 SoC .)
Pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca has a global R&D centre in Shanghai.
To top this off, Shanghai is the world’s biggest container port moving more than 47 million shipping containers per year. Shutting down the city for more than a month means 4 million of those have potentially been impacted.
As can be seen, the simple act of shutting down Shanghai has delivered a body blow to global giants in the US sphere of influence at a time when they are already scrambling to reset their economies after their disastrous sanctions against Russia.

Now I know that correlation does not imply causation.

But it is a fact that Russia and China laid out the parameters for a new world order in February…

And it is a fact that their respective actions over the next weeks have brought the economies of the western powers to a grinding halt…

“When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be true.”


matad schreef op 6 mei 2022 19:17:


Nou, de werkelijke dader van het neerschieten van de MH17 zit in het Kremlin hoor. Dat kleine monster dat nu nog steeds in de Oekraïne bezig is.
Degene die daar anders over denken zijn wereldvreemd.
Lees het boek: "MH17, de Doofpotdeal" van Joost Niemöller eens, want het is niet zo klaar als een klontje.
Waarmee ik niet wil zeggen dat het niet de russen waren! Maar in het westen is de conclusie allang getrokken terwijl er echt nog wel kanttekeningen aan dat verhaal zitten. Maar dat mag natuurlijk niet gezegd worden...

luchtschip schreef op 6 mei 2022 19:27:

Was er in februari toen Putin de Olympische winterspelen bezocht in Sjanhai een afspraak gemaakt tussen Putin en Xi JinPing voor de nieuwe wereldorde ?

Putin valt Oekraine binnen en XiJinping legt de wereldeconomie plat door een superlockdown in Shanghai ?

Is de lockdowm er wel echt om het corona virus te bestrijden of is het hoofddoel China's export stil te leggen, waardoor de wereld zodra producten zit

John Blaxland, Prof of International Security & Intel Studies :

The not-so-obvious fallout of the Putin-Xi deal:"Is the Shanghai lockdown really about COVID?Russia & China laid out the parameters for a new world order in Feb & their subsequent actions have brought the economies of the western powers to a grinding halt"


Is the Shanghai lockdown really about COVID?

With a nominal GDP of US $1,39 trillion ,
If Shanghai were a country, its economy would be bigger than that of Mexico ($1,32t), Indonesia ($1,289t), Saudi Arabia ($1,040t), Netherlands ($1,013t)

Shanghai is also currently in lockdown . Since late March, China has imposed travel restrictions and stay-home orders in economic hubs with the stated intention of curbing the spread of Covid-19, and Shanghai has been .

On fourth of February 2022 an important meeting took place in Beijing., China between the leader of China Xi Jin Ping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. Putin was in China at Xi’s invitation to attend the opening of the Winter Olympics. The reason for his visit however, went far beyond celebrating the opening of a major sporting occasion. The two men signed a series of economic and political agreements that strengthened the already close ties between the two Asian neighbours.

One of the most important agreements signed that day was for a 30-year deal with which Russia agreed to supply China with gas, to be delivered via a new pipeline built for the occasion. In one of the most important signals in the signing of the deal, the two men agreed that China would pay for the gas in Euros. It signalled another break from the United States dollar whose importance in international trade has been steadily declining.

Following the meeting, the Chinese and Russian governments issued a joint statement that ran to more than 5000 words in length. The statement declared a “new era” under which the two men proposed a new international political model, one that was designed to leave behind the United States dominated unipolar world.

“The world is going through momentous changes and humanity is entering a new era of rapid development and profound transformation” the joint statement declared. In this “new era” China and Russia and their allies in the global South were determined to build a different system from that which the United States and its Western allies had dominated for so long.

Russia and China made it abundantly clear that they foresaw a new world order. The alternative they were proposing “condemned the practice of interference in the internal affairs of other states for geopolitical purposes.” Instead, the two countries sought to establish “a just multipolar system of international relations.” They called on NATO to “abandon its ideologized cold war approaches, and to respect the sovereignty, security and interest of other countries.”

Two weeks later, Russia moved on Ukraine. NATO responded with sanctions.

The impact of those sanctions on the economies of NATO countries has been devastating. Inflation is rampant throughout these countries and GDP growth projections show drops of up to 4 percentage points .

A further two weeks after Russia’s forces moved into Ukraine, China locked down Shanghai.

Let me hit you with some bullet points:

More than 800 multinational corporations have regional headquarters in Shanghai . Among them, 121 are Fortune Global 500 companies, including Apple, Qualcomm, General Motors, Pepsico.
More than 70 000 foreign companies have offices in Shanghai. More than 24 000 of these are Japanese.
The shutdown of Tesla’s operation in Shanghai because of the lockdown has set the company back with lost production of 40 000 units of electric vehicles. That’s just one car company. Volkswagen and General Motors both have factories in Shanghai.
Ford has a global design center in Shanghai.
Let’s talk about Apple: iPhone supplier Pegatron has its major factory in Shanghai and another in nearby Kunshan. Both have been shut by the lockdown.
TSMC , the world’s most valuable manufacturer of semiconductors, has a major production facility in Shanghai. (TSMC makes 7-nanometre and 5-nanometre chips used by the Apple A14 and M1 SoC .)
Pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca has a global R&D centre in Shanghai.
To top this off, Shanghai is the world’s biggest container port moving more than 47 million shipping containers per year. Shutting down the city for more than a month means 4 million of those have potentially been impacted.
As can be seen, the simple act of shutting down Shanghai has delivered a body blow to global giants in the US sphere of influence at a time when they are already scrambling to reset their economies after their disastrous sanctions against Russia.

Now I know that correlation does not imply causation.

But it is a fact that Russia and China laid out the parameters for a new world order in February…

And it is a fact that their respective actions over the next weeks have brought the economies of the western powers to a grinding halt…

“When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be true.”

Hoog Willem Engel gehalte dit bericht.
Het westen kan gerust een tijdje zonder goedkope kleding en andere meuk uit China (behalve diverse grondstoffen).
China is afhankelijk van de export, dus dit zal hun zeker zeer doen en doen ze dit dus niet zomaar om Putin te pleasen!

plusmin schreef op 6 mei 2022 19:32:


Lees het boek: "MH17, de Doofpotdeal" van Joost Niemöller eens, want het is niet zo klaar als een klontje.
Waarmee ik niet wil zeggen dat het niet de russen waren! Maar in het westen is de conclusie allang getrokken terwijl er echt nog wel kanttekeningen aan dat verhaal zitten. Maar dat mag natuurlijk niet gezegd worden...
Als daar goede argumenten in stonden zou de verdediging dit zeker gebruiken in het MH 17 proces en naar ik van jou begrijp vrijgesproken kunnen worden

Zo te zien zijn die argument niet gebruikt, of wel gebruikt maar niet steekhoudend bevonden, want de aanklacht gaat gewoon door
General Staff of Ukraine :

Some excellent efforts by Ukrainian forces today.

In the Kharkiv region, they regained control over 5 settlements - Oleksandrivka, Fedorivka, Ukrainka, Shestakovo, Peremoha, and nearer to Kharkiv city, part of the village of Cherkaski Tyshky

Olexander Scherba, Ukraine’s Ambassador to Austria (2014-2021). :

Onderschepping van gesprekken van het Russisch leger

Russische soldaat belt met zijn vrouw

Audio video 1:45 minuut


hier de vertaling van het gesprek in het Engels :


luchtschip schreef op 6 mei 2022 19:27:

Was er in februari toen Putin de Olympische winterspelen bezocht in Sjanhai een afspraak gemaakt tussen Putin en Xi JinPing voor de nieuwe wereldorde ?

Putin valt Oekraine binnen en XiJinping legt de wereldeconomie plat door een superlockdown in Shanghai ?

Is de lockdowm er wel echt om het corona virus te bestrijden of is het hoofddoel China's export stil te leggen, waardoor de wereld zodra producten zit

John Blaxland, Prof of International Security & Intel Studies :

The not-so-obvious fallout of the Putin-Xi deal:"Is the Shanghai lockdown really about COVID?Russia & China laid out the parameters for a new world order in Feb & their subsequent actions have brought the economies of the western powers to a grinding halt"


Is the Shanghai lockdown really about COVID?

With a nominal GDP of US $1,39 trillion ,
If Shanghai were a country, its economy would be bigger than that of Mexico ($1,32t), Indonesia ($1,289t), Saudi Arabia ($1,040t), Netherlands ($1,013t)

Shanghai is also currently in lockdown . Since late March, China has imposed travel restrictions and stay-home orders in economic hubs with the stated intention of curbing the spread of Covid-19, and Shanghai has been .

On fourth of February 2022 an important meeting took place in Beijing., China between the leader of China Xi Jin Ping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. Putin was in China at Xi’s invitation to attend the opening of the Winter Olympics. The reason for his visit however, went far beyond celebrating the opening of a major sporting occasion. The two men signed a series of economic and political agreements that strengthened the already close ties between the two Asian neighbours.

One of the most important agreements signed that day was for a 30-year deal with which Russia agreed to supply China with gas, to be delivered via a new pipeline built for the occasion. In one of the most important signals in the signing of the deal, the two men agreed that China would pay for the gas in Euros. It signalled another break from the United States dollar whose importance in international trade has been steadily declining.

Following the meeting, the Chinese and Russian governments issued a joint statement that ran to more than 5000 words in length. The statement declared a “new era” under which the two men proposed a new international political model, one that was designed to leave behind the United States dominated unipolar world.

“The world is going through momentous changes and humanity is entering a new era of rapid development and profound transformation” the joint statement declared. In this “new era” China and Russia and their allies in the global South were determined to build a different system from that which the United States and its Western allies had dominated for so long.

Russia and China made it abundantly clear that they foresaw a new world order. The alternative they were proposing “condemned the practice of interference in the internal affairs of other states for geopolitical purposes.” Instead, the two countries sought to establish “a just multipolar system of international relations.” They called on NATO to “abandon its ideologized cold war approaches, and to respect the sovereignty, security and interest of other countries.”

Two weeks later, Russia moved on Ukraine. NATO responded with sanctions.

The impact of those sanctions on the economies of NATO countries has been devastating. Inflation is rampant throughout these countries and GDP growth projections show drops of up to 4 percentage points .

A further two weeks after Russia’s forces moved into Ukraine, China locked down Shanghai.

Let me hit you with some bullet points:

More than 800 multinational corporations have regional headquarters in Shanghai . Among them, 121 are Fortune Global 500 companies, including Apple, Qualcomm, General Motors, Pepsico.
More than 70 000 foreign companies have offices in Shanghai. More than 24 000 of these are Japanese.
The shutdown of Tesla’s operation in Shanghai because of the lockdown has set the company back with lost production of 40 000 units of electric vehicles. That’s just one car company. Volkswagen and General Motors both have factories in Shanghai.
Ford has a global design center in Shanghai.
Let’s talk about Apple: iPhone supplier Pegatron has its major factory in Shanghai and another in nearby Kunshan. Both have been shut by the lockdown.
TSMC , the world’s most valuable manufacturer of semiconductors, has a major production facility in Shanghai. (TSMC makes 7-nanometre and 5-nanometre chips used by the Apple A14 and M1 SoC .)
Pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca has a global R&D centre in Shanghai.
To top this off, Shanghai is the world’s biggest container port moving more than 47 million shipping containers per year. Shutting down the city for more than a month means 4 million of those have potentially been impacted.
As can be seen, the simple act of shutting down Shanghai has delivered a body blow to global giants in the US sphere of influence at a time when they are already scrambling to reset their economies after their disastrous sanctions against Russia.

Now I know that correlation does not imply causation.

But it is a fact that Russia and China laid out the parameters for a new world order in February…

And it is a fact that their respective actions over the next weeks have brought the economies of the western powers to a grinding halt…

“When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be true.”

nieuwe wereldorde? beide landen vermoorden massaal hun onderdanen. in sjanghai gaan de mensen van honger dood in hun eigen huis. wie daar iets van zegt wordt in elkaar geslagen. rusland laat zijn eigen mensen en anderen massaal vermoorden.
dat zal een mooie nieuwe wereldorde worden! wat een kletsverhaal

plusmin schreef op 6 mei 2022 19:32:


Lees het boek: "MH17, de Doofpotdeal" van Joost Niemöller eens, want het is niet zo klaar als een klontje.
Waarmee ik niet wil zeggen dat het niet de russen waren! Maar in het westen is de conclusie allang getrokken terwijl er echt nog wel kanttekeningen aan dat verhaal zitten. Maar dat mag natuurlijk niet gezegd worden...
Het door u genoemde boek is vergelijkbaar met ons dorpskrantje waar het omvallen van wat fietsen bij de Spar al voorpaginanieuws is.
Die Schlacht um den Donbass

Duitstalig, maar dat verstaat iedereen wel. Materiaal gebruik, en enkele parallellen met 1943 en WOI.
Helder en duidelijk uitgelegd.

keljans 123 schreef op 6 mei 2022 20:31:

... in sjanghai gaan de mensen van honger dood in hun eigen huis. ...
boude bewering. Ergens mee gestaafd? Behalve van wat ontevreden lui?
De switch blades worden al ingezet

hier beelden vrijgegeven door de Russen van de restanten van een switch blade

Russian sources also posted photos of the remains of a Switchblade loitering munition, which they said was used in Kharkiv Oblast.







Reportedly the first video of a Switchblade loitering munition strike on Russian troops by Ukraine's 53rd Mechanized Brigade.

video 0:42 minuut

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